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How do you endure the Thai BS?


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Hey all, I know this is probably not the first post on this subject, but I have 2 more years of a very lucrative work contract and pretty much need to stay in Thailand 2 more years. But, the typical story, I got involved with a Thai lady and have heard all the advice and BS, but ignore it, ALL Thai women are greedy and lead into a life full of endless BS!! I have seen many post's but later read the OP's threads about how the Thai lady demands this or that, and the Foreigner just gives in and does whatever the Thai lady request's just to keep her! That is the other side of the coin, come on man, a 10-20 year lady is not with a foreign guy for his toned bodybuilder body, it's all about the money, when the money stops, no more honey and the lady is gone 98% of the time and yes, my lady is not nearly as difficult but it is also, if she doesn't ask for money, she is after ALL your money and just a tactic which I have seen pay off in the long run, a 70+ year old guy doesn't have a much more life expectancy and they see it like a vulture see's it's prey!

Anyway I am somewhat in the same situation, and even with all protection short of a latex body covering is not going to prevent pregnancy, so I am stuck with a nice girl with our child now,which is great, but as normal it comes with the typical Thai family that has fairytale expectation's from the urban legends of the falong who in reality spent his whole life savings to keep the Thai lady BS. It's just endless BS pretty much the same as "my dog ate my homework" high school girl BS and they actually think they are pulling one over on us! The same with vendors or retail stores, "oh no, that bad, need this one" of course the most expensive and worst built that half the time breaks down and has to be replaced!

I guess the solution is to have as little interaction with the Thai people, even the Thai's at my work with Master Degree's are still uncivilized by western standards.

OK, enough rant, give me the real or delirious responses "but my lady is different", whatever, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, it's safe to say it's a duck!

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So, you come to a foreign country, with different language, culture/behaviour than that of the west, and want them to be "just like you" or where you came from ? ....dream on. Its because they are different and in a positive way that so many foreigners come here to start with, or did you think it was just the temples and cheap sex !

Troll of the first order, and pretty racist too.

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Post from the "grammar police" have been removed.

3. If possible please proofread your post first, poor grammar and spelling can make the post difficult to understand.

However be aware that not every member is a native english speaker and excessive posts regarding others spelling and grammar not only hijacks the topic but is poor netiquette.

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Stop thinking with your little head, grasshopper. Put the smack down! If it were me I'd say; It's my money that pays the bills, and if you don't like it, tell your story walking! There's a new bus on every corner.

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"even the Thai's at my work with Master Degree's are still uncivilized by western standards."

I could say the same about your writing....

But yes, I agree with the main message here. The BS in this country gets very tiring. It's a cultural thing, and just like you, I can't handle it. Just hang in there buddy!

And as for the Thai GF, <deleted> are you thinking? I'm certain that if you were to actually think about this for a few minutes you will know what to do.

Ask yourself:

Is she a good person? (probably not if she is thai, right?)

Do you genuinely enjoy spending time with her? (Why would you, she probably has zero hobbies, no interest, no sense of humor, and a selfish personality)

Enjoy the good stuff while you are here, and exit when suitable. Don't ruin your life. Do not commit to a b****.

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Yes, get out while the gettin' outs good.

They really must laugh at us..our farang "superior morals" haha

The Thai guy would do a runner after the birth but the farang will hang around for years often supporting the Thai guys children

getting fleeced buying houses and cars, supporting all and sundry hangers on,

only when the money runs out will you get any relief lol when you are told to leave and have to go home with nothing

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Well the OP is clueless indeed....that's my conclusion.

Toodle pip!

The OPs post reads like someone who has never worked outside of their farangistan country they came from

One of the more clueless rants ever...quite funny really...cannon fodder comes to mind!

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