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Confused and cold, more refugees cross Croatia and Hungary

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Confused and cold, more refugees cross Croatia and Hungary
By Alasdair Sandford | With REUTERS


There was total confusion for some 3,000 refugees and migrants on Saturday after they got stranded between Serbia and Croatia.

Croatian police say Serbian buses had dropped them off in an empty field near the border.

On the Croatian side local villagers in Strošinci stepped in to help.

Buses were then organised to take people to a local train station, from where they have been transported on towards Hungary.

“They closed the border at Bajakovo, so people came here. So be it, let them pass. Let them save their lives. Nobody is running away from a good life,” said one villager, Stjepan Novoselac.

After pressure from the European Union, Croatia has re-opened its border with Serbia, ending a week-long standoff that had plunged relations between the two Balkan states to their lowest since Yugoslavia broke up in bloodshed in the 1990s.

During the dispute thousands of refugees and migrants became stranded in Strošinci and surrounding areas.

Many have been taken to a centre at Opatovac for some food and rest, before being transported north to border crossings with Hungary: at Baranjsko Petrovo Selo, Terezino Polje and Botovo.

Croatia says 10,000 migrants entered its territory on Friday alone. Near the border with Serbia ex-military facilities are being converted into another reception centre. The authorities have been trying to control the flow of people by letting smaller groups at a time enter from Serbia.

Interior Minister Ranko Ostojic made this appeal: “The message remains the same: do not torture those people by transiting them to Croatia so we could send them to Hungary – solve it directly and give us here at least some relief.”

By the time they get there many people appear tired and confused.

Along the way some were not sure which country they were in, or where they wanted to go.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-09-26


All the southern EU states passing the parcel on to the next. When they eventually reach the land of plenty they desire, and it isn't what they thought, will they just keep moving on till they get to the ocean?


I remember seeing this report on Euronews here in Europe,

the statement,,,,,

Along the way some were not sure which country they were in, or where they wanted to go.


If you find the video about this it will show that the traffickers have provided all the travel information

on peoples smart phone with full directions of where they are and where they are going, they should tell

the whole truth and don't believe what you read until you know the whole truth.

8,000 refugees enter Europe every day, and more coming,, this statement is repeated many times, do

you think this is a random event, stop and think for a minute,,,


''This is a well planned Islamic invasion of Europe''

Viktor Orbán,, Hungarian Prime Minister

Just Google ,,,,, The Islamic invasion of Europe

This headline is everywhere and being publicized on many networks,,

people are now slowly waking up to what's really happening.

But it might be too late.....

''This is a well planned Islamic invasion of Europe'' -- Viktor Orbán,, Hungarian Prime Minister

The truly amazing thing is that Orbán has been vilified from all sides (notably the EU, naturally, and the BBC, of course), simply for being in touch with his people, and pursuing a policy which the people who voted him into power overwhelmingly support.

The "progressive" narrative runs like this: Either Mr Orbán is a nasty piece of work who is opportunistically appealing to his countrymen’s worst instincts, or the desires of the Hungarian people are beneath consideration – or both.

The message from the EU kommissars is plain; a democratically elected politician carrying out the wishes of his people is no longer acceptable in Europe -- if it disagrees with the views of an unelected group of professional administrators in Brussels.


The European Winter will soon stop this Tsunami of unwanted Economic illegal migrants searching for the holy grail in Northern Europe : Fat Welfare Social checks ... thumbsup.gif

''This is a well planned Islamic invasion of Europe'' -- Viktor Orbán,, Hungarian Prime Minister

The truly amazing thing is that Orbán has been vilified from all sides (notably the EU, naturally, and the BBC, of course), simply for being in touch with his people, and pursuing a policy which the people who voted him into power overwhelmingly support.

The "progressive" narrative runs like this: Either Mr Orbán is a nasty piece of work who is opportunistically appealing to his countrymen’s worst instincts, or the desires of the Hungarian people are beneath consideration – or both.

The message from the EU kommissars is plain; a democratically elected politician carrying out the wishes of his people is no longer acceptable in Europe -- if it disagrees with the views of an unelected group of professional administrators in Brussels.

Think you will find the reality is Orbán trying to keep minority far right party (Jobbik) at bay by some gestures of appeasement to their demands. Before you start applauding Jobbik keep in mind they are also virulently anti-Semitic. Right now the far right are targeting Muslims, but never forget their fairly recent heritage of focus on the other 'others' as for sure they won't if they ever gain actionable power.


''This is a well planned Islamic invasion of Europe'' -- Viktor Orbán,, Hungarian Prime Minister

The truly amazing thing is that Orbán has been vilified from all sides (notably the EU, naturally, and the BBC, of course), simply for being in touch with his people, and pursuing a policy which the people who voted him into power overwhelmingly support.

The "progressive" narrative runs like this: Either Mr Orbán is a nasty piece of work who is opportunistically appealing to his countrymen’s worst instincts, or the desires of the Hungarian people are beneath consideration – or both.

The message from the EU kommissars is plain; a democratically elected politician carrying out the wishes of his people is no longer acceptable in Europe -- if it disagrees with the views of an unelected group of professional administrators in Brussels.

Hitler was also democratically elected. Wish we had an EU then which could have called back the lunatic and prevent the atrocities that happened by the decisions of this man.

By becoming part of the EU Hungary (and some of the other former USSR states) was hoping to reap all the benefits, by refuse to play by the rules of the EU when its not in their favor. I'd say kick them out of the EU immediately. They dont have any added value to the EU anyway (apart from taking up jobs from the unemployed of the western EU member states), and their right wing regimes we can do without too...


I love the way they have to put the kids in the picture first, that is the sympathy vote, and i notice there are a lot of young single males crossing on there own lately, maybe the women and children have been left behind ready for when these get to Europe, The Islamic invasion has started don't be miss guided by what you read or are shown, they know exactly what they are doing, and what westerners don't like to see, hence the kids always in the front line to appeal to the westerners hearts,


I am concerned, but I am not panicking. I am certain that we will solve the problem without giving up our European principles.

How about this: FRONTEX is "upgraded" to a real border police department under the authority of the commission (or the council, if that makes everybody happy). This department would have police powers at all EU-borders and the department could send personnel where it is needed. But of course, that would mean, that member states have to give up a bit of their precious sovereignty. And for that sacrifice the crisis is currently not pressing enough (don't they all want to go to Sweden and Germany, so, why bother with solutions?).

Well, let's just wait for one or two more years. I doubt that the figures will decrease...

''This is a well planned Islamic invasion of Europe'' -- Viktor Orbán,, Hungarian Prime Minister

The truly amazing thing is that Orbán has been vilified from all sides (notably the EU, naturally, and the BBC, of course), simply for being in touch with his people, and pursuing a policy which the people who voted him into power overwhelmingly support.

The "progressive" narrative runs like this: Either Mr Orbán is a nasty piece of work who is opportunistically appealing to his countrymen’s worst instincts, or the desires of the Hungarian people are beneath consideration – or both.

The message from the EU kommissars is plain; a democratically elected politician carrying out the wishes of his people is no longer acceptable in Europe -- if it disagrees with the views of an unelected group of professional administrators in Brussels.

Think you will find the reality is Orbán trying to keep minority far right party (Jobbik) at bay by some gestures of appeasement to their demands. Before you start applauding Jobbik keep in mind they are also virulently anti-Semitic. Right now the far right are targeting Muslims, but never forget their fairly recent heritage of focus on the other 'others' as for sure they won't if they ever gain actionable power.


Correct. Orban is, in many ways, the Christian version of Erdogan, the Islamist fascist president of Turkey. He might not be as oppressive as Erdogan, but his extreme right-wing ideology is obvious.

Sadly, extremists are gaining ground in both the Middle East and Europe.

''This is a well planned Islamic invasion of Europe'' -- Viktor Orbán,, Hungarian Prime Minister

The truly amazing thing is that Orbán has been vilified from all sides (notably the EU, naturally, and the BBC, of course), simply for being in touch with his people, and pursuing a policy which the people who voted him into power overwhelmingly support.

The "progressive" narrative runs like this: Either Mr Orbán is a nasty piece of work who is opportunistically appealing to his countrymen’s worst instincts, or the desires of the Hungarian people are beneath consideration – or both.

The message from the EU kommissars is plain; a democratically elected politician carrying out the wishes of his people is no longer acceptable in Europe -- if it disagrees with the views of an unelected group of professional administrators in Brussels.

Think you will find the reality is Orbán trying to keep minority far right party (Jobbik) at bay by some gestures of appeasement to their demands. Before you start applauding Jobbik keep in mind they are also virulently anti-Semitic. Right now the far right are targeting Muslims, but never forget their fairly recent heritage of focus on the other 'others' as for sure they won't if they ever gain actionable power.


Correct. Orban is, in many ways, the Christian version of Erdogan, the Islamist fascist president of Turkey. He might not be as oppressive as Erdogan, but his extreme right-wing ideology is obvious.

Sadly, extremists are gaining ground in both the Middle East and Europe.

extremists are gaining ground in.......... Europe.

What do you expect when the common people see the fat cats that inhabit their governments allowing their way of life to be swamped by an invasion of an alien culture?

extremists are gaining ground in ..... the Middle East

What do you expect when the common people see the fat cats that inhabit their governments wallowing in the trough while they suffer?

When the usual suspects in government are unable to deliver the good life to their people, the people will turn to those that offer hope of change for the better.

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