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I'd like to know what other forangs think of some of the driving from coaches, taxis, motorcycles, tuk tuks etc. Because when I chat to other forangs that have been to Thailand or i meet them here they just shrug it off and say they don't have a problem with the driving here.

Some things I can remember from my public transport experiences living in Ubon Rachathani for 4 months and travelled to and from Chiang Mai Bangkok Udon Thani and pattaya a few times.

- Double decker coach journey to Chiang Mai. As soon as we get on the main roads were overtaking every car possible. Sometimes it doesn't matter if there are cars passing in the opposite direction

because, hey I'm a big bus with lots of lights and its night time, if they don't want to move over into the motorcycle lane on there side of the road then guess what? were crashing straight into you at 60kmh with a head on collision. It's obvious they don't value their life at all because they are willing to risk there life's and others everyday for what? to get to their destination a bit earlier? .....

- Taxi drivers driving right up the ass of the car in front 90% of the time. I sit there and in my head I'm just thinking, why are you this close to the car? Do you not realize how stupidly easy it is for the car in front to brake a little harder while your distracted talking on your phone (I see often taxi drivers driving with their phones). I'm probably going to start pointing these

-Motorcycle drivers rarely look over their shoulder when they change position in lane. I've drove in England on a motorbike (125cc) for 4 years. When you do your CBT (basic motorcycle license for small bikes) they teach you to look over your shoulder or can be called a lifesaver to check your blind spots. Upon talking to my thai GF who recently got a motorcycle license, she says its as easy as going to pay for the license and there is no test, no training and no theory. So basically people are allowed to drive on the roads with no experience or training. This sounds so stupid to me it actually annoys me.

-Minivan journey to Pattaya from Bangkok. Worst drive I have ever had in my life DEFINITELY! The whole hour and a half drive we were going as fast as possible undertaking, overtaking, tailgating. You name it we were doing it. We stopped off halfway at a gas station and I told my gf I was not getting back in that minivan if I didn't speak to the driver first and tell him to drive slower and more safe. To my surprise after politely asking the driver if he could drive slower the remaining half of the journey was not too bad. This made me think he drives like a insane murderer fleeing the police because he's trying to get more trips in a day thus making more money. Still, no care that he could be killed in the process.

- People in general just seem to not care about there safety, whenever I go on public transport I am often the only one with my seat belt on and my gf's friend actually laughed at me and said 'oh you don't have to use it' once. I also find nobody complains about the driving when they just witnessed a obvious near accident, probably because they don't know different i guess.

At this point I purposely travel as less as possible, and when I do, I try to travel by a train or by aeroplane. Being 21 and starting to make money online, I don't have much money so I have to take the economical travel option as much as I can and don't have the luxury of flying everywhere.

I'm so scared I will get into my first vehicle crash and its just a matter of time until it happens I feel, of course this is true everywhere but I think my chances of being in a crash here in Thailand is much more likely. Expecting comments like 'Leave the country then if you don't like it etc but hoping others will put their opinion across and maybe even some tips from people who have lived here a long time. Thanks for reading, I want to hear your opinion in the comments cheers :)

p.s I see Thailand is No 4 for total deaths per 100,000 people due to car accidents according to wikipedia.

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Yes I just questioned her again and she did say there is a test (she was distracted on her laptop when I had asked her before).


with you 100 percent, hate driving here, hate being a passenger either on a Bus or in a Taxi..

Scares the crap out of me..

Thais dont mind, coz they dont know any better.. they think this is how the ''WORLD'' Drives ???



They operate every vehicle like it's a tuk tuk and can't keep the motorcycles off the sidewalks. Also can't remember to turn their lights on at night. Nuff said.


with you 100 percent, hate driving here, hate being a passenger either on a Bus or in a Taxi..

Scares the crap out of me..

Thais dont mind, coz they dont know any better.. they think this is how the ''WORLD'' Drives ???


Faith. What meant to be will be.

When you apply your Western logic and driving skills, you end up in an accident.

Once you start to behave like locals, all problems go away.

Thats the only way to accept it if you live here.

I most certainly prefer to drive myself, than put my life into someone else's hand.

Saying that, if i need to go into unfamiliar to be territory, i prefer to use a taxi, to avoid possible troubles.


They operate every vehicle like it's a tuk tuk and can't keep the motorcycles off the sidewalks. Also can't remember to turn their lights on at night. Nuff said.

They?! They do many stupid things, way too many to list. However NOT all of "they"

Many "they" also hate what other "they" do" but police does nothing and you either be aware or get injured


Whoes the Idiot who dreamed up these Fall of Yer Bike for Grannie Days, there are too many Lycra Ninjas who ride like Tuna Tarts without encouraging Kids to play on the Hiway as well


You want to drive around your self then you will know how bad they are .

My thai gf says Thais have to get there first and I see it when I drive my self .

I am a good driver it was my work for 35 years big trucks back home and from what I see Thais have know idea because there government dose not care about them at all and not teach them how to drive.

Until the government changes the way people are show how to drive it will not change .

I believe thailand is 40 years behind in drivers education .


Has being scared and worrying helped the situation at all? Does it make you feel better to make lists and fixate on all the things you don’t like? Maybe talking about your fears will help but I suspect it will just get you more upset.

I prefer to drive myself and quite enjoy driving in my part of the country but I guess that is not an option for you.

with you 100 percent, hate driving here, hate being a passenger either on a Bus or in a Taxi..

Scares the crap out of me..

Thais dont mind, coz they dont know any better.. they think this is how the ''WORLD'' Drives ???


Faith. What meant to be will be.

When you apply your Western logic and driving skills, you end up in an accident.

Once you start to behave like locals, all problems go away.

Thats the only way to accept it if you live here.

I most certainly prefer to drive myself, than put my life into someone else's hand.

Saying that, if i need to go into unfamiliar to be territory, i prefer to use a taxi, to avoid possible troubles.

So no "locals" have accidents because they have faith ?

Funniest comment this week so far :)


the van thing is serious. some of these drivers are really crazy. it seems to be a thing with them. on one trip from Bangkok all the way to the dock for Koh Mak I woke up to a woman screaming and realized everyone in the van had fallen asleep including the driver and we were headed for a packed intersection holding a red light in front of us. she saved our lives as the driver was able to stop but only after her scream. not a joke. one of those things that seemed to happen in slo mo and I can vididly remember now as if it had just occurred but it was in fact at least 5 years ago.


I think the majority of drivers are just fine.. Except for that few reckless drivers, the roads are pretty okay if not for motorcyclist.

Thai Motorcyclist often do not do the following:

  • Wear Helmet
  • Turn on their headlight
  • Change their rear light when it's faulty
  • Signal when changing lane
  • Checking blind spot when turning

Like what I've encountered, driving at night at my soi can be scary at time due to the low lighting conditions as well as the fact that some motorcycle don't even have a working rear light and wearing a dark clothes. How am I supposed to see them!

Car driver on the other hand tend to drive rather carefully most of the time since they would want to avoid an accident.. An accident means time wasted having to leave your car at the workshop.


every time you drive you have to be aware that thais do not look in their mirror to see whats happening behind them, they do not give way, they do not use indicators, red lights and stop signs just mean go faster, they believe if they pull over to your side of the road to overtake or to avoid a puddle of water you have to pull off the road or stop for them, that they can turn left across the front of you car while you are moving forwards and that you will stop and let them do it, that overtaking on blind corners with double lines is ok and that anyone coming on the other side will drive into the trees so they dont crash,they can simply pull out from a corner or the kerb without looking to see if there is a car coming, that they have the right to do whatever they want and everyone else has to let them, that having a bigger/more expensive vehicle means they have the right of way, motor bikes have right of way all the time, they can stop in the middle of the lane to go into a shop or talk to their friends, they think flashing their headlights at you means you have to get off the road for them so they dont have to slow down, that everytime they drive they have to beat everyone else to the place they are going to show that they have a bigger dick and that none of them even have a clue as to who goes first at a cross road intersection. Maybe if they actually had to learn to drive on the streets and also to get a licence they would improve, understanding the road rules as well and having a licence would also help, then of course if all the riders/drivers were old enough to even have a licence wouldnt go astray either


I would say people drive a lot better compare to 10 years ago, I hardly get anybody flashing their high beams behind me when they try to pass, most just tail gate until they have a spot to pass through.

Aside from the Thai driving habits, if you live here long enough, you will get use to it. When I first came here, i would get so furious on the road with how people drive, but now I drive like them a bit.


I think the majority of drivers are just fine.. Except for that few reckless drivers, the roads are pretty okay if not for motorcyclist.

Thai Motorcyclist often do not do the following:

  • Wear Helmet
  • Turn on their headlight
  • Change their rear light when it's faulty
  • Signal when changing lane
  • Checking blind spot when turning
Like what I've encountered, driving at night at my soi can be scary at time due to the low lighting conditions as well as the fact that some motorcycle don't even have a working rear light and wearing a dark clothes. How am I supposed to see them!

Car driver on the other hand tend to drive rather carefully most of the time since they would want to avoid an accident.. An accident means time wasted having to leave your car at the workshop.

With reference to the "rear light faulty" I read that some superstitious Thais actually remove their rear bulbs to prevent ghosts from following them home at night. It actually works, I too have removed my rear bulbs and to the best of my knowledge have yet to be followed home by ghosts.


I sympathise with anyone who has to take mini buses or any other type of road transport operated by a thai. I have always had a car in Thailand and would not have it any other way. The key to driving in Thailand is to assume all the other vehicals on the road are being driven by 10 year olds with the self preservation instincts of a 4 year old. Defensive driving is the key, if you see something ahead and find yourself thinking "no way are they really going to try that move" slap yourself and assume yes they are going to try that move.


I drive a lot around thailand (pickup and motorbike) and yes people here mostly ignore even basic road rules. No indicating, double changing lanes at once, driving up very close from behind, speeding, sudden braking, cutting you off, driving with lights off at night (!!). Most of the windows are so tinted that you can't even see the idiot that's driving the car. I've driven past so many mass accidents (crumpled cars and bodies) that I cannot count them and what's worse is the drivers don't even let the emergency services though when there is an accident. To make things worse, the roads are paved with cement and not asphalt which means it's slippery as hell in the wet.

I'm quite surprised and delighted though when people do indicate or let you into a queue or don't drive up so close...so there are some thougthful drivers here. My girlfriend (who also drives) suggested to just drive like them, but I refuse. I have found that I survive pretty well by following the rules and being ready for their stupidity and carlessness. It will only make me a better driver Don't get me wrong, when I'm the only one in the car and on the road, I like a bit of speed but this doesn't endanger anyone besides me.


yep way to dangerous best go back to your "home" country

The usual Thai apologists reply. If the thread is too negative for you thin skinned apologists, then avoid it.


here's my list of recommendations to reduce the risk of accidents significantly:

- don't use motorcy or bicycles here

- don't travel by bus or van

- drive yourself

- for long distance, use budget airlines. tickets are so cheap.

- in Bangkok I use taxis, never had a problem

- don't drink and drive

Otherwise for once I'm in agreement with konying's point. don't overly worry about it. By the way if you travel Asia a bit, you will see many other countries with crazy traffic and also some real aggressive driving behaviours.


with you 100 percent, hate driving here, hate being a passenger either on a Bus or in a Taxi..

Scares the crap out of me..

Thais dont mind, coz they dont know any better.. they think this is how the ''WORLD'' Drives ???


Faith. What meant to be will be.

When you apply your Western logic and driving skills, you end up in an accident.

Once you start to behave like locals, all problems go away.

Thats the only way to accept it if you live here.

I most certainly prefer to drive myself, than put my life into someone else's hand.

Saying that, if i need to go into unfamiliar to be territory, i prefer to use a taxi, to avoid possible troubles.

So no "locals" have accidents because they have faith ?

Funniest comment this week so far :)

So a basic English understanding would be useful at times .

Faith and locals driving was not in the same sentence, nor did my comment about faith had anything to do with locals.

Do try to comprehend, if unable ask to explain instead of making smartass comments yet embarrassing yourself.


Took me a couple of years to adjust my ol' gray cells to accept road stuff. In doing so it also altered my driving habits to, too survive.. So far so good. Fingers crossed..

Funniest one was a bird on a bike, on the phone who decided to overtake on the right. I didn't know she was also going to turn left as well. Yep, she near hit my wing cutting in front of me, me slamming on the anchors to avoid knocking her off, my hand on the hooter too. She actually stopped and gave me some verbal abuse, to which I replied with worse and pointed out she was brain dead... rolleyes.gif

Hope you realise her being brain dead did not ting any bells in her head and she continue to do the same if she is still alive.

The other day felt like running over one idiot who had a kid , was talking on the phone and doing make up all at the same time while zig zagging all over the road .

If she did not have a kid, would have hit her with pleasure and not even feel bad about it.

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