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Donald Trump continues to lead Republican presidential race – CBS poll


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Obama promised change and people were hungry for it.

Sadly, that was just electioneering and they got more of the same revolving-door, lobbyist driven billsh1t.

Trump again offers change but this time it appears he is not a sell out like Obama.

If Trump gets in, politics will change forever in the US. No longer will we see hour long interviews with politicians avoiding answering a single question. The politicians will be forced to take a stand.

Hillary has no experience. I run a software company but my wife couldnt. Hillaries' claim to fame is that she was married to a president.

It amazes me that people worry about a billionaire businessman becoming president but think being an ex-presidents housewife is qualification enough.

I agree with you , in the unlikely event Trump gets elected politics will change for ever

watch what you wish for, change is not always good.

By 'outrageous behavior' I presume you mean actually answering questions?

No , by courageous behavior I mean the nature of his statements and demeanor.

as far as answering questions, he is actually answering NOTHING, when asked how he will acomplish these things he says he will, his only answer is

, by the force of his incredible personality .Ohh wait, and he is smart

in an interview on CNN yesterday one of his minions when asked how will Trump acomplish the things he said he do, he said he will release these facts as needed, it is not necessary for him to release complicated strategies now that the american people will not even understand.

In his opinion the American people are too stupid also,

I agree, at least the 30% of republicans who support them are.

Remember for him to be elected President he will need the remaining 70% of republicans many independents and some democrats

Good luck that happening

Ohh and on lowering taxes, while rebuilding the infrastructure, and increasing benefits, he said he will do it by trimming the fat in the federal budget.

We have never heard this beforewink.png

watch what you wish for, change is not always good.

And no change means more of the same garbage that has been the past 2 presidents. Do you really want more of that?

No, of course not and almost everyone agrees, so the next election will clean house which means the clock of the Republican party of no. It is more clear than ever that a successful society and country learns how to say yes.

Sooner or later.

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Well maybe a branch of them, they do not understand conservatism due to inexperience or perhaps sheltered due to life in a gated community. That's my take but the Rolling Stone article is revealing.

More about the popularity of Trump: Ann Coulter implies Trump is proof that "God has not given up on America yet."


You're quoting Ann Coulter? Man, that lady is the looniest of the looneys.



This is why we have such a wide chasm in America right now. People that I think are complete nutbags (e.g., Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, Carson, Cruz, et al) you probably think are legit. Even the word "conservatism" means different things to different people. Those on the right and left will never agree. All we can hope for is that our side outnumbers the other side.

You could put all those people together and the sum total of "nutbaginess" would be way short of Pelosi. She is the nuttiest person I have ever seen, and that she was Dems leader in the house says it all about the Dems, LOL.

No one can seriously say the past years of the Dems in charge have been good for America. Just because the GOP aren't any better is not to say the Dems are good. The US political system is broken, and bad for the whole world.

The US political system is broken, and bad for the whole world.

It will self-correct, as it always does.

Frankly for the time being the world might well be benefiting from some restraint by Washington supported by the vast majority of Americans. Americans know from the 20th century especially we can't withdraw, self-isolate or ignore, so this won't be absolute nor would it last forever by any means.

And it's benefiting life expectancy in the USA by keeping the armed forces and Americans in general from foreign adventures of the Bush-Cheney kind, which are the worst kind imaginable by the United States, worse than the Vietnam debacle. Good for the economy too.

The basic lesson in the two calamities of Vietnam and Iraq is no more land wars involving large units of ground forces. Hence the new Pentagon Air-Sea Battle Doctrine adopted in 2010 and now being fully implemented. Next time will be blasting 'em furiously with accurate high powered barrages from sea and air. See how much they out there have a stomach for that.

Trump and most Americans and even fewer foreigners have any notion of it.

Hasn't self corrected in the past 13 years so I doubt it will any time soon, especially if another snout in the trough politician gets elected.

Let's not forget Trump already bought Clinton, ergo she can be bought by anyone with money.

Next time will be blasting 'em furiously with accurate high powered barrages from sea and air. See how much they out there have a stomach for that.

So in the future their doctrine relies on killing everyone. I can see that working when the guilty are mixed in with the innocent, or are all guilty in your brave new world?

For the record, no war is won by bombardment- it always comes down to troops on the ground.

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You're quoting Ann Coulter? Man, that lady is the looniest of the looneys.



This is why we have such a wide chasm in America right now. People that I think are complete nutbags (e.g., Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, Carson, Cruz, et al) you probably think are legit. Even the word "conservatism" means different things to different people. Those on the right and left will never agree. All we can hope for is that our side outnumbers the other side.

You could put all those people together and the sum total of "nutbaginess" would be way short of Pelosi. She is the nuttiest person I have ever seen, and that she was Dems leader in the house says it all about the Dems, LOL.

No one can seriously say the past years of the Dems in charge have been good for America. Just because the GOP aren't any better is not to say the Dems are good. The US political system is broken, and bad for the whole world.

The US political system is broken, and bad for the whole world.

It will self-correct, as it always does.

Frankly for the time being the world might well be benefiting from some restraint by Washington supported by the vast majority of Americans. Americans know from the 20th century especially we can't withdraw, self-isolate or ignore, so this won't be absolute nor would it last forever by any means.

And it's benefiting life expectancy in the USA by keeping the armed forces and Americans in general from foreign adventures of the Bush-Cheney kind, which are the worst kind imaginable by the United States, worse than the Vietnam debacle. Good for the economy too.

The basic lesson in the two calamities of Vietnam and Iraq is no more land wars involving large units of ground forces. Hence the new Pentagon Air-Sea Battle Doctrine adopted in 2010 and now being fully implemented. Next time will be blasting 'em furiously with accurate high powered barrages from sea and air. See how much they out there have a stomach for that.

Trump and most Americans and even fewer foreigners have any notion of it.

Hasn't self corrected in the past 13 years so I doubt it will any time soon, especially if another snout in the trough politician gets elected.

Let's not forget Trump already bought Clinton, ergo she can be bought by anyone with money.

Next time will be blasting 'em furiously with accurate high powered barrages from sea and air. See how much they out there have a stomach for that.

So in the future their doctrine relies on killing everyone. I can see that working when the guilty are mixed in with the innocent, or are all guilty in your brave new world?

For the record, no war is won by bombardment- it always comes down to troops on the ground.

So in the future their doctrine relies on killing everyone.


The right is just so self-defeating in its flawed thinking and in its OTT rhetoric, it is too easy to pick youze guyz off one at a time. A wild concoction of a statement indeed that leads with the chin. Your off the wall doozy has nothing to do with the statements made in the post, explicitly or implicitly, or with the new Pentagon Air-Sea Battle Doctrine (devised to defeat in war Russia, China, Iran).

All the same the second sentence of the post is not contested. No one said ground forces were abolished or eliminated. Just no more large units of forces as the lead doctrine of military engagement, that's all. The old Doctrine of Air-Land Battle as the lead strategy of US warfare is superseded, not abolished or eliminated.

Air-Land Battle Doctrine is now supportive, not the primary or the principal doctrine. Air-Sea is now primary. A-L Battle has rather morphed into light rapid and mobile forces to clinch the victory and to occupy the place. No more large unit forces of divisions and army groups of infantry artillery and armor maneuvering across vast land masses through deserts or forests and the like.

The US in Vietnam was overwhelmingly Air-Land. Soviets then US presently in Afghanistan Air-Land; US in the Gulf War and in the 2003 Iraq debacle A-L also. The US Gulf war was successful militarily but unsuccessful politically in Iraq in that Saddam was not (perhaps could not) be removed.

The very nature of warfare has changed radically away from air-land forces to air-sea-cyber-space. Russia and China are increasingly air-sea etc but with Iran remain wed to the ground. Think Trump and his boyz have any clue of this or could deal with it? Not a chance. Air-Land to Trump is a golf ball and course of 18.

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I agree with you , in the unlikely event Trump gets elected politics will change for ever


watch what you wish for, change is not always good.

30 % of the republicans support support Trump at this time in a very crowded field, the remaining 70% do not, what remains to be seen is , when the field settles to two or three candidates as it will inevitable do, how many of the 70% will gravitate to Tramp and how many to his opponent/ opponents

Given his behavior so far, I am willing to say that his outrageous behavior attract the outrageous fringe wing of the republican party who max out at 30% , and the remaining 70% will support others,

if the field settles to two, I predict Trump will loose by a large margin.

In the end the only effect Trump will have in this election is to cause the eventual republican nominee to drift too far to the right, to his/hers detriment in the general election.

By 'outrageous behavior' I presume you mean actually answering questions?

No , by courageous behavior I mean the nature of his statements and demeanor.

as far as answering questions, he is actually answering NOTHING, when asked how he will acomplish these things he says he will, his only answer is

, by the force of his incredible personality .Ohh wait, and he is smart

in an interview on CNN yesterday one of his minions when asked how will Trump acomplish the things he said he do, he said he will release these facts as needed, it is not necessary for him to release complicated strategies now that the american people will not even understand.

In his opinion the American people are too stupid also,

I agree, at least the 30% of republicans who support them are.

Remember for him to be elected President he will need the remaining 70% of republicans many independents and some democrats

Good luck that happening

Ohh and on lowering taxes, while rebuilding the infrastructure, and increasing benefits, he said he will do it by trimming the fat in the federal budget.

We have never heard this beforewink.png

he will do it by trimming the fat in the federal budget.

ie the pork that politicians give themselves. Entirely corrupt.

Yes, it's been heard before, but that because it's always lying politicians saying it. Trump is not a scumbag politician that is trying to keep his snout in the trough, so he is in a good position to veto any bills with pork attached, unlike Clinton who is as corrupt as any politician, if not more so.

I agree he is not a "scumbag politician" he is a scumbag businessman with ambitions of becoming a "scumbag politician"

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Obama promised change and people were hungry for it.

Sadly, that was just electioneering and they got more of the same revolving-door, lobbyist driven billsh1t.

Trump again offers change but this time it appears he is not a sell out like Obama.

If Trump gets in, politics will change forever in the US. No longer will we see hour long interviews with politicians avoiding answering a single question. The politicians will be forced to take a stand.

Hillary has no experience. I run a software company but my wife couldnt. Hillaries' claim to fame is that she was married to a president.

It amazes me that people worry about a billionaire businessman becoming president but think being an ex-presidents housewife is qualification enough.

I agree with you , in the unlikely event Trump gets elected politics will change for ever

watch what you wish for, change is not always good.

By 'outrageous behavior' I presume you mean actually answering questions?

No , by courageous behavior I mean the nature of his statements and demeanor.

as far as answering questions, he is actually answering NOTHING, when asked how he will acomplish these things he says he will, his only answer is

, by the force of his incredible personality .Ohh wait, and he is smart

in an interview on CNN yesterday one of his minions when asked how will Trump acomplish the things he said he do, he said he will release these facts as needed, it is not necessary for him to release complicated strategies now that the american people will not even understand.

In his opinion the American people are too stupid also,

I agree, at least the 30% of republicans who support them are.

Remember for him to be elected President he will need the remaining 70% of republicans many independents and some democrats

Good luck that happening

Ohh and on lowering taxes, while rebuilding the infrastructure, and increasing benefits, he said he will do it by trimming the fat in the federal budget.

We have never heard this beforewink.png

watch what you wish for, change is not always good.

And no change means more of the same garbage that has been the past 2 presidents. Do you really want more of that?

the only difference between "same garbage and new, improved Trump garbage is that Trump garbage stinks more .

Personally I would like to change "same old garbage with better garbage, but what do I know about garbagetongue.png

PS: sorry for not using te multi quote, and using twi different replies.To many replies to allow that

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You could put all those people together and the sum total of "nutbaginess" would be way short of Pelosi. She is the nuttiest person I have ever seen, and that she was Dems leader in the house says it all about the Dems, LOL.

No one can seriously say the past years of the Dems in charge have been good for America. Just because the GOP aren't any better is not to say the Dems are good. The US political system is broken, and bad for the whole world.

The US political system is broken, and bad for the whole world.

It will self-correct, as it always does.

Frankly for the time being the world might well be benefiting from some restraint by Washington supported by the vast majority of Americans. Americans know from the 20th century especially we can't withdraw, self-isolate or ignore, so this won't be absolute nor would it last forever by any means.

And it's benefiting life expectancy in the USA by keeping the armed forces and Americans in general from foreign adventures of the Bush-Cheney kind, which are the worst kind imaginable by the United States, worse than the Vietnam debacle. Good for the economy too.

The basic lesson in the two calamities of Vietnam and Iraq is no more land wars involving large units of ground forces. Hence the new Pentagon Air-Sea Battle Doctrine adopted in 2010 and now being fully implemented. Next time will be blasting 'em furiously with accurate high powered barrages from sea and air. See how much they out there have a stomach for that.

Trump and most Americans and even fewer foreigners have any notion of it.

Hasn't self corrected in the past 13 years so I doubt it will any time soon, especially if another snout in the trough politician gets elected.

Let's not forget Trump already bought Clinton, ergo she can be bought by anyone with money.

Next time will be blasting 'em furiously with accurate high powered barrages from sea and air. See how much they out there have a stomach for that.

So in the future their doctrine relies on killing everyone. I can see that working when the guilty are mixed in with the innocent, or are all guilty in your brave new world?

For the record, no war is won by bombardment- it always comes down to troops on the ground.

So in the future their doctrine relies on killing everyone.


The right is just so self-defeating in its flawed thinking and in its OTT rhetoric, it is too easy to pick youze guyz off one at a time. A wild concoction of a statement indeed that leads with the chin. Your off the wall doozy has nothing to do with the statements made in the post, explicitly or implicitly, or with the new Pentagon Air-Sea Battle Doctrine (devised to defeat in war Russia, China, Iran).

All the same the second sentence of the post is not contested. No one said ground forces were abolished or eliminated. Just no more large units of forces as the lead doctrine of military engagement, that's all. The old Doctrine of Air-Land Battle as the lead strategy of US warfare is superseded, not abolished or eliminated.

Air-Land Battle Doctrine is now supportive, not the primary or the principal doctrine. Air-Sea is now primary. A-L Battle has rather morphed into light rapid and mobile forces to clinch the victory and to occupy the place. No more large unit forces of divisions and army groups of infantry artillery and armor maneuvering across vast land masses through deserts or forests and the like.

The US in Vietnam was overwhelmingly Air-Land. Soviets then US presently in Afghanistan Air-Land; US in the Gulf War and in the 2003 Iraq debacle A-L also. The US Gulf war was successful militarily but unsuccessful politically in Iraq in that Saddam was not (perhaps could not) be removed.

The very nature of warfare has changed radically away from air-land forces to air-sea-cyber-space. Russia and China are increasingly air-sea etc but with Iran remain wed to the ground. Think Trump and his boyz have any clue of this or could deal with it? Not a chance. Air-Land to Trump is a golf ball and course of 18.

Battle has rather morphed into light rapid and mobile forces to clinch the victory and to occupy the place.

LOL. Tell that to the grunts in the Iraqi "surge", without which Iraq would never have been pacified enough to let the US forces leave.

I shall not comment further on this topic as far from Trump related.

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The US political system is broken, and bad for the whole world.

It will self-correct, as it always does.

Frankly for the time being the world might well be benefiting from some restraint by Washington supported by the vast majority of Americans. Americans know from the 20th century especially we can't withdraw, self-isolate or ignore, so this won't be absolute nor would it last forever by any means.

And it's benefiting life expectancy in the USA by keeping the armed forces and Americans in general from foreign adventures of the Bush-Cheney kind, which are the worst kind imaginable by the United States, worse than the Vietnam debacle. Good for the economy too.

The basic lesson in the two calamities of Vietnam and Iraq is no more land wars involving large units of ground forces. Hence the new Pentagon Air-Sea Battle Doctrine adopted in 2010 and now being fully implemented. Next time will be blasting 'em furiously with accurate high powered barrages from sea and air. See how much they out there have a stomach for that.

Trump and most Americans and even fewer foreigners have any notion of it.

Hasn't self corrected in the past 13 years so I doubt it will any time soon, especially if another snout in the trough politician gets elected.

Let's not forget Trump already bought Clinton, ergo she can be bought by anyone with money.

Next time will be blasting 'em furiously with accurate high powered barrages from sea and air. See how much they out there have a stomach for that.

So in the future their doctrine relies on killing everyone. I can see that working when the guilty are mixed in with the innocent, or are all guilty in your brave new world?

For the record, no war is won by bombardment- it always comes down to troops on the ground.

So in the future their doctrine relies on killing everyone.


The right is just so self-defeating in its flawed thinking and in its OTT rhetoric, it is too easy to pick youze guyz off one at a time. A wild concoction of a statement indeed that leads with the chin. Your off the wall doozy has nothing to do with the statements made in the post, explicitly or implicitly, or with the new Pentagon Air-Sea Battle Doctrine (devised to defeat in war Russia, China, Iran).

All the same the second sentence of the post is not contested. No one said ground forces were abolished or eliminated. Just no more large units of forces as the lead doctrine of military engagement, that's all. The old Doctrine of Air-Land Battle as the lead strategy of US warfare is superseded, not abolished or eliminated.

Air-Land Battle Doctrine is now supportive, not the primary or the principal doctrine. Air-Sea is now primary. A-L Battle has rather morphed into light rapid and mobile forces to clinch the victory and to occupy the place. No more large unit forces of divisions and army groups of infantry artillery and armor maneuvering across vast land masses through deserts or forests and the like.

The US in Vietnam was overwhelmingly Air-Land. Soviets then US presently in Afghanistan Air-Land; US in the Gulf War and in the 2003 Iraq debacle A-L also. The US Gulf war was successful militarily but unsuccessful politically in Iraq in that Saddam was not (perhaps could not) be removed.

The very nature of warfare has changed radically away from air-land forces to air-sea-cyber-space. Russia and China are increasingly air-sea etc but with Iran remain wed to the ground. Think Trump and his boyz have any clue of this or could deal with it? Not a chance. Air-Land to Trump is a golf ball and course of 18.

Battle has rather morphed into light rapid and mobile forces to clinch the victory and to occupy the place.

LOL. Tell that to the grunts in the Iraqi "surge", without which Iraq would never have been pacified enough to let the US forces leave.

I shall not comment further on this topic as far from Trump related.

"I shall not comment further on this topic as far from Trump related."

This is unfortunate since this is a Thread about Trump,

and being against him is such low hanging fruitlaugh.png

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Well back to Trump:

Trump says that his wealth attracts all sorts of enemies and friends. His friends work together to help him, his enemies trash him and try to bring ruin to him. I guess calling him a racist and homophobe on a forum for retirees isn't exactly a big threat, but that still qualifies as enemies.

I'm reminded of another person of Trump's generation who turned out much the opposite: a (naturally Democratic who also served with Chilean socalist Allende in the Peace Corps) professor of education at a well-known state university in the US. This Professor oversaw in multiple powerful positions a steady 40-year decline in the education performance of his state, while at the same time overseeing a steady increase in his salary, with accompanying sports car and status (seated somewhere between Obama and The Clinton Foundation lady).

He undoubtedly sees people like Trump - who preach self-reliance and hard work - as "racists" - but his own personal character belays him. This to my mind is the central issue: left-wing, right-wing, Democrat, Republican, is irrelevant. If you have good character, as displayed by what you do, then you are a good person. Someone like Alinsky who teaches that the best way for people in the slums to get ahead by yelling Trump down as a "racist" and "homophobe" - I believe history will reveal these people to be charlatans, and of less worth to the human species than the hemovoric segmented worm of the the Hirudinea class! Edited by squarethecircle
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I'm not sure whether Trump actively and deliberately attracted the anti semites and white racists or not, but they have most definitely latched on to him.

Listen, or read the transcript of this Fresh Air episode where reporter Evan Osnos discusses with Terry Gross how the ultra right wing have embraced Trump.


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Now Trump has managed to offend Asian-Americans as well!


A fellow conference attendee who walked by Choe joked, "You're gonna have to show him your birth certificate, man!"

Choe laughed it off. But questioning where someone is from can be loaded for Asian-Americans, said Jennifer Lee, a sociology professor at the University of California, Irvine who studies race, immigration and culture.

There's an implied sense of foreignness in how Trump treated Choe, Lee said.

"It seems like this innocuous question, like people are just asking your identity," Lee said, "but they're really challenging this idea of who is American, which is, at the core, an offensive question. It's this persistent perception that Asian-Americans are not American, that they are perpetual foreigners."

My biggest concern about a Trump presidency is that the hot head will get us into a war with China. He'll never get the Mexicans to build a wall and he'll never deport tens of millions of Latinos.

Edited by Jingthing
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Now Trump has managed to offend Asian-Americans as well!


A fellow conference attendee who walked by Choe joked, "You're gonna have to show him your birth certificate, man!"

Choe laughed it off. But questioning where someone is from can be loaded for Asian-Americans, said Jennifer Lee, a sociology professor at the University of California, Irvine who studies race, immigration and culture.

There's an implied sense of foreignness in how Trump treated Choe, Lee said.

"It seems like this innocuous question, like people are just asking your identity," Lee said, "but they're really challenging this idea of who is American, which is, at the core, an offensive question. It's this persistent perception that Asian-Americans are not American, that they are perpetual foreigners."

My biggest concern about a Trump presidency is that the hot head will get us into a war with China. He'll never get the Mexicans to build a wall and he'll never deport tens of millions of Latinos.

Koreans are going to love Trump. They received the majority of the heat in the '92 LA Riots and are fed-up with what the left is doing in the west coast, threatening their business and right to protect themselves. I know many Koreans and they will support a strong leader like him, it resonates in their blood. And as he says, he loves China, people in China love him, and he understands the tools the US has to actually negotiate, not bend over and polish the dictators' leather knickers like Obama does. And as I understood the deportation part is negotiation - he won't deport illegals that are currently law-abiding, but will use tighter control as part of the negotiations with the government of Mexico.

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Now Trump has managed to offend Asian-Americans as well!


A fellow conference attendee who walked by Choe joked, "You're gonna have to show him your birth certificate, man!"

Choe laughed it off. But questioning where someone is from can be loaded for Asian-Americans, said Jennifer Lee, a sociology professor at the University of California, Irvine who studies race, immigration and culture.

There's an implied sense of foreignness in how Trump treated Choe, Lee said.

"It seems like this innocuous question, like people are just asking your identity," Lee said, "but they're really challenging this idea of who is American, which is, at the core, an offensive question. It's this persistent perception that Asian-Americans are not American, that they are perpetual foreigners."

My biggest concern about a Trump presidency is that the hot head will get us into a war with China. He'll never get the Mexicans to build a wall and he'll never deport tens of millions of Latinos.

Koreans are going to love Trump. They received the majority of the heat in the '92 LA Riots and are fed-up with what the left is doing in the west coast, threatening their business and right to protect themselves. I know many Koreans and they will support a strong leader like him, it resonates in their blood. And as he says, he loves China, people in China love him, and he understands the tools the US has to actually negotiate, not bend over and polish the dictators' leather knickers like Obama does. And as I understood the deportation part is negotiation - he won't deport illegals that are currently law-abiding, but will use tighter control as part of the negotiations with the government of Mexico.

Well not sure if your 'straw poll' stands the test of data. Unless the world has completely turned on it's head from November 2012, the numbers from the Asian American Legal Defense & Education Fund don't support your theory:

New Findings: 78% Korean Americans Voted for Obama; Many Faced Barriers at the Polls

Wednesday, Mar 27, 2013

Voting%20booths-thumb-240x141-796.jpgToday, the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) released detailed findings from its multilingual exit poll of 998 Korean American voters in the November 2012 elections, the largest survey of its kind in the nation. The results indicated that Korean Americans showed strong support for comprehensive immigration reform and the Democratic party candidates for President and Congress.

78% of Korean Americans polled voted for President Obama, compared to 77% of those polled nationally. Of those surveyed, 60% were enrolled in the Democratic party, while only 14% were enrolled in the Republican party, and 24% indicated that they were not enrolled in any party. The majority of Korean Americans (72%) supported immigration reform, including a path to citizenship.

Full story:


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Indeed the problem for Trump and the increasingly regressive Republican party is that Asian-Americans are immigrating to the US at a rate greater than any other group.

At current rates Asian Americans will by 2040 be the largest "minority" group, exceeding the numbers of Hispanics.


Asians recently passed Hispanics as the largest group of new immigrants to the United States.

The educational credentials of these recent arrivals are striking. More than six-in-ten (61%) adults ages 25 to 64 who have come from Asia in recent years have at least a bachelor’s degree. This is double the share among recent non-Asian arrivals, and almost surely makes the recent Asian arrivals the most highly educated cohort of immigrants in U.S. history.


Given the overwhelming Asian-American vote preference for the Democratic party and the hugely one-sided registration of Asian-Americans in the Democratic party, it is easy as pie to see why Donald Trump and all Republicans running for POTUS must reflect and appeal to the Republican party anti-immigrant base which remains rightwing, white, older, less educated, lower income, racial in its attitudes and beliefs; broadly and profoundly politically and culturally primitive. In short, the Republican party voter base is base. They are hopeless losers taking their party off the precipice.


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Now Trump has managed to offend Asian-Americans as well!


A fellow conference attendee who walked by Choe joked, "You're gonna have to show him your birth certificate, man!"

Choe laughed it off. But questioning where someone is from can be loaded for Asian-Americans, said Jennifer Lee, a sociology professor at the University of California, Irvine who studies race, immigration and culture.

There's an implied sense of foreignness in how Trump treated Choe, Lee said.

"It seems like this innocuous question, like people are just asking your identity," Lee said, "but they're really challenging this idea of who is American, which is, at the core, an offensive question. It's this persistent perception that Asian-Americans are not American, that they are perpetual foreigners."

My biggest concern about a Trump presidency is that the hot head will get us into a war with China. He'll never get the Mexicans to build a wall and he'll never deport tens of millions of Latinos.

Koreans are going to love Trump. They received the majority of the heat in the '92 LA Riots and are fed-up with what the left is doing in the west coast, threatening their business and right to protect themselves. I know many Koreans and they will support a strong leader like him, it resonates in their blood. And as he says, he loves China, people in China love him, and he understands the tools the US has to actually negotiate, not bend over and polish the dictators' leather knickers like Obama does. And as I understood the deportation part is negotiation - he won't deport illegals that are currently law-abiding, but will use tighter control as part of the negotiations with the government of Mexico.

Well not sure if your 'straw poll' stands the test of data. Unless the world has completely turned on it's head from November 2012, the numbers from the Asian American Legal Defense & Education Fund don't support your theory:

New Findings: 78% Korean Americans Voted for Obama; Many Faced Barriers at the Polls

Wednesday, Mar 27, 2013

Voting%20booths-thumb-240x141-796.jpgToday, the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) released detailed findings from its multilingual exit poll of 998 Korean American voters in the November 2012 elections, the largest survey of its kind in the nation. The results indicated that Korean Americans showed strong support for comprehensive immigration reform and the Democratic party candidates for President and Congress.

78% of Korean Americans polled voted for President Obama, compared to 77% of those polled nationally. Of those surveyed, 60% were enrolled in the Democratic party, while only 14% were enrolled in the Republican party, and 24% indicated that they were not enrolled in any party. The majority of Korean Americans (72%) supported immigration reform, including a path to citizenship.

Full story:


Polls are pretty meaningless. The desired answers can be obtained by choosing the target population, the questions and the numbers. 998 voters is so statistically small that the results are meaningless in a real world.

I, and no one I know have ever been asked to participate in a political poll.

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Now Trump has managed to offend Asian-Americans as well!


A fellow conference attendee who walked by Choe joked, "You're gonna have to show him your birth certificate, man!"

Choe laughed it off. But questioning where someone is from can be loaded for Asian-Americans, said Jennifer Lee, a sociology professor at the University of California, Irvine who studies race, immigration and culture.

There's an implied sense of foreignness in how Trump treated Choe, Lee said.

"It seems like this innocuous question, like people are just asking your identity," Lee said, "but they're really challenging this idea of who is American, which is, at the core, an offensive question. It's this persistent perception that Asian-Americans are not American, that they are perpetual foreigners."

My biggest concern about a Trump presidency is that the hot head will get us into a war with China. He'll never get the Mexicans to build a wall and he'll never deport tens of millions of Latinos.

Koreans are going to love Trump. They received the majority of the heat in the '92 LA Riots and are fed-up with what the left is doing in the west coast, threatening their business and right to protect themselves. I know many Koreans and they will support a strong leader like him, it resonates in their blood. And as he says, he loves China, people in China love him, and he understands the tools the US has to actually negotiate, not bend over and polish the dictators' leather knickers like Obama does. And as I understood the deportation part is negotiation - he won't deport illegals that are currently law-abiding, but will use tighter control as part of the negotiations with the government of Mexico.

According to Trump's own words, he wants all illegals to go back home and then apply for a work visa of some sort. This will be done very quickly, but only for those that have not been in trouble- they will not be allowed back in.

Presumably, once that was done, he would bring in stringent controls on aliens in America.

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Well not sure if your 'straw poll' stands the test of data. Unless the world has completely turned on it's head from November 2012, the numbers from the Asian American Legal Defense & Education Fund don't support your theory:

Koreans are going to love Trump. They received the majority of the heat in the '92 LA Riots and are fed-up with what the left is doing in the west coast, threatening their business and right to protect themselves. I know many Koreans and they will support a strong leader like him, it resonates in their blood. And as he says, he loves China, people in China love him, and he understands the tools the US has to actually negotiate, not bend over and polish the dictators' leather knickers like Obama does. And as I understood the deportation part is negotiation - he won't deport illegals that are currently law-abiding, but will use tighter control as part of the negotiations with the government of Mexico.

A fellow conference attendee who walked by Choe joked, "You're gonna have to show him your birth certificate, man!"

Choe laughed it off. But questioning where someone is from can be loaded for Asian-Americans, said Jennifer Lee, a sociology professor at the University of California, Irvine who studies race, immigration and culture.

There's an implied sense of foreignness in how Trump treated Choe, Lee said.

"It seems like this innocuous question, like people are just asking your identity," Lee said, "but they're really challenging this idea of who is American, which is, at the core, an offensive question. It's this persistent perception that Asian-Americans are not American, that they are perpetual foreigners."

My biggest concern about a Trump presidency is that the hot head will get us into a war with China. He'll never get the Mexicans to build a wall and he'll never deport tens of millions of Latinos.

New Findings: 78% Korean Americans Voted for Obama; Many Faced Barriers at the Polls

Wednesday, Mar 27, 2013

Voting%20booths-thumb-240x141-796.jpgToday, the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) released detailed findings from its multilingual exit poll of 998 Korean American voters in the November 2012 elections, the largest survey of its kind in the nation. The results indicated that Korean Americans showed strong support for comprehensive immigration reform and the Democratic party candidates for President and Congress.

78% of Korean Americans polled voted for President Obama, compared to 77% of those polled nationally. Of those surveyed, 60% were enrolled in the Democratic party, while only 14% were enrolled in the Republican party, and 24% indicated that they were not enrolled in any party. The majority of Korean Americans (72%) supported immigration reform, including a path to citizenship.

Full story:


Polls are pretty meaningless. The desired answers can be obtained by choosing the target population, the questions and the numbers. 998 voters is so statistically small that the results are meaningless in a real world.

I, and no one I know have ever been asked to participate in a political poll.

Polls are meaningless, unlike....

Koreans are going to love Trump. They received the majority of the heat in the '92 LA Riots and are fed-up with what the left is doing in the west coast, threatening their business and right to protect themselves. I know many Koreans and they will support a strong leader like him, it resonates in their blood.

And, by your new logic that 'polls are meaningless" maybe the whole premiss of this thread is meaningless...since it's based on a 'poll'

Edited by GinBoy2
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Well not sure if your 'straw poll' stands the test of data. Unless the world has completely turned on it's head from November 2012, the numbers from the Asian American Legal Defense & Education Fund don't support your theory:

Koreans are going to love Trump. They received the majority of the heat in the '92 LA Riots and are fed-up with what the left is doing in the west coast, threatening their business and right to protect themselves. I know many Koreans and they will support a strong leader like him, it resonates in their blood. And as he says, he loves China, people in China love him, and he understands the tools the US has to actually negotiate, not bend over and polish the dictators' leather knickers like Obama does. And as I understood the deportation part is negotiation - he won't deport illegals that are currently law-abiding, but will use tighter control as part of the negotiations with the government of Mexico.

A fellow conference attendee who walked by Choe joked, "You're gonna have to show him your birth certificate, man!"

Choe laughed it off. But questioning where someone is from can be loaded for Asian-Americans, said Jennifer Lee, a sociology professor at the University of California, Irvine who studies race, immigration and culture.

There's an implied sense of foreignness in how Trump treated Choe, Lee said.

"It seems like this innocuous question, like people are just asking your identity," Lee said, "but they're really challenging this idea of who is American, which is, at the core, an offensive question. It's this persistent perception that Asian-Americans are not American, that they are perpetual foreigners."

My biggest concern about a Trump presidency is that the hot head will get us into a war with China. He'll never get the Mexicans to build a wall and he'll never deport tens of millions of Latinos.

New Findings: 78% Korean Americans Voted for Obama; Many Faced Barriers at the Polls

Wednesday, Mar 27, 2013

Voting%20booths-thumb-240x141-796.jpgToday, the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) released detailed findings from its multilingual exit poll of 998 Korean American voters in the November 2012 elections, the largest survey of its kind in the nation. The results indicated that Korean Americans showed strong support for comprehensive immigration reform and the Democratic party candidates for President and Congress.

78% of Korean Americans polled voted for President Obama, compared to 77% of those polled nationally. Of those surveyed, 60% were enrolled in the Democratic party, while only 14% were enrolled in the Republican party, and 24% indicated that they were not enrolled in any party. The majority of Korean Americans (72%) supported immigration reform, including a path to citizenship.

Full story:


Polls are pretty meaningless. The desired answers can be obtained by choosing the target population, the questions and the numbers. 998 voters is so statistically small that the results are meaningless in a real world.

I, and no one I know have ever been asked to participate in a political poll.

Polls are meaningless, unlike....

Koreans are going to love Trump. They received the majority of the heat in the '92 LA Riots and are fed-up with what the left is doing in the west coast, threatening their business and right to protect themselves. I know many Koreans and they will support a strong leader like him, it resonates in their blood.

And, by your new logic that 'polls are meaningless" maybe the whole premiss of this thread is meaningless...since it's based on a 'poll'

True. However, it is clear that Trump is very popular based on the numbers that go to his meetings.

Important to remember though, that he is also disliked by more people than like him ( based on polls, LOL ).

In the end, the only poll that matters is the election.

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Yesterday Donald Trump and Ben Carson requested Secret Service protection as candidates for the office of POTUS.

A US House committee of the bipartisan congressional leadership decides these things because by law such protection is not automatically granted by the Secret Service on request.

Nothing specific was cited by either candidate. Many see the request by Trump and Carson as a move to grant greater legitimacy to the respective campaign of each.

Trump has of course always had his own security of personal protection which he has expanded in its members in recent months. Carson hasn't any personal protection nor has he ever had any.

“As prescribed by statute, authorization for Secret Service protection for presidential candidates is determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security after consultation with a congressional advisory committee which includes the Speaker of the House, House Minority Leader, Senate Majority Leader, Senate Minority Leader, and one additional member selected by the aforementioned committee," a Homeland Security spokesman told ABC News.

Here’s more on the requirements for Secret Service protection.

Candidates must:

-- Be publicly announced

-- Have some degree of prominence as shown by opinion polls

--- Be actively campaigning and entered in at least 10 state primaries

--- Be seeking the nomination of a qualified party

--- Have qualified for matching funds in the amount of at least $100,000

--- Have received contributions totaling $10 million


The only present candidate of either party seeking the presidency and receiving Secret Service protection is former first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton who receives the protection because she is a former first lady.

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Well Obama never distanced himself from the "Hands Up Don't Shoot" scammers. Meanwhile the mayor from Baltimore walks free when she should be facing legal consequences for the riots in Baltimore. I'm seeing double-standards from the left here, Trump says he wants to make America great again, it is now the laughing-stock of the planet; he's broken down very clearly how the deals with the Mexican, Chinese, and Iranian governments were handled with stupidity, on top of that the socialized health care which has made a number of insurance companies - and the politicians they pay off - undeservedly rich, ie: rich for doing nothing that actually benefits people. Still don't understand the left-wing slander against Trump and Dr. Ben as they both have met success against the odds.

Even if the slanderers win, Trump and Carson will be successful. If Hillary was taken down, as any normal citizen would if they had committed the string of lies and crimes - well perhaps not crimes but she is at the very least accountable - well I suppose she'd avoid the federal prison, but would still have the lecture circuit.

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I would expect to see better references for that. Snopes broke it down: http://www.snopes.com/1998-trump-people-quote/ and were unable to find anything like that in the People Magazine archives - they note that he donated 7 figures that year to the Republican Party. It sounds like something somebody on the left made up in their further attempts to slander him. We see their true colors and they are not as "enlightened" and "progressive" as they imagine themselves to be.

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I would expect to see better references for that. Snopes broke it down: http://www.snopes.com/1998-trump-people-quote/ and were unable to find anything like that in the People Magazine archives - they note that he donated 7 figures that year to the Republican Party. It sounds like something somebody on the left made up in their further attempts to slander him. We see their true colors and they are not as "enlightened" and "progressive" as they imagine themselves to be.

You could at least remove the watermark of the website where you made this up

or use a more reputable source such as this.


sorry circular square, I was replying to my friend the seahorse and mistakenly I replied to youlaugh.png

Edited by Scott
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I would expect to see better references for that. Snopes broke it down: http://www.snopes.com/1998-trump-people-quote/ and were unable to find anything like that in the People Magazine archives - they note that he donated 7 figures that year to the Republican Party. It sounds like something somebody on the left made up in their further attempts to slander him. We see their true colors and they are not as "enlightened" and "progressive" as they imagine themselves to be.

You could at least remove the watermark of the website where you made this up

or use a more reputable source such as this.


sorry circular square, I was replying to my friend the seahorse and mistakenly I replied to youlaugh.png

No...ADDTEXT.COM makes it pretty obvious that the picture is a joke. To remove the watermark would have been to present the "quote" as a fact, and that would have been deceitful.

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I would expect to see better references for that. Snopes broke it down: http://www.snopes.com/1998-trump-people-quote/ and were unable to find anything like that in the People Magazine archives - they note that he donated 7 figures that year to the Republican Party. It sounds like something somebody on the left made up in their further attempts to slander him. We see their true colors and they are not as "enlightened" and "progressive" as they imagine themselves to be.

You could at least remove the watermark of the website where you made this up

or use a more reputable source such as this.


sorry circular square, I was replying to my friend the seahorse and mistakenly I replied to youlaugh.png

No...ADDTEXT.COM makes it pretty obvious that the picture is a joke. To remove the watermark would have been to present the "quote" as a fact, and that would have been deceitful.

Not obvious to everyone, so in a way your quote has some truth in it.

anyway Trump never let facts get in the way of a good argument why should we?tongue.png

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