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Japanese man murdered at his home in Thailand


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.....it was.....'time'.....

...just out of curiosity....age of loving wife.....

...so sickening.....

...and the neighbor implicated.....that more or less paints the whole picture....

...poor sap thought he might be respected at least in his declining years...

...wonder how much he 'dished out' ....before his 'time was up'....

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I suppose it's possible that, whoever did it, waited for the wife to be away for the night. Unless she was in league with the person, he/she could hardly top the Japanese man whilst she was there.

if the killer was infact robbing the house then why wack the old man ?

hes old and frail hardly a threat.

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Although Samphand appears highly suspect, I would lay odds that the police will conclude that the Japanese man died from complications of disease and taking medicine, and not a stabbing. After all, a Thai wouldn't commit murder.

" After all, a Thai wouldn't commit murder."

You ever get of trotting that one out?...Rhetorical question

Simple amusement for simple thinkers

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sounds a little fishy to me. She goes and visits mommy and comes and he is dead.

Maybe, an affair here, between the victims wife and the neighbours husband, sounds like a lot of planning went into this dissapearing overnight , scissors in the bin, motorbike 500m away, this could be one of the first cases of a non suicide of a Japanese mans death in LOS.

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sounds a little fishy to me. She goes and visits mommy and comes and he is dead.

Not really. People do visit their parents.

The thing that struck me is this 83 year old man's mother-in-law is still alive.

His wife could have been very young. The neighbour could have been her boyfriend.

This is the most predicted outcome from this story,,

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He is to blame anyway, it must be very disgusting for a very young girl having to sleep with such an old man. I can imagine her starting to hate him after some time (actually from the very beginning).

"A very young girl" only 48yo. So is she just out of puberty or just into menopause?

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Conveniently away for the night.

Poor guy


No value of life at any age in this country.

yup Thailand.......the only place in the world where there was a murder last night--------its scary stuff being here........coffee1.gif

I dont think he was counting the land of psycho's i.e. the USA

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He is to blame anyway, it must be very disgusting for a very young girl having to sleep with such an old man. I can imagine her starting to hate him after some time (actually from the very beginning).

So they have actually brought the death penalty in for sleeping with younger women now..............wow I'm Off to Cambodia.........coffee1.gif

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sounds a little fishy to me. She goes and visits mommy and comes and he is dead.

Yes, but here at TV everything that happens in Thailand sounds fishy from a bar stool perspective.

Yes, but from the Thai apologists here NOTHING in Thailand sounds fishy.

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He is to blame anyway, it must be very disgusting for a very young girl having to sleep with such an old man. I can imagine her starting to hate him after some time (actually from the very beginning).

Hmmm, lots of eldery sleeping with relatively younger gals perhaps applicable to the song lyrics "take me home country roads"

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sounds a little fishy to me. She goes and visits mommy and comes and he is dead.

Not really. People do visit their parents.

The thing that struck me is this 83 year old man's mother-in-law is still alive.

I suspect that his wife is considerably younger then him, I wouldn't at all be surprised if his mother in law was younger then him.

Why on earth would you kill such an elderly foreign gentleman? Let me think,,, ermmm,,, no can't think of a single reason.

RIP to the poor guy, hope the police investigate properly.

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she was not at home last night how convenient away to visit her sick mother almost sounds like a full proof alibi, have the police checked who would benefit from Mr Kazuo Yoshioka demise another fishy murder indeed. But sure the Thai police will soon get to the bottom of it as they are so good at solving murders like this.

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According to his Thai wife, Ms Poranee Napadol, she was not at home last night but went to visit her mother who was suffering from kidney sickness.coffee1.gif

and ...........

and.... isn't it strange that Thai wives are never home, and have solid alibis, whenever their foreign husbands die in suspicious circumstances.

Of course, in this case it may be purely a coincidence that she was away. Someone with a more suspicious mind than me however, might suggest that the someone may have paid the neighbour to get rid of the husband for life insurance purposes. Perhaps the money could then be used to take care of someone's unwell relative. Perhaps the neighbour got a case of the nerves, hit the bottle, and that's why he left such a messy trail. Pure speculation of course. Perhaps one of the side effects of having lived here too long.

Whatever the real reason for poor man's death, I do hope he is somewhere better, resting in peace. sad.png

and isn't it strange that so many tv members instantly make so many negative comments.

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.....it was.....'time'.....

...just out of curiosity....age of loving wife.....

...so sickening.....

...and the neighbor implicated.....that more or less paints the whole picture....

...poor sap thought he might be respected at least in his declining years...

...wonder how much he 'dished out' ....before his 'time was up'....

Not enough Bahts obviously
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Does the neighbour not know the Thai police have now discovered DNA and he will be nailed or fitted up for the murder and his 48 year old young chick will run off and find someone new to satisfy her needs and financially support her while he is rotting in jail.

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