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Verdict delayed in Chuwit beer-bar demolition case


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Verdict delayed in Chuwit beer-bar case



BANGKOK: -- OUTSPOKEN politician Chuwit Kamolvisit yesterday got a temporary reprieve from the Supreme Court after the court agreed to postpone the reading of its final verdict in his beer-bar demolition case to January 28.

Until yesterday, the former massage-parlour tycoon had always denied ordering the violent demolition of the beer bars in 2003.

However, he suddenly backtracked on his previous statement yesterday. He sent his confession and a plea for lighter punishment to the Southern Bangkok Criminal Court, which alerted the highest court by fax.

The Supreme Court had been scheduled to announce the final ruling on the much-publicised beer-bar demolition yesterday. But after receiving the fax, it announced that the verdict reading would take place on January 28 instead. In his petition to the court, Chuwit pleaded for mercy and asked that the court suspend his jail term.

The Criminal Court initially gave Chuwit the benefit of the doubt and acquitted him after he insisted he did not play a role in the demolition. However, the Appeals Court later found him guilty and sentenced him to five years in jail. Chuwit then appealed against the conviction and the jail term, bringing his case to the highest court.

In the past decade, he has transformed himself into a colourful politician. He is the founder and leader of the Rak Prathet Thai Party and has been quite popular because of his efforts to expose a number of corruption scandals.

His Facebook page, under the name "Chuwit I'm No 5", has more than 900,000 fans.

Chuwit yesterday said he decided to confess to the beer-bar demolition because he felt it was best to be sincere.

"I committed the offence at the time because I was a businessman. After I did it, I felt uncomfortable. It's time to release myself from that discomfort by speaking the truth," he said.

He said he admitted that he did the wrong thing but pleaded for understanding as he was under pressure and ignorant of the facts.

"I bought a plot of land for Bt500 million because the bank said it could evict the existing occupants from the plot. So when the occupants refused to leave, I felt pressured to do something," Chuwit said.

He said he had been thinking hard over the last two days about whether to make a confession.

"Finally, I told myself I should confess. By confessing to the crime, I feel relieved. It's like removing a mountain off my chest," he said.

Chuwit said he also engaged in merit-making and asked blessings from Buddha images before he went to the court yesterday.

"Of course, I don't want to go to jail," he said.

It was the second time that the Supreme Court had postponed the reading of its verdict in the beer-bar demolition case.

The first postponement was in August this year because several defendants failed to show up. Chuwit has always showed up for the court sessions.

Other prominent defendants in this case included Lt-Colonel Himalai Priewphan and Major Thanyathep Thammathorn. Thanyathep failed to show up for the verdict-reading session for the second time yesterday. The court hence issued a warrant for his arrest and fined his guarantor.

Meanwhile, Jessada A-nujaree, of the Lawyers Council of Thailand, said he has seen defendants make confessions after their cases had already gone to the Appeal Court, but it hasn't happened very often.

In Chuwit's case, Jessada said, the Supreme Court may or may not reduce the punishment.

"No penalty reduction may be granted if the court thinks the defendant confessed in the presence of solid evidence. The penalty may be reduced if the court feels the confession is useful," he said.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Verdict-delayed-in-Chuwit-beer-bar-case-30271004.html

-- The Nation 2015-10-16

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If the courts can just drag this out for 2 more years the statute of limitations will have passed. Not an accident methinks, and I'm quite certain some authority figures have been richly rewarded for their part in this farce. Another reminder that Thailand has never suffered such a corrupt regime as the present one.

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He owned the land, tried to evict the people occupying it but they refused to leave so he took the mater in to his own hands...

If that is breaking the law then the government is breaking the same law every time they reclaim land from people occupying it along the beaches and in the national parks because it's the same dilemma: Someone is occupying the land that doesn't belong to them. And the same will go for the latest cleanup operation in BKK as people where occupying/living on land belonging to BKK and not them.

How would you react if someone builds a house on your land, start doing business and then refuse to leave when you ask them to?

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If the courts can just drag this out for 2 more years the statute of limitations will have passed.

As far as I know once criminal proceedings begin, that is before the statute of limitations reached, the statute is no longer an option.

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He owned the land, tried to evict the people occupying it but they refused to leave so he took the mater in to his own hands...

If that is breaking the law then the government is breaking the same law every time they reclaim land from people occupying it along the beaches and in the national parks because it's the same dilemma: Someone is occupying the land that doesn't belong to them. And the same will go for the latest cleanup operation in BKK as people where occupying/living on land belonging to BKK and not them.

How would you react if someone builds a house on your land, start doing business and then refuse to leave when you ask them to?

The people weren't occupying the land. They had paid leases.

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I am not at all saying that Chuwit has now time to negotiate with the supreme court judges the correct amounts necessary for either suspension, or "house arrest" in his 5 star hotel. And Chuwit is not a "liar", he is a "backtracker", which is I believe an Olympic discipline... (I didn't say that either, I thought it out loud)

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If he is now pleading guilty surely the appeals court verdict should stand and he should do his 5 years. Getting a reduced sentence due to coming clean needs to happen before you are found guilty.

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He owned the land, tried to evict the people occupying it but they refused to leave so he took the mater in to his own hands...

If that is breaking the law then the government is breaking the same law every time they reclaim land from people occupying it along the beaches and in the national parks because it's the same dilemma: Someone is occupying the land that doesn't belong to them. And the same will go for the latest cleanup operation in BKK as people where occupying/living on land belonging to BKK and not them.

How would you react if someone builds a house on your land, start doing business and then refuse to leave when you ask them to?

You clearly have no idea what took place. Do some reading, and get back to us.

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If the courts can just drag this out for 2 more years the statute of limitations will have passed.

As far as I know once criminal proceedings begin, that is before the statute of limitations reached, the statute is no longer an option.

Statute of limitation laws have to be the most widely misunderstood laws on the planet.

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it has been just under 13 years now since this thug pulled off this scumbag act. He is found guilty then confesses? What a piece of crap!!

There has still been not justice or compensation for the multitude of people that lost everything so these greedy pimp could make more money.

I really doubt he will get whats coming to him but I still hope there is some justice and Karma for this creep.

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it has been just under 13 years now since this thug pulled off this scumbag act. He is found guilty then confesses? What a piece of crap!!

There has still been not justice or compensation for the multitude of people that lost everything so these greedy pimp could make more money.

I really doubt he will get whats coming to him but I still hope there is some justice and Karma for this creep.

They're won't be, he's worth billions...

And also he has a tonne of footage recorded in his brothels of top Thai brass romping with his hookers... Nobody wants that to ever see the light of day

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He owned the land, tried to evict the people occupying it but they refused to leave so he took the mater in to his own hands...

If that is breaking the law then the government is breaking the same law every time they reclaim land from people occupying it along the beaches and in the national parks because it's the same dilemma: Someone is occupying the land that doesn't belong to them. And the same will go for the latest cleanup operation in BKK as people where occupying/living on land belonging to BKK and not them.

How would you react if someone builds a house on your land, start doing business and then refuse to leave when you ask them to?

The people weren't occupying the land. They had paid leases.

Not the full story.

They paid rent to his Indian manager. Who took all the money and ran away.

His argument at the time was that he has not received any payment and therefore all must vacate .

I lived in Soi 10 at the time.

After he did it, he turned land into a public park as a "merit " to give to people.

Some say he did it because he was told to do it .

Edited by konying
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Just wondering...

Will he now be charged with criminal perjury for giving false testimony to the Criminal Court in the original proceedings, since he claimed then that he wasn't responsible, but now is apparently admitting that he in fact was responsible???

Somehow, I doubt it, which is unfortunate. I'm guessing, that he somehow learned that the upcoming verdict was going to go against him, and so decided to take the Thai time-honored approach of confessing to earn a reduced and/or suspended sentence from the court.

After all, rich and prominent Thais rarely get sent to prison, no matter what they do. Perhaps the recent case with the bankers in the Thaksin-era fraudulent loans case getting actually sent to prison has served as a kind of wake-up call, although I continue to see that outcome as much more the exception than the rule.

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Massage Parlour Tycoon........The places he owned were notorius for having very young girls/virgins on the menu. This guy sums up what the mindset here is like for many politicians.....total dirtball.

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A lot of the big mouths have a lot to say about Chuwit, most of it not very nice. Let's look at the other side of the coin for just a minute. If you met him you would find him a charming intelligent man. He showed tremendous courage taking on the Bangkok police over corruption. He pulled out of the massage business totally when he no longer thought it was a good business to be in. He is one of the few Thai politicians who campaigns against corruption, surely something Thailand needs more of it. It's not all black and white guys. Sure he as done some bad things and he is still a showman, but Thailand is better off with him out of prison rather than in. We could do with him as the Bangkok Governor if he will or can stand again. I doubt some if some of his critics on this thread could stand that much scrutiny. He did turn this block into a public park even if that doesn't make up for the losses suffered by the small beer bar owners. I guess the usual suspects will still cast the first stone though.

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A lot of the big mouths have a lot to say about Chuwit, most of it not very nice. Let's look at the other side of the coin for just a minute. If you met him you would find him a charming intelligent man. He showed tremendous courage taking on the Bangkok police over corruption. He pulled out of the massage business totally when he no longer thought it was a good business to be in. He is one of the few Thai politicians who campaigns against corruption, surely something Thailand needs more of it. It's not all black and white guys. Sure he as done some bad things and he is still a showman, but Thailand is better off with him out of prison rather than in. We could do with him as the Bangkok Governor if he will or can stand again. I doubt some if some of his critics on this thread could stand that much scrutiny. He did turn this block into a public park even if that doesn't make up for the losses suffered by the small beer bar owners. I guess the usual suspects will still cast the first stone though.

He got out of the pimping underage girls business... But not until after he was a multi millionaire from it and able to buy a hotel chain and plenty of expensive bkk property....

Hardly qualifies him to be the next anything....

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A lot of the big mouths have a lot to say about Chuwit, most of it not very nice. Let's look at the other side of the coin for just a minute. If you met him you would find him a charming intelligent man. He showed tremendous courage taking on the Bangkok police over corruption. He pulled out of the massage business totally when he no longer thought it was a good business to be in. He is one of the few Thai politicians who campaigns against corruption, surely something Thailand needs more of it. It's not all black and white guys. Sure he as done some bad things and he is still a showman, but Thailand is better off with him out of prison rather than in. We could do with him as the Bangkok Governor if he will or can stand again. I doubt some if some of his critics on this thread could stand that much scrutiny. He did turn this block into a public park even if that doesn't make up for the losses suffered by the small beer bar owners. I guess the usual suspects will still cast the first stone though.

He's an evil scumbag.

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He'll get a suspended sentence for providing 'useful information'. None of the elite ever see a day behind bars here. The justice system in Thailand is a farce.

I think a suspended sentence would be for not providing useful information in this case.

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A lot of the big mouths have a lot to say about Chuwit, most of it not very nice. Let's look at the other side of the coin for just a minute. If you met him you would find him a charming intelligent man. He showed tremendous courage taking on the Bangkok police over corruption. He pulled out of the massage business totally when he no longer thought it was a good business to be in. He is one of the few Thai politicians who campaigns against corruption, surely something Thailand needs more of it. It's not all black and white guys. Sure he as done some bad things and he is still a showman, but Thailand is better off with him out of prison rather than in. We could do with him as the Bangkok Governor if he will or can stand again. I doubt some if some of his critics on this thread could stand that much scrutiny. He did turn this block into a public park even if that doesn't make up for the losses suffered by the small beer bar owners. I guess the usual suspects will still cast the first stone though.

you must have some business dealings with him to be so deluded!!

He is a scumbag of the highest order.

He is a pimp and a rat and a scumbag!!!

After he sold his brothels then he immediately tried passing a law to make them illegal. If he had any ethics he would have just shut them down instead. But no, he wanted to take the money then stab the buyers in the back!!

After he illegally stormed the businesses on soi 10 and sent many innocent security staff to the hospital, he then turned in a list of all the bars in the entertainment areas that were paying extortion tea money to the police. In an attempt to deflect attention away from his misdeeds.

He had to leave the country for several months to avoid arrest and was likely on the police "to do list" of people to be dealt with.

He only sold his brothels so that he could join politics which just goes to show what a scumbag he really is and how much more money you can make by being a corrupt politician than you can from being a corrupt pimp that owned many of the largest brothels in Bkk.

The whole of Thailand would be better if this creep was put away for good, one way or the other.

Oh yeah he has also been arrested more than once for beating his wife.

You really know how to pick your friends!!!

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