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How far has America really progressed?

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Trump has only a few positions, and he is well prepared to discuss those. Once a question is posed, that is outside of this three trick ponies realm, he is lost. He cannot improvise as he does not have answers, or positions for these questioners. This is why he will lose all of the debates. And this is why he will not get elected.

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There is a meaningful segment of the American population that lives in fear (of many things including their own government) and frustration. Trump is marketing himself to these people and doing a masterful job. Fortunately, this group no longer represents the majority of Americans. No president is going to be elected who can not appeal to the center for votes. Trump is forcing the entire Republican ticket further to the right with no chance of attracting the center like a Jeb Bush may have been able to. I dont see Trump or the Republican Party capable of winning a Presidential election so no reason to fear them. What I do think is truly frightening though is Hillary Clinton at the controls for the next four years.


It's hard to argue with crazy.

The right wing is so far out there...

It is also difficult to argue with a mind made of mush cast in concrete...


First, to the issue of Trump not thinking on his feet. When that bigot asked his question Trump was thinking very hard because he wants that person and the other 5 or so million people who think like him to come out and vote. He wants the Republican nomination and he will do most anything to get it. So, he gives a vague answer that he hopes will placate the racists in his base and at the same time be able to state that he did not hear the question. The whole episode is a ready made 30 second ad in the event Trump does win the nomination.

As to the question, 'How far has American really progressed', it is true that bigotry and racism have always existed due to the fear of outsiders who will take their jobs. What has happened in the last 20 years is the realization that the boy with the clock is not an outsider. He, along with Hispanics, African Americans, and Asian peoples will become the majority of the American people in the next 20-30 years. The country will shift from one ruled by old white men to one where the political power will shift to include people who have had no power. Enter stage left is Bernie Sanders who is speaking to a growing number of people about the need to to control corporate oligarchies and to make sure that working people get a share of the wealth that they create. Sound familiar?

The spit in the Republican party is about those, like the moron at the Trump rally, who simply have no way to deal with the fact that the country he knew is slipping away, and so he and others also fearful spout hate and fear in the hope that someone like Trump will "DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT." The rest of the Republicans do not have a clue as to what to do about a situation that they helped create. So they support trying to change the rules to make it harder for the "wrong" people to vote. Sound familiar?

As luck would have it, the American Constitution cannot be re-written, and even making a change to it is very difficult. That being said, people on the fringe of the religious right want to get rid of the Supreme Court, that makes decisions about constitutional law because God's law, as they define it, should have the final say.

How far has America really progress? Far enough so that the issues about social equity, sharing power and wealth have made their way up through the muck of recent history and are now drying in the light of day. It is now up to the American democratic system to decide what is done.


Operationally Obama is a Muslim, whether or not he actually is one is besides the point, actions trump labels every time in determining what is what.

As for the op, the use of the word 'progressed' is an Orwellian inversion, it has actually regressed during the last six years in terms of its world standing and the assaults on its constitution and cynical attempts to divide and rule from within.

You make a very astute point Steely Dan. The argument as to whether Obama is, or is not, a Muslim, is a red herring, irrelevant, after all in the context of the argument it is just name calling, very powerful name calling admittedly, because just the term 'Muslim' will immediately cause the red mist to descend for many people, and all logic in their arguments flies straight out of the window. But the fact of the matter is, never mind how unpalatable it is for supporters of President Obama, during his Presidency he has presided over the inexorable rise of Islamic State. No use blaming Bush, even though of course his foolish adventure in Iraq was clearly instrumental creating fertile ground for Islamic militants to gain a foothold there. But he has been President now for nearly eight years, it really is time for him to take some responsibility. It is abundantly clear that his catchy soundbites, 'Change you can believe in", are just that, catchy soundbites. Events over the the past six or seven years show how hollow they are. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, and surely there can be no doubt that when it comes to creating a world that is safer for everybody, his Presidency has been a dismal, hugely disappointing failure.

We are told that The US military is committed to taking on ISIS, hitting them hard where it hurts, attacking them with our superior military capabilities. But the reality suggests that the opposite is the case. Far from hurting ISIS, every action taken in The Middle East and North Africa by this administration has strengthened and given more power to the elbow of Islamic militancy. The toppling of Ghaddafi in Libya handed the country on a silver platter to the Islamist terrorists, in large part creating the refugee crisis that is currently engulfing Europe. We were all told that Ghaddafi was an evil man, who was persecuting his people, locking them up, torturing them etc etc. But as soon as Ghaddafi had been killed, chaos reigned. The first thing the Islamic hordes did when they captured any town was open the prisons. And who comes pouring out? Innocent law abiding Libyan citizens who had been tortured and locked up by the evil Colonel? Well, surprise surprise, none of them to be seen. Instead hundreds, sometimes thousands of bearded Allahu Akbar shouting Islamic militants came pouring out of the gates, straight to weapons and ammunition dumps, which were now of course unguarded, thanks to those nice people at NATO, who effectively acted as these people's airforce. Same scenario in Syria, 'evil dictator, won't do what the West want him to do, therefore he has to go. So we set about training "Rebels", arming them, financing them, encouraging them to start civil war in the country. Now this week, by their own admission, senior US military personnel are admitting that there are only 4 or 5 of these "rebels" left. The vast majority of them undoubtedly went straight over to ISIS, taking with them their weapons and the benefits of the training they had received.

Serious questions need to be asked as to whether The US government are really committed to taking on ISIS, indeed all the evidence suggests that the opposite is the case. Every action this administration has taken in the past few years has strengthened and given succour to Islamic militancy. It is no wonder that informed, thinking people with an open mind are questioning President Obama's actions, and are extremely sceptical about his rhetoric regarding taking on the Islamist State. The facts would suggest that this scepticism is well founded.

Intelligence reports to the French government have been recording US airstrikes against ISIS. When a convoy of thousands of ISIS fighters arrived to assault and take over Palmyra in Syria last month, they drove their convoy of Toyotas from Ramadi in Iraq for 6 hours, through open desert, in broad daylight. Not one American plane appeared in the skies. How can that be, when there are reports that US pilots are returning from 75% of their missions against ISIS with bombs still on board because they couldn't find targets!

It is surely legitimate to ask where Obama's loyalties really lie, given that most evidence, certainly regarding the half hearted actions taken by his administration against the biggest threat to the world's safe being would suggest that he speaks with forked tongue and cannot be trusted to tell the truth.


FBI has reported more terror attacks by white supremacists than Muslim terrorists since 9/11. You could look it up.

Internet has brought great things to most of us, but also provides a means for what used to be scattered band of nut cases to connect and form a community, be it TV, ISIS, Islamophobes. They they can reinforce their own version of reality.

I would also say abandonment of "fairness doctrine" in US media has allowed organizations like Fox News to report and slant stories any way they wish, brainwashing the gullible mostly white audience who are distressed by change. They want the "good old days" when white men ruled, women knew their place, minorities stayed in line, and God (Christian, of course) was king.

No, if you are going to make a hair-brained assertion, then you need to provide a reference... Like this one...


Islamic Terror Attacks on American Soil

You might not know it from the grand pity party that vocal Muslims seem to have thrown forthemselves in the years since 9/11, but only one Muslim in America was killed in a vigilante "revenge" attack following the horrific slaughter of thousands in the name of Allah. That would be Waqar Hasan, a Muslim convenience storeowner who was gunned down by Mark Anthony Stroman in Texas. Hardly an average American, Stroman was a white supremacist with a felony criminal record who went on to shoot two more people in the following weeks. However, he did claim to be motivated by anger after having watched the twin towers fall.

For anyone keeping score

People killed by radical Muslims on 9/11: 2,996 Muslim-Americans killed "in revenge": 1

Notice I said "since 9/11" but your last line includes 9/11. Also fyi term is "hare-brained".

"White supremacists and anti-government radicals have killed 48 Americans, including last week’s deadly attack in South Carolina, versus 26 killings by Muslim radicals, according to a count by New America, a Washington research center."


Plenty of other sources out there too.


"We have a problem in this country. It's called Muslims.

"We have training camps growing where they want to kill us.

I would substitute the word country with the word world. Otherwise these statements seem pretty accurate to me.


Interesting ... Radical Islam attacked the WTC killing 3,000, and the Pentagon, then the Boston Marathon, and they attack in the UK, France and Spain screaming Allahu Akbar when they kill ... they are the SWORD of ISLAM as it is written in the Quran.

NOW Muslims are VICTIMS of animosity in the West. It's our frigg'n fault. We are the intolerant bad guys.

If there is animosity towards Muslims, it was earned by their jihadist brothers and sisters. They should turn their anger to those who kill non Muslims in the name of their religion. Their silence is the same as approval.

Jihadists kill far more Muslims than infidels. In their eyes one has not only to be a Muslim, but the right sort of Muslim to be acceptable.


First, to the issue of Trump not thinking on his feet. When that bigot asked his question Trump was thinking very hard because he wants that person and the other 5 or so million people who think like him to come out and vote. He wants the Republican nomination and he will do most anything to get it. So, he gives a vague answer that he hopes will placate the racists in his base and at the same time be able to state that he did not hear the question. The whole episode is a ready made 30 second ad in the event Trump does win the nomination.

As to the question, 'How far has American really progressed', it is true that bigotry and racism have always existed due to the fear of outsiders who will take their jobs. What has happened in the last 20 years is the realization that the boy with the clock is not an outsider. He, along with Hispanics, African Americans, and Asian peoples will become the majority of the American people in the next 20-30 years. The country will shift from one ruled by old white men to one where the political power will shift to include people who have had no power. Enter stage left is Bernie Sanders who is speaking to a growing number of people about the need to to control corporate oligarchies and to make sure that working people get a share of the wealth that they create. Sound familiar?

The spit in the Republican party is about those, like the moron at the Trump rally, who simply have no way to deal with the fact that the country he knew is slipping away, and so he and others also fearful spout hate and fear in the hope that someone like Trump will "DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT." The rest of the Republicans do not have a clue as to what to do about a situation that they helped create. So they support trying to change the rules to make it harder for the "wrong" people to vote. Sound familiar?

As luck would have it, the American Constitution cannot be re-written, and even making a change to it is very difficult. That being said, people on the fringe of the religious right want to get rid of the Supreme Court, that makes decisions about constitutional law because God's law, as they define it, should have the final say.

How far has America really progress? Far enough so that the issues about social equity, sharing power and wealth have made their way up through the muck of recent history and are now drying in the light of day. It is now up to the American democratic system to decide what is done.

If Obama is right about GW, it's irrelevant, because all our children are going to die in methane storms. That is because, if he is right and GW is man made, he is doing nothing that would actually stop it, and no other president will either.

Damn, I'm glad I don't have any children to suffer in the insane world that is coming.


Have decent Muslims gotten a bad rap in the last 15 years? Sure! Is there a reason of that? Yes! Until the Muslims who just practice their faith quietly, decide to denounce the more radical elements, they as a group will continue to be marginalized in non-muslim societies. Quite frankly, I don't want to live under Sharia Law, nor do I want them bring it to the USA. I don't think most western peoples want others coming to their countries and imposing their brand of law, custom, etc. to the point it changes their own culture and society. Western nations tend to be tolerant but that is only to a point. What is happening to Europe with the flood of mostly economic refugees is going to change a balance that many of the native peoples do not want. Their governments are allowing this to happen and it is going to cause severe problems in the future. As an American, I want my society to retain it's "culture" whatever that has been. To me either people come and adapt to my way of life or I don't want them there. I certainly would hate to see "Thai culture" come to America. Most westerners who live in Thailand have had to adapt to Thai culture and ways whether they like it or not. No society can withstand an onslaught of people who come and do not change and survive in it's own right. That is exactly why various nations that existed 20 years ago have broken apart. People, generally speaking, want to live among people who think, act, and behave like themselves. Tolerance is one thing and being forced to change ones culture on ones own country is another. The muslims should stay put and fight for their own self interests. Donald Trump is not, in my opinion, a bigoted man. He is playing on the fears of many Americans, who are seeing change that they do not want. The idea that the Obama administration would consider taking in 5,000 or 10,000 refugees from Syria is just a slap in the face of Americans who have seen an onslaught of illegal immigrants from the south for which his Administration only wants amnesty without any attempt to really do something about stemming the flow from the south. I don't consider myself a bigot but damn, how much to I have to adapt to others coming to my country. Xenophobic, maybe.


Racism hides in plain sight.

In the 1500's colonialism of the United States started.

In the 1600 and 1700's Irish women (who were not thought to be white) were bred with slaves (blacks) like cattle to produce mutt slaves since it was cheaper to breed than to import from slavers bringing slaves on boats from Africa.

In the 1860's a war was fought over slavery after the President issued the Emancipation Proclamation.

In the 1940's when Japanese could not be trusted after Pearl Harbor, they were shipped off into camps. Italians too had their things confiscated since they were not considered true Americans.

In the 1950's and 60's riots took place over whether black students could attend a white school or ride in the front of the bus. The Ku Klux Klan lynched and killed 3 whites to make a point that they didn't want anyone helping blacks. The battle flag was raised to show resistance to change.

In the 1960's Star Trek's first kiss with Captain Kirk and Uhura under a spell had to be edited out because it was too controversial in the Deep South.

In the 1990's.. the world watched as Rodney King's attackers were acquitted of assault and excessive force despite the video tape.

In the 2000's.. 30 states amended their constitution to deny equal rights to gay people.

All of these have been overcome but it's a constant struggle as bigots will always find a new way to show their superiority and xenophobia of others.

We've come a lot further than the editorial's write thinks but we at least have the power to overcome wrongs.

And regarding this Muslim thing.. Trump wants to be the next POTUS. The people will decide themselves if they're scared of Muslims or bigots. I think it will be the latter.

1. I've never heard that about Irish women in America in the 1600 and I think it's a lie so link please.

2. The Emancipation proclamation only freed the slaves in the South and was issued 2 years after the start of the Civil war so that's a lie too.

3. Americans of Italian ancestry had no problems during WWII so that's a lie too.

Where do you get this stuff?


Racism hides in plain sight.

In the 1500's colonialism of the United States started.

In the 1600 and 1700's Irish women (who were not thought to be white) were bred with slaves (blacks) like cattle to produce mutt slaves since it was cheaper to breed than to import from slavers bringing slaves on boats from Africa.

In the 1860's a war was fought over slavery after the President issued the Emancipation Proclamation.

In the 1940's when Japanese could not be trusted after Pearl Harbor, they were shipped off into camps. Italians too had their things confiscated since they were not considered true Americans.

In the 1950's and 60's riots took place over whether black students could attend a white school or ride in the front of the bus. The Ku Klux Klan lynched and killed 3 whites to make a point that they didn't want anyone helping blacks. The battle flag was raised to show resistance to change.

In the 1960's Star Trek's first kiss with Captain Kirk and Uhura under a spell had to be edited out because it was too controversial in the Deep South.

In the 1990's.. the world watched as Rodney King's attackers were acquitted of assault and excessive force despite the video tape.

In the 2000's.. 30 states amended their constitution to deny equal rights to gay people.

All of these have been overcome but it's a constant struggle as bigots will always find a new way to show their superiority and xenophobia of others.

We've come a lot further than the editorial's write thinks but we at least have the power to overcome wrongs.

And regarding this Muslim thing.. Trump wants to be the next POTUS. The people will decide themselves if they're scared of Muslims or bigots. I think it will be the latter.

1. I've never heard that about Irish women in America in the 1600 and I think it's a lie so link please.

2. The Emancipation proclamation only freed the slaves in the South and was issued 2 years after the start of the Civil war so that's a lie too.

3. Americans of Italian ancestry had no problems during WWII so that's a lie too.

Where do you get this stuff?

Can't you use google? Irish were slaves in the New World before the Africans.


Racism hides in plain sight.

In the 1500's colonialism of the United States started.

In the 1600 and 1700's Irish women (who were not thought to be white) were bred with slaves (blacks) like cattle to produce mutt slaves since it was cheaper to breed than to import from slavers bringing slaves on boats from Africa.

In the 1860's a war was fought over slavery after the President issued the Emancipation Proclamation.

In the 1940's when Japanese could not be trusted after Pearl Harbor, they were shipped off into camps. Italians too had their things confiscated since they were not considered true Americans.

In the 1950's and 60's riots took place over whether black students could attend a white school or ride in the front of the bus. The Ku Klux Klan lynched and killed 3 whites to make a point that they didn't want anyone helping blacks. The battle flag was raised to show resistance to change.

In the 1960's Star Trek's first kiss with Captain Kirk and Uhura under a spell had to be edited out because it was too controversial in the Deep South.

In the 1990's.. the world watched as Rodney King's attackers were acquitted of assault and excessive force despite the video tape.

In the 2000's.. 30 states amended their constitution to deny equal rights to gay people.

All of these have been overcome but it's a constant struggle as bigots will always find a new way to show their superiority and xenophobia of others.

We've come a lot further than the editorial's write thinks but we at least have the power to overcome wrongs.

And regarding this Muslim thing.. Trump wants to be the next POTUS. The people will decide themselves if they're scared of Muslims or bigots. I think it will be the latter.

1. I've never heard that about Irish women in America in the 1600 and I think it's a lie so link please.

2. The Emancipation proclamation only freed the slaves in the South and was issued 2 years after the start of the Civil war so that's a lie too.

3. Americans of Italian ancestry had no problems during WWII so that's a lie too.

Where do you get this stuff?

Can't you use google? Irish were slaves in the New World before the Africans.

Nonsense. They would have killed off all the Africans.


It is true that certain Western countries that aim for an integrated society sometimes fail in reaching their goals. But there are more countries on this planet that don't even grasp the concept, where xenophobia and bigotry are hard-coded into the culture. Journalists from the latter don't have a leg to stand on in criticizing the former. Let's see the Thai gov't launch a "farang are people too" ad campaign. Don't hold your breath.

In 2009 I was talking with a Swiss gal. She said to me "we know all you Americans are racist, but now you have a black president: I don't understand." I told her she was right, she doesn't understand. I then asked how many black people are in Switzerland, aside from Tina Turner. She started saying "but Switzerland is for Swiss people, other people do not belong there..." and I let the conversation fall off.


This article was written by a 'journalist' employed by a paper doing business in one of the most bigoted countries in the world.

The question asked, is really a comparison, in the same way that Thai's always try to compare; I must be better than you because I'm, richer/have white skin/hiso.

What a small minded prat.

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