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German interior minister criticises lack of appreciation from some refugees

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German interior minister criticises lack of appreciation from some refugees

Germany’s interior minister has criticised a “minority” of refugees who have absconded from or caused trouble in their allocated reception areas.

While insisting just a few were involved, Thomas de Maizière was adamant that migrants accept the relocations determined by Germany’s migration authorities.

“Until this summer, the refugees were grateful to be here with us,” he said. “They asked where the police were, where the authorities were, where they would be moved to. Now there are many refugees who believe they can reassign themselves, they leave our facilities, hail a taxi and, astonishingly, spend money travelling hundreds of kilometres through Germany, protest because they do not like the accommodation and cause trouble because they do not like the food.”

His comments coincide with recent poll results which appear to show growing resentment about the crisis among Germans. ARD public television released data showing 51 percent of Germans said they were now worried about the future, because of the migrant arrivals. This is up from 38 percent three weeks earlier.

Berlin has chosen to bear the brunt of migration to Europe, with over 200,000 of September’s arrivals to Germany seeking asylum.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-03

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I watched a program last week were a migrant complained that she had to drive miles to work and it was menial job and that people back home would not believe that she was cleaning a hospital for a living. she done nothing but complain. I was gobsmacked.


What did these idiots expect, They have invited the ultimate freeloaders to their country , They will complain until they have everything they want you got what you asked for miss no nothing Merkel.


Weird how the article calls them both migrants and refugees. They are economic migrants who need to be treated as such quickly.

This monster The bureaucrats have created is already out of control and the open borders idea isn't even a month old yet


"While insisting just a few were involved"......"Now there are many".....

Well Mr. de Maizière which is it? This is not going to end well for Germany or the EU.


How about the German and Swedish people move to Britain and leave the politicians and their new friends to get on with it? We would get along OK as we share common values more or less and the migrants would have the jobs and housing they desire for the next 20 years until they ruin it there too...



Beat me to it.

Duuuuhh, who wudathot? I'm gonna let German leaders in on a little secret: you ain't seen nothin' yet, boys and girls. The problems which will ensue from opening your doors wide to immigrants will be deep and wide, and will last for generations. Just wait until the many babies being popped out by migrants grow up to be teenagers and adults. Some of them will develop bomb-making skills, and some will be forcing everyone in their vicinity to accept Sharia Law .....or else.


Simple, make it clear with signage that no unruliness or disrespect will be tolerated or they will be deported.

Use an iron fist.

Problem is, where do you deport them to? Won't happen, unfortunately.

Another aspect which German and other Euro leaders don't acknowledge yet: The people who are turned down for asylum, won't leave. It's already happening: most people (nearly all are men between 19 and 42) who are turned down, simply walk away and blend in with the local population. they don't leave, They aren't being forcibly returned to their countries of origin. Indeed, if Syria or Afghanistan doesn't want them back, they can't be forced to take them. In sum: around 90 to 95% of all migrants who are disqualified from settling in Europe, will wind up staying anyway.


Simple, make it clear with signage that no unruliness or disrespect will be tolerated or they will be deported.

Use an iron fist.

Problem is, where do you deport them to? Won't happen, unfortunately.

Right. Plus Europeans are too limp-wristed to deport, forcibly or otherwise. Are we hearing of any planes, buses or ships transporting undesirables back to the Middle East or northern Africa? No.


Simple, make it clear with signage that no unruliness or disrespect will be tolerated or they will be deported.

Use an iron fist.

Problem is, where do you deport them to? Won't happen, unfortunately.

Right. Plus Europeans are too limp-wristed to deport, forcibly or otherwise. Are we hearing of any planes, buses or ships transporting undesirables back to the Middle East or northern Africa? No.

I could well be talking out of my rear end, but I seem to recall reading that Germany deport only something like 15% of unsuccessful immigration claims. Can anyone confirm?

What's this all about?

Everyone said refugees should learn to accept German norms. The right to express their discontent is one of the German values. Now refugees are learning by doing, and Nazis want to deport them for that.


I'm afraid it's too late for Europe now. The floodgates are open. It's not defenseless woman and children looking to escape the atrocities of war that are coming. It's able bodied young men. So who are the politicians really helping. These young men are devout Muslims intent on crushing the infidels. History will judge the mistakes being made in Europe. I bid adieu to the Europe I once knew.


What's this all about?

Everyone said refugees should learn to accept German norms. The right to express their discontent is one of the German values. Now refugees are learning by doing, and Nazis want to deport them for that.

Germans haven't been Nazis for 70 years.


Germany is in enormous trouble. As a remnant of the guilt attached to Nazism German leaders have over compensated by moving too far in the other direction. Islam will destroy Germany as a tolerant multicultural society in the same way as it destroys host cultures wherever it spreads.

Even mild criticism of mass immigration brings the thought police down on people's heads risking them their jobs and even the custody of their children.

Merkel the other day leant on Mark Zuckerberg asking him to censor content critical of mass migration on Facebook. The German government is clearly panicking. Diktat from the top is meeting a groundswell of discontent from the people and the executive branch of local government shouting for help as they are being overwhelmed.

Meanwhile migrants are arrested by the hundreds as happened last night with another mass brawl. In summary by showing tolerance to the intolerant Germany risks an upswell of public anger not seen since the rise of Hitler.



You don't have to be in love with the system you live in. No one should know this better than the country that corrupted their Eastern part to join the West 25 years ago. Your laments about GerMoney are 25 years late.


They are not slaves.


I think nobody forbids them to live in a hotel and eat in restaurants if they so wish.

Oh yes - there is the question about money.

So the problem is that their their free food and free accomodation aren't good enough.

And the jobs are menial. I'm sure they all speak fluent German to be able to do something else than cleaning jobs?

What is surprising is that conditions that are acceptable for poor Germans aren't acceptable for some refugees.


The German leaders are completely out of touch, have foisted this situation on a public which will become increasingly more resentful and as the enormity and implications of the situation expect everybody else to bail them out.

Yesterday a BBC reporter asked a migrant why he wanted to go to Germany and he answered " because Mrs. Merkel TOLD us to come " ! !

Ouch Ankela, now get out of that.


"because they do not like the food.” Can't stomach the sauerkraut huh ?

Finnish cuisine was pronounced 'not fit for dogs' by some ingrates, perhaps Michellin should award gourmet stars for Countries so refugees (ahem economic migrants) can decide best wish nations to enrich. You would have thought Germany should be well protected on that score.

I can

They are not slaves.


I think nobody forbids them to live in a hotel and eat in restaurants if they so wish.

Oh yes - there is the question about money.

So the problem is that their their free food and free accomodation aren't good enough.

And the jobs are menial. I'm sure they all speak fluent German to be able to do something else than cleaning jobs?

What is surprising is that conditions that are acceptable for poor Germans aren't acceptable for some refugees.

The conditions are not acceptable for poor Germans either. In fact there are permanent protests against austerity laws by Germans. These protests are now being channelled against refugees.

The correct solution of the problem would be a New Deal. As former secretary Heiner Geissler (CDU) correctly stated, there is enough money in Germany, it is just in the wrong hands.

The solution for the food problem is not an expensive restaurant but halal food.

Even I wouldn't be able to digest Eisbein with Sauerkraut or some other German trash food, although my passport says I'm German.

The accomodation problem is probably a problem of privacy, a constitutional right - and a general problem in welfare states.


I heard last night Angela Merkel may be awarded a peace prize for inviting this avalanche of migrants into Germany and Europe. Thats really rubbing salt into a deep wound !


They are not slaves.


I think nobody forbids them to live in a hotel and eat in restaurants if they so wish.

Oh yes - there is the question about money.

So the problem is that their their free food and free accomodation aren't good enough.

And the jobs are menial. I'm sure they all speak fluent German to be able to do something else than cleaning jobs?

What is surprising is that conditions that are acceptable for poor Germans aren't acceptable for some refugees.

The conditions are not acceptable for poor Germans either. In fact there are permanent protests against austerity by Germans. These protests are now being channelled against refugees.

The correct solution of the problem would be a New Deal. As former secretary Heiner Geissler (CDU) correctly stated, there is enough money in Germany, it is just in the wrong hands.

Germany already has an extensive welfare program.

Many people already receive money for staying home and doing nothing. You want to expand that?

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