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Ikea murders in Sweden and the refugee backlash

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Ikea murders in Sweden and the refugee backlash

SYDNEY: -- AN IKEA bloodbath in Sweden has thrown the progressive country into violent chaos as the refugee crisis takes its toll.

Last month, a devastated asylum-seeker who had been refused refuge responded with an alleged double-murder at the iconic furniture store, sending shockwaves around the nation.

Abraham Ukbagabir was told he would have to seek asylum in Italy because he had been “the subject of some altercation” there, according to a police report seen by The Washington Post.

A fellow Eritrean staying at the same shelter near Vasteras, 100 kilometres west of Stockholm, had just been granted permission to stay, and Ukbagabir was consumed with envy.

The furious 35-year-old invited his more successful compatriot, Yohannes Mahari, to accompany him to Ikea to buy a mobile phone. He led the younger man to the kitchenware department and began picking up pots and then butcher knives, slipping off the packaging on the blades.

Before a nervous Mahari could figure out what was going on, the older man had stabbed a Swedish mother and son and plunged the knife into his own stomach.

Full story: http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/ikea-murders-in-sweden-and-the-refugee-backlash/story-fnixwvgh-1227552740153

-- News.com.au 2015-10-01


Every action has a consequence; sad to say this is just a foretaste of what is coming to Europe in the not to distant future.

Thank the Bleeding hearts on a sleeve plaster saint liberals for the upcoming attack upon European culture, lifestyle, religious freedom and tolerance and the impact upon the social and economic areas will indeed be frightening.


With all due respect otherstuff 1957 I see nor saw any references to any presumed religious beliefs.

Although when one views the ethnic origin what I and others will see see is that the murderer and one of his victims were from Eritrea and two other innocent unconnected shoppers, a mother and son were of Swedish origin.

Different cultural standards as opposed to presumed religious beliefs.proving that the shape of things to come in Europe in the not too distant future are somewhat alarming.

As an aside my christian name would indicate I am of the Catholic faith, but.I have never like my parents followed any religious belief, born again heathens you might day.

Names do not denote religious belief in many cases.


I lay the blame for the chaos smack on the doorstep of mass media ... BBC, CNN (et al). Since the mass invasion of migrants began, they framed the situation as one of dire need for refugee women and children ignoring the masses of non refugee males between 18 and 45 coming from Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. They were understanding and sympathetic for the hoards of men who defied EU law and overran border police and attacked the boarder police and their governments for trying to do their job which is to protect the borders of Europe. These men are now raping women and little girls in the camps in Germany and local German girls too.


For me, BBC is no longer a credible source of information.

I hope the BBC will be sued in court for criminal negligence for not reporting stories that concern the safety of the people and national security.


With all due respect otherstuff 1957 I see nor saw any references to any presumed religious beliefs.

Although when one views the ethnic origin what I and others will see see is that the murderer and one of his victims were from Eritrea and two other innocent unconnected shoppers, a mother and son were of Swedish origin.

Different cultural standards as opposed to presumed religious beliefs.proving that the shape of things to come in Europe in the not too distant future are somewhat alarming.

As an aside my christian name would indicate I am of the Catholic faith, but.I have never like my parents followed any religious belief, born again heathens you might day.

Names do not denote religious belief in many cases.

True, their religion is not mentioned in the article nor proven by their names. I just didn't want the discussion to be derailed by people blaming religion for this crime.



I am not applauding the killings.

I am applauding myself.

I have predicted this backlash happening .


I lay the blame for the chaos smack on the doorstep of mass media ... BBC, CNN (et al). Since the mass invasion of migrants began, they framed the situation as one of dire need for refugee women and children ignoring the masses of non refugee males between 18 and 45 coming from Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. They were understanding and sympathetic for the hoards of men who defied EU law and overran border police and attacked the boarder police and their governments for trying to do their job which is to protect the borders of Europe. These men are now raping women and little girls in the camps in Germany and local German girls too.


For me, BBC is no longer a credible source of information.

I hope the BBC will be sued in court for criminal negligence for not reporting stories that concern the safety of the people and national security.

The European governments no doubt knew the true scope of the problem-- they don't need CNN to tell them what kind of people they're letting in. It's just that it's political suicide (still) for politicians to ignore political correctness. If they did, they would alienate the already entrenched Middle Eastern and North African communities within their countries.


With all due respect otherstuff 1957 I see nor saw any references to any presumed religious beliefs.

Although when one views the ethnic origin what I and others will see see is that the murderer and one of his victims were from Eritrea and two other innocent unconnected shoppers, a mother and son were of Swedish origin.

Different cultural standards as opposed to presumed religious beliefs.proving that the shape of things to come in Europe in the not too distant future are somewhat alarming.

As an aside my christian name would indicate I am of the Catholic faith, but.I have never like my parents followed any religious belief, born again heathens you might day.

Names do not denote religious belief in many cases.

True, their religion is not mentioned in the article nor proven by their names. I just didn't want the discussion to be derailed by people blaming religion for this crime.

Which is why you said you thought they were Christians right, because you didn't want to bring religion into it.

<deleted> mind-boggling.


Muslims have been screaming from the roofs, and at the top of their voices, for at least 15 years that they will take over Europe and the USA and destroy their economies. They have promised time and time again to turn both continents into Muslim dominated areas, complete with shariyah law. They want to introduce corporal punishments like cutting off a hand if someone steals, or stoning to death any woman who commits adultery or has sex before marriage. Women will be compelled to wear a burka. Education for girls will cease to exist. Radio and TV stations will be closed except those that only broadcast religious programs. Public beheadings will become the order of the day for more serious crimes, especially the “heinous” crimes against their religion. They are now working on achieving these goals in Europe. Also, muslims breed like rabbits which will enable them to achieve these goals even faster.


Meanwhile, the number of terrorist attacks in Europe will increase dramatically. I saw a report from a very senior Dutch police officer who said that he suspected that every 1000 refugees included about 20 IS terrorists. That is 2%. If mrs Merkel admits 1,000,000 refugees one can expect that she will be allowing 2% of 1,000,000 = 20,000 terrorists into her country and pampering them to boot. The German lady will soon have unbelievable amounts of blood on her hands from large numbers of terror attacks in Germany, and in other European countries which, actually are victims of her misguided policy. Her excuse that Germany has to accept these migrants because the country needs more labour is nonsense. There are quite a few EU countries that have large numbers of unemployed people. Why did she not invite those people? They are Europeans, just like the Germans. They would fit right in. In contrast muslims do not fit in, do not want to fit in and do not want to integrate. They want the Europeans to integrate with them.


Europe will soon be lost to Europeans. And 2000 years of European culture will be lost forever. History will judge the German lady and some other, like-minded European politicians. They are stubbornly and stupidly destroying Europe. In fact, they remind me of Neville Chamberlain, the former Prime Minister of the U.K.

One thing is for sure, my family and I will never go back to Europe.


I forgot to ask: did anyone watch the recent ½ hour documentary on Al Jazeera about a university in (I think it was) Tunisia? This university proudly stated that it has 12,000 young men who are studying full-time to become imams. TWELVE THOUSAND! And that is just ONE university. It also added that there are very many such universities across the arab world. One also wonders how many more mosques are going to be built in Europe. Must be thousands. And all of them will enjoy tax-free status just like the existing ones. And I suspect that Saudi-Arabia will be happy to pay for the construction.

Does anybody still doubt that muslims are hell-bent on taking over the world?

Anybody still not convinced? May be these 2 Thai Visa posts will finally change your mind:




Muslims have been screaming from the roofs, and at the top of their voices, for at least 15 years that they will take over Europe and the USA and destroy their economies. They have promised time and time again to turn both continents into Muslim dominated areas, complete with shariyah law. They want to introduce corporal punishments like cutting off a hand if someone steals, or stoning to death any woman who commits adultery or has sex before marriage. Women will be compelled to wear a burka. Education for girls will cease to exist. Radio and TV stations will be closed except those that only broadcast religious programs. Public beheadings will become the order of the day for more serious crimes, especially the “heinous” crimes against their religion. They are now working on achieving these goals in Europe. Also, muslims breed like rabbits which will enable them to achieve these goals even faster.


Meanwhile, the number of terrorist attacks in Europe will increase dramatically. I saw a report from a very senior Dutch police officer who said that he suspected that every 1000 refugees included about 20 IS terrorists. That is 2%. If mrs Merkel admits 1,000,000 refugees one can expect that she will be allowing 2% of 1,000,000 = 20,000 terrorists into her country and pampering them to boot. The German lady will soon have unbelievable amounts of blood on her hands from large numbers of terror attacks in Germany, and in other European countries which, actually are victims of her misguided policy. Her excuse that Germany has to accept these migrants because the country needs more labour is nonsense. There are quite a few EU countries that have large numbers of unemployed people. Why did she not invite those people? They are Europeans, just like the Germans. They would fit right in. In contrast muslims do not fit in, do not want to fit in and do not want to integrate. They want the Europeans to integrate with them.


Europe will soon be lost to Europeans. And 2000 years of European culture will be lost forever. History will judge the German lady and some other, like-minded European politicians. They are stubbornly and stupidly destroying Europe. In fact, they remind me of Neville Chamberlain, the former Prime Minister of the U.K.

One thing is for sure, my family and I will never go back to Europe.

It will be judged that the present movement of populations (which will get larger and more irresistible) is just another example of a phenomenon that occurs throughout history, eg: "The Huns may have stimulated the Great Migration, a contributing factor in the collapse of the Western Roman Empire" or "the Mongol invasions induced population displacement on a scale never seen before"

The current movement has been facilitated by what happened in the late 1980's - the progressive collapse of the "Eastern Bloc" and the removal of the "Iron Curtain" (which was a very effective restriction on mass-migration) and the subsequent destruction of the status quo in the Middle East by the ill advised invasion of Iraq (by an hubristic US, emboldened by an apparent weakening of Russian power)

The current generation of politicians are doing what politicians always do when they can't do anything - they're surfing the wave of political expediency while "managing decline" - there's not much else they can do. If anybody is to "blame" it is those who sought to bring about the destruction of the Eastern Bloc. Sad really - they probably thought they were doing the right thing!

PS. Who do you think was keeping China (your next big worry) in check before it re-emerged as a formidable force? Clue, it wasn't the US.


nahkit post# 15

Which is why you said you thought they were Christians right, because you didn't want to bring religion into it.

I suggest you read the post and inwardly digest its content.

I stated my name was of a Catholic origin but I have no religious beliefs at all.

Nowhere in either of my posts did I state, label or imply that any of those involved were of any faith.


Muslims have been screaming from the roofs, and at the top of their voices, for at least 15 years that they will take over Europe and the USA and destroy their economies. They have promised time and time again to turn both continents into Muslim dominated areas, complete with shariyah law. They want to introduce corporal punishments like cutting off a hand if someone steals, or stoning to death any woman who commits adultery or has sex before marriage. Women will be compelled to wear a burka. Education for girls will cease to exist. Radio and TV stations will be closed except those that only broadcast religious programs. Public beheadings will become the order of the day for more serious crimes, especially the “heinous” crimes against their religion. They are now working on achieving these goals in Europe. Also, muslims breed like rabbits which will enable them to achieve these goals even faster.


Meanwhile, the number of terrorist attacks in Europe will increase dramatically. I saw a report from a very senior Dutch police officer who said that he suspected that every 1000 refugees included about 20 IS terrorists. That is 2%. If mrs Merkel admits 1,000,000 refugees one can expect that she will be allowing 2% of 1,000,000 = 20,000 terrorists into her country and pampering them to boot. The German lady will soon have unbelievable amounts of blood on her hands from large numbers of terror attacks in Germany, and in other European countries which, actually are victims of her misguided policy. Her excuse that Germany has to accept these migrants because the country needs more labour is nonsense. There are quite a few EU countries that have large numbers of unemployed people. Why did she not invite those people? They are Europeans, just like the Germans. They would fit right in. In contrast muslims do not fit in, do not want to fit in and do not want to integrate. They want the Europeans to integrate with them.


Europe will soon be lost to Europeans. And 2000 years of European culture will be lost forever. History will judge the German lady and some other, like-minded European politicians. They are stubbornly and stupidly destroying Europe. In fact, they remind me of Neville Chamberlain, the former Prime Minister of the U.K.

One thing is for sure, my family and I will never go back to Europe.

I forgot to ask: did anyone watch the recent ½ hour documentary on Al Jazeera about a university in (I think it was) Tunisia? This university proudly stated that it has 12,000 young men who are studying full-time to become imams. TWELVE THOUSAND! And that is just ONE university. It also added that there are very many such universities across the arab world. One also wonders how many more mosques are going to be built in Europe. Must be thousands. And all of them will enjoy tax-free status just like the existing ones. And I suspect that Saudi-Arabia will be happy to pay for the construction.

Does anybody still doubt that muslims are hell-bent on taking over the world?

Anybody still not convinced? May be these 2 Thai Visa posts will finally change your mind:



You do not have to convince me. I understand and agree. And what difference does your post make? And what my understanding changes? And where are you going to hide? Hope not in Sth Thailand?


“I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.”

Thanks for the video.

Enjoyed watching this very fine, soft spoken sophisticated 'ladybug' wasting her time.

Also enjoyed watching those brave Swedish 'grenadiers' marching. What a stature! The looks! Almost Napoleonic!

Problem is Russian Spetsnaz (half of them with criminal past, all of them with criminal future) will turn them running or wipe them out.

Sorry, it's reality speaking. I do not enjoy what is said above.


Japan has the right idea.Their prime minister recently stated.We will help the refugee crisis with financial aid but,we will not take them in.


Off topic post removed

Edit: Make that more than one.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

  • 3 weeks later...

Japan has the right idea.Their prime minister recently stated.We will help the refugee crisis with financial aid but,we will not take them in.

And may thats the way it should be...... Europe is setting themselves up for the natives to rise up and could lead to the fall of many goverments

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