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Elton John: I want to meet Putin over gay rights

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I agree with Putin. These days anything involving this kind of thing, is a danger to our children.

I suppose a distorted image of the world could include:

Broken, straight marriages, with children involved, seems to be a danger.

Rapes by straights, commited against children, seems to be a danger.

Child abuse by straights seem to be a danger.

The selling of addictive drugs by straights to children, seems to be a danger.

Drunk driving by straights, with children in the car, seems to be a danger.

There are greater dangers to children than "this kind of thing".

I have found that some who "cry foul" and "protect the children" are sometimes the monster in the closet themselves.

Mr. Putin can do as he pleases, since he seems to be in control of Russia, which appears to be marching backwards to totalitarianism.

Yes I agree with you on most, But there is no need to add to it by promoting homosexuality is there? This is the danger I am talking about. ( grooming )

As I said before,the most distasteful immoral decision made was allowing them ( Elton etc ) adopt a child. Money Talks Morals walk.

I Agree with Putin


Fat boy on his high horse again is he,just get back to the piano Elton

Also while not careing one way or another about a person's sexuality,I think a disgrace that an old man and his husband/wife? Are allowed to adopt children when grandparents are denied


The problem with gays is that they don't want to just be free to enjoy life without persecution, they want to be free to promote homosexuality like it's some magical club.

You don't actually know whats happening in Russia, do you?

I've been to Russia three times and I know how homophobic they are... That's not the point I was making... I just don't like all the gay pride marches, all the homosexual content on TV which is getting worse each year... it's not just about fighting for their rights. It's about PR to promote a way of life.


The problem with gays is that they don't want to just be free to enjoy life without persecution, they want to be free to promote homosexuality like it's some magical club.

You don't actually know whats happening in Russia, do you?

I've been to Russia three times and I know how homophobic they are... That's not the point I was making... I just don't like all the gay pride marches, all the homosexual content on TV which is getting worse each year... it's not just about fighting for their rights. It's about PR to promote a way of life.

When you use the word "promote" do you think gays are like Jehova Witness and will come knocking on your door pleading with you to join them. I think you can sleep safely in your bed, this is not going to happen. I think you are born gay and not converted.


Sorry but you Guys (putting it diplomatically ) Do promote homosexuality,I hasten to add,maybe not you personaly but your club. They do come knocking on ones door to join them.

When you interbreed a Jehovas Witness with a Hells Angel,what do you get.. You get a baby,when it growes up.it comes round to your house, knocks on your door and tells you to Fxxx off.


Sorry but you Guys (putting it diplomatically ) Do promote homosexuality,I hasten to add,maybe not you personaly but your club. They do come knocking on ones door to join them.

When you interbreed a Jehovas Witness with a Hells Angel,what do you get.. You get a baby,when it growes up.it comes round to your house, knocks on your door and tells you to Fxxx off.

Huh? Gays are recruited? Are you sure? Have you personally picked up one of their 'gay' leaflets and felt inclined to join them before deciding to stay strong?


If Putin was Gay, could we call him Vlad the Impaler?

I picture him instead as a very pushy bottom.

I have just read this,and i find it distasteful But up to you.


Sorry but you Guys (putting it diplomatically ) Do promote homosexuality,I hasten to add,maybe not you personaly but your club. They do come knocking on ones door to join them.

When you interbreed a Jehovas Witness with a Hells Angel,what do you get.. You get a baby,when it growes up.it comes round to your house, knocks on your door and tells you to Fxxx off.

Huh? Gays are recruited? Are you sure? Have you personally picked up one of their 'gay' leaflets and felt inclined to join them before deciding to stay strong?

Stupid post,but there you go!


The problem with gays is that they don't want to just be free to enjoy life without persecution, they want to be free to promote homosexuality like it's some magical club.

You don't actually know whats happening in Russia, do you?

I've been to Russia three times and I know how homophobic they are... That's not the point I was making... I just don't like all the gay pride marches, all the homosexual content on TV which is getting worse each year... it's not just about fighting for their rights. It's about PR to promote a way of life.

When you use the word "promote" do you think gays are like Jehova Witness and will come knocking on your door pleading with you to join them. I think you can sleep safely in your bed, this is not going to happen. I think you are born gay and not converted.

Great... you always know when you're winning an argument if the other person starts resorting to personal slurs, especially baseless ones... LOL... thus far you have assumed I don't know what's happening in Russia and called me gay.

And in case you hadn't noticed there are millions of things that are promoted without the need for people knocking on your door.


The problem with gays is that they don't want to just be free to enjoy life without persecution, they want to be free to promote homosexuality like it's some magical club.
You don't actually know whats happening in Russia, do you?

I've been to Russia three times and I know how homophobic they are... That's not the point I was making... I just don't like all the gay pride marches, all the homosexual content on TV which is getting worse each year... it's not just about fighting for their rights. It's about PR to promote a way of life.

When you use the word "promote" do you think gays are like Jehova Witness and will come knocking on your door pleading with you to join them. I think you can sleep safely in your bed, this is not going to happen. I think you are born gay and not converted.

Great... you always know when you're winning an argument if the other person starts resorting to personal slurs, especially baseless ones... LOL... thus far you have assumed I don't know what's happening in Russia and called me gay.

And in case you hadn't noticed there are millions of things that are promoted without the need for people knocking on your door.

I hope you don't mind me asking, but are you and green job in your spare time The Chuckle Brothers.

I've been to one of the Thaivisa get-together events for members. I can assure you, most are very safe from being recruited.


The problem with gays is that they don't want to just be free to enjoy life without persecution, they want to be free to promote homosexuality like it's some magical club.

Ah, the old, never-ending 'Gays want to promote homosexuality' , 'We are tired of the gay lobby' etc. arguments ? Bigoted and lame !


I've been to one of the Thaivisa get-together events for members. I can assure you, most are very safe from being recruited.

Yes 100% But i am talking about children,and young people. They need protecting from this typ of thing,that has come out of the closet ( so to say)


I've been to one of the Thaivisa get-together events for members. I can assure you, most are very safe from being recruited.

Yes 100% But i am talking about children,and young people. They need protecting from this typ of thing,that has come out of the closet ( so to say)

I agree ... that the precious children need protection from being brainwashed by horrible bigots.

my trevel agent told me If I want to look as polite man I must use Gayropean (Gay+European) instead of European during my visit Freiburg Messe. So I think if Putin wants to have good relation with Gayrope he must meet sir Elton John


I've been to one of the Thaivisa get-together events for members. I can assure you, most are very safe from being recruited.

Yes 100% But i am talking about children,and young people. They need protecting from this typ of thing,that has come out of the closet ( so to say)

I agree ... that the precious children need protection from being brainwashed by horrible bigots.

Yes especially the horrible GAY bigots.

There are more bigots of the gay variety on this thread than anything else.


Lie. You cannot even hold up a sign saying gay is OK anywhere in public in Putin's dictatorship

You live in Russia?

BTW, there are gays in Putin's administration and nobody cares.


I agree with Putin. These days anything involving this kind of thing, is a danger to our children.

I'm heterosexual, me, personally and hate the hijacking of the word gay to describe homosexuals but those who are homosexual can't help being so any more than heterosexuals can help being heterosexuals and as I understand it people are generally born one way or the other so if your son or daughter turns out to be homosexual that's just the way it is.

I can't see how homosexuality translates to being a danger to our children. I can see, however how supporting human rights such as equality for homosexuals and women is far better for the human race than supporting regimes/religions that persecute or degrade same.


Lie. You cannot even hold up a sign saying gay is OK anywhere in public in Putin's dictatorship

You live in Russia?

BTW, there are gays in Putin's administration and nobody cares.

Putin doesn't care for sure that gay people are being brutalized across Russia by thugs inspired by his anti-gay government policies.

Putin doesn't care for sure that gay people are being brutalized across Russia by thugs inspired by his anti-gay government policies.

Is it your personal experience?

If not, never talk about things you do not know for sure.


I agree with Putin. These days anything involving this kind of thing, is a danger to our children.

I'm heterosexual, me, personally and hate the hijacking of the word gay to describe homosexuals but those who are homosexual can't help being so any more than heterosexuals can help being heterosexuals and as I understand it people are generally born one way or the other so if your son or daughter turns out to be homosexual that's just the way it is.

I can't see how homosexuality translates to being a danger to our children. I can see, however how supporting human rights such as equality for homosexuals and women is far better for the human race than supporting regimes/religions that persecute or degrade same.

It is a danger,and a very real one at that. Very easy for them to be pushed in the wrong direction,Sadly it happens all the time. Putin is 100% rught on this one.

In the west we have been far too tolerant for far too long. As they say,give them an inch,they take a mile.


I agree with Putin. These days anything involving this kind of thing, is a danger to our children.

Your reason being...?

Bigots need no reason.

Elton John is getting feisty in his old age. Good for him.

It is not allowed to PROMOTE homosexuality to children in Russia...So no problem for Elton John and his friend.....But good to keep that away from children.

(Promote does not mean you can't speak about it and teach them).

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