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PM: Anyone expressing opinions that lead to unpeace in the country will be prosecuted

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"...not having respect for the law"?

This really takes the cake.

The truth is that Commanding soldiers (who MUST follow your orders or face the consequences) is quite different to Leading a country of free-thinking individuals (who choose whether they will agree with you or not)!

One hopes his UN visit in an uncomfortable experience (complete with many foreign media enquiries).

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At least he has the balls to publicly announce and admit his urge and need to be the unopposed dictator. I like his chutzpah.

It's better than corrupt proxy leaders in other countries using NSA, CIA, FBI, IRS, etc. to intimidate individuals while trying to make the masses believe they have the power to vent through opposition.

Instead they try to make race wars to distract from the fact that their country is bankrupt and needs more debt and war to continue functioning.

Disclaimer: If this post offends anyone, I will delete it. No need to ban me for a few days or give me points for stirring things up.

Thank you for speaking the truth about the US and the General.

I was living here when a MEGLOMANIAC named ThakSin bought votes outside of Bangkok and became the PM.

I could see a lot of trouble coming and left in 2005 to wait for his departure before returning.

Waited 10 years and because of the courage or "chutzph" of a guy named Prayut, have finally been able to return and can see that thee is a RENIESANCE happening here.

We need to do everythig we can to encourage this and keep the WRONG people from interfereing.

It appears to me the he is genuine and read in the paper that the King of the country agrees.

Mr.Karun had expressed his opinion and criticisms which were likely causing misunderstandings as well as not having respect for the law.

"Likely to cause misunderstanding" is a crime? I wonder why anyone is still free out there.

"Not having respect for the law" especially if the law has been imposed at gun point is rather a must for a free citizen.

The new Constitution will have one one article, and it's the Art. 44 of the present military constitution.


At least he has the balls to publicly announce and admit his urge and need to be the unopposed dictator. I like his chutzpah.

It's better than corrupt proxy leaders in other countries using NSA, CIA, FBI, IRS, etc. to intimidate individuals while trying to make the masses believe they have the power to vent through opposition.

Instead they try to make race wars to distract from the fact that their country is bankrupt and needs more debt and war to continue functioning.

Disclaimer: If this post offends anyone, I will delete it. No need to ban me for a few days or give me points for stirring things up.

No, just hand you over to the men in white coats.


History has many examples of people who have denied freedom to those under their heel. Justice eventually prevails.


At least he has the balls to publicly announce and admit his urge and need to be the unopposed dictator. I like his chutzpah.

It's better than corrupt proxy leaders in other countries using NSA, CIA, FBI, IRS, etc. to intimidate individuals while trying to make the masses believe they have the power to vent through opposition.

Instead they try to make race wars to distract from the fact that their country is bankrupt and needs more debt and war to continue functioning.

Disclaimer: If this post offends anyone, I will delete it. No need to ban me for a few days or give me points for stirring things up.

Thank you for speaking the truth about the US and the General.

I was living here when a MEGLOMANIAC named ThakSin bought votes outside of Bangkok and became the PM.

I could see a lot of trouble coming and left in 2005 to wait for his departure before returning.

Waited 10 years and because of the courage or "chutzph" of a guy named Prayut, have finally been able to return and can see that thee is a RENIESANCE happening here.

We need to do everythig we can to encourage this and keep the WRONG people from interfereing.

It appears to me the he is genuine and read in the paper that the King of the country agrees.

Ahh another one of these posts.

Please list the achievements of your dear general. Ending the protests doesn't count because he was complicit in organising them.

See I have lived here a while myself. Everything seems the same to me...


Can't even express an opinion?! IMHO, this is starting to sound like the leader of that country that begins with North and ends in rea...among others I could mention. Seems to be heading away from democracy/freedom not towards them.


It appears to me the he is genuine and read in the paper that the King of the country agrees.

alas, we are not allowed to reply to posts like this...

Which is why he said it. Hardly worth replying to anyway, given it is pure, 100% proof flapdoodle.


The world is a dangerous place and it is not the evil people who are the problem, the problem is with those who choose to do nothing about it.


The world is a dangerous place and it is not the evil people who are the problem, the problem is with those who choose to do nothing about it.

Err, no. The evil people are the problem.


At least he has the balls to publicly announce and admit his urge and need to be the unopposed dictator. I like his chutzpah.

It's better than corrupt proxy leaders in other countries using NSA, CIA, FBI, IRS, etc. to intimidate individuals while trying to make the masses believe they have the power to vent through opposition.

Instead they try to make race wars to distract from the fact that their country is bankrupt and needs more debt and war to continue functioning.

Disclaimer: If this post offends anyone, I will delete it. No need to ban me for a few days or give me points for stirring things up.

Thank you for speaking the truth about the US and the General.

I was living here when a MEGLOMANIAC named ThakSin bought votes outside of Bangkok and became the PM.

I could see a lot of trouble coming and left in 2005 to wait for his departure before returning.

Waited 10 years and because of the courage or "chutzph" of a guy named Prayut, have finally been able to return and can see that thee is a RENIESANCE happening here.

We need to do everythig we can to encourage this and keep the WRONG people from interfereing.

It appears to me the he is genuine and read in the paper that the King of the country agrees.



Someone should unlearn from Germany. Their criminal code is full of unwords like 'Verunglimpfung' (a ppolitical crime)

For those who know Germans: ask for the opposite of 'Verunglimpfung' if you want to find out what is allowed in Germany.


Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha referred to the detention of Mr. Karun Hosakul, saying that the latter will be primarily detained for 7 days on charges of stirring unrest in the country which is a normal term of punishment related to this kind of offence.

Normal for this kind of offence?

The guy is deranged and Thailand is in a twilight zone...


I just told my wife that any unpeace in the home will not be tolerated.

Did she respond by saying "Don't get smart or there will no piece/peace tonight.?"

Or did she tell you to shut your trap or you would have to undergo attitude adjustment (AKA sleeping on the sofa)?


I love all these comments about the word 'unpeace'.

You do understand that Prayuth speaks in Thai and anything you read about him saying is translated, most likely by someone in the press? No?

So all this stuff about Orwell and Newspeak,it is all nonsense 'cause the word didnt come from Prayuth.

This is a non English speaking country all, do try to get to grips with that.


That's it. You never know what can set off an argument or "unpeace" in any country or location. I am no longer going to share my views on microbiology, phonetics or indeed nano particles with anyone ever again.


After reading this, I felt unexpectedly unaffected uncovering untidiness in my unoverwear. People tell me it's called underwear, but I unprefer such unwords!

Basically Mr. P ask folks to be unexpressive then, huh? Unbelievable! My heart feels unfree now, perhaps someone could...


Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha referred to the detention of Mr. Karun Hosakul, saying that the latter will be primarily detained for 7 days on charges of stirring unrest in the country which is a normal term of punishment related to this kind of offence.

Normal for this kind of offence?

The guy is deranged and Thailand is in a twilight zone...

It's quite easy : if you don't try to incite people to go out and commit violence and you are quite safe.

He's talking to people like those UDD terrorists and their sympathizers who cheered when the young girl was murdered in Trat.

Do you object that you are not allowed to do this ?. Does it put the kibosh on this communist uprising you keep hinting at ?. We are all still waiting.

I find it highly amusing that you think yourself competent to call someone else deranged.

"Mr.Karun had expressed his opinion and criticisms which were likely causing misunderstandings as well as not having respect for the law."

Yep, we should respect the law.

Would that not also include having respect for those that must enforce the law? In which case, Thailand has a VERY long path ahead.

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