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German interior minister criticises lack of appreciation from some refugees

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"because they do not like the food. Can't stomach the sauerkraut huh ?

Finnish cuisine was pronounced 'not fit for dogs' by some ingrates, perhaps Michellin should award gourmet stars for Countries so refugees (ahem economic migrants) can decide best wish nations to enrich. You would have thought Germany should be well protected on that score.

Not everyone lives in a country with a world famous quality cuisine like in England. Put a list of the ingredients of English food in front of the Euro tunnel, then maybe nobody wants to come to UK anymore.


Many of you are missing the point. Germany isn't producing enough babies (future workforce) to maintain the level of wealth that the rich and powerful are accustomed to.

Good idea: big workforce clamouring to come into Europe, let's invite them and to hell with EU regulations about asylum seekers registering themselves in the first country they arrive in that can be deemed to safe. Hungary is trying to enforce that and is being attacked as being a fascist country. The EU (Germany) is now threatening sanctions against nations that refuse to accept imposed quotas. People are beginning to talk about the end of the EU.

Anyway, what Merkel is getting is not a workforce but people, looking for a better life maybe but not necessarily qualified or willing to do anything useful, I believe that many of them are even illiterate.

Immigration, nothing wrong with that but virtually inviting a million people from another country to come and stay in a country that can't look after its own is asking for trouble. One million? A lot, isn't it. How many will be arriving next year?


I can

They are not slaves.


I think nobody forbids them to live in a hotel and eat in restaurants if they so wish.

Oh yes - there is the question about money.

So the problem is that their their free food and free accomodation aren't good enough.

And the jobs are menial. I'm sure they all speak fluent German to be able to do something else than cleaning jobs?

What is surprising is that conditions that are acceptable for poor Germans aren't acceptable for some refugees.

The conditions are not acceptable for poor Germans either. In fact there are permanent protests against austerity laws by Germans. These protests are now being channelled against refugees.

The correct solution of the problem would be a New Deal. As former secretary Heiner Geissler (CDU) correctly stated, there is enough money in Germany, it is just in the wrong hands.

The solution for the food problem is not an expensive restaurant but halal food.

Even I wouldn't be able to digest Eisbein with Sauerkraut or some other German trash food, although my passport says I'm German.

The accomodation problem is probably a problem of privacy, a constitutional right - and a general problem in welfare states.

I think they get halal food already. I don't think authorities would be so dumb as to serve them pork.

Just think about it "micmichd":

A place like you suggest - where there is good food, acceptable accomodation with privacy, healthcare, education for children... why would anyone even bother to work?


Germany is in enormous trouble. As a remnant of the guilt attached to Nazism German leaders have over compensated by moving too far in the other direction. Islam will destroy Germany as a tolerant multicultural society in the same way as it destroys host cultures wherever it spreads.

Even mild criticism of mass immigration brings the thought police down on people's heads risking them their jobs and even the custody of their children.

Merkel the other day leant on Mark Zuckerberg asking him to censor content critical of mass migration on Facebook. The German government is clearly panicking. Diktat from the top is meeting a groundswell of discontent from the people and the executive branch of local government shouting for help as they are being overwhelmed.

Meanwhile migrants are arrested by the hundreds as happened last night with another mass brawl. In summary by showing tolerance to the intolerant Germany risks an upswell of public anger not seen since the rise of Hitler.


Usual spin from the media and you. An example from your link on what was briefly discussed, edited to comply with TV rules...

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been quoted as saying she wants more action from Facebook when it comes to filtering hateful racist posts.

The German leader asked Zuckerberg about hate speech posts, with the Facebook CEO responding: “We need to do some work.” Merkel wondered: “Are you working on this?” Zuckerberg replied: “Yeah.”

The women who is quoted regarding refugees on a train is a member of the website 'Barenakedislam', not exactly an irrefutable source.


I can

They are not slaves.


I think nobody forbids them to live in a hotel and eat in restaurants if they so wish.

Oh yes - there is the question about money.

So the problem is that their their free food and free accomodation aren't good enough.

And the jobs are menial. I'm sure they all speak fluent German to be able to do something else than cleaning jobs?

What is surprising is that conditions that are acceptable for poor Germans aren't acceptable for some refugees.

The conditions are not acceptable for poor Germans either. In fact there are permanent protests against austerity laws by Germans. These protests are now being channelled against refugees.

The correct solution of the problem would be a New Deal. As former secretary Heiner Geissler (CDU) correctly stated, there is enough money in Germany, it is just in the wrong hands.

The solution for the food problem is not an expensive restaurant but halal food.

Even I wouldn't be able to digest Eisbein with Sauerkraut or some other German trash food, although my passport says I'm German.

The accomodation problem is probably a problem of privacy, a constitutional right - and a general problem in welfare states.

I think they get halal food already. I don't think authorities would be so dumb as to serve them pork.

Just think about it "micmichd":

A place like you suggest - where there is good food, acceptable accomodation with privacy, healthcare, education for children... why would anyone even bother to work?

I come from such a country.


I can

They are not slaves.


I think nobody forbids them to live in a hotel and eat in restaurants if they so wish.

Oh yes - there is the question about money.

So the problem is that their their free food and free accomodation aren't good enough.

And the jobs are menial. I'm sure they all speak fluent German to be able to do something else than cleaning jobs?

What is surprising is that conditions that are acceptable for poor Germans aren't acceptable for some refugees.

The conditions are not acceptable for poor Germans either. In fact there are permanent protests against austerity laws by Germans. These protests are now being channelled against refugees.

The correct solution of the problem would be a New Deal. As former secretary Heiner Geissler (CDU) correctly stated, there is enough money in Germany, it is just in the wrong hands.

The solution for the food problem is not an expensive restaurant but halal food.

Even I wouldn't be able to digest Eisbein with Sauerkraut or some other German trash food, although my passport says I'm German.

The accomodation problem is probably a problem of privacy, a constitutional right - and a general problem in welfare states.

I think they get halal food already. I don't think authorities would be so dumb as to serve them pork.

Just think about it "micmichd":

A place like you suggest - where there is good food, acceptable accomodation with privacy, healthcare, education for children... why would anyone even bother to work?

For a car, a flat which is their property, furniture, a little shop - many things. In fact, many "guestworkers" did that in Germany. Some remained in Germany, but many returned to their home countries.

Of course, the must be an end to arms exports, and the war parties in the ME must be disarmed. Once this is done, new jobs can be created to built up the country again. Germany calls itself a country of ideas, they have enough money for incentives (development banks), why not use their available instruments?


I notice most of the migrants are young men and they are the ones complaing. Why are they not back in there own country fighting for there freedom? They just want the rest of the world to do that for them so they can get a free ride. Germany asked for it & now they start to complain , bad luck Fritz you better start getting use to the minority trying to change your values and way of life. For you TV members who will reply I am a racist , yes I am so I save you the time to reply.


Surly no one is surprised at the attitude. They are in the land of milk and honey, so they want

there milk and honey. Where is my I-pad, where is my Mac Book, don't bother with that Microsoft

crap. BTW I expect a new I-phone when they come out so make sure you order enough. tongue.png


Weird how the article calls them both migrants and refugees. They are economic migrants who need to be treated as such quickly.

This monster The bureaucrats have created is already out of control and the open borders idea isn't even a month old yet

Germany is now in charge of the EU. OK, she allows France a few crumbs, but not more.

This ridiculous "refugee" problem must be stopped and reversed.

Those allowed in as "refugees/ asylum seekers" once processed and found wanting for their self-descriptions - must be returned to their countries - forcibly if necessary.

For many in Germany today, Angela Merkel's attempt to be the "Mother Theresa" of the EU - as she was depicted on the front cover of der Spiegel - is just a ploy for her to get a Nobel Peace Prize.

Alas it is her countrymen and women onto whom she has sicked these people.

So what really happened.

She wants a Nobel Peace Prize - and SO when she saw the numbers crossing the Mediterranean - she said WILKOMMEN.

Cheap labour is another incentive, since Russia foiled Germany's attempts to 'annexe the Ukraine'.


It's all going to end very very badly. Spain has 25% youth unemployment. Greece, Italy, France similar. If there are no jobs for the teenagers from these countries, and you've got half a mil of mainly muslim males coming in, unable to speak the local lingo, somewhere, soon, the system is gonna pop. And it aint gonna be pretty.


Many of you are missing the point. Germany isn't producing enough babies (future workforce) to maintain the level of wealth that the rich and powerful are accustomed to.

Good idea: big workforce clamouring to come into Europe, let's invite them and to hell with EU regulations about asylum seekers registering themselves in the first country they arrive in that can be deemed to safe. Hungary is trying to enforce that and is being attacked as being a fascist country. The EU (Germany) is now threatening sanctions against nations that refuse to accept imposed quotas. People are beginning to talk about the end of the EU.

Anyway, what Merkel is getting is not a workforce but people, looking for a better life maybe but not necessarily qualified or willing to do anything useful, I believe that many of them are even illiterate.

Immigration, nothing wrong with that but virtually inviting a million people from another country to come and stay in a country that can't look after its own is asking for trouble. One million? A lot, isn't it. How many will be arriving next year?

Germans, don't worry, Merkel will cherry pick the useful migrants, those that speak German or English,

those that have degrees, those that are young and healthy. The rest will be sent to other EU

countries. It may sound cynical but who would you keep, and who would you redistribute. coffee1.gif


Check out what this European woman, that understands Arabic, overheard/experienced when she found herself on one of the immigrant trains.



Watched another clip where they kicked full water bottles onto the train track because they had a red cross on them. The water was donated by the red cross and they claimed that anything with a Christian cross on it was unfit for consumption. They also turned down food as it was not halal food. These people will never integrate and will cause all kinds of future problems. What the hell is Europe doing letting these animals into their country. The woman in the above clip says that 90% of the immigrants were young fit men. Watch the clip as disgusting as it is people need to be informed. These people are going to save Germany because of low birth rates? absolute stupidity.


I can

They are not slaves.


I think nobody forbids them to live in a hotel and eat in restaurants if they so wish.

Oh yes - there is the question about money.

So the problem is that their their free food and free accomodation aren't good enough.

And the jobs are menial. I'm sure they all speak fluent German to be able to do something else than cleaning jobs?

What is surprising is that conditions that are acceptable for poor Germans aren't acceptable for some refugees.

The conditions are not acceptable for poor Germans either. In fact there are permanent protests against austerity laws by Germans. These protests are now being channelled against refugees.

The correct solution of the problem would be a New Deal. As former secretary Heiner Geissler (CDU) correctly stated, there is enough money in Germany, it is just in the wrong hands.

The solution for the food problem is not an expensive restaurant but halal food.

Even I wouldn't be able to digest Eisbein with Sauerkraut or some other German trash food, although my passport says I'm German.

The accomodation problem is probably a problem of privacy, a constitutional right - and a general problem in welfare states.

Sorry beggars cannot be choosers. Either take what is offered or go home simple easy works.


Check out what this European woman, that understands Arabic, overheard/experienced when she found herself on one of the immigrant trains.



Watched another clip where they kicked full water bottles onto the train track because they had a red cross on them. The water was donated by the red cross and they claimed that anything with a Christian cross on it was unfit for consumption. They also turned down food as it was not halal food. These people will never integrate and will cause all kinds of future problems. What the hell is Europe doing letting these animals into their country. The woman in the above clip says that 90% of the immigrants were young fit men. Watch the clip as disgusting as it is people need to be informed. These people are going to save Germany because of low birth rates? absolute stupidity.

So? I am surprised that the 'you are a fascist' brigade hasn't arrived yet. I heard the phrase 'Toleranzromantiker' for the first time last week. I'm sure you can work out what it means.



Beat me to it.

Duuuuhh, who wudathot? I'm gonna let German leaders in on a little secret: you ain't seen nothin' yet, boys and girls. The problems which will ensue from opening your doors wide to immigrants will be deep and wide, and will last for generations. Just wait until the many babies being popped out by migrants grow up to be teenagers and adults. Some of them will develop bomb-making skills, and some will be forcing everyone in their vicinity to accept Sharia Law .....or else.

Sorry only could give you one like no double like button. What a can of worms. Your statement will only happen under ideal conditions. In the States they are already asking schools to close down for Muslim holidays and stating just wait a few years we will be in the majority. They pop out babies like sausages and the system looks after them. Death from within.


From the article below;

Police in Germany are keeping quiet about a spate of rapes targeting children committed by Muslim migrants in and around refugee camps so as not to “legitimize” critics of mass migration, according to local media reports. Schools in Germany situated near migrant camps are also warning girls not to wear shorts or skirts so as not to offend migrants and provoke “attacks”. “Revealing tops or blouses, short shorts or miniskirts could lead to misunderstandings,” wrote school administrators, asking that students respect the migrants’ “culture”.



They are not slaves.


I think nobody forbids them to live in a hotel and eat in restaurants if they so wish.

Oh yes - there is the question about money.

So the problem is that their their free food and free accomodation aren't good enough.

And the jobs are menial. I'm sure they all speak fluent German to be able to do something else than cleaning jobs?

What is surprising is that conditions that are acceptable for poor Germans aren't acceptable for some refugees.

The conditions are not acceptable for poor Germans either. In fact there are permanent protests against austerity by Germans. These protests are now being channelled against refugees.

The correct solution of the problem would be a New Deal. As former secretary Heiner Geissler (CDU) correctly stated, there is enough money in Germany, it is just in the wrong hands.

Germany already has an extensive welfare program.

Many people already receive money for staying home and doing nothing. You want to expand that?



Some of us perhaps expect after surviving the risky escape of a war zone, a dangerous exodus on sea or on land, losing relatives, being treated under harsh conditions and robbed all the way till their new host countries was not enough.

Even then, I'm surprised that these people have no right to complain...a little bit...?


What's this all about?

Everyone said refugees should learn to accept German norms. The right to express their discontent is one of the German values. Now refugees are learning by doing, and Nazis want to deport them for that.

Germans haven't been Nazis for 70 years.

So you think,, soon enough it will surface it's ugly bald head.


In my dealings with Refugees over a number of years, I noted that many had very unrealistic demands. This was often based on a complete lack of information about what to expect. The poorer the country, the greater the expectations.

It has less to do with where they are from and more to do with what they perceive freedom to be. These people didn't go through any planning or orientation about life in the west. Without that, they will deal with perceived injustices much as they did in their own country, only now they don't have the likelihood of being killed.

It's not unlike many foreigners in Thailand who think they have similar rights as in their home country.

The reality is quite different. It's called Culture shock.


It's all going to end very very badly. Spain has 25% youth unemployment. Greece, Italy, France similar. If there are no jobs for the teenagers from these countries, and you've got half a mil of mainly muslim males coming in, unable to speak the local lingo, somewhere, soon, the system is gonna pop. And it aint gonna be pretty.

Only a matter of time before the rise of the neo nazis or similar in great numbers, not the silly skinhead thing we often see.

And you are quite correct it ain't gonna be pretty as the muslims will fight back big time unlike the jews of yesteryear..

There will be civil war in many countries for years to come once the flash point is reached.

And I don't think that point is too far away.

People seem to forget that the world is basically split in to two factions....those that are muslim and those that are not.

It was similar one thousand years ago with the crusades and what have you and then settled down.

With the Arab oil and the money/power it has generated the conflict is about to start yet again. The basic premise of the muslim world hasn't changed. Convert or die.

Of course there are many, many moderate muslims - those that will happily live with the western values....and just as happily live with Sharia. They might be nice people but when it comes to the crunch.......sorry infidel, I'm on the other side.

Millions of refugees and migrants have moved around the world peacefully for centuries and for the most part have assimilated into the new countries. As long as the basic values are the same....peace and prosperity for all will follow.

When they are not the same...then trouble is inevitable.


In my dealings with Refugees over a number of years, I noted that many had very unrealistic demands. This was often based on a complete lack of information about what to expect. The poorer the country, the greater the expectations.

It has less to do with where they are from and more to do with what they perceive freedom to be. These people didn't go through any planning or orientation about life in the west. Without that, they will deal with perceived injustices much as they did in their own country, only now they don't have the likelihood of being killed.

It's not unlike many foreigners in Thailand who think they have similar rights as in their home country.

The reality is quite different. It's called Culture shock.

they will deal with perceived injustices much as they did in their own country, --

The way they dealt with those things in their own country often was to mob up, attack those they thought their enemy (aka native Germans, in this instance), kill, rape, hold hostage, steal, and murder. Sort of steep price to pay for a few politicians cheap sense of moral courage.


Some of us perhaps expect after surviving the risky escape of a war zone, a dangerous exodus on sea or on land, losing relatives, being treated under harsh conditions and robbed all the way till their new host countries was not enough.

Even then, I'm surprised that these people have no right to complain...a little bit...?

Think you nailed it there....host countries.....just like a virus infection


It's all going to end very very badly. Spain has 25% youth unemployment. Greece, Italy, France similar. If there are no jobs for the teenagers from these countries, and you've got half a mil of mainly muslim males coming in, unable to speak the local lingo, somewhere, soon, the system is gonna pop. And it aint gonna be pretty.

Only a matter of time before the rise of the neo nazis or similar in great numbers, not the silly skinhead thing we often see.

And you are quite correct it ain't gonna be pretty as the muslims will fight back big time unlike the jews of yesteryear..

There will be civil war in many countries for years to come once the flash point is reached.

And I don't think that point is too far away.

People seem to forget that the world is basically split in to two factions....those that are muslim and those that are not.

It was similar one thousand years ago with the crusades and what have you and then settled down.

With the Arab oil and the money/power it has generated the conflict is about to start yet again. The basic premise of the muslim world hasn't changed. Convert or die.

Of course there are many, many moderate muslims - those that will happily live with the western values....and just as happily live with Sharia. They might be nice people but when it comes to the crunch.......sorry infidel, I'm on the other side.

Millions of refugees and migrants have moved around the world peacefully for centuries and for the most part have assimilated into the new countries. As long as the basic values are the same....peace and prosperity for all will follow.

When they are not the same...then trouble is inevitable.

Crusades 1000 years ago? Look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Vienna which prevented a Muslim invasion of Europe by what might be considered a f***ing miracle, and the Battle of Lepanto https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Lepanto

You might also be interested in the trade in Christian slaves throughout the Mediterranean https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_slave_trade

The Uk and America finally put a stop to that.

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