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Suddenly difficult to get out of bed in morning

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OP -- if you are heavily overweight especially around the neck and belly... you may be experiencing Sleep Apnea ... With sleep apnea you stop breathing many many times at night and it wakes you up... Amazingly people with sleep apnea most often do not know this is happening... As a result from lack of oxygen and sleep - you become exhausted. If you are heavily overweight get this checked out.

If this does not apply ... add some of the supplements mentioned already such as testosterone. I also recommend a high does broad spectrum Vitamin B ... I find it to be very much related to energy levels. Mega makes a good one ... Mega Nat B ... take it for 3 weeks to see if it has any effect. I take two capsules every day - one morning and one night.

Supplemental oxygen can help ... there are oxygen generators ... It does not hurt to try .. .

You may be suffering a mental depression ... many people are susceptible - it is a chemical neurotransmitter deficiency in the brain - mainly serotonin ... This problem is susceptible people is most often TRIGGERED by an emotional insult -- loss of a loved one - divorce or death are the most frequent causes. Serotonin levels can be increased with herbal therapy and with over the counter meds that are most often prescription in Western Countries are ... over the counter here in Thailand.

But do try as you can to slowly increase exercise. Increasing the heart rate from mild exercise is a good help in depression and in other maladies

AND do follow up on the parasitic worm infestations that have been mentioned.

Even in our 70's there is no reason to succumb to extreme limitations to our lives...


Well if you are in your seventies you have the right to be tired.. You should take a quick nap around 2pm to reset.


I need more details.

1. When you say it is difficult to get out of bed - difficult how?

Is it that you are groggy and sleepy and have trouble waking up?

Or that you are awake but just feel no motivation to get up?

Or are motivated to get up but your limbs don't seem to respond readily?

Makes a big difference.

2. As you mention having had a recent physical check up: were thyroid levels checked (TSH, T3, T4)?

Any physical check up will have included a blood count so anemia, hookworm etc can be ruled out. But they often do not include a thyroid panel unless specifically requested.

3. What if anything happened in your life just before this problem started?

First of all may I thank the many folks who responded to this - this is really ThaiVisa working at its best. I hope also that some people may benefit from the various wise comments, and health-related advice already offered here..

Sheryl - thank you for your input - very much appreciated. The essential reason for my post was this sudden - very odd - inability to get out of bed, which others might have also suddenly experienced, and maybe discovered why.

I am busy most days with a number of pleasurable/creative things, and I like to tackle these in the early morning. The motivation to start the day is therefore very strong, and I'm normally up with the lark. Shocked therefore to suddenly lie there feeling so darned weak - not sleepy, groggy, just completely exhausted. Once up, I feel 50/50 until mid-morning, then I'm whacked again, and can't wait to lie down. No neurological symptoms. No sleep apnoea. And I'm certainly not depressed, nor have suffered any recent psychological upsets.

Re thyroid - regular check ups have always been normal, but just checked the recent lab report and see that TSH, T3, T4 were not done, so I'll do this asap. This indeed might be the culprit.

Meanwhile, my renewed thanks to all - great support.

Well, it does sound like a sort of exhaustion, and if there is no underlying illness then undoubtedly you are just knackered. I got in to this state a few months ago by basic over exertion, and poor nourishment and rest.

The last few weeks has seen a change in the seasons, a dramatic and taxing one at that, and I wonder if this has any bearing, maybe the damp has got to your bones, it's quite a common complaint. This would cause a low level ache that might greatly reduce your enthusiasm.

I take your point about not being depressed, but there is an emotional angle to any illness.


I would certainly start with a full thyroid panel since this was not included in your recent physical.

If it comes back normal then will have to look further. You say you do not have sleep apnea -- how to do you know this? Have you had a sleep study? Because if the thyroid is not the problem that would probably be the next thing to check.

Also - I forgot to ask -- do you take any medications? If so, what?


I would certainly start with a full thyroid panel since this was not included in your recent physical.

If it comes back normal then will have to look further. You say you do not have sleep apnea -- how to do you know this? Have you had a sleep study? Because if the thyroid is not the problem that would probably be the next thing to check.

Also - I forgot to ask -- do you take any medications? If so, what?

Along the same lines, is there a "standard panel of tests" for anyone experiencing the creeping crud here in Thailand?

I cannot for the life of me get anyone at the most famous (spelled expensive) hospital in BKK to take some blood for ANY kind of testing- this after 3 months of being shuffled from specialist to specialist.

I'm looking for another hospital in downtown BKK that will actually draw some blood and other samples and tell me if I am fighting some kind of infection, have histamines out the wazoo to indicate allergies, parasites, or some kind of endemic disease.

But I want to go in and ask for specific testing. No more "here's what's wrong", and let them decide what's next- that's been a loser proposition every time.


I would certainly start with a full thyroid panel since this was not included in your recent physical.

If it comes back normal then will have to look further. You say you do not have sleep apnea -- how to do you know this? Have you had a sleep study? Because if the thyroid is not the problem that would probably be the next thing to check.

Also - I forgot to ask -- do you take any medications? If so, what?

Along the same lines, is there a "standard panel of tests" for anyone experiencing the creeping crud here in Thailand?

I cannot for the life of me get anyone at the most famous (spelled expensive) hospital in BKK to take some blood for ANY kind of testing- this after 3 months of being shuffled from specialist to specialist.

I'm looking for another hospital in downtown BKK that will actually draw some blood and other samples and tell me if I am fighting some kind of infection, have histamines out the wazoo to indicate allergies, parasites, or some kind of endemic disease.

But I want to go in and ask for specific testing. No more "here's what's wrong", and let them decide what's next- that's been a loser proposition every time.

Sorry but you will need to explain your symptoms more clearly than "creeping crud" before can advise. Preferrably in a separate thread so as not to hijack this one.


Sheryl's suggestion for full thyroid panel is brilliant so many lave low thyroid and when I was diagnosed with love thyroid and given meds I got to root of problem and started on iodine supplements and other things and was able to stop the meds .

What is fasting glucose levels on your blood lab report ? High fasting glucose levels from diet can bring on pre-diabetes but your doctor most times says nothing until you're actually diabetic . When the numbers get into the 90s this could be bringing on low energy and other symptoms . Most drug stores sell cheap glucose meters with the strips so you can check your morning glucose levels or go to the hospital and get the blood work with the test called and A-1 C in addition to the fasting level this may show much you could be missing ?


Actually meters are not that cheap in Thailand - nor are testing strips - so probably best to have clinic or hospital checks unless you actually have need for regular testing. And in our experience the normal over time test is called HbA1c here. As for 90's mine have been in that range for the last decade so maybe I can blame that for my old age symptoms (please).smile.png


Meter is about 1500 for good one and I can find boxes of top strips for 400 baht for 25 . Money well spent as I check every morning and do hospital every 3 months comparing the day I test at hospital with same day in meter so I can figure in inaccuracy of meter and make daily testing more accurate .

Over 50% of all Americans now pre-diabetic . Some kind of sugar is in 80% of everything in the grocery store under 40+ different names . 50 years ago the average person consumed about 10 pounds of sugar a year now it's 170 pounds of sugar a year ( and that's the average not someone who is in the higher percentages ) possibly we as humans were not designed to deal with this amount of sugar . They are calling Alzheimer's Parkinson's dementia and many cognitive disorders the new diabetes number three as sugar is a real neurotoxin to the brain when consumed in high quantities . Getting my high 90 fasting levels in the low 80's has taken years but the difference in energy levels and reduction in mood swings is really surprising .

Over consumption of Sugar is a cause of fatigue



Meter is about 1500 for good one and I can find boxes of top strips for 400 baht for 25 . Money well spent as I check every morning and do hospital every 3 months comparing the day I test at hospital with same day in meter so I can figure in inaccuracy of meter and make daily testing more accurate .

Over 50% of all Americans now pre-diabetic . Some kind of sugar is in 80% of everything in the grocery store under 40+ different names . 50 years ago the average person consumed about 10 pounds of sugar a year now it's 170 pounds of sugar a year ( and that's the average not someone who is in the higher percentages ) possibly we as humans were not designed to deal with this amount of sugar . They are calling Alzheimer's Parkinson's dementia and many cognitive disorders the new diabetes number three as sugar is a real neurotoxin to the brain when consumed in high quantities . Getting my high 90 fasting levels in the low 80's has taken years but the difference in energy levels and reduction in mood swings is really surprising .

Over consumption of Sugar is a cause of fatigue


I am sure you mean well but that link directs to a Quack site which promotes "nutritional products" and provides no links to published research or evidence.


Agree. In addition, OP reports this has come on all of a sudden with not particular change in lifestyle, and with normal physical check up results which will certainly have included at least fasting glucose if not also HB AC1. I very much doubt sugar is the culprit here.

More likely differential is hypothyropid or other endocrine disorder, sleep apnea, CFS, depressionc or a neuromuscluar condition.


Many years ago, i heard of a similar case. Healthy man in his seventies suddenly loosing strength slowly week after week till he was almost paralysed and his son arrived to take him home to Malta where he recovered completely in 3 months. It was alledged that his wife who was in her twenties was smearing some kind of herbal poisons on her privates and forcing him to ingest it.

Too much information!


Solution is simple.

Get coconut oil. Big-C has it.

2 tablespoons before you go to sleep.

2 tablespoons in between breakfast and lunch.

You should be okay after 1 week.

Please, message me after you done.


Solution is simple.

Get coconut oil. Big-C has it.

2 tablespoons before you go to sleep.

2 tablespoons in between breakfast and lunch.

What will this do to help?

  • 2 weeks later...

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