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do not bring your Thai mate to farangland.


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many Thais don't stand the change , the food, and our life style of our faranglands. could be a big trauma.

they will become like us. it means greedy, jealous & envious . and even fat.

ladies who have been in faranglands became upset when they come back to Thailand. some came back totally broke. even with less than before their departure to farangistan.

for us in Thailand, it s different because we know how people are in farangland, we have years of experience and we know to stay away of the bad influence (TV, advertising, materialism...)

but, these poor Thais, once they arrive in farangistan they suck up all the negativity of our capitalist system... they want suddenly the American dream. and buy buy buy....

this is why I suggest you to not bring you girlfriend or wife in our countries. you are just making them more miserable.

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Read a study once that showed a high death rate of under 7 years for the first generation of people resettling....2nd generation - if young fared better.....

Taking/uprooting someone from a set of circumstances/life as they know it and transplanting them is not the "gift" that some think it might be....And not a decision to be taken lightly.....Or made light of....

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Interesting Thread VIPinThailand. I respect that is your opinion on the subject but I have to disagree with a great portion of it.

Many things to consider as always. If you are a man that lives out in the country of Thailand and has totally disconnected from "Farang" land and wants his GF or wife to remain totally oblivious to the world outside of Thailand, then your sentiments are duly noted. Keep her clueless and she will only believe and know what the man tells her(Not very open minded IMHO). If the man is one of of those men that is extremely insecure and fears that if she came to "Farang" Land she would dump him for someone better, then I agree, never bring her. I personally think the age, maturity and education of the Tha GF/Wife has a tremendous amount to do with it and of course some of the maturity of the man as well.

To counter your comments about "Farang" land, if the man is secure and confident and knows what it is all about he can suss this all out and come over to "Farang" land and find a lot ways to benefit them both. I had no reservations bringing my GF(now wife) to "Farang" land. We have grown to understand both cultures and she has a totally different opinion of the US. Our plan was always to return to Thailand, and we will in a few short months, but what we have gained by being here for about 3 years far outweighs having never come. As many of us know "Faranag" land is totally about consumerism and sadly greed. But during our stay here we got to take in some beautiful scenery, went to some awesome sporting events, amassed some nice things to bring back for us to be comfortable. we were also able to send items to her Father and Sister that could never be had or found in Thailand and with that enhanced their life. I could go on but I will leave it at that.

IMHO trust, being secure with oneself and having a wonderful Thai GF/Wife who is educated allows you to take advantage of both places to make it a win situation. With that said I personally do not like the US much anymore so I am not a US flag waver chanting USA USA..LOL!. I cannot wait to move back to our home in Thailand so we can relax and I do not have to work until I am 65 to 70 and worry about medical nonsense like most of the old folks do. I am young and will retire early and live a comfy life with my wife. I will say though, it always nice to know that we have an option and using the US to visit and buy a few things to bring back is a great place to visit.

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You are in a word "wrong" about everything.

If you expect them to just sit at home and look at TV and the channels which portray life in America as living in a condo overlooking Central Park.. then yes their view will change to the one you describe.

The first thing you should do is introduce her to rural America and a lot of it.. like take her on a Greyhound bus tour from LA to New York and then let her see for herself. And don't give me any complaint of it's too long.. Thai's take buses from Bangkok to Nakhon wherever all the time.

As a result they will know that view is just reserved for the hi-so.

And I'm saying this because I've seen both versions of Thai's..

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Who says you have to take them back to your home country? Why don't you take them someplace you both don't know. Since your both fresh fish, you have to work together to make a life for yourselves.

It's good to see you've repatriated...

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As usual there is no hard and fast rule. Just advice given freely based on experience [emoji106]

It all depends on the individual

Exactly, the same thing could be said about people coming to thailand who end up whoring and boozing which they did not do at home.

It depends on the individual and their strength of character.

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I didn't take the beloved back to my country because if her mother got sick or her sister got sick she'd be on the next plane back, and I can't afford to be doing all that everytime there is a family crisis.

However, given that ( IMO ) western men marry Thai women BECAUSE they are not like western women, why take them somewhere that they will become just like what we men DON'T want?

When I went to the London embassy to get a visa there were always a few Thai girls with babies hanging around while hubby did the paperwork. Just looking at them I thought "never going to happen to me". Might as well have married a UK girl for all the difference.

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As usual there is no hard and fast rule. Just advice given freely based on experience [emoji106]

It all depends on the individual

Exactly, the same thing could be said about people coming to thailand who end up whoring and boozing which they did not do at home.

It depends on the individual and their strength of character.

So, if a fella has a few beers and enjoys the company of young ladies he is lacking in the character department. I'm sure it often get lonely on top of the high moral ground.

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As usual there is no hard and fast rule. Just advice given freely based on experience [emoji106]

It all depends on the individual

Exactly, the same thing could be said about people coming to thailand who end up whoring and boozing which they did not do at home.

It depends on the individual and their strength of character.

If they could whore and booze at home like they can in LOS, none of them would bother to go. It might have escaped your notice, but there is no equivalent of the Thai p4p scene in western countries. The closest most get is a half hour quickie with a whore in a bedsit or a massage parlour.

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As usual there is no hard and fast rule. Just advice given freely based on experience [emoji106]

It all depends on the individual

Exactly, the same thing could be said about people coming to thailand who end up whoring and boozing which they did not do at home.

It depends on the individual and their strength of character.

So, if a fella has a few beers and enjoys the company of young ladies he is lacking in the character department. I'm sure it often get lonely on top of the high moral ground.

When's the last time you 'had a few beers' Sherlock. You don't take up two airline seats for nothing.

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Maybe it depends on the person. (and/or the experience you give them)

Took my wife and son on a trip across the US in a van we remodeled so that we could sleep and cook out of.
They both loved it.

My wife (Thai) learned to read a map.
Learned how to cook Thai food with ingredients she found in markets there (even on an Indian reservation in northern AZ)

Learned a lot of geography, history (we drove a lot on route 66 and then later up through New England), and how to cut grass on a riding mower.

Had a few culture shocks. Fat people mainly baffled her and how bad they seemed to eat. (cheesy, bacon fries etc.)

Another one was: why do so many Americans grow grass in their yards? you can't eat it, and have to spend a lot of time cutting it.

Had to agree with her on those points!

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As usual there is no hard and fast rule. Just advice given freely based on experience [emoji106]

It all depends on the individual

Exactly, the same thing could be said about people coming to thailand who end up whoring and boozing which they did not do at home.

It depends on the individual and their strength of character.

So, if a fella has a few beers and enjoys the company of young ladies he is lacking in the character department. I'm sure it often get lonely on top of the high moral ground.

When's the last time you 'had a few beers' Sherlock. You don't take up two airline seats for nothing.

If you must know it was perhaps 3 nights ago I went into town and had 2 small beers, at 3 BD a beer I don't do it often. And as far as the large ass comment well, again you're making assumptions.

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As usual there is no hard and fast rule. Just advice given freely based on experience [emoji106]

It all depends on the individual

So true. All people are different. All situations are different. Retired & on pension very different from need to go back for more money. Different people Handle information differently. If you have an agenda, something to prove, it may or may not work for you. A normal question asked by so many Thai's is How much $$$$$ you make one month. ( I personally work around that question by starting with the rent I pay for less than acceptable accomodation followed by the cost of a bowl of Soup)......$X000..$X0,000... The next "normal" Thai mother thought goes similar to this OOOOOOKKKKKKK 100baht a day for food, 350 baht for hotel (unless you have a brother, sister,or freind you can stay with for free Thai style,,, Tell me how that works out for you555555) 200 baht for taxis 200 baht for liquid refeshments O.K. 1000 baht a day 30 days in a month 30,000 baht livin the good life.$X0,000x exchange rate minus 1000 baht a day Mother has won the lottery and is already spending it..... Zero thought about not always possible to work every month or the reality of the cost of living in places where an knowledgeable experienced skilled & CONNECTED worker can make $10,000 a month, the hastles a Thai lady would encounter trying to get a housekeeper level job in Forungastan Earning Minimum wage. So now "Mare" wants her to go & expects $5000 + minimum wage -1000baht a day in her bank account every month minus of course the 350baht for hotel that will not be neccesary as they can both stay with his brother (that will work real well 55555). and remember as soon as she gets on the plane Mother has already commited the expected funds to some loan shark for some face earning display or an unneeded Brand new truck. What could possibly go wrong????????????? Wifey can't possibly disapoint mother. So when that charming stranger offers to help fund her mothers delusion....................."The Game" in Foriegnistan is very different than in Thailand, where the girls usually get to keep some of the money, & don't get punched out for not bringing in enough $$$$$$$$$$$ to her new pimp........Not nearly as often anyway. Have a nice day...

Yes I will take you to Forungistan for 1 month holiday not to work. You will learn some xxxxxx Whatever language is spoken wherever the hell yer from...

Better program: One month holiday Thailand $xxxx no frebees (stay with Mother, brother, my friend) One month holiday Forungistan $xxxx no freebees (stay with Mother,brother, my friend)

Let her Compare lifestyle

Ask her "Do you want to live like this" or "Like that"

Bad Tony

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The thread wasn't supposed to be the silly debate about bars and wife/GF choices. Its supposed to be a discussion about "never take your GF/Wife to Farang Land".

@ Thaibeachlovers, I agree with your point about why take them to the place you left so they will become like a western woman you do not want. Personally that is not likely to happen and a great number do not. In fact most of the Thai woman I know do not have a desire to stay here in the US. Its a novelty in the beginning but like a great number of western men they get homesick and want to return. Its all quite normal and natural. I personally admired my GF that she would up and come with me. She didn't really know me(Dated for about a year or so) and how it would be here and yet she trusted me as did her Dad and Family. Of course she is older 40+ so she isn't a child. A big plus was our agreement when we came here to the states that we would absolutely return. Without any question I prefer living in Thailand for a host of reasons. My wife has only found about 3 or 4 things she likes about living here but she too can't wait to move home.

@fiddlehead: My wife is the same way she see so much waste here that she just cannot believe. To this day she asks the most true to heart questions that just make me laugh. Like 'Why do you have so many sidewalks with fancy lights on them all and no one around here ever walks anywhere?. Why are all your bus's and trains empty? . Why do people have so many cars and they only have 2 legal driver,. you can only drive 1 at a time? Things she is always questioning is "You guys sure eat a lot of processed food and who really knows when that pig was killed? Why are the chickens so fat here and funny tasting? I have loads of them. In the end this is why I am glad we came back for a few years. She got to see all of this for what it is and she doesn't really care for it. She however does like that you can buy something and if you do not like it you can return it for a full refund no questions asked.laugh.png

All in all I say its a great experience and what you make of it. It goes both ways, us men got to see their world and now they get to see yours. Not sure why men fear they will turn into these demon women and gain 100 lbs and go find a new man. I find it kind of odd. All I can figure is that it has to be the gal they are with. I do know there are the gals playing the men for a ticket out. Choose your women wisely is all I can say.

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after taking my wife to Australia a few years ago she agreed with me, thai seafood is crap after eating aussie seafood. At least now she understands why I dont eat a lot of seafood in Thailand. She loved the experience but she had to admit it was way too expensive to live there full time, we are both much happier living here and being able to travel when we want too, makes a difference when your wife is smart/educated enough to be able to understand the true facts about all countries without all the bullsh*t.

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Surely Thais living in the west are better off then Farangs living in Thailand.

Once in and have obtained their visas, there are no restrictions on them. They get the same rights as citizens, no money required in the bank, no 90 day and yearly visa kiss A`s crap, can work, own anything and later on have the options of obtaining full citizenship, a system almost impossible for Farangs in Thailand, full access to EEC countries, including keeping their Thai citizenships, having the best of all worlds.

Advising Thais not to move to Farangland, do me a favour, who are you trying to kid? Most Thais would jump at the offer given half a chance.

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As usual there is no hard and fast rule. Just advice given freely based on experience [emoji106]

It all depends on the individual

So true. All people are different. All situations are different. Retired & on pension very different from need to go back for more money. Different people Handle information differently. If you have an agenda, something to prove, it may or may not work for you. A normal question asked by so many Thai's is How much $$$$$ you make one month. ( I personally work around that question by starting with the rent I pay for less than acceptable accomodation followed by the cost of a bowl of Soup)......$X000..$X0,000... The next "normal" Thai mother thought goes similar to this OOOOOOKKKKKKK 100baht a day for food, 350 baht for hotel (unless you have a brother, sister,or freind you can stay with for free Thai style,,, Tell me how that works out for you555555) 200 baht for taxis 200 baht for liquid refeshments O.K. 1000 baht a day 30 days in a month 30,000 baht livin the good life.$X0,000x exchange rate minus 1000 baht a day Mother has won the lottery and is already spending it..... Zero thought about not always possible to work every month or the reality of the cost of living in places where an knowledgeable experienced skilled & CONNECTED worker can make $10,000 a month, the hastles a Thai lady would encounter trying to get a housekeeper level job in Forungastan Earning Minimum wage. So now "Mare" wants her to go & expects $5000 + minimum wage -1000baht a day in her bank account every month minus of course the 350baht for hotel that will not be neccesary as they can both stay with his brother (that will work real well 55555). and remember as soon as she gets on the plane Mother has already commited the expected funds to some loan shark for some face earning display or an unneeded Brand new truck. What could possibly go wrong????????????? Wifey can't possibly disapoint mother. So when that charming stranger offers to help fund her mothers delusion....................."The Game" in Foriegnistan is very different than in Thailand, where the girls usually get to keep some of the money, & don't get punched out for not bringing in enough $$$$$$$$$$$ to her new pimp........Not nearly as often anyway. Have a nice day...

Yes I will take you to Forungistan for 1 month holiday not to work. You will learn some xxxxxx Whatever language is spoken wherever the hell yer from...

Better program: One month holiday Thailand $xxxx no frebees (stay with Mother, brother, my friend) One month holiday Forungistan $xxxx no freebees (stay with Mother,brother, my friend)

Let her Compare lifestyle

Ask her "Do you want to live like this" or "Like that"

Bad Tony

Never seen a post like this in Thaivisa before, not criticising, as I understand not all TV members are native English speakers, but I am amazed.

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All in all I say its a great experience and what you make of it. It goes both ways, us men got to see their world and now they get to see yours. Not sure why men fear they will turn into these demon women and gain 100 lbs and go find a new man. I find it kind of odd. All I can figure is that it has to be the gal they are with. I do know there are the gals playing the men for a ticket out. Choose your women wisely is all I can say.

I think they're right to be afraid their women will find a new man.

The pool of farang men in Thailand these women have to choose from is quite limited

When a Thai woman arrives in a country full of farang men, she looks at her man and very quickly realises why he came to Thailand looking for women in the first place

From that point on, the writing's on the wall.

The job in the Thai restaurant or supermarket exposes her to other Thai women and more farang men and, before you know it, the man who imported her finds himself cuckolded

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Surely Thais living in the west are better off then Farangs living in Thailand.

Once in and have obtained their visas, there are no restrictions on them. They get the same rights as citizens, no money required in the bank, no 90 day and yearly visa kiss A`s crap, can work, own anything and later on have the options of obtaining full citizenship, a system almost impossible for Farangs in Thailand, full access to EEC countries, including keeping their Thai citizenships, having the best of all worlds.

Advising Thais not to move to Farangland, do me a favour, who are you trying to kid? Most Thais would jump at the offer given half a chance.


Precisely Cyberfarang

My (Thai) wife is now a British citizen, works for local government, our son is being educated to a very high level, she has every type of Thai food available to her and her close knit group of Thai friends and she understands the importance of building our life ready for retirement together in Thailand.

Not all become greedy and obsessed with western excess as suggested.

For example: She drives her own car and a couple of weeks ago I said "I think you need a new car" she told me the 10 year old Fiesta was perfectly OK and there's no need to waste money.

My Wife and her 2 very close Thai friends are all here because they love their English husbands. They also see the benefits of living in a Western democracy.

So is my wife stereotypically Thai????

I have no idea what is typical apart from my experience here in the UK & what you guys express here daily on TV.

We are all unique [emoji70][emoji60][emoji59][emoji318][emoji73]

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Surely Thais living in the west are better off then Farangs living in Thailand.

Once in and have obtained their visas, there are no restrictions on them. They get the same rights as citizens, no money required in the bank, no 90 day and yearly visa kiss A`s crap, can work, own anything and later on have the options of obtaining full citizenship, a system almost impossible for Farangs in Thailand, full access to EEC countries, including keeping their Thai citizenships, having the best of all worlds.

Advising Thais not to move to Farangland, do me a favour, who are you trying to kid? Most Thais would jump at the offer given half a chance.


Precisely Cyberfarang

My (Thai) wife is now a British citizen, works for local government, our son is being educated to a very high level, she has every type of Thai food available to her and her close knit group of Thai friends and she understands the importance of building our life ready for retirement together in Thailand.

Not all become greedy and obsessed with western excess as suggested.

For example: She drives her own car and a couple of weeks ago I said "I think you need a new car" she told me the 10 year old Fiesta was perfectly OK and there's no need to waste money.

My Wife and her 2 very close Thai friends are all here because they love their English husbands. They also see the benefits of living in a Western democracy.

So is my wife stereotypically Thai????

I have no idea what is typical apart from my experience here in the UK & what you guys express here daily on TV.

We are all unique [emoji70][emoji60][emoji59][emoji318][emoji73]

I don't know if she is typically Thai, but you will know that she has become typically western if she becomes offended if you look at another woman or want a night out with the boys, starts saying "no" to sex, wants to be the boss rather than a partner, and divorces you and takes you for everything she can get the court to agree to.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Surely Thais living in the west are better off then Farangs living in Thailand.

Once in and have obtained their visas, there are no restrictions on them. They get the same rights as citizens, no money required in the bank, no 90 day and yearly visa kiss A`s crap, can work, own anything and later on have the options of obtaining full citizenship, a system almost impossible for Farangs in Thailand, full access to EEC countries, including keeping their Thai citizenships, having the best of all worlds.

Advising Thais not to move to Farangland, do me a favour, who are you trying to kid? Most Thais would jump at the offer given half a chance.


Precisely Cyberfarang

My (Thai) wife is now a British citizen, works for local government, our son is being educated to a very high level, she has every type of Thai food available to her and her close knit group of Thai friends and she understands the importance of building our life ready for retirement together in Thailand.

Not all become greedy and obsessed with western excess as suggested.

For example: She drives her own car and a couple of weeks ago I said "I think you need a new car" she told me the 10 year old Fiesta was perfectly OK and there's no need to waste money.

My Wife and her 2 very close Thai friends are all here because they love their English husbands. They also see the benefits of living in a Western democracy.

So is my wife stereotypically Thai????

I have no idea what is typical apart from my experience here in the UK & what you guys express here daily on TV.

We are all unique [emoji70][emoji60][emoji59][emoji318][emoji73]

I don't know if she is typically Thai, but you will know that she has become typically western if she becomes offended if you look at another woman or want a night out with the boys, starts saying "no" to sex, wants to be the boss rather than a partner, and divorces you and takes you for everything she can get the court to agree to.


You describe perfectly the opposite to my wife and her Thai friends here in the UK

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As usual there is no hard and fast rule. Just advice given freely based on experience [emoji106]

It all depends on the individual

Exactly, the same thing could be said about people coming to thailand who end up whoring and boozing which they did not do at home.

It depends on the individual and their strength of character.

There was alot of boozing at home ... ...whistling.gif

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