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McCain claims Russian air strikes hit US-backed Syrian rebels

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McCain claims Russian air strikes hit US-backed Syrian rebels


WASHINGTON: -- The US Senator John McCain has accused Russia of targeting Free Syrian Army rebel recruits backed by Washington.

In an interview with CNN, McCain, who is head of the Senate Armed Services Committee, says the Russian air strikes have hit forces that have been “armed and trained by the CIA because we have communications with people there.”

For the second successive day, Russian warplanes have bombed rebel positions.

Russia’s defence ministry has released footage to show the precision of its strikes against what it originally claimed were purely Islamic State militant ground positions. After other rebel fighters and the US claimed disputed this, a Kremlin spokesman clarified that a list of “well-known” terrorist group were being targeted.

Moscow says ammunition depots and a command centre near Hama were hit along with a facility aimed at rigging cars with explosives for suicide attacks.

According to some reports, the jets conducted at least 30 sorties targeting the so-called “Army of Conquest”, an alliance of insurgents including al Qaeda’s Nusra Front but not Islamic State.

But pro-opposition sources say the strikes hit other areas in Jisr al Shugour, Idlib and Hama provinces, strategic zones for maintaining a presence and protecting the coast.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-02

Do I smell a proxy war? coffee1.gif

It's not a proxy war when one of the main protagonists is fighting. It's Just War!

Good point. Russia is not a proxy. Russia is Russia.


Good that John now also confirms that the US armed and trained al Qaeda right now in Syria. What a shame for ordinary US people guys like John McCain and the CIA are.


Many NATO members have been recently complaining about Russian military planes behaving like hooligans in air all around Europe.

Sometimes Americans felt it too in the Black Sea air if you know what I mean.

Now just watch it! They are armed and military targets are set. As much as I know Russian fliers - no 'friendly' presence in the air will be tolerated.

It is not a question of co-ordination of actions. Very soon it will become a question of "get out of here" for the brave allies. Or else!

BTW, I liked Putin's reaction the above complains. With his usual sly smirk he shrugged " Boys are boys". Sounds very encouraging.



Last week the media was telling us that only 5 US trained Syrian rebels remained.

Cant have it both ways...


One of the US supported groups fighting Assad are Free Syrian Army. The Russians have now stated they do not view FSA as a terrorist organisation and are OK to work with them.

Lavrov did not specifically deny that Russian planes had attacked Free Syrian Army facilities, but said: "We don't consider Free Syrian Army a terrorist group.

"We believe that the Free Syrian Army should be part of the political process, like some other armed groups on the ground composed of the Syrians' patriotic opposition individuals," Lavrov said.



Well maybe McCain should complain to his president. It is his weakness which gave Russia the freedom to get involved. And Now the US doesn't even want other nations involved with negotiations. What's that all about?


McCain: a RINO to the core; a pathetic political turncoat who took a dive in the election that gave the U.S. its Islamic operative prez.

Russia wants to establish hegemony in its own backyard-Syria. Look at what happens when ME dictators are expunged by the CIA; such as Ghaddaffi in Libya and the Muslim Brotherhood moving in to OWN Egypt-with an assist from Hilary and Barry....it is better, the lesser of two evils, to allow Assad to continue in power rather than have the ISIL hordes to repeat the destabilizing outcome that would certainly occur in the resultant power vacuum-"those who ignore history are bound to repeat it", or something like that.



Last week the media was telling us that only 5 US trained Syrian rebels remained.

Cant have it both ways...

Revised upwards to 9 from what I read. The big push should start any time now.

I find it unlikely that Russia would target the US backed Rebels. According to US, there are 5 of these trained US rebels left (That was at last coumt, possibly none left so McCain shouldn't get his knickers in a knot)


McCain: a RINO to the core; a pathetic political turncoat who took a dive in the election that gave the U.S. its Islamic operative prez.

"In an interview with CNN, McCain, who is head of the Senate Armed Services Committee" should have titled "In an interview with CNN, McCain, who is head of the US face of Syrian Rebels/AQ/al Nursa." McCain surely meets the definition of a "poster child" for al Nursa/AQ folks in Syria. This is not a slander, it is a fact, any commentary regarding McCain on this issue should primarily note his deep relations and neocon machinations to cause this whole debacle. There are more photographs of McCain with al Nursa/AQ operatives than nearly every other American on earth.





McCain: a RINO to the core; a pathetic political turncoat who took a dive in the election that gave the U.S. its Islamic operative prez.

"In an interview with CNN, McCain, who is head of the Senate Armed Services Committee" should have titled "In an interview with CNN, McCain, who is head of the US face of Syrian Rebels/AQ/al Nursa." McCain surely meets the definition of a "poster child" for al Nursa/AQ folks in Syria. This is not a slander, it is a fact, any commentary regarding McCain on this issue should primarily note his deep relations and neocon machinations to cause this whole debacle. There are more photographs of McCain with al Nursa/AQ operatives than nearly every other American on earth.




Senator John McCain is a loyal American, a distinguished war veteran, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee that oversees the Pentagon, the 2008 (unsuccessful) nominee of the Republican party for POTUS. While one who seldom agrees with Sen McCain can criticise him, there is no reason whatsoever to doubt him.



Russia has naval bases in both Ukraine and Syria. They are protecting their interests. My God what a concept. <deleted> is the US doing in either place ?


Protecting our interests against Assad, Putin, the ayatollahs in Tehran, Hezbollah, Iraq shias, among others.

Iran and Syria are talking about putting units of their forces at the Golan Heights, opposite the Israeli army and air defenses, which makes the whole gang of 'em sound more than belligerent and provocative. Reckless adventurers.


Is that the rebels the US is backing this week or the ones they were backing last month they are now bombing ?

Alliances change by the day out there, the whole sorry region is nuts and just wants to kill each other. Thats what overdosing on god does for you.


cheesy.gif McCain's US-backed Syrian rebels are like Elvis Presley- there have been numerous reported sightings but no one has actually confirmed he lives.


Come on, guys.

Nobody in US is going to worry about 5 - 9 Syrian freedom fighters trained by US military or CIA.

But to expect Kerry and White House quietly watch Russians bomb the shi*t out of the stockpiled weapons for the same freedom fighters designated to topple Assad is unrealistic.

Hence the protestations. You must not be so insensitive. After all business is business and these bombings are a wright off.



McCain: a RINO to the core; a pathetic political turncoat who took a dive in the election that gave the U.S. its Islamic operative prez.

"In an interview with CNN, McCain, who is head of the Senate Armed Services Committee" should have titled "In an interview with CNN, McCain, who is head of the US face of Syrian Rebels/AQ/al Nursa." McCain surely meets the definition of a "poster child" for al Nursa/AQ folks in Syria. This is not a slander, it is a fact, any commentary regarding McCain on this issue should primarily note his deep relations and neocon machinations to cause this whole debacle. There are more photographs of McCain with al Nursa/AQ operatives than nearly every other American on earth.




Senator John McCain is a loyal American, a distinguished war veteran, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee that oversees the Pentagon, the 2008 (unsuccessful) nominee of the Republican party for POTUS. While one who seldom agrees with Sen McCain can criticise him, there is no reason whatsoever to doubt him.




McCain: a RINO to the core; a pathetic political turncoat who took a dive in the election that gave the U.S. its Islamic operative prez.

"In an interview with CNN, McCain, who is head of the Senate Armed Services Committee" should have titled "In an interview with CNN, McCain, who is head of the US face of Syrian Rebels/AQ/al Nursa." McCain surely meets the definition of a "poster child" for al Nursa/AQ folks in Syria. This is not a slander, it is a fact, any commentary regarding McCain on this issue should primarily note his deep relations and neocon machinations to cause this whole debacle. There are more photographs of McCain with al Nursa/AQ operatives than nearly every other American on earth.




Senator John McCain is a loyal American, a distinguished war veteran, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee that oversees the Pentagon, the 2008 (unsuccessful) nominee of the Republican party for POTUS. While one who seldom agrees with Sen McCain can criticise him, there is no reason whatsoever to doubt him.


I read through Publicus' post a few times and think I can agree with most of what he is saying. There is little doubt on my part in his own way McCain sees himself as loyal; he's not treasonous, just on the wrong side of sound policy. Just because I loathe him does not mean he is not loyal. He is also a chair as noted and he is a landmark in the senate;agreed. However, there is every reason to doubt his judgement and his associations are not inferred, they are demonstrable. His judgement is actually a a sound reflection of the NeoCon playbook;which is a decidedly militaristic foreign policy. These are not hawks rather they are imperialists. I have little use for my country to act out its imperial ambitions any longer. Jeez, perhaps if these mideast policies were coherent or even in America's interests, I might support them, but they are not. While the middle east is inflamed by these NeoCon policies the other victims are the American people. The blowback is so enormous its hard not to see it as designed.

In the 1800s realpolitik in central asia was known as the Great Game; this current mideast morass strikes me as similar machinations, and McCain is a vocal proponent of the causes. The US is acting out similar imperial ambitions couched in color revolutions and exporting democracy, and is causing great damage to the world. This is done through the hybrid entities of US Gov agencies and NGOs, (NEA et al) burying plausible deniability in smoke. In this manner the US has moved proxies, arms, and nations from Libya to central asia, the middle east and africa, all to encircle break Iranian hegemony in Syria. As they fumbled and crapped the bed on their mechanics they then declared the emerging problem the threat and took their black bag policies into the white and solicited congress to support the president to address the problem- DAESH and Assad. But the problem has been entirely caused by McCain & Company. It is a Great Game and McCain is an architect along with his lap dog Lindsey Graham.

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