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SURVEY: Will Russia's involvement in the Syrian conflict bring stability to Syria and the ME?


SURVEY: Will Russian involvement in Syria bring stability to the ME?   

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By Russia getting involved with Iran it has checkmated the US who have if you care to have a look at a map of the Middle east being actively destabilising the entire region with political and military intervention in several nations, history shows us when this happens a vacuum appears hence IS and the Taliban become new players in the region.

Western media paint Putin as a devil and Assad of Syria a tyrant, well folks until the spring uprising and the US envelopment in Afghanistan and Iraq there was peace through out the area, if anything the US and the world should stop backing Israel to pressure them into a long lasting settlement of the Palistine issue, this is all related one goes with the other.

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By Russia getting involved with Iran it has checkmated the US who have if you care to have a look at a map of the Middle east being actively destabilising the entire region with political and military intervention in several nations, history shows us when this happens a vacuum appears hence IS and the Taliban become new players in the region.

Western media paint Putin as a devil and Assad of Syria a tyrant, well folks until the spring uprising and the US envelopment in Afghanistan and Iraq there was peace through out the area, if anything the US and the world should stop backing Israel to pressure them into a long lasting settlement of the Palistine issue, this is all related one goes with the other.

The Arab Spring uprisings we caused by the general population being tired of abuses by their leaders. It had nothing to do with Russia, the US, China, etc. So no, there wasn't peace in the region. It's been a mess for a long time. Mainly due to religion, brutal dictators, corruption, etc.


The Arab Spring is widely believed to have been instigated by dissatisfaction with the rule of local governments, particularly by youth and unions, though some have speculated that wide gaps in income levels may have had a hand as well.[43] Numerous factors led to the protests, including issues such as dictatorship or absolute monarchy, human rights violations, political corruption (demonstrated by Wikileaks diplomatic cables),[44] economic decline, unemployment, extreme poverty, and a number of demographic structural factors,[45] such as a large percentage of educated but dissatisfied youth within the entire population.[46][47] Catalysts for the revolts in all Northern African and Persian Gulf countries included the concentration of wealth in the hands of autocrats in power for decades, insufficient transparency of its redistribution, corruption, and especially the refusal of the youth to accept the status quo.[
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The current situation:

Assad is fighting against ISIS and the other rebels.

The other rebels are fighting against ISIS and Assad. If any of them win(unlikely) they will probably start fighting each other.

Turkey is fighting against ISIS and the Kurds.

Turkey is probably also doing business with ISIS (buying oil & antiquities)

The US & UK are bombing ISIS and supporting the other rebels and the Kurds.

The Saudis are supporting (informally) ISIS.

Israel is possibly supporting the Nusra Front (Al-Queda in Syria)

It's difficult to see how the Russians could possibly make things even worse. coffee1.gif

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It might bring stability to Syria, but only if the bombs without borders coalition stop meddling in Syrian affairs, as for the rest of the ME, we have thrown our lot in with Israel and Saudi Arabia, two of the worst human rights abusers in the world today.

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Stability in Middle East has nothing to do with Western understanding of it Political regimes.

As long as the West will keep trying to impose its version of model of "correct" political system - there will be instability.

West is west . East is east. East has never had any kind, form or shade of "Democracy". East understands only Force. Culturally, Historically and Religiously.

Any western ideas of stability=democracy and attempts to import them in the East will inadvertently destabilize the East.

We have seen it happen everywhere, without exemptions.

Any references to brutal dictatorial regimes must be stopped forever.

Iran - from 'brutal' Shah to 'democratic' Islamists

Iraq - from 'brutal' Saddam to 'democratic' Islamists.

Afghanistan - from 'brutal' chieftains to 'democratic' Taliban.

Libya, Tunisia, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Qatar - all going in one and the same direction.

The only difference the West has made was stirring the pot and supplying modern more effective weapons invariably turned against it. Everywhere.

The only achieved end result everywhere - Islamization. And where Islam existed - Radicalization of the same Islam. You can not argue with the facts.

The rotting, soft, impotent, liberal Western Civilization has awaken the Medieval Fanatical Religion which was beaten by force at great collective effort 700 years ago into seclusion.

It was beaten, contained and lagging behind due to inability to develop spiritually, technologically, philosophically, economically and militarily despite its ever expansionist nature.

Islam's strength is its resolve, its brutality and relentlessness. The West's weakness is in lack of resolve, lack of necessary brutality and Liberal Political Correctness.

We are all now witnessing the second Fall of the Roman Empire. It will take time. There will be more battles. But the outcome is quite predictable.

We all are going to be beaten for internal reasons. We have rotted in our core. We decided to embrace them. But were they ready for this?

We decided to give them a hand. They took it only to get the rest. We let them in among us. They came to replace us. And there is no turning back with almost 54,000,000 million of them in our midst.

Have a nice remainder of your life. coffee1.gif

Edited by ABCer
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Stability in Middle East has nothing to do with Western understanding of it Political regimes.

As long as the West will keep trying to impose its version of model of "correct" political system - there will be instability.

West is west . East is east. East has never had any kind, form or shade of "Democracy". East understands only Force. Culturally, Historically and Religiously.

Any western ideas of stability=democracy and attempts to import them in the East will inadvertently destabilize the East.

We have seen it happen everywhere, without exemptions.

Any references to brutal dictatorial regimes must be stopped forever.

Iran - from 'brutal' Shah to 'democratic' Islamists

Iraq - from 'brutal' Saddam to 'democratic' Islamists.

Afghanistan - from 'brutal' chieftains to 'democratic' Taliban.

Libya, Tunisia, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Qatar - all going in one and the same direction.

The only difference the West has made was stirring the pot and supplying modern more effective weapons invariably turned against it. Everywhere.

The only achieved end result everywhere - Islamization. And where Islam existed - Radicalization of the same Islam. You can not argue with the facts.

The rotting, soft, impotent, liberal Western Civilization has awaken the Medieval Fanatical Religion which was beaten by force at great collective effort 700 years ago into seclusion.

It was beaten, contained and lagging behind due to inability to develop spiritually, technologically, philosophically, economically and militarily despite its ever expansionist nature.

Islam's strength is its resolve, its brutality and relentlessness. The West's weakness is in lack of resolve, lack of necessary brutality and Liberal Political Correctness.

We are all now witnessing the second Fall of the Roman Empire. It will take time. There will be more battles. But the outcome is quite predictable.

We all are going to be beaten for internal reasons. We have rotted in our core. We decided to embrace them. But were they ready for this?

We decided to give them a hand. They took it only to get the rest. We let them in among us. They came to replace us. And there is no turning back with .

Have a nice remainder of your life. coffee1.gif

Thanks, A good post. Except for "almost 54,000,000 million of them in our midst".

54 million million!! Are they ants?

Edited by Scott
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Whatever the outcome it has gotta be better than the Americans and their Khazar buddies running the show.

Your choice of words is clearly indicating you are a person of one singular thought. Reference to Khazars (one branch of Jews) can only be compared to another "intellectual" poster here

who used a word "kulaks" referring to Russians. Also a term related to long gone cruel Russian history. Also clearly demonstrating a one track singular "intellectual" thought person.

Both of you can not think. Just have read something that impressed you, but no mental ability to think on the basis of facts.

I am sure if you are prodded just a bit you will tell us about Jewdo-Zionist world conspiracy. Posters like you should be not allowed into adults exchanging ideas. Kindergarten is your place.

Most likely the same Kindergarten when little kids of 3-5 years are talking about growing up enough to "kill Jews" because Koran says they are bad pigs. No difference. None!

Despite common belief real intellect is ability to think on the basis of learned facts, concepts and realities. I pity you. But do not despair - there far too many of your ilk.

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Stability in Middle East has nothing to do with Western understanding of it Political regimes.

As long as the West will keep trying to impose its version of model of "correct" political system - there will be instability.

West is west . East is east. East has never had any kind, form or shade of "Democracy". East understands only Force. Culturally, Historically and Religiously.

Any western ideas of stability=democracy and attempts to import them in the East will inadvertently destabilize the East.

We have seen it happen everywhere, without exemptions.

Any references to brutal dictatorial regimes must be stopped forever.

Iran - from 'brutal' Shah to 'democratic' Islamists

Iraq - from 'brutal' Saddam to 'democratic' Islamists.

Afghanistan - from 'brutal' chieftains to 'democratic' Taliban.

Libya, Tunisia, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Qatar - all going in one and the same direction.

The only difference the West has made was stirring the pot and supplying modern more effective weapons invariably turned against it. Everywhere.

The only achieved end result everywhere - Islamization. And where Islam existed - Radicalization of the same Islam. You can not argue with the facts.

The rotting, soft, impotent, liberal Western Civilization has awaken the Medieval Fanatical Religion which was beaten by force at great collective effort 700 years ago into seclusion.

It was beaten, contained and lagging behind due to inability to develop spiritually, technologically, philosophically, economically and militarily despite its ever expansionist nature.

Islam's strength is its resolve, its brutality and relentlessness. The West's weakness is in lack of resolve, lack of necessary brutality and Liberal Political Correctness.

We are all now witnessing the second Fall of the Roman Empire. It will take time. There will be more battles. But the outcome is quite predictable.

We all are going to be beaten for internal reasons. We have rotted in our core. We decided to embrace them. But were they ready for this?

We decided to give them a hand. They took it only to get the rest. We let them in among us. They came to replace us. And there is no turning back with .

Have a nice remainder of your life. coffee1.gif

Thanks, A good post. Except for "almost 54,000,000 million of them in our midst".

54 million million!! Are they ants?

Sorry. I meant 54 millions or 54,000,000 (millions!). My fault. wai2.gif

Edited by ABCer
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The current situation


A full-size version of this pic, plus article, at http://www.todayonline.com/world/middle-east/syrian-conflict-enters-complicated-new-phase

Pretty clear what Russia is trying to do. Unfortunately, it's giving ISIS new opportunities as the rebels the Russians bomb won't be able to fight ISIS also. Very complex situation.

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The current situation


A full-size version of this pic, plus article, at http://www.todayonline.com/world/middle-east/syrian-conflict-enters-complicated-new-phase

Pretty clear what Russia is trying to do. Unfortunately, it's giving ISIS new opportunities as the rebels the Russians bomb won't be able to fight ISIS also. Very complex situation.

Surely a complex problem.

But I hope that Russian's co-operation with Assad will help them to discriminate who is to be targeted. Nothing better than to have some of the locals on your side in this kind of war.

This is probably the big issue for US. While they assume who is on their side Russians know . From US point of view this constitutes Russia's "tragic mistake".

I almost feel sorry for Americans watching their 'investments' being bombed into the ground.

Edited by ABCer
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Hardly an investment. And I doubt Russia knows any more than the US. Neither are stupid.

The locals are not on the side of Assad. Thus, the reason for the civil war. Something many seem to forget, or ignore.

Very good analysis of the US's "involvement" in Syria. A must read. A very complex situation with many difficult decisions.


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Syrian partners are not only Russia.

There's involvement of Iran, Lebanese Hezbollah, China and joint Kurdish coalition forces from Syria, Iran, Iraq and Turkey.

This type of 4th generation of warfare can only be successful for Syria if the opposition is stopped completely, or at least its supply and/or support.

For sure, Russian technical and tactical superiority can be decisive for core stability, but :

- Foreign fighters are still infiltrating through Turkey, Iraq, Jordania and Lebanon.

- Weapons and vehicles are still delivered through the same foreign sponsors.

- Military intelligence is still provided by the same foreign forces.

- Medical treatment is still provided through crucial/vital field transit hospitals in neighbouring countries.

- Foreign recruitment and training camps are still active.

- US didn't revoke its Syria Accountability Act.

- France and UK didn't revoke their treaty of the Combined Joint Expeditionary Force against Syria

- Israel and Turkey didn't endorse any guarantee to stop firing at Syrian aircraft in action against rebels at border locations.

- and the list is long...and not completed yet...

Note : all listed above should not be included in scope of intervention of Russia.

To my knowledge, Russian intervention in Syria is just limited to Syria. No further plans have been made in the ME region...???

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You gotta hand it to him; Putin calls a spade a spade. And it's rather refreshing coming from a politician.

After the mess Washington has created in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya under that rather tired guise of 'liberating' these countries from oppressive regimes the US still hasn't learnt its lesson and is supporting, along with its Gulf State vassals, mercenary terrorists in Syria. But the US only supports the "moderate" terrorists I hear you say? Yeah the same ones that defect to the 'hard-core' terrorists with all that brand new US military hardware.

A stable ‘repressive’ functioning regime is a better option than chaos, murder and slaughter. This is Putin’s point. Let the Syrian people decide their own fate not Washington or John McCain. Putin's also concerned, as are his Chinese friends, that the terrorist quagmire the US is intent on creating in the region will also spread to their lands.

But of course democratizing these states was never the game plan. It’s all about resource grabbing and geopolitical advantage. You can guarantee that any state that exercises an independent foreign policy from that of the American Empire will be either bombed or (if they have nukes) ‘isolated’ and demonised.

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I am in no way an authority on Russia's plans and intentions in Middle East.

But to answer your question in the end of your post -

IMHO Russia is not a fleeting factor. I think they intend to be reckoned with in the ME.

And I think they might go via the very winding road of bringing to the table Iraq, Iran and... hold your breath ... Israel.

This is sounding very dubious, but possible. Russian advantage compared to US - they trade, sell weapons, use diplomatic means today without strings attached.

They are more pragmatic and do not have preconceived ideas which regime is 'brutal' or undemocratic. They leave these considerations to the local traditions and culture. Repeat, IMHO.

The validity of my gut feelings is reinforced by the 'Deal' with Iran. The Pandora box is open wide. So wide that Saudis are now getting chummy with Israelis for crying out-loud!

US geniuses will have to make some long term room for Russkies in the region.

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The current situation


A full-size version of this pic, plus article, at http://www.todayonline.com/world/middle-east/syrian-conflict-enters-complicated-new-phase

Thanks for the map !

But, there's no mentioning of presence of French, US and Sino-Russian fleets in Eastern Mediterranean sea.

Russian deployed or moved on 3rd of October partially its fleet between the US fleet positions and the Syrian coastline in front of Latakia.


Which makes it impossible for the US fleet to launch cruise missiles and aircraft to Syria over the Russians: this would be seen as a hostility...and further escalation...with huge impacts...

US fleet remained in Mediterranean Sea after striking Lybian targets. But can now no more be deployed against Syria due to this simple tactical move to keep US fleet in international waters and shift the Russian flotilla into sovereign legitimate Syrian waters...

Russian flotilla is equipped with advanced s-300 anti aircraft missiles in order to protect Damascus from air strikes and protect Russian-Syrian positions from foreign, neighbouring aircraft attacks as done in the past by Israel and Turkey.

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By Russia getting involved with Iran it has checkmated the US who have if you care to have a look at a map of the Middle east being actively destabilising the entire region with political and military intervention in several nations, history shows us when this happens a vacuum appears hence IS and the Taliban become new players in the region.

Western media paint Putin as a devil and Assad of Syria a tyrant, well folks until the spring uprising and the US envelopment in Afghanistan and Iraq there was peace through out the area, if anything the US and the world should stop backing Israel to pressure them into a long lasting settlement of the Palistine issue, this is all related one goes with the other.

First let me say I am not a fan of dictators but ever since Gadaffi and Saddam H have been executed their respective countries have now opened up to every Tom Dick and ISIS that wants to step in and fill the power vacuum. Also in Syria dictators are propped up until the tide turns against them then they are expendable. Assad's days are numbered but the damage he has done to his own country is incalculable. The domino effect is now the human tsunami flowing into Europe and especially Germany.

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Stability? No

Balance of power ? Yes

Saudi's would be the next hot spot in my opinion.

Isis are paid contractors, they will move to whoever or wherever pay is higher.

Hmm makes one wonder who is paying them. One of my conspiracy theory friends made mention of this same thing to me a couple days ago. Yes the Saudi's look ripe for the next big hit and that will surely try to draw America back into the thick of things again. Why we do business with such a culture is beyond me but then I have no need for oil. The oil argument is now running a little thin as America has found abundant? oil reserves in shale. Now they are distancing themselves somewhat from the Saudi's as they no longer need their oil. Its the American way just look at how they are now calling the oilsands dirty the same oil they were begging for a few decades ago. The Saudi's are now looking to align themselves with another country to try and change the settlement of oil contracts into another currency besides the Greenback. Guess who those country(s) are. The knives are definitely out now.

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Stability? No

Balance of power ? Yes

Saudi's would be the next hot spot in my opinion.

Isis are paid contractors, they will move to whoever or wherever pay is higher.

I would rather suppose Lebanon, Soudan and Somalia, Iran...and Syria 2.


Algeria and Nigeria optional.

All depends on IMF membership status.

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By Russia getting involved with Iran it has checkmated the US who have if you care to have a look at a map of the Middle east being actively destabilising the entire region with political and military intervention in several nations, history shows us when this happens a vacuum appears hence IS and the Taliban become new players in the region.

Western media paint Putin as a devil and Assad of Syria a tyrant, well folks until the spring uprising and the US envelopment in Afghanistan and Iraq there was peace through out the area, if anything the US and the world should stop backing Israel to pressure them into a long lasting settlement of the Palistine issue, this is all related one goes with the other.

Russia has been involved since the beginning of the rebellion.

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By Russia getting involved with Iran it has checkmated the US who have if you care to have a look at a map of the Middle east being actively destabilising the entire region with political and military intervention in several nations, history shows us when this happens a vacuum appears hence IS and the Taliban become new players in the region.

Western media paint Putin as a devil and Assad of Syria a tyrant, well folks until the spring uprising and the US envelopment in Afghanistan and Iraq there was peace through out the area, if anything the US and the world should stop backing Israel to pressure them into a long lasting settlement of the Palistine issue, this is all related one goes with the other.

"if anything the US and the world should stop backing Israel to pressure them into a long lasting settlement of the Palistine issue"

And THERE we have your REAL agenda, which is of course the eradication of the Jewish state. Yes, everybody knows what "a long lasting settlement of the Palistine [sic] issue" actually means; understandably, the Jew-haters do like to encode it. That's OK - we got ya'. thumbsup.gif

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By Russia getting involved with Iran it has checkmated the US who have if you care to have a look at a map of the Middle east being actively destabilising the entire region with political and military intervention in several nations, history shows us when this happens a vacuum appears hence IS and the Taliban become new players in the region.

Western media paint Putin as a devil and Assad of Syria a tyrant, well folks until the spring uprising and the US envelopment in Afghanistan and Iraq there was peace through out the area, if anything the US and the world should stop backing Israel to pressure them into a long lasting settlement of the Palistine issue, this is all related one goes with the other.

Alex, your triple R rating is impressive.

Next time when speaking of "long lasting settlement of the Palestine issue" better use "final solution" term - you will be better understood.

Oh, yeah! I do not know where from did you fall on Earth but there was never ever peace throughout the area.

As a consolation - take it from me: - there never will be peace in this area!

Why not hide your head in the Camp David area to be safe?

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