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Rick Perry first to exit 2016 Republican presidential race

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Rick Perry first to exit 2016 Republican presidential race
STEVE PEOPLES, Associated Press

ST. LOUIS (AP) â Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry ended his second bid for the Republican presidential nomination on Friday, becoming the first major candidate of the 2016 campaign to give up on the White House.

The longest-serving governor in Texas history told a group of conservative activists in St. Louis that "some things have become clear" and he was suspending his campaign.

"We have a tremendous field of candidates â probably the greatest group of men and women," Perry said. "I step aside knowing our party is in good hands, as long as we listen to the grassroots, listen to that cause of conservatism. If we do that, then our party will be in good hands."

Well over a dozen Republicans are competing for the party's nomination.

Four years after his first bid for the White House ended after disappointing finishes in the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary, Perry this time couldn't even make it to the second debate night of the 2016 race after failing to poll well enough to qualify.

In a debate four years ago, he couldn't remember the third federal agency he'd promised to close if elected and muttered, "Oops" â a moment that doomed his bid.

The 2016 Republican campaign has been dominated by billionaire Donald Trump, who stole away Perry's Iowa campaign chairman after Perry was forced to suspend paying members of his staff as his campaign fundraising dried up.

A group of super PACs, largely funded by three big Perry backers, had briefly kept Perry afloat by raising $17. His decision Friday came as a surprise to those groups, which are barred from communicating directly with the campaign.


Weissert reported from Austin, Texas. Associated Press writer Julie Bykowicz contributed to this report from Washington.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-12

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I am sad to see him go. I don't particularly care for the Republican party, although Rick Perry was one who I liked. His experience as a long serving governor meant that he does know a lot about how government works. Being governor of a big state like Texas was also a positive attribute.

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"A group of super PACs, largely funded by three big Perry backers, had briefly kept Perry afloat by raising $17."

$17 !!!!!! Be still my beating heart !! How could you not expect to win when your supporters have raised a whopping SEVENTEEN DOLLARS !!!! laugh.png

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"That is why today I am suspending my campaign for the presidency of the United States," Perry said. "We have a tremendous field of candidates – probably the greatest group of men and women – I step aside knowing our party is in good hands."

I nearly spit up my coffee on that one.


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Candidate Profile: Rick Perry


Former Texas governor Rick Perry announced Thursday his candidacy for the 2016 presidential election, hoping to fare better than he did in his unsuccessful bid for the Republican nomination in 2012. Here’s what you need to know about Perry:

  • Campaign Slogan: “I Studied This Time”
  • Experience: Effectively and efficiently led bungling of 2012 presidential campaign
  • Policies: Tough on crime, specifically homosexuality
  • Death Penalty Record: Undefeated, 234-0
  • Political Base: Unsettling white guys in wraparound Oakleys
  • Biggest Political Asset: Looks pretty presidential on muted TV at airport
  • Biggest Liability: Public forums
  • Greatest Political Accomplishment: Provided underserved minorities and mentally retarded individuals with access to quality executions
  • Oh, And: Was recently issued felony indictment for abuse of power as Texas governor
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He was only ever there to make the nomination process look legitimate in any case. Most other occupants of the clown car will also be disengaged over time citing the same reason as Mr. Perry with the exception of Big D who is there for the sole purpose of making the other candidates seem rational... a shill in effect. Perry was also way too left wing to stand a chance.

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Recall in 2011 Newt Gingrich decided to go off on vacation in the middle of pre-primary debates and his whole campaign staff quit? Well, his former campaign manager went looking for a new candidate, and it was he that convinced Perry to make the run. I doubt that Perry would have made the attempt if he was never approached.

At one point during the 2012 campaign Rick went up to New Hampshire and gave his usual stump speech and bombed terribly. It was like a comedian who was intentionally telling bad jokes to annoy the audience. That strutting Texas bravado he was playing up in those days went over like a lead ballon.

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Quote A group of super PACs, largely funded by three big Perry backers, had briefly kept Perry afloat by raising $17. unquote. Thats $17 more than what he deserved. I cannot believe that working people which are in the majority of the population keep voting these scumbags in at the many levels of power. Its almost as if voters had a death wish. Another good example is Scott Walker an anti labor governor and he also wants to build a fence between Canada and the USA with borrowed money. Definitely Sheeple.

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Another good example is Scott Walker an anti labor governor and he also wants to build a fence between Canada and the USA with borrowed money. Definitely Sheeple.

I'm already formulating a plan to have Tim Horton's Donut/Coffee shops installed every 20 miles or so along the top of the wall. (I'm envisioning a wall so huge that China will be jealous, even if they get the contract to build it, using cheap Mexican labour and cheap Canadian resources of course !)

We'll also have snow board "half-pipes", eco-friendly charging stations and ski-lifts to get people to/from the top of the wall.

I will of course be selling franchises so you should probably send me money now if you want to get in on the "ground floor". (I won't mention timelines or guarantees or contracts or any other such nonsense though. Just send all the money you can and we'll sort it out later. Much later.)

Note: This is not a solicitation for unsolicitated funds. Any money sent will most likely be spent on booze and pizza and......my Harley. The only guarantee is that you'll never see your money again (unless you happen to be a bar/pizza shop/Harley shop owner). Wire or ATM transfers preferred but will accept unmarked bills in brown paper bags delivered "under the counter" as well. NO loose change !

Oh I also have already copyrighted the names "The Ice Wall" and "The Great Wall of Ice" and "The Freedom Wall" and "The Fortress America Wall" and "The Trump Wall" and "The "Don" Wall" (in case he wins and decides to do the same thing).

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