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World must end poverty, inequality: PM tells UN

Lite Beer

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End inequality, that's a bit rich, me being an alien and all that.

Me being ATM, my lady's birthday this week, and of course she wants gold. She loves presents. Gold will be shown around at the party, and then be taken to a pawn shop, because money is needed for further investments.

They have their labels, they have their thresholds, and their initiation rites to make you commit. Guess that's how you keep a country integer and free.

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"World must end poverty, inequality: PM tells UN."

It's so nice to hear that the general is going to give all of his money to the poor.

Or, his statements in the OP is what we call "lip service".

Hang on! Didn't Taksin Shinawatra tell everyone that he took all of the money from the rich and gave it to the poor???

So Thailand shouldn't have any issues with poverty now!


The rich can take the money out of the country and invest it in Europe or elsewhere.

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It's impossible to eradicate poverty because of this simple principle: some life is better than no life.

More people will always appear at the edges. If you lifted everybody in the world out of poverty, then more people would appear in the borderline-habitable places just vacated.

And if the plan is to sustain everybody in the world at an economic level equal to, say, Japan - there aren't enough resources on earth to do so - in particular there isn't enough energy to sustain the industry necessary.

How is it that the most powerful people in the world don't understand this?

but they do understand this, it just cant be said out loud, one has to believe in fairies at the bottom of the garden just to keep sane.

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It's impossible to eradicate poverty because of this simple principle: some life is better than no life.

More people will always appear at the edges. If you lifted everybody in the world out of poverty, then more people would appear in the borderline-habitable places just vacated.

And if the plan is to sustain everybody in the world at an economic level equal to, say, Japan - there aren't enough resources on earth to do so - in particular there isn't enough energy to sustain the industry necessary.

How is it that the most powerful people in the world don't understand this?

but they do understand this, it just cant be said out loud, one has to believe in fairies at the bottom of the garden just to keep sane.

Then thats a reason for a New Deal.

It's not possible to say the rich countries took all the resources, and now there's not enough left for the poor. The poor might not be willing to beg for a fair share.

There are many ways to save or recycle scare resources, Thailand is real good in this. Energy is an issue, sunshine countries like Thailand might become pacemakers in "alternative" energies.

Of course you would need data and do some statistics. Unfortunately big companies (like Volkswagen) are not so good in providing reliable data.

I really hate that whining from the rich "We cannot, we cannot" when at the same time they claim privacy rights for their industrial organization. Assume they simply lie.

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It's impossible to eradicate poverty because of this simple principle: some life is better than no life.

More people will always appear at the edges. If you lifted everybody in the world out of poverty, then more people would appear in the borderline-habitable places just vacated.

And if the plan is to sustain everybody in the world at an economic level equal to, say, Japan - there aren't enough resources on earth to do so - in particular there isn't enough energy to sustain the industry necessary.

How is it that the most powerful people in the world don't understand this?

but they do understand this, it just cant be said out loud, one has to believe in fairies at the bottom of the garden just to keep sane.

Then thats a reason for a New Deal.

It's not possible to say the rich countries took all the resources, and now there's not enough left for the poor. The poor might not be willing to beg for a fair share.

There are many ways to save or recycle scare resources, Thailand is real good in this. Energy is an issue, sunshine countries like Thailand might become pacemakers in "alternative" energies.

Of course you would need data and do some statistics. Unfortunately big companies (like Volkswagen) are not so good in providing reliable data.

I really hate that whining from the rich "We cannot, we cannot" when at the same time they claim privacy rights for their industrial organization. Assume they simply lie.

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It's always a major source of entertainment when extremely wealthy people talk about poverty and equality but at the same time I'm shaking my head in disbelief and asking myself why we plebeians put up with this outrageously brazen behavior of the overlords, year in, year out, for eons already. Gates likes doing it. Bono has joined the club. The mega rich have found legal ways to avoid paying taxes altogether; they put all their money in foundations and at the same time they can pretend that they are doing a lot for charity. Happy Sundays! thumbsup.gif

Don't blame the individuals. They're not operating illegally.

Blame the politicians for not legislating to stop it.

They are all to blame, incl. us. We just sit by and let it all happen. Politicians are owned by corporations and wealthy individuals. Why would they change the law?

The mega wealthy own the world incl. politicians, resources, us, etc, etc and all we do is post some comments here and there. It's hilarious biggrin.png

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"World must end poverty, inequality: PM tells UN."

It's so nice to hear that the general is going to give all of his money to the poor.

Or, his statements in the OP is what we call "lip service".

About as much chance as the Catholic Church giving away any of their vast wealth.

Politicians and religious leaders just love telling every body else what they must do and are willing to spend everyone else's money but their own to do it.

Lip service - the main skill of both.

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"World must end poverty, inequality: PM tells UN."

It's so nice to hear that the general is going to give all of his money to the poor.

Or, his statements in the OP is what we call "lip service".

Hang on! Didn't Taksin Shinawatra tell everyone that he took all of the money from the rich and gave it to the poor???

So Thailand shouldn't have any issues with poverty now!


One thing about Thaksin - he doesn't discriminate. He took / takes money of anyone, rich poor, Thai foreigner, any race, religion or creed. And he keeps most of it.

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It's always a major source of entertainment when extremely wealthy people talk about poverty and equality but at the same time I'm shaking my head in disbelief and asking myself why we plebeians put up with this outrageously brazen behavior of the overlords, year in, year out, for eons already. Gates likes doing it. Bono has joined the club. The mega rich have found legal ways to avoid paying taxes altogether; they put all their money in foundations and at the same time they can pretend that they are doing a lot for charity. Happy Sundays! thumbsup.gif

Don't blame the individuals. They're not operating illegally.

Blame the politicians for not legislating to stop it.

They are all to blame, incl. us. We just sit by and let it all happen. Politicians are owned by corporations and wealthy individuals. Why would they change the law?

The mega wealthy own the world incl. politicians, resources, us, etc, etc and all we do is post some comments here and there. It's hilarious biggrin.png

IT can be a weapon, even social networks can.

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It's always a major source of entertainment when extremely wealthy people talk about poverty and equality but at the same time I'm shaking my head in disbelief and asking myself why we plebeians put up with this outrageously brazen behavior of the overlords, year in, year out, for eons already. Gates likes doing it. Bono has joined the club. The mega rich have found legal ways to avoid paying taxes altogether; they put all their money in foundations and at the same time they can pretend that they are doing a lot for charity. Happy Sundays! thumbsup.gif

Don't blame the individuals. They're not operating illegally.

Blame the politicians for not legislating to stop it.

They are all to blame, incl. us. We just sit by and let it all happen. Politicians are owned by corporations and wealthy individuals. Why would they change the law?

The mega wealthy own the world incl. politicians, resources, us, etc, etc and all we do is post some comments here and there. It's hilarious biggrin.png

IT can be a weapon, even social networks can.

It's all been calculated by think tanks and supercomputers. If we could make a real difference through social networks and they were a real threat to the system they would be taken offline immediately.

It all comes down to numbers in the end. If only 1-5% of the general population are awake and rowdy but 95% are still in a deep sleep there is no real threat.

The chance of those people who are in a deep trance to wake up any time soon is about a million to one.


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Platitudes....no more, and not only from the Thai PM.

The only people who want equality/egalitarianism are those on the bottom of the stack because they want something for nothing. Work for it....earn it!!

Good idea. So lets stop all inheritances and gifts from family members. Can't have people getting something for nothing.

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I HAVE NO LOVE for the un. It's an organisation were most of the countries that are in it are in it for what they can get and it's the good old USA that pays for their place in the parasitic circus that it is.

Why on earth would the good man that the PM is ever want to be part of this parasitic circus, little own address the parasites in the general assembly. whistling.gif

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Platitudes....no more, and not only from the Thai PM.

The only people who want equality/egalitarianism are those on the bottom of the stack because they want something for nothing. Work for it....earn it!!

Good idea. So lets stop all inheritances and gifts from family members. Can't have people getting something for nothing.

what country are you from?

Many governments take death / inheritance tax now. When you go to sell a family property get hit with a nice percentage cut for the government.

also governments will tell you exactly how much your allowed to gift away before the taxman comes knocking

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those words out of the mouth of mister 600.000.000 baht land deal before changing the law ...

why do you seldom see thai billionaires donating big parts of their wealth to the poor ?

i am not talking about bill gates, as he donates money to go sterilize people in africa with his satanic eugenics plan (look it up)

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....................why do you seldom see thai billionaires donating big parts of their wealth to the poor ?

i am not talking about bill gates, as he donates money to go sterilize people in africa with his satanic eugenics plan (look it up)

Buddhists buy "merit" with their money, rather than give for charitable purposes which is more common among Westerners - (generalisations).

Regarding Bill Gates - do you really think that is all he donates money for (if I was to accept your assertion is correct)? I would think he is more generous with his money for decent causes than all Thai rich people!

And when countries around the world suffer from natural disasters, who do they turn to for help? Western nations! Internecine fighting among Muslims causing mass outflows of refugees - who helps them? Western nations. Generating profits in a western style free economy can be good after all.

So, maybe Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and others are not so bad, despite the "narrow" views of some. Religion, with its silly beliefs in promises and threats and gods and satan has more to answer for than Gates and company!

You may have gathered that I am not a "religious" person - I am quite happy to accept what may or may not happen to me and I will help people to the best of my ability WITHOUT promise of reward or threats!

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"Thailand's development approach was inspired by His Majesty the King's sufficiency economy philosophy, which he said, had for decades successfully led our country on the path to all-inclusive and sustainable development."

Really, what can one say, apart from Long Live the King.

Really, what can One say, apart from I Cannot Comment On That On Thaivisa...

if only thailand would spend its money in areas that actually need it..

or at least better villages and infrastructure.

then poverty would be better addressed in this country.

its pretty ironic that this is a country where wealth has been hoarded by the corrupt elite over the past few centries.

and now these very elite would want to address a problem of poverty that has been deeper solidified by their very corruption.

Village life certainly does have numerous challenges, which could be remedied if anyone in authority gave a crap. But.....

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"Thailand's development approach was inspired by His Majesty the King's sufficiency economy philosophy, which he said, had for decades successfully led our country on the path to all-inclusive and sustainable development."

Really, what can one say, apart from Long Live the King.

Really, what can One say, apart from I Cannot Comment On That On Thaivisa...

if only thailand would spend its money in areas that actually need it..

or at least better villages and infrastructure.

then poverty would be better addressed in this country.

its pretty ironic that this is a country where wealth has been hoarded by the corrupt elite over the past few centries.

and now these very elite would want to address a problem of poverty that has been deeper solidified by their very corruption.

Village life certainly does have numerous challenges, which could be remedied if anyone in authority gave a crap. But.....

Only in the "big village" AKA Bangkok does anyone care. And I use the word care with reservations.

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