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Chitpas arrest warrant voided: DSI

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He said she had passed the first test and undergone a physical check-up on Monday. If she passes the physical test

I'm happy to volunteer to redo her test for a second opinion.

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Could have been a "tough" Policewoman with tears? I doubt she will be missed. The sheer gall of the woman applying for a Police position having arrest warrants against her. Does she think the RTP are in some way corrupt and therefore she could "hide" there? OMG! whistling.gif


'Tunt' gives up police job application in tears


BANGKOK: -- Former yellow-shirt activist Jitpat Kridakorn, or known as "Tunt", declared to give up her application for a police job in the Patrol 191 unit of the Metropolitan Police Bureau to end the ongoing outcry by some police who questioned her qualifications as she is still a criminal suspect.

Declaring her decision at a press conference today, tearful Jitpat said she applied for the police job with intent to use her knowledge to help after learning that the Metropolitan Police Bureau lacks personnel in certain field.

She said she followed every step of the application in accordance with police procedure.

She also dismissed allegation that she was among the anti-government demonstrators who were seen tearing down the name plate of the Royal Thai Police headquarters during the protest rally, saying the picture was edited.

She said she never has a thought to look down upon the police but merely to seek justice.

As her application has turned into a possible conflict in the country, she said she would give up her attempt for the job to end the problem, and would like to see unity and love among the Thai people, she said in tearful eyes.

Jitpat was a former activist with leading role in the defunct People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) against the Yingluck government in 2013-14.

She has passed the written and oral examination required and became the only candidate for the deputy police inspector position in the Patrol 191 unit.

She has undergone the last physical test but result is not announced yet.

She faced several arrest warrants issued by the Department of Special Investigation over her anti-government rallies organuzed by the PDRC during 2013-14

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/tunt-gives-up-police-job-application-in-tears


-- Thai PBS 2015-09-24

Daddy must have said what the <SNIP> are you doing. Backoff or go overseas for a while.


"qualified candidates must have strong morals, integrity, accept democracy and not create divisions" This is so true. Now where can we get someone who not only has these characteristics but actually understands what they mean


So, and what happened to being charged with sedition? The charge just evaporated because she turned up at the cop shop? Sedition..... Hardly a run of the mill offence.

it is here, you can even run a country with a charge like that


As reported by the press, this position was newly created and Chitpas is the only application and her qualifications fit the requirements to a T. If that don't aroused suspicion, what else will. She can easily get a good paying job from her uncle Suthep or join the military with blessing from godfather Prawit. Nope, she want to join the special created police position. Seem a very well plan coordinated effort for whatever reasons.


people fighting lawsuits are considered innocent until the court decides otherwise.

such a nice sentiment...does it apply to everyone? Koh Tao suspects?

Only applies to rich people (on both sides)

"Lawsuit" refers to civilian court cases, she is not facing a lawsuit but instead is facing "criminal charges" (sedition.) In what of our countries could a person on bail for a felony be considered for service with any government job, let alone the police. What a play on words from the police chief.


"Tunt", as rhymes with.... Well, ok, we all know what it rhymes with. cheesy.gif

There once was a young lady called Tunt

Who decided to give democracy a shunt

Yellow was her shirt

Short was her skirt

Physically pretty, but morally a xxxx runt


"Tunt", as rhymes with.... Well, ok, we all know what it rhymes with. cheesy.gif

There once was a young lady called Tunt

Who decided to give democracy a shunt

Yellow was her shirt

Short was her skirt

Physically pretty, but morally a xxxx runt

Kipling you aren't


A purely academic question, what is the charge if you overthrow an elected government by force of arms, begins with s but the word evades me, i'm a forgetful tunt these days


A purely academic question, what is the charge if you overthrow an elected government by force of arms, begins with s but the word evades me, i'm a forgetful tunt these days



Even a good fiction writer could not come up with this stuff. Just wait until they "appoint" Suthep.....

Active fans and feces should not be thrown together,

but they will...........

I seem to recall you also telling us how the Generals brother was certainly going to be made chief of the army.

Seems you are incapable of learning from your mistakes. Intelligent people would feel a bit foolish when being proved so absolutely wrong and stop making up such nonsense.

God only knows what your last line of gibberish is supposed to mean. Is it another threat of the 'upcoming revolution' you people keep sputtering about ?. Didn't you hear your fuhrer tell you to 'play dead' for now ?.


'According to directives, qualified candidates must have strong morals, integrity, accept democracy and not create divisions on the national front ...' Two out of four isn't a bad score for the average RTP, I suppose.


She denied "she was among the anti-government demonstrators who were seen tearing down the name plate of the Royal Thai Police headquarters during the protest rally, saying the picture was edited."

Had she filed a defamation lawsuit? If no lawsuit, the allegation must be accurate.


'According to directives, qualified candidates must have strong morals, integrity, accept democracy and not create divisions on the national front ...' Two out of four isn't a bad score for the average RTP, I suppose.

Depends on which two. The latter two and you might be Commander material


"According to directives, qualified candidates must have strong morals, integrity, accept democracy and not create divisions on the national front, he said."

If that's one of the actual requirements, they should all be sacked immediately as none of them pass.

Correct, we don't need those kind of people in the police there are enough crooks there already. Why make the divide even bigger. She is not a good candidate. I am against the Shins but also against extremes on the side that I prefer like her and Suthep.

The side you prefer is extreme full stop.

Extremely anti-democratic

Extremely corrupt

Extremely nationalist / xenophobic

Extremely classist

Why do you even prefer a side?

Shouldn't you prefer that Thais have the opportunity to elect who THEY prefer to lead them?

It is after all, their country.


"According to directives, qualified candidates must have strong morals, integrity, accept democracy and not create divisions on the national front, he said."

If that's one of the actual requirements, they should all be sacked immediately as none of them pass.

Correct, we don't need those kind of people in the police there are enough crooks there already. Why make the divide even bigger. She is not a good candidate. I am against the Shins but also against extremes on the side that I prefer like her and Suthep.

The side you prefer is extreme full stop.

Extremely anti-democratic

Extremely corrupt

Extremely nationalist / xenophobic

Extremely classist

Why do you even prefer a side?

Shouldn't you prefer that Thais have the opportunity to elect who THEY prefer to lead them?

It is after all, their country.

#1: robblok stated quite clearly he didn't like extremes on either side, including the girl in question and Suthep as examples.

#2: both "sides" are extreme, but I'd have to say the "red" side takes it to whole new levels.

#3: is he not allowed to have an opinion here any more?

#4: if robblok is anything like me, after all these years living here, it doesn't matter who votes for who, they're gonna screw it all up anyway, and the corruption/stealing/scandals don't change or stop no matter who is in control.


"According to directives, qualified candidates must have strong morals, integrity, accept democracy and not create divisions on the national front, he said."

If that's one of the actual requirements, they should all be sacked immediately as none of them pass.

Correct, we don't need those kind of people in the police there are enough crooks there already. Why make the divide even bigger. She is not a good candidate. I am against the Shins but also against extremes on the side that I prefer like her and Suthep.

The side you prefer is extreme full stop.

Extremely anti-democratic

Extremely corrupt

Extremely nationalist / xenophobic

Extremely classist

Why do you even prefer a side?

Shouldn't you prefer that Thais have the opportunity to elect who THEY prefer to lead them?

It is after all, their country.

#1: robblok stated quite clearly he didn't like extremes on either side, including the girl in question and Suthep as examples.

#2: both "sides" are extreme, but I'd have to say the "red" side takes it to whole new levels.

#3: is he not allowed to have an opinion here any more?

#4: if robblok is anything like me, after all these years living here, it doesn't matter who votes for who, they're gonna screw it all up anyway, and the corruption/stealing/scandals don't change or stop no matter who is in control.

The reds take it to new levels of what? The yellows have always known that the army won't touch them. They are protected. If they faced the army, they would do the same things.

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