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Chest hurts when walking on a main street in Chiang Mai

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I just arrived in Chiang Mai 3 days ago. This is my first visit to Thailand. Went out for a walk today for about 30 minutes, some of that was along a main road with lots of cars and bikes zooming about. My chest did NOT like this. So, I wanted to ask if anyone else has experienced chest pain when walking out along these roads? Is it the pollution or humidity?

Now I see why hardly no one smokes here.

Kinda worried I may be stuck indoors with the A/C on for the next 4 months :/


It could be the environment you're now in but it could be a major health issue.

last year I encountered something similar in Singapore, I look little notice and some hours later I was fighting for my life in a Singapore hospital.

If I were you I would follow the advice of MJCM and see a doctor asap, if only to put your mind at rest.

I've moved your question to the Health Forum, as I suspect your problem might not be Chiang Mai related.



This is an issue you should not ignore or be seeking advice about here.

Chest pain whilst walking could indicate a serious problem.

Go to a hospital ask to see a cardiologist.


If you had been talking about the air in April, perhaps you might have a legitimate beef. But the air in Chiang Mai right now is quite good. As others have said, your problem is not pollution but something else. Have you ever experienced chest pains before?


Thank you all. I know what I write next was really dumb of me but I did it and now I need to undertand my options.

I came here without any backup money because I work online and am expecting an inheritance to come through in about 3 months. I knew that money would be tight, but thought I'd take a chance and come here anyway. There is no emergency money and I don't have anyone to call either.

One of the reasons I chose Thailand was actually for the private healthcare. I have some things I'd like to do that isn't normally covered back home. So I came with the expectation of having 2 months after the inheritance came through to get the private medical stuff done.

I know.. dumb move. I also didn't buy any extra travel insurance.

The pain is gone and I feel better at the moment after sitting in my air conditioned room, and also the weather seems to have cooled off and is raining.

I was very stressed before coming here and have anxiety about it all now because I came unprepared. Just wanted to get out of dodge, so I did...

So, I wonder if it's a combination of stress, environment and that the time zone is the exact opposite of what the body is used to.

I've had chest pain back home before and was checked out, chest x-rays and EKG. All came back normal. Dr thought it may have been caued by stress or gastric issues. I do have gastric issues that are rather severe. Maybe that is caused by stress? Who knows...

Anyways... that is my situation right now.

Without scolding me on the stupidity of coming here without back-up funds of travel insurance, can anyone lend me their knowledge about my options for seeing a dr and paying for treatment? I am completely SOL?

Thanks in advance


If I were you I would go to Chiang Mai RAM hospital and see Dr Patarapong who is a well known cardiologist who speaks excellent English, let him check you out and then see what he says you should do. Expect to pay 300 baht for the consultation plus the cost of any test he wants to do, he's almost certainly going to be able to give you a very good indication of whether it is cardio related or not, without a whole series of tests.


42 yr old male smoker

"300 baht for the consultation plus the cost of any test he wants to do"

That's it???

Thank for the referral. That is honestly so much cheaper than I would have ever imagined. Who knows what tests may cost, but at least talking to someone about it may put me at ease. I have been Googling the effects of heat/humidity and considering previous experiences (I felt similar, but without the chest pain), I'm really thinking it may simply be caused by a smoker adjusting to a new climate. The chest pain was like my lungs were on fire. This is the first time I've been exposed to such extreme pollution. Maybe my body is just sensitive to these type of changes.

I used to work on a cruise ship and the first time I flew out, I landed in Thahiti. The climate change from the plane to the humidity made me almost black out. It takes me a few days to adjust, and now seem to be feeling better after locking myself up with aircon on.

Maybe, I'll need to find a spot farther away from the traffic. The exhaust from all these bikes and plumes of black smoke coming from the trucks is mosre than I've seen anywhere. Perhaps my body's way of telling me I *need* to quit smoking. Early sign of something that could become worse in the future?

Ok.. thanks again for naming a Dr and place. Will call and see if I can get an appointment.


A couple of things:

Don't call to make an appointment, just go there, 4th floor and tell the nurse what you've told us, you will get seen quite quickly.

The pollution in Chiang Mai at present, on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the worst, is about 1. Think about it!


This is the first time I've been exposed to such extreme pollution.

Except every time you light a cigarette.

Just an FYI before accepting anything at RAM get a written quote or one of the excellent staff from the International Patient Services area on the 1st floor to translate for you.


Once again, Dr Patarapong speaks excellent English and he will give you an accurate and fair assessment along with an indication of associated costs, what you do with the results of that assessment is another story but I trust/have trusted said doctor with my life.


I spose it would be somewhat rude of me to suggest you try & avoid main roads & stick to the back blocks. Small Sois.


And assuming your heart checks out ok, go online and purchase a travel health insurance policy.world nomads lets you do this even aftet starting your trip.


You need to go to the local hospital and get a check.

I had similar a few weeks back but turns out it was from drinking piss from morning till night.


Was actually looking into world nomad a couple hours ago. Got lost in the terms and conditions, it kinda seemed that covered was only for external emergencies. ie: Getting hit by a car or slipping & falling. It was so long, and didn't seem like it would cover things like internal health issues. Have you had any experience or better knowledge with them?

Funny how we often put things off until they are actually needed. "That will never happen to me" syndrome.

..and lol @ the drinking. Fortunately, I don't go out partying or even drink at home. So those toxins can be ruled out :) Used to... but long time ago.

Ok cheers all, thanks for the tips. Would love to hear more about medical travel insurance that covers anything and everything if that exists. What if I went to the hospital for this sort of thing and DID have insurance froma palce like nomad? If they checked me out and said "You're fine", would I have to pay for all the tests etc?


then dont walk down the main street in Chiang Mai, not rocket science. Giving up the ciggies wouldnt go astray either and also a check up with a good doctor.

I think that pollution has absolutely nothing to do with your problem. A single cigarette for example pollute you at least 100 times more than the air in Chiang Mai

In contrast causes quoted by yourself are very likely the origin of your illness: Stress, financial conditions random, travel, anxiety, jet lag and heavy heat.

In your position I would consult a cardiologist as said above to remove me first concern but mostly I would adapt my lifestyle to my present condition without mortgaging the future. One can spend a period with very few resources in this country and stay happy.

Welcome to Thailand smile.png


I've had chest pain back home before and was checked out, chest x-rays and EKG. All came back normal. Dr thought it may have been caued by stress or gastric issues. I do have gastric issues that are rather severe. Maybe that is caused by stress? Who knows...


That's your answer most likely. I've been there.

Gastric problems = acidity + gas = chest pains. And stress, exertion (even walking) and a hot climate can aggravate the mix. You can find out if this in fact is the culprit by taking antacid gel. If that cools you down then it's no big deal. You'll be fine after acclimatizing and destressing.

If the pain persists as everyone says go see a doctor pronto.


Was actually looking into world nomad a couple hours ago. Got lost in the terms and conditions, it kinda seemed that covered was only for external emergencies. ie: Getting hit by a car or slipping & falling. It was so long, and didn't seem like it would cover things like internal health issues. Have you had any experience or better knowledge with them?

Funny how we often put things off until they are actually needed. "That will never happen to me" syndrome.

..and lol @ the drinking. Fortunately, I don't go out partying or even drink at home. So those toxins can be ruled out smile.png Used to... but long time ago.

Ok cheers all, thanks for the tips. Would love to hear more about medical travel insurance that covers anything and everything if that exists. What if I went to the hospital for this sort of thing and DID have insurance froma palce like nomad? If they checked me out and said "You're fine", would I have to pay for all the tests etc?

I am really not sure where you are getting this idea from. As is clearly stated they will:

"Cover emergency overseas medical treatment including treatment in a clinic or hospital, plus medicines and physiotherapy as prescribed by your treating Doctor"

"Cover your transport to the nearest, appropriate medical facility, which also includes your medical repatriation for further treatment at home. "

and this applies

"If during your trip you suffer a sudden illness or serious injury and treatment is certified as medically necessary"

By sudden what they mean is that they will not pay for treatment of pre-existing conditions or related to a pre-existing condition. If (as is very likely) your chest pain is due to your pre-existing gastritis, that would not be covered (it also will not cost very much).

But if you suddenly have a heart attack -- or a stroke -- or an accident -or develop pneumonia - or any number of other things that you did not have before getting the policy and are not related to a something you were already suffering from, you will be covered.

Outpatient care costs in Thailand are usually pretty affordable. It is catastrophic illnesses and accidents that you really need to worry about. Inpatient costs, costs of surgery etc can really add up.


If indeed you are experiencing Chest Pain, I would urge you to get medical attention.

However, coupled with your slightly diverse nic, & some somewhat hard to assimilate posting style, I wonder if you may have central issue?


Thanks all. Went to see the Dr today and as suspected, he also thinks it was a combination of all the changes and pushing myself too hard. Nothing dreadful.

Breathng in black exhaust on top of it all probably didn't help. lol. I now have a much better understanding of health care here and honestly, the hospital rates were so cheap it wasn't a concern. I expected a couple thousand $$, and who knows how much more if it was serious


Good to know nothing serious.

I walk in central Chiang Mai city 2/3 hours every day , doubt if pollution is much of a problem for most but having said that, I used to live in China, maybe one can develop an immunity.

But as an ex smoker, I can add that my health is much better without the smoking, please consider that option as part of the recovery package.


er, ok, your 42, and history in your family of heart disease in 1st degree relatives, any history of "chest pain" before, / angina , any other co-morbities of note?

how many PPD packs per day.

42 starts to get into the range where MIs are possible.

how is your LDL? :)


Lol, sorry. I have no idea what any of those abbreviations mean :)

No family history of heart disease.

If PPD refers to packs of smoke... 1 pack per 2-3 days.

I guess I was kinda curious if the traffic pollution was a common issue for people. Doesn't sound like it. So good to know. I'll cross that off this list while trying to sort the cause/triggers


Actually air pollution is a very common issue in CM, just not at this particular time of year. And more often causing sinus/respiratory problems.

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