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Koh Tao murders: 2 DNA profiles from alleged murder weapon do not match defendants' DNA


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Hate to say this but if it were a British Court there would be no case to answer and the judge would dismiss the Jury however in Thailand there is no jury the judge is the jury as well as executioner and as the self elected PM had made a statement saying these guys were guilty of the crime the judge will be under great pressure to find a guilty even if not proven and sentence them both to death. No wonder they call the country AMAZING THAILAND !!!

You are of course totally wrong. If this was a British court there would be different people in court. i.e. the murderers.

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So they should walk I would guess

Why should they? If the prosecution was using a DNA match between the two defendants and the murder weapon yes they should. But that's not what they are basing their case on, the DNA results could be from any other person that handled the hoe before or after the murders.

Utter tripe. The re-enactment facade clearly indicated that the prosecution based the defendants confession on using the hoe as the murder weapon. And if they are basing their case on anything else it has not been shown in court reports.

Their case: DNA, confession, re-enactment. All of which has been successfully challenged. As to the MURDER WEAPON, the bloody hoe, it doesn't take an Einstein to figure out that had either of the B2 handled the hoe, in all probability their DNA would also have been found along with two unidentified males.

Yes this is bad news for RTP / prosecution really. The lack of B2 dna on a weapon definitely used on Hannah at least is quite telling From that farcical re-enctment it always seemed obvious that they didn't have a clue what they were supposed to have done and how, and now it would appear that that could well be the case. Don't think they're off the hook yet but never thought they carried out the killings. I don't see how they can be charged with her murder presently, regardless of any dna results linked to Hannah's body.

Edited by bunglebag
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This carries on to be a sad and as far as the RTP goes a disgraceful performance. One of the defenders of the RTP said they thought a wooden club might have been involved. Could be anything as they haven't shown a ounce of credibility or professionalism throughout this farce. All I know is two lovely young people are dead, the families are still looking for closure and our boys in The RTP haven't a clue and are no nearer to solving this case in nearly a year gone. Still no evidence produced to back up the arrests . If it wasn't Thailand we are talking about we wouldn't think it possible. But it is and to be honest apart from a few die hard defenders none of us are surprised and that's probably equally as worrying and sad. I don't think for one minute that they can produce and show a credible chain of custody for the DNA allegedly found and recorded that would stand up in court and there reluctance to produce this to the defense up to today's date would indicate this. They,the authorities , have got themselves into a hole and it's gotten bigger as the trial has gone on and there really is no way out for them now as the eyes of the world are sitting up and human rights are going to be all over this judgement. Do they care. Probably not but if they don't realise what there getting into that hole is going to get far bigger and very quickly. Our esteemed leader could step in of course and he would gain a bit of credibility if he did but I'm not counting on him doing so. Maybe he's happy to see the RTP hung out to dry. Who knows but it's not doing Thailands reputation any good for sure.

Edited by Nigeone
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No, it's that they were there on that night, that they said they just happened to find a phone identical to one of the one taken from one of the victims and that there are DNA results, that so far have not been contested, that link them to the crime.

Their explanations of what they did on that night leave a lot to be desired, from what they've said so far it sounds like a string of very convenient coincidences.

As for the bottles, I don't remember any mention of bottles being found at the place were they had been sitting, on the other hand cigarette butts were found and checked for DNA and that's one of the clues that led to their arrest; according to their account they drank three bottles of beer and one of wine on that spot.

Ok, so what do you think of what they said they did that night are a coincidence?

They claim they just happened to find a phone identical to the one that was missing from one of the victims near the scene of the murders (without otherwise noticing anything else), also that the clothes they were wearing on that night were stolen when they went for a swim. So the first coincidence is that of all of the people on the island the police would have picked these two "scapegoats" that just happened to have found that phone on that night at that place, and the second that when, presumably, asked about the clothes they were wearing on that night, that if they took part in the murders would probably be bloodstained, they just happened to had been stolen when they went for a swim on that night.

why hasnt this clown [aleG] been banned already,? what a lowlife scumbag,

And why doesn't he explain where the clothes are from Hannah that seem to be missing then if he's worried about clothes missing!. Or what about the blond hair that's missing from the police DNA. Or how about who does the phone/phones belong too as that hasn't been proven. Or how about the mysterious un hoe like marks on David! Or the missing DNA ,used or degraded etc on cigarette butt. Or the failure to find DNA on the hoe belonging to anybody that now suddenly has two peoples DNA on but surprisingly not the B2. Or the missing or not produced CCTV from all around the crime scene vicinity. Or failing to recognize the possibility that the perps left the island on the ferry that morning and didnt think it's was a good idea to check CCTV. Or where the so called DNA taken from Nomsad has gone as none of his RTP seem to know. Or why bodies or body where moved at the crime scene allegedly to protect the scene from tides when it was clear that the tide was on the way out after the murders and wouldn't be back in for at least 6 hours. Or why clothes on the crime scene were collected before any DNA was obtained. Or failure to follow up,on running man and the people seen close to him on that night. Or why no rights were given to the accused,no recordings of interviews taken and no credible translator employed. Or why they were tortured !. Or ,Or Or, yes I could go on and on and when the supporters of the RTP answer these questions sensibly and with credibility I maybe listen to them. I could mention the silence coming out from Koh Tao but I won't !!

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They do not need evidence to convict them. The prisons are full of people who were convicted with no evidence.Its up to the defendants to prove they are innocent. Thats how this system works

RTP have admitted 35% of cases go to court without any evidence and get convicted so yes I agree with. The only way these 2 will not go to jail or death is if there's a public outcry. Otherwise they are dead meat walking.

Can you provide a credible link from a media report that claims the RTP have admitted 35% of case go to court without any evidence?

I have never seen that written anywhere except by you here. I tried to google this but came up empty handed.

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Crime scene blunder stopped murder weapon DNA test

Another Burmese migrant worker, known as O, who worked at a local resort, told the second day of the murder trial, which is being held on the nearby island of Koh Samui, that he was first to stumble across the bodies. He said he owned the heavy hoe that police say was used to kill the Britons, and had taken it away from the scene.

“I saw my hoe [near the slain holidaymakers] and took it back to my vegetable garden,” he told the court.

The defence questioned how he had failed to notice blood on the hoe but he said it had been too dark.

Police eventually found the tool hidden by rubbish bags in the garden of the resort where he worked.


right, ... and just how the "resort owner & police" possibly knew where the bloody hoe was supposed to be then?!!! (haven't they came to the scene AFTER the hoe has been removed by the half blind gardener?!)

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There was an appeal here, once upon a time, by one of the defense lawyers for funds (not much) to aid in giving these boys the semblance of a fair trial. I sent them something as I'm sure many of you did too. I think it is making a difference and congratulations to you for helping those who in no way could help themselves.

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Murder of Britons - DNA on weapon does not match that of suspects

File Photo

KOH SAMUI: -- DNA found on the weapon allegedly used to kill two Britons on the Thai island of Koh Tao last year did not match those of the defendants currently on trial, a forensics expert said in court yesterday, dealing a blow to the prosecution case.

Pornthip Rojanasunand, head of the Justice Ministry's forensics institute, told the Samui provincial court that the DNA found on the garden hoe used against Hannah Witheridge, 23, and David Miller, 24, did not match that of the two Myanmar defendants accused of the murder.

Pornthip said the DNA belonged to two other men, but did not provide any further identification.

Nakhon Chomphuchat, the lead lawyer for the migrants, said yesterday's testimony showed the two men "were not involved with the case as police have accused".

Porntip Pornthip also told the court that there was no DNA found on other items tested by the forensics institute, including a shoe and some plastic bags.

Police had said DNA evidence found on the hoe by its own forensics team was from the defendants, but the trial judge allowed a defence request for a second opinion from Pornthip.

Other DNA evidence, found on Witheridge's body, was too damaged to be re-examined, a police witness had said earlier in the trial.

The badly beaten bodies of Miller and Witheridge were found in September last year on a beach on Koh Tao, 350 kilometres south of Bangkok.

Defendants Zaw Lin and Wai Phyo were arrested in October and confessed to the crimes, but later withdrew their statements, saying they were tortured.

British and Myanmar envoys have raised concerns about the Thai investigation, with London sending a police team as observers. Thai police have denied the accusations of torture or misconduct.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Murder-of-Britons--DNA-on-weapon-does-not-match-th-30268648.html

-- The Nation 2015-09-12

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Weren't there early allegations that the son of a prominent islander might have been involved? His DNA 'supposedly' tested....and 'verified' he wasn't involved.

If so, perhaps the good Dr. Pornthip would want to reexamine that DNA sample

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Then why does this charade have to continue? Doesn't the justice system have anyone with conscience to do the honorable thing. I wonder if in the system there are provisions for bringing charges to anyone who engages in coverup, purgery and making attempts to pin evidence on innocent subjects. Is there any provision to bring and lay charges in the event such acts deemed to have taken place?

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You all seem to have missed one of the most important turning points of this case today.

I quote:

"During the hearing it was disclosed that Norfolk Coroner’s court had carried out its own autopsy on the body of Ms Witheridge, after it was returned to the UK, and there were significant differences noted between that report and the report compiled by the Thai pathologist.

The exact details of what is in the Norfolk coroner’s report were not disclosed in court, but it was handed to the three judges for their consideration"

What has happened today is the defence has provided significant evidence to the court without Public disclosure. Such is the gravity of the information that Norfolk Coroner Jacqueline Lake decided it was her duty to allow this information to be provided to the court. Its been washed over and no real weight given in this thread but it is significant.

Andy Hall told us he had "Fantastic" information from the UK. Is this what he was referring to and how could the Coroner provide evidence that is significantly different.

What could that mean?

We know the victim is deceased so no conflicting story's there.

She couldn't have ascertained the time of death so no difference there either.

We know the victim is the person on her passport so no difference there.

It wouldn't relate to her blood samples I doubt as that's not an issue if she had drink or drugs inside her.

No she has released the report for consideration by the Thai Court because she has found a significant discrepancy in the Thai pathologist report.

What does that tell us?? well I suggest the cause of Death could be one of the Main differences she could have found.

Was Hannah Witheridge Shot?? Its been rumoured she had.

Ref: http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/crime/dna_found_on_murder_weapon_does_not_match_with_two_men_on_trial_for_killing_hannah_witheridge_1_4228734

Ask yourselves Ladies and Gentlemen and anyone in-between as I am a fully inclusive person, why has a UK Coroner decided to send her report to Thailand in rebuttal of the Thai Police Pathologist report.

Its different... It has conflicting findings... What are they... ??? I would love to know.

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They do not need evidence to convict them. The prisons are full of people who were convicted with no evidence.Its up to the defendants to prove they are innocent. Thats how this system works

RTP have admitted 35% of cases go to court without any evidence and get convicted so yes I agree with. The only way these 2 will not go to jail or death is if there's a public outcry. Otherwise they are dead meat walking.

Can you provide a credible link from a media report that claims the RTP have admitted 35% of case go to court without any evidence?

I have never seen that written anywhere except by you here. I tried to google this but came up empty handed.

Go look for it its out there.. Cant do all your work for you.

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Can I remind everyone of this report a few weeks ago as this backs up my theory about todays handover of the Autopsy report to the 3 judges which they decided to keep quiet about the contents.

'Significant' new evidence supplied by UK as British backpackers murder trial begins'

Mr Nakhon said he was unable to provide further details at this time. He did confirm that the evidence was not provided by any British police force or the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. It is believed the information comes from examinations of the bodies of the victims in the UK


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You all seem to have missed one of the most important turning points of this case today.

I quote:

"During the hearing it was disclosed that Norfolk Coroner’s court had carried out its own autopsy on the body of Ms Witheridge, after it was returned to the UK, and there were significant differences noted between that report and the report compiled by the Thai pathologist.

The exact details of what is in the Norfolk coroner’s report were not disclosed in court, but it was handed to the three judges for their consideration"

What has happened today is the defence has provided significant evidence to the court without Public disclosure. Such is the gravity of the information that Norfolk Coroner Jacqueline Lake decided it was her duty to allow this information to be provided to the court. Its been washed over and no real weight given in this thread but it is significant.

Andy Hall told us he had "Fantastic" information from the UK. Is this what he was referring to and how could the Coroner provide evidence that is significantly different.

What could that mean?

We know the victim is deceased so no conflicting story's there.

She couldn't have ascertained the time of death so no difference there either.

We know the victim is the person on her passport so no difference there.

It wouldn't relate to her blood samples I doubt as that's not an issue if she had drink or drugs inside her.

No she has released the report for consideration by the Thai Court because she has found a significant discrepancy in the Thai pathologist report.

What does that tell us?? well I suggest the cause of Death could be one of the Main differences she could have found.

Was Hannah Witheridge Shot?? Its been rumoured she had.

Ref: http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/crime/dna_found_on_murder_weapon_does_not_match_with_two_men_on_trial_for_killing_hannah_witheridge_1_4228734

Ask yourselves Ladies and Gentlemen and anyone in-between as I am a fully inclusive person, why has a UK Coroner decided to send her report to Thailand in rebuttal of the Thai Police Pathologist report.

Its different... It has conflicting findings... What are they... ??? I would love to know.

Not to worry, one of the frequent posters here will soon be along with "evidence" to "satisfy" your quest for knowledge. rolleyes.gif

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You all seem to have missed one of the most important turning points of this case today.

I quote:

"During the hearing it was disclosed that Norfolk Coroner’s court had carried out its own autopsy on the body of Ms Witheridge, after it was returned to the UK, and there were significant differences noted between that report and the report compiled by the Thai pathologist.

The exact details of what is in the Norfolk coroner’s report were not disclosed in court, but it was handed to the three judges for their consideration"

What has happened today is the defence has provided significant evidence to the court without Public disclosure. Such is the gravity of the information that Norfolk Coroner Jacqueline Lake decided it was her duty to allow this information to be provided to the court. Its been washed over and no real weight given in this thread but it is significant.

Andy Hall told us he had "Fantastic" information from the UK. Is this what he was referring to and how could the Coroner provide evidence that is significantly different.

What could that mean?

We know the victim is deceased so no conflicting story's there.

She couldn't have ascertained the time of death so no difference there either.

We know the victim is the person on her passport so no difference there.

It wouldn't relate to her blood samples I doubt as that's not an issue if she had drink or drugs inside her.

No she has released the report for consideration by the Thai Court because she has found a significant discrepancy in the Thai pathologist report.

What does that tell us?? well I suggest the cause of Death could be one of the Main differences she could have found.

Was Hannah Witheridge Shot?? Its been rumoured she had.

Ref: http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/crime/dna_found_on_murder_weapon_does_not_match_with_two_men_on_trial_for_killing_hannah_witheridge_1_4228734

Ask yourselves Ladies and Gentlemen and anyone in-between as I am a fully inclusive person, why has a UK Coroner decided to send her report to Thailand in rebuttal of the Thai Police Pathologist report.

Its different... It has conflicting findings... What are they... ??? I would love to know.

Differences in the reports and conflicting findings are not the same thing, the families of the victims would certainly be aware of the results of the coroner inquest and if it had uncover something like a gunshot or a anything that conclusively disproves the case against the two Burmese they wouldn't have said things like the two defendants having a difficult case to answer for.

The defense has made it very clear that they want the case to be judged in the "Court of public opinion", and never been shy about parading whatever findings they could use to undermine the prosecution case, so I wouldn't put my hopes up for any earth shattering revelations on that report.

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You all seem to have missed one of the most important turning points of this case today.

I quote:

"During the hearing it was disclosed that Norfolk Coroner’s court had carried out its own autopsy on the body of Ms Witheridge, after it was returned to the UK, and there were significant differences noted between that report and the report compiled by the Thai pathologist.

The exact details of what is in the Norfolk coroner’s report were not disclosed in court, but it was handed to the three judges for their consideration"

What has happened today is the defence has provided significant evidence to the court without Public disclosure. Such is the gravity of the information that Norfolk Coroner Jacqueline Lake decided it was her duty to allow this information to be provided to the court. Its been washed over and no real weight given in this thread but it is significant.

Andy Hall told us he had "Fantastic" information from the UK. Is this what he was referring to and how could the Coroner provide evidence that is significantly different.

What could that mean?

We know the victim is deceased so no conflicting story's there.

She couldn't have ascertained the time of death so no difference there either.

We know the victim is the person on her passport so no difference there.

It wouldn't relate to her blood samples I doubt as that's not an issue if she had drink or drugs inside her.

No she has released the report for consideration by the Thai Court because she has found a significant discrepancy in the Thai pathologist report.

What does that tell us?? well I suggest the cause of Death could be one of the Main differences she could have found.

Was Hannah Witheridge Shot?? Its been rumoured she had.

Ref: http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/crime/dna_found_on_murder_weapon_does_not_match_with_two_men_on_trial_for_killing_hannah_witheridge_1_4228734

Ask yourselves Ladies and Gentlemen and anyone in-between as I am a fully inclusive person, why has a UK Coroner decided to send her report to Thailand in rebuttal of the Thai Police Pathologist report.

Its different... It has conflicting findings... What are they... ??? I would love to know.

Differences in the reports and conflicting findings are not the same thing, the families of the victims would certainly be aware of the results of the coroner inquest and if it had uncover something like a gunshot or a anything that conclusively disproves the case against the two Burmese they wouldn't have said things like the two defendants having a difficult case to answer for.

The defense has made it very clear that they want the case to be judged in the "Court of public opinion", and never been shy about parading whatever findings they could use to undermine the prosecution case, so I wouldn't put my hopes up for any earth shattering revelations on that report.

Didn't the families 'difficult case to answer' quote come before the actual autopsy performed in the UK? If so then I'd say they were simply repeating what the RTP had fed the UK observers.

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No, it's that they were there on that night, that they said they just happened to find a phone identical to one of the one taken from one of the victims and that there are DNA results, that so far have not been contested, that link them to the crime.

Their explanations of what they did on that night leave a lot to be desired, from what they've said so far it sounds like a string of very convenient coincidences.

As for the bottles, I don't remember any mention of bottles being found at the place were they had been sitting, on the other hand cigarette butts were found and checked for DNA and that's one of the clues that led to their arrest; according to their account they drank three bottles of beer and one of wine on that spot.

Ok, so what do you think of what they said they did that night are a coincidence?

They claim they just happened to find a phone identical to the one that was missing from one of the victims near the scene of the murders (without otherwise noticing anything else), also that the clothes they were wearing on that night were stolen when they went for a swim. So the first coincidence is that of all of the people on the island the police would have picked these two "scapegoats" that just happened to have found that phone on that night at that place, and the second that when, presumably, asked about the clothes they were wearing on that night, that if they took part in the murders would probably be bloodstained, they just happened to had been stolen when they went for a swim on that night.

Your first point which I'm assuming you made the first because you find it to be the most significant is as a result of a confession from 1 of the B2. Like the RTP you are still using their confessions to find them guilty no matter how those confessions were obtained.

Kingsley Abbott retweeted Andy Hall

#Thailand has duty 2 carry out effective & impartial investigation & if proven provide remedies and reparation

Kingsley Abbott added,

Andy Hall @Atomicalandy
@AbbottKingsley @SZarifi @Reaproy @KentBKK @HugoSwire yesterday hearing observed by independent ICJ experts who demanding torture enquiry 2
Edited by thailandchilli
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Differences in the reports and conflicting findings are not the same thing, the families of the victims would certainly be aware of the results of the coroner inquest and if it had uncover something like a gunshot or a anything that conclusively disproves the case against the two Burmese they wouldn't have said things like the two defendants having a difficult case to answer for.

The defense has made it very clear that they want the case to be judged in the "Court of public opinion", and never been shy about parading whatever findings they could use to undermine the prosecution case, so I wouldn't put my hopes up for any earth shattering revelations on that report.

Didn't the families 'difficult case to answer' quote come before the actual autopsy performed in the UK? If so then I'd say they were simply repeating what the RTP had fed the UK observers.

No, it came more than two months after the autopsy.

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Well, nothing to really say, but I have two questions.

Is anyone else completely un-surprised at this breaking news?

How can locals, the Thai population, the international media, and visiting farangs have all heard more than once that the mafia on the island framed these boys and are protecting their own, but the RTP hasn't even heard this speculation as a rumor?

LOS. Amazing Land Of Scams.......

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a quote from German Press Agency report: "DNA samples taken from a garden hoe said to be the murder weapon did not belong to the two accused, but to two other men who had yet to be identified."

The 'two other men' are not David or the gardener, because they've already been identified (or rather, it's assumed the gardener has been ID'd. Nothing would surprise at this stage of the frame-up). Will RTP do a 180 degree turn and actually look for the real culprits? Also, it would be interesting to hear objective reports re; the DNA typing found in/on Hannah. Is Ms Pontip done with her testimony?

A note about reporting: Bkk Post got their story from a German Press Agency. It would be like a major German newspaper getting their migrant news from a Thai press agency. Why isn't the Thai press corps following one of the most important Thai stories? It couldn't be because of a blanket gag order from top brass and the PM could it? Perish the thought.

Moments like this I wish it was trial by jury, not by judge.

Be careful what you wish for. Jury members could possibly be as cowed by RTP top brass and mafia influence - as readily as any Thai authority.

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Differences in the reports and conflicting findings are not the same thing, the families of the victims would certainly be aware of the results of the coroner inquest and if it had uncover something like a gunshot or a anything that conclusively disproves the case against the two Burmese they wouldn't have said things like the two defendants having a difficult case to answer for.

The defense has made it very clear that they want the case to be judged in the "Court of public opinion", and never been shy about parading whatever findings they could use to undermine the prosecution case, so I wouldn't put my hopes up for any earth shattering revelations on that report.

Didn't the families 'difficult case to answer' quote come before the actual autopsy performed in the UK? If so then I'd say they were simply repeating what the RTP had fed the UK observers.

No, it came more than two months after the autopsy.

The British Inquest didn't start until Jan 2015. The family made their 'difficult case to answer' comments beginning of December 2014 so how can they be basing it from information from a British Coroner's report?

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Differences in the reports and conflicting findings are not the same thing, the families of the victims would certainly be aware of the results of the coroner inquest and if it had uncover something like a gunshot or a anything that conclusively disproves the case against the two Burmese they wouldn't have said things like the two defendants having a difficult case to answer for.

The defense has made it very clear that they want the case to be judged in the "Court of public opinion", and never been shy about parading whatever findings they could use to undermine the prosecution case, so I wouldn't put my hopes up for any earth shattering revelations on that report.

Didn't the families 'difficult case to answer' quote come before the actual autopsy performed in the UK? If so then I'd say they were simply repeating what the RTP had fed the UK observers.

No, it came more than two months after the autopsy.

"From what we have seen, the suspects have a difficult case to answer. The evidence against them appears to be powerful and convincing."

Edited by StealthEnergiser
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Well, nothing to really say, but I have two questions.

Is anyone else completely un-surprised at this breaking news?

How can locals, the Thai population, the international media, and visiting farangs have all heard more than once that the mafia on the island framed these boys and are protecting their own, but the RTP hasn't even heard this speculation as a rumor?

LOS. Amazing Land Of Scams.......

Oh, RTP knew of that speculation from the get-go. The PM said, the first days after the crime, "there is no cover-up!"

In the big picture, the prime motivation of RTP, Headman's people and prosecutors is to suck up a lot of time while diverting attention away from former prime suspects (who were let off too quickly and easily), and their tough-guy buddies. In that, they're doing an ok job. The proof is; 89% of discussion on T.Visa and elsewhere is focused on the Burmese.

RTP/Headman's people/prosecution are willing to lose face (and even attract international ridicule) if their main goal is attained: shield the Headman's people. More specifically: keep Mon and Nomsod from facing execution. All else, in their view, is secondary - if judging all they do and say.

Edited by metisdead
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You all seem to have missed one of the most important turning points of this case today.

I quote:

"During the hearing it was disclosed that Norfolk Coroner’s court had carried out its own autopsy on the body of Ms Witheridge, after it was returned to the UK, and there were significant differences noted between that report and the report compiled by the Thai pathologist.

The exact details of what is in the Norfolk coroner’s report were not disclosed in court, but it was handed to the three judges for their consideration"

What has happened today is the defence has provided significant evidence to the court without Public disclosure. Such is the gravity of the information that Norfolk Coroner Jacqueline Lake decided it was her duty to allow this information to be provided to the court. Its been washed over and no real weight given in this thread but it is significant.

Andy Hall told us he had "Fantastic" information from the UK. Is this what he was referring to and how could the Coroner provide evidence that is significantly different.

What could that mean?

We know the victim is deceased so no conflicting story's there.

She couldn't have ascertained the time of death so no difference there either.

We know the victim is the person on her passport so no difference there.

It wouldn't relate to her blood samples I doubt as that's not an issue if she had drink or drugs inside her.

No she has released the report for consideration by the Thai Court because she has found a significant discrepancy in the Thai pathologist report.

What does that tell us?? well I suggest the cause of Death could be one of the Main differences she could have found.

Was Hannah Witheridge Shot?? Its been rumoured she had.

Ref: http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/crime/dna_found_on_murder_weapon_does_not_match_with_two_men_on_trial_for_killing_hannah_witheridge_1_4228734

Ask yourselves Ladies and Gentlemen and anyone in-between as I am a fully inclusive person, why has a UK Coroner decided to send her report to Thailand in rebuttal of the Thai Police Pathologist report.

Its different... It has conflicting findings... What are they... ??? I would love to know.

Differences in the reports and conflicting findings are not the same thing, the families of the victims would certainly be aware of the results of the coroner inquest and if it had uncover something like a gunshot or a anything that conclusively disproves the case against the two Burmese they wouldn't have said things like the two defendants having a difficult case to answer for.

The defense has made it very clear that they want the case to be judged in the "Court of public opinion", and never been shy about parading whatever findings they could use to undermine the prosecution case, so I wouldn't put my hopes up for any earth shattering revelations on that report.

Oh Mr AleG..

I am happy to debate this with you.

" It has conflicting findings" is my words

"significant differences" is the reported words.... however they mean one and the same to me.

Your understanding of the English language is perhaps somewhat limited so I will make allowances however your understanding of English coroners procedure falls far short for you to be able to make these comments.

And let me explain why.

The Coroner works independently of the FCO and the police. They do not report to the familys or seek permission when they make decisions on what evidence they will provide to another jurisdiction.

The Inquest has not even taken place just preliminary hearings to arrange adjournments. The family will be invited to attend the hearing later on in the year.

There is NO link between the familys statements and the coroner. None what so ever. The family statements are linked to the MPS and the FCO who have not supplied ANY information to the court. In fact last December a report went out on how the thought their was inconsistences in the case and this has been proven many times by other posters.

I find your attitude and some what hopefulness somewhat strange in the way you seem to desire them to be found guilty come what ever. Even if there is evidence?.

The UK coroner hasn't sent her findings to the court just to upset the Thai Pathologist she has done it because she believes in Natural Justice. She has information she knows will help the B2 prove their innocence. Because the UK inquest hasn't taken place it may be the case that she has asked for non disclosure prior to her case hearing in order to protect the family's back in the UK. Whatever it is she has felt the need to inform the court of evidence that will make sure justice is served in this case.

Your Party's nearly over my friend. Justice could well be seen to be served up here.

And remember this the UK coroner doesn't have the B2 DNA profiles either does she. So her revelations are possibly something else so important she has had to disclose it.

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