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Gun control debate in the spotlight following Oregon campus shootings

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Gun control debate in the spotlight following Oregon campus shootings


Emotions are running high in Roseburg, Oregon, following a college campus gun attack which claimed the lives of at least ten people, including the shooter.

The incident at Umpqua Community College (UCC) has once more brought the issue of gun control to the forefront of people’s minds.

In 2015 alone, there have been 294 mass shootings in the US. These are defined as four or more people being shot, but not necessarily killed.

President Barack Obama said people had “become numb” to the frequency of the attacks, while the response of gun legislation opponents had become “routine.”

“This is a political choice that we make to allow this to happen every few months in America. We collectively are answerable to those families who lose their loved ones because of our inaction,” he said from the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room, named after a man wounded in a gun attack.

Victoria Van Buren, a local girl whose friends were among the seven injured told the media she thought the incident highlighted the need for more guns in the area.

“If the United States is going to take out of this that we should have gun laws and guns should be taken away, in fact, I think there should be more guns in the area and that everybody should be protected and know how to use them and protect themselves, because this could have very easily been avoided,” she told reporters.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) has yet to make a formal statement about the shootings. However, speaking following the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre, the NRA’s Executive Vice President Wayne La Pierre said:

“The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,”

Similarly, Douglas County Sheriff John Hanlin has also been vocal in his opposition to tighter gun control.

In 2013, he wrote to Vice President Joe Biden to say that he and his work force would not enforce new gun control restrictions, claiming they offended “the constitutional rights of my citizens.”

Long an advocate of tighter gun control, Obama called on opponents of tighter firearms laws to reconsider their views.

“(There is) a gun for roughly every man, woman and child in America. So how can you with a straight face make the argument that more guns will make us safer?” he said, the referred to statistics, which indicate that states and countries with gun limits have far fewer gun deaths than those without.

The suspect

Named in the media as 26-year-old Chris Harper-Mercer, the suspect is said to have moved to the States from England as a young boy. Harper-Mercer’s social media pages feature footage of the Irish Republican Army (IRA), a song about the Troubles in Northern Ireland and various images of IRA members in military uniform.

Sheriff Hanlin has refused to name the suspected shooter.

“Let me be very clear,” he said, “I will not name the shooter. I will not give him credit for this horrific act of cowardice. Media will get the name confirmed in time… but you will never hear us use it.”

Let me be very clear: I will not name the shooter. I will not give him credit for this horrific act of cowardice. Media will get the name confirmed in time… but you will never hear us use it.”

“Focus your attention on the victims and their families and helping them to recover,” he added.

Believed to be new to the area, Harper-Mercer has been described as “nervy”.

His neighbours expressed shock at the incident.

“Especially when you’re in Roseburg, this community is like a family. I felt safe here and now I don’t feel anything close to safe,” said one female.

AP reports that Roseburg has seen school gun violence before. A freshman at the local high school shot and wounded a fellow student in 2006.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-03

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“The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,”

yes we call them the police


Victoria is right. Just arm all students, and the mass shooting problem will be solved. There will soon not be enough students left for that.


America, does not even need Islamic terrorist, their own citizens kill more people in those mass shootings. (Real sad actually). Still I see Americans comment on how dangerous Europe is with its Muslims (in various topics here on Thaivisa). I would say the US is dangerous because of its guns.

I doubt that something can be done, tighter laws would not help with all the guns floating around already.

I wish them the best in solving this real complicated problems.


The National Rifle Association (NRA) has yet to make a formal statement about the shootings. However, speaking following the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre, the NRAs Executive Vice President Wayne La Pierre said: The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,

Hello Mr. La Pierre, the only difference between a bad guy with a gun and a good guy with a gun is a few synapses in that guy's brain. An Isis fighter is a good guy with a gun to an Isis supporter. People's minds are extremely mutable. A person who thinks their lover would never cheat, can immediately change to thinking the opposite due to split-second changing circumstances. La Pierre is also the genius who advocated armed guards stationed at all US schools. Sure, 25 to 40 yr old men with loaded weapons hanging around every day at schools packed with pretty little girls and boys - what could wrong with that scenario, eh La Pierre?


The NRA has too much of a stranglehold on the US Congress. This will go nowhere just like all the other times they have tried to push gun-control through. Personally, I would love to see more gun control, but it just ain't going to happen.

“The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,”

yes we call them the police

"When seconds count, the police are only minutes away." - Clint Smith, former US Marine, police officer and S.W.A.T. team member. When asked why he carried a Colt .45 he answered "Because they don't make a .46".


"“The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,”"

As Boomerang has pointed out, the only difference between a good guy with a gun and a bad guy with a gun is a few micrograms of some chemicals in the brain, a few synapses. A good guy can become a bad guy with just a few words, just being snubbed by a girl, anything. Society has no control over when a good guy turns bad. The common denominator that doesn't change between the scenarios of good guy-bad guy, but could be changed by society is the guns.

We KNOW another mass shooting will occur very shortly. However, the arguments for no gun control, ie to protect oneself and to be armed in case one needs to rise against a tyrannical government, we do not know will ever come about, and in fact are unlikely.

So where's the common sense? Prepare for something that will definitely happen, or prepare for something that is unlikely to happen?

It's very much Thai mentality; Me, me, me, now, now now, and to hell with the common good or common sense.


America, does not even need Islamic terrorist, their own citizens kill more people in those mass shootings. (Real sad actually). Still I see Americans comment on how dangerous Europe is with its Muslims (in various topics here on Thaivisa). I would say the US is dangerous because of its guns.

I doubt that something can be done, tighter laws would not help with all the guns floating around already.

I wish them the best in solving this real complicated problems.

What can be done if it's written into the constitution?

American's have the right to bear arms.

“The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,”

yes we call them the police

"When seconds count, the police are only minutes away." - Clint Smith, former US Marine, police officer and S.W.A.T. team member. When asked why he carried a Colt .45 he answered "Because they don't make a .46".

What a dumb answer! I carry this gun because there isn't a bigger one.

It's that sort of cowboy attitude ( redolent of small penis compensation) that fuels the gun culture as exemplified by the posters online egging Mercer on to his killing spree.

Sexually insecure "men" needing a weapon to compensate for their own inadequacies. I suspect that the most vocal of gun supporters fall into this category.


America, does not even need Islamic terrorist, their own citizens kill more people in those mass shootings. (Real sad actually). Still I see Americans comment on how dangerous Europe is with its Muslims (in various topics here on Thaivisa). I would say the US is dangerous because of its guns.

I doubt that something can be done, tighter laws would not help with all the guns floating around already.

I wish them the best in solving this real complicated problems.

What can be done if it's written into the constitution?

American's have the right to bear arms.

The interpretation of the present amendment can change, that would be a Supreme Court decision, or the amendment can be amended.


America, does not even need Islamic terrorist, their own citizens kill more people in those mass shootings. (Real sad actually). Still I see Americans comment on how dangerous Europe is with its Muslims (in various topics here on Thaivisa). I would say the US is dangerous because of its guns.

I doubt that something can be done, tighter laws would not help with all the guns floating around already.

I wish them the best in solving this real complicated problems.

What can be done if it's written into the constitution?

American's have the right to bear arms.

Here we go again. That amendment was written during times of smooth bore guns. The writers couldn't even have imagined the types of weapons which exist today. It was written during a time of small population of settlers needing to be ready to fight the British. Remember the term 'minuteman'? Most were farmers. By allowing outlying farmers to have their smoothbores, facilitated a quick grouping of fighters in a pinch. The 2nd amendment has as much relevance with modern-day weapons problems as fireflies have to do with the space shuttle.


America, does not even need Islamic terrorist, their own citizens kill more people in those mass shootings. (Real sad actually). Still I see Americans comment on how dangerous Europe is with its Muslims (in various topics here on Thaivisa). I would say the US is dangerous because of its guns.

I doubt that something can be done, tighter laws would not help with all the guns floating around already.

I wish them the best in solving this real complicated problems.

What can be done if it's written into the constitution?

American's have the right to bear arms.

It's an amendment to the constitution..It can be amended.



America, does not even need Islamic terrorist, their own citizens kill more people in those mass shootings. (Real sad actually). Still I see Americans comment on how dangerous Europe is with its Muslims (in various topics here on Thaivisa). I would say the US is dangerous because of its guns.

I doubt that something can be done, tighter laws would not help with all the guns floating around already.

I wish them the best in solving this real complicated problems.

What can be done if it's written into the constitution?

American's have the right to bear arms.

The interpretation of the present amendment can change, that would be a Supreme Court decision, or the amendment can be amended.

Then you'd have American's rioting..........with arms, to protect their current amendment in the constitution.


The weapons industry is big business in America, BIG BUSINESS... Shutting it down would have a major impact on employment and GDP, so there is that aspect of the debate... Gun control in the US should start at the top, which is the government... How many billions of $$$ do they gain in selling weapons to foreign nations (and certain terrorist groups)? The world is a very sad place when the supposed greatest nation on earth manages foreign policy at the end of a gun... It is any surprise that this reflects the actions of the populace?


Gun control debate in the USA is bull-sht and a waste of time. If Americans reject models of gun control that work and have the stats to prove it then it's a waste of time and just rhetoric. See? I just wasted about a minute of my time on this.


I'm in favor of gun control. But I also know it's nigh impossible to enact in the US, even in increments. Gun ownership fits the definition of an addiction for many Americans. The Swiss allow each soldier to keep a gun in his home, and look how many criminal shootings there are in Switzerland: zero. Costa Rica doesn't even have an army, yet look at how many times it's been threatened by another country: zero. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Unfortunately, guns are owned by people, and people are a zany species. We have these big brains, but that doesn't make us smart. There are many animal species which act smarter than humans. One example: How many animals grossly despoil their immediate environments? One one: humans. Here's another: how many species suffer clinical craziness? Only one: humans.


When you you have a country that allows a white individual to walk into an international airport with a gun slung over his shoulder and this is regarded as within the law then you know you have a problem. Had it been a man with brown or black skin and a beard his constitutional right would not matter and he would probably be filled so full of holes that there wouldn't be much of him left.

I do hope next time there is a march on Wall street that those protesters exercise their constitutional rights just like Bundy and his buddies.


America, does not even need Islamic terrorist, their own citizens kill more people in those mass shootings. (Real sad actually). Still I see Americans comment on how dangerous Europe is with its Muslims (in various topics here on Thaivisa). I would say the US is dangerous because of its guns.

I doubt that something can be done, tighter laws would not help with all the guns floating around already.

I wish them the best in solving this real complicated problems.

What can be done if it's written into the constitution?

American's have the right to bear arms.

The interpretation of the present amendment can change, that would be a Supreme Court decision, or the amendment can be amended.

Then you'd have American's rioting..........with arms, to protect their current amendment in the constitution.

Your claim was it can't be done because it is a constitutional right. You have been proven wrong.


We can thank the NRA, Fox News and the pathetic lemmings of the Republican party for this situation. All their bullshit arguments for gun control are responsible. We don't need guns and the majority of Americans want gun control laws.



What can be done if it's written into the constitution?

American's have the right to bear arms.

It's an amendment to the constitution..It can be amended.

No it can't. It takes a supermajority vote of 2/3 of the US Congress to get the ball rolling. That's not going to happen when 100 million Americans own guns and plan to keep it that way. They vote.

Next if you could get it past Congress, that amendment has to be ratified by 3/4 of the states. That's not going to happen with 100 million armed voters ready to toss the bums out of office.

100 million Americans own about 300 million guns. They accept the risks because the risk of not owning them is greater. Just watch the next 20 years as Europe which is spineless and helpless and gutless and hopeless and emotionally blinded gets blown out by the current invaders and their offspring. It's going to be a bloodbath by the invaders.

Then if I'm still around I'll tell you "I told you so." Your grandchildren will be begging for guns but too late.

Americans are playing the long game.

Europeans and Aussies are brainwashed into thinking their governments will defend them when already it's obvious that their governments are against them!!



"When seconds count, the police are only minutes away." - Clint Smith, former US Marine, police officer and S.W.A.T. team member. When asked why he carried a Colt .45 he answered "Because they don't make a .46".

What a dumb answer! I carry this gun because there isn't a bigger one.

No, It's an intelligent answer.

Do you know that most handguns won't penetrate a "bulletproof" vest but almost all rifles will? I'm referring to the level 3A standard issue police and military vests.

There are some handguns with some bullets that will. Some of these perps have these vests and I'd want to think I could penetrate one if my life depended on it. (FYI, a .45 probably wouldn't penetrate but a .44 magnum probably would.)

Sometimes size not only matters, but your life may depend on it. The guy was being serious and correct.



Americans are playing the long game.

Europeans and Aussies are brainwashed into thinking their governments will defend them when already it's obvious that their governments are against them!!


First of all, Americans are not playing the long game. They simply love their guns.

Second of all,....WOW! Where's the tinfoil hat emoji when I need it?


"When seconds count, the police are only minutes away." - Clint Smith, former US Marine, police officer and S.W.A.T. team member. When asked why he carried a Colt .45 he answered "Because they don't make a .46".

What a dumb answer! I carry this gun because there isn't a bigger one.

No, It's an intelligent answer.

Do you know that most handguns won't penetrate a "bulletproof" vest but almost all rifles will? I'm referring to the level 3A standard issue police and military vests.

There are some handguns with some bullets that will. Some of these perps have these vests and I'd want to think I could penetrate one if my life depended on it. (FYI, a .45 probably wouldn't penetrate but a .44 magnum probably would.)

Sometimes size not only matters, but your life may depend on it. The guy was being serious and correct.


Where are you going to build your bunker? Sometimes asteroids hit planets, and one might hit earth. Really. And it's possible that a big one will hit, so you'd better make sure it's deep enough. You may even get a direct hit, so perhaps 1 km deep will be necessary.

On the off-chance that a bad guy with a special bullet-proof vest tries to kill you (be honest, what's the likelihood?), you will continue to advocate for weapons that have been shown to kill many people on a daily basis.

Did it occur to you that crims in Europe and Australia don't wear bullet-proof vests...because, wow! there are gun controls!!!

Last week, New Zealand held a Police Rememberance Day honouring the 29 (twenty nine) police officers who have died in the course of their duties since the Police force was established in 1886! And that includes drownings, falls down cliffs, car accidents etc.

18 by firearm

Eighteen deaths by firearm in 130 years. I think police anywhere in the world are more likely to come across armed criminals than you are. Why do you have a gun?


Since the paid-off politicians will never do anything about it, it's up to you to defend yourself.

I'd recommend all Americans buy some of this. Alex Jones swears by it. ***


*** I don't really recommend it, I'm just pointing out how absurd reality has become for some people nowadays.


America, does not even need Islamic terrorist, their own citizens kill more people in those mass shootings. (Real sad actually). Still I see Americans comment on how dangerous Europe is with its Muslims (in various topics here on Thaivisa). I would say the US is dangerous because of its guns.

I doubt that something can be done, tighter laws would not help with all the guns floating around already.

I wish them the best in solving this real complicated problems.

What can be done if it's written into the constitution?

American's have the right to bear arms.

The interpretation of the present amendment can change, that would be a Supreme Court decision, or the amendment can be amended.

The standing 2nd amendment hasn't changed but its interpretation already has. Up until the 1970's, from the Supreme Court on down, the legal interpretation of the 2nd amendment was that it referred to armed militias to protect the citizenry from any possible rogue government and NOT the arming of individuals. But in the late 1970's, after some extreme right-wing individuals took over the NRA, huge amounts of money was spent lobbying to force a change to this interpretation and it was only in 2008 that the Supreme Court changed its stand and ruled in favour of the right of the INDIVIDUAL to bear arms. The statistics indicate the the 'to hell in a handbasket' pretty much kicked off then.

It's early days yet. The NRA's on a roll and nobody's going to hold their breath while the Supreme Court gets badgered into rethinking things sensibly. On the other hand, I doubt that there's any presidential hopeful in this generation who would consider tinkering with the politically suicidal action of actually tabling any amendments to the 2nd. America's own deep-seated insecurity will ensure that. I don't mean that in any demeaning way. The US of A is only about 230 years old after all and like the latest shooter in Oregon, 'just a kid' with all the insecurities and self-doubts that accompany adolescence.


Since the paid-off politicians will never do anything about it, it's up to you to defend yourself.

I'd recommend all Americans buy some of this. Alex Jones swears by it. ***


*** I don't really recommend it, I'm just pointing out how absurd reality has become for some people nowadays.

LOL. "Learn to think, act, and prepare for government collapse"

As I said previously, bunkers surely before body armour and an armoury full of weapons.

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