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British academic detained in Thailand after exposing official as plagiarist


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absolutely shameful and embarrassing.

Which is worse, losing face, or being the laughing stock of the international community???!!!

Come on, "leaders", get it together - think before you act - and maybe you will start to earn some respect, both here and abroad.

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Who is this Supachai guy?

First off, HE IS THE CRIMINAL, having been found guilty in a Thai Court. Sentence suspended.

Nothing on google except the current news.

Also found this - worth a chuckle, since it pre-dates his "loss of face":


Supachai feels there are still many things to do, and he never tires of the job. His desire to promote widespread innovation development prompts him to urge business operators to "dare" to think of new things.

"Thinking of a new thing - a new way of doing something - is not difficult," he says. "What is more difficult is throwing away old things, so we have to overcome this barrier. If we continue to be afraid of change and want to hold on to old things, then innovation will not emerge at all."

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After living 30 years in Thailand he really should have a better grasp about Thai culture and social rules.

Foreigners are worth nothing here. Thailand is a fanatical nationalistic country that tries to make it best for its people/kind.

I wish western countries copied this attitude instead of eradicate it own people. Countries should take care of its citizen.

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After living 30 years in Thailand he really should have a better grasp about Thai culture and social rules.

Foreigners are worth nothing here. Thailand is a fanatical nationalistic country that tries to make it best for its people/kind.

I wish western countries copied this attitude instead of eradicate it own people. Countries should take care of its citizen.

Yeah. Feverent nationalism is the way forward. And various Thai governments are appauling at looking after their own hence all the polticial strife.

There really are some 'special' posters on this forum

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Top people here,caught lying/stealing/covering up, often point fingers elsewhere, turn the tables

on someone else, even making accusers the criminals ! The UK government should not take this action by a so called friendly nation lightly &, were it I, demand an immediate release, public apology and compensation to the rightful owner of the property, ( yes, that is intellectual property ).

The thief should be remanded, fined, and also made to offer a public apology as well as fired from

his present post. Want to play with the big boys Thailand ? Then take the same punishments/actions

taken when they _ _ _ _ up !

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This well documented case needs the full intervention of the British Foreign Ministry through the Ambassador in Bangkok. if Thailand fails to free Doctor Ellis promptly and with an apology then the Ambassador should be recalled to London for consultations.

This an extremely disgusting case.

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He added: “My home has undergone surveillance by individuals with false ID and false number plates, anonymous letters, long-running … tax inspections, investigation of my Thai citizenship, 480 telephone death threats, and rock attacks on my car.”

It appears that Wyn Ellis is a Thai citizen.

If this is correct, why are Thai citizens deported from Thailand?

I met one of those farang 'Thai Citizens' once. I told him I don't care what you call yourself, when you step your big blonde blue eyed white ass outside, you're a FARANG. 'There are four employees, three Thais and a farang, I count myself as a Thai' Pfft.

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General! Where are you? Here's BLATANT corruption and malfeasance and misuse of position. Not to mention the education corruption side of it.

If you want any credibility, arrest this Supachai immediately, release Dr Ellis immediately with profound apologies and compensation, and send a clear message that corruption will not be tolerated.

I predict that this is another thread in which all TVF members will been in agreement and outraged at this travesty.

On face value of events as described it would certainly appear to be a test of credibility of stated objectives!

At the same time a charge of being a threat to national security may have stemmed from statement events not included in the news item?

And I have never heard before of it being possible to "refuse" deportation!

I look forward to the "whole" story to surface....should that ever happen !

If, as has been reported, he holds a Thai passport, then he has got a reason to refuse. Anyway, he's on a blacklist and has not committed any crime for them to be able to legally put him on a plane....it was probably more a case of "We want you to go" but they had no power to enforce it.
Point taken. However that does not clarify any further the full cause of the actions taken against Dr Ellis.
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About time the British embassy warned Thailand that they will slap a travel advisory on Thailand if he is not released immediately.

Sadly the British Embassy in Bangkok is staffed by an elite group of fence sitters and problem dodgers who are more inclined attend white wine and cheese events than get involved with the conflicts of their nationals.

I totally agree that the British Ambassador should put the junta peacock's on notice that this sort of vindictive and baseless attack only highlights the continued shortcomings of this nation.

I wonder how many of my British allies sent a letter or email to his/her government? My Embassy in BKK does not address any legal issue one of its citizens may have either.

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How is exposing somebody who copied his work considered threatening Thai Society?

Not sure about that but the idea of copying or stealing someone else's work or buying a degree is so commonplace. I'm sure everyone was with the PhD candidate on this, Thais that is.

Thais learn to copy in elementary school and the technique it's taken all the way through high school.

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There seems to be an upswell of support for this Dr. Ellis which equally seems to be absolutely justified but what can anyone do about it. He is a Thai citizen. The British ambassador won't want to know about it even if Dr. Ellis still maintains his UK citizenship.

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How is exposing somebody who copied his work considered threatening Thai Society?

I think his actions ARE a kind of threat to the (self-) deceitful heart of Thai society - he identified the tip of a MASSIVE iceberg of pathetic cheating and corruption in the education system. If it was all exposed, it would be a genuine crisis of Thai identity.

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A lot of misinformed posters on this thread. Dr Ellis is not a Thai citizen. Here is what he actually relayed to the press after being arrested on Thursday at Suvannaphumi Airport.

“On presentation of my UK passport, I was told I was blacklisted as a 'danger to Thai society' . I've been detailed in a holding cell in the transit area of Suvarnabhumi since then.

“The Immigration Police showed me my file, which contained a report stating that in Dec 2009 Supachai wrote to the Immigration Department claiming that I was a forger and plagiarist, and demanding my blacklisting.

wyn-ellis-ciustody3.PNG Better than a Thai prison but 'it ain't half hot in here'

“The Immigration Departtment kindly obliged without question. But I only came to know of this last Thursday.

“The NIA had written to the Immigration Chief, revoking the original complaint, so they have no grounds for retaining the blacklisting, or for denying immediate entry into Thailand. We have asked the Immigration Chief to lift the blacklisting on Monday.

The timing of Supachai’s letter suggests that the Innovation Agency Director wanted Professor Ellis to leave Thailand and not return during his cases, which he would have won by default.
British consular services have been informed.

“I haven’t heard a peep out of them, A man at the Foreign Office said nothing could be done until Monday.”

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This is one of the reasons I'm so skeptical about ANY Thai qualifications - it is prety much accepted that plagiarism is commonplace in many if not most Thai academic establishments and people leave with

doctorates that aren't worth the paper they were copied onto.........

If this is the case it is certain that medical training would be no exception to this practice....yet people continue to have faith in anyone with a white coat......

...it would seem that it is so ingrained in thai culture that any attempt to expose it would as they say in the OP be seen as "threatening Thai society", which appears to be willingly based on this falsehood

Discovering this issue, on my own, some years ago, is what makes me so SKEPTICAL about ALL OF THAILAND!!

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A lot of misinformed posters on this thread. Dr Ellis is not a Thai citizen. Here is what he actually relayed to the press after being arrested on Thursday at Suvannaphumi Airport.

“On presentation of my UK passport, I was told I was blacklisted as a 'danger to Thai society' . I've been detailed in a holding cell in the transit area of Suvarnabhumi since then.

“The Immigration Police showed me my file, which contained a report stating that in Dec 2009 Supachai wrote to the Immigration Department claiming that I was a forger and plagiarist, and demanding my blacklisting.

wyn-ellis-ciustody3.PNG Better than a Thai prison but 'it ain't half hot in here'

“The Immigration Departtment kindly obliged without question. But I only came to know of this last Thursday.

“The NIA had written to the Immigration Chief, revoking the original complaint, so they have no grounds for retaining the blacklisting, or for denying immediate entry into Thailand. We have asked the Immigration Chief to lift the blacklisting on Monday.

The timing of Supachai’s letter suggests that the Innovation Agency Director wanted Professor Ellis to leave Thailand and not return during his cases, which he would have won by default.

British consular services have been informed.

“I haven’t heard a peep out of them, A man at the Foreign Office said nothing could be done until Monday.”

If you go to Wyn Ellis, Twitter account, you can get a much more recent report of what is going on, and it is NOT good. People who are/were supposed to show up to fix this, just didn't come to work today ...Thai people.

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As an ardent Bangkok Post reader I find the alleged treatment by them, of one of their staff reprehensible and bordering on downright dishonesty. Surely the buck stops with the editor. Is it no wonder that quite a lot of the news printed is mostly timorous watered down stuff. There are some very good honest journalists on the staff and surely they need the support and backing of the management. This is not the first time a reporter has been hung out to dry. Remember the cracked runway saga of the new airport? Back bone is sorely lacking.

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How is exposing somebody who copied his work considered threatening Thai Society?

Why, because it can cause people to laugh at a member of the elite. I'm trying to remember, but there have been several over the years. IIRC there was one who had a secretary in his ministry write his master's thesis, and she mostly just copied and pasted from the Internet. Anyway, the old saying riding an elephant to kill a grasshopper. The official who ordered this deportation is going to be made famous.

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General! Where are you? Here's BLATANT corruption and malfeasance and misuse of position. Not to mention the education corruption side of it.

If you want any credibility, arrest this Supachai immediately, release Dr Ellis immediately with profound apologies and compensation, and send a clear message that corruption will not be tolerated.

I predict that this is another thread in which all TVF members will been in agreement and outraged at this travesty.

On face value of events as described it would certainly appear to be a test of credibility of stated objectives!

At the same time a charge of being a threat to national security may have stemmed from statement events not included in the news item?

And I have never heard before of it being possible to "refuse" deportation!

I look forward to the "whole" story to surface....should that ever happen !

If, as has been reported, he holds a Thai passport, then he has got a reason to refuse. Anyway, he's on a blacklist and has not committed any crime for them to be able to legally put him on a plane....it was probably more a case of "We want you to go" but they had no power to enforce it.

I read that as well, but how can he be on a blacklist if he holds Thai citizenship?

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He subsequently won a series of legal battles against Supachai, and Chulalongkorn University eventually stripped the official of his doctorate after an investigation found that 80% of his thesis had been taken from various sources.

Ellis, an agricultural consultant who has worked with the UN’s environmental programme, was the subject of nine legal complaints by Supachai, the former director of the Thai national innovation agency (NIA), but won or settled all of them.

Supachai, for his part, was convicted of criminal forgery of Ellis’s employment contract in 2012. He was fined and given a suspended prison sentence, and was sacked by the NIA in February.

Has Supachai still his doctorate?
That would cast a very bad light on the whole Chulalongkorn University,
and would reduce the value of this title worldwide for all true researchers and doctoral students from that University.
I am dismayed that the Scientific Council of the University not clearly responding here.

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How is exposing somebody who copied his work considered threatening Thai Society?

Not sure about that but the idea of copying or stealing someone else's work or buying a degree is so commonplace. I'm sure everyone was with the PhD candidate on this, Thais that is.

Thais learn to copy in elementary school and the technique it's taken all the way through high school.

If we were to use this case of Dr. Ellis's unfortunate circumstances as something to reflect upon Thailand, I would begin with ethics. The whole-scale absence of ethics as a values system in Thailand.

Supachai wanted the short route for a PhD. Not even close to endeavoring to meet candidature requirements; he never intended to ...why... he wanted the ticket for other material gains. Certainly, he was not invested emotionally nor intellectually in organic farming or asparagus per se or academic rigors either for that matter!!

There is no culture of criticism for those who infract educational standards on any level in Thailand. No stakeholder in the education system cares about cheating, copying or real learning and this is basically true of student to teacher to parent. There is no honesty at all about participation. There is no reflective mechanism to sponsor betterment by meritorious endeavors, if it can be bought it is deemed okay.

Anyone could wax on in this vein, however if i was to really distill this to one meaningful item, it is lack of integral principles and values across generations in Thailand, ethical practice, which is the root cause here.

A very big misunderstanding of the power of 'I can' and 'I will not'.

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This is the same case that caused a young American jouranlist to flee from Thailand ...5 or 7 years ago.

Not good naturally....but not near as harsh as what happens in the Philippines.

In the Philippines all too many journalist are more or less routinely murdered...execution style..... when they go too far and expose people of power or influence or cause a big loss of face ...Philippines style loss of face ... for government officials or armed forces officials.

Not always of course but the records are there to prove just how brutal they are and can be when journalists publish "too much of the truth"

At least here in Thailand they give you some room to maneuver rather than a deadly surprise encounter with a paid killer while effectively eliminating the troublesome gossip.


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This is the same case that caused a young American jouranlist to flee from Thailand ...5 or 7 years ago.

Not good naturally....but not near as harsh as what happens in the Philippines.

In the Philippines all too many journalist are more or less routinely murdered...execution style..... when they go too far and expose people of power or influence or cause a big loss of face ...Philippines style loss of face ... for government officials or armed forces officials.

Not always of course but the records are there to prove just how brutal they are and can be when journalists publish "too much of the truth"

At least here in Thailand they give you some room to maneuver rather than a deadly surprise encounter with a paid killer while effectively eliminating the troublesome gossip.


yeah but that's apples and oranges. But least you know what to expect in the Philippines.

But Thailand is much more under the international spotlight through its continual desire to be seen as a tourist mecca (much more than the Philippines) and to be the potential hub of everything on earth.rolleyes.gif

You can't continually portray the image that you are a tourist friendly and business friendly destination when at the same time high ranking officials can engineer a situation where you can call your government mates and arrange for a person to be held in detention like this for no reason even when the judicial system has given him a green light. bah.gif

Edited by Asiantravel
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