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Abbas slams Israel as deadly violence continues


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Abbas slams Israel as deadly violence continues


JERUSALEM: -- Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has lashed out at Israel, as a wave of deadly violence shows no signs of abating.

He claims its actions are “threatening to spark a religious conflict that would burn everything.”

Abbas has also said that Israel is “executing our sons in cold blood.”

At least seven Israelis and 32 Palestinians have been killed in two weeks of bloodshed.

“These days, the Israeli aggressive assault against our people, its land and its holy places is escalating – the racism is showing its ugly face and is making the occupation uglier,” said Abbas, during a televised address.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused Abbas of spreading lies and inciting his people to violence.

The war of words comes as Israel sets up roadblocks in Palestinian neighbourhoods in East Jerusalem and deploys soldiers across the country.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-16

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Abbas has also said that Israel is “executing our sons in cold blood.”

This Abbas is an ineffective and an old relic of the Fattah movements, he doesn't realize that the uprising

is directed towards the hopeless and defunct PA leadership as much as against the Israelis,

and the 'executed' son is now resting comfortable in a Israeli hospital being cared for and paid by

the Israeli people, so the old shticks and tricks propaganda of the old guard will not carry them

very far this time.....

Edited by ezzra
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It as always been OK for Palestinians to slide into Israel kill off a few and slide back, or launc a rocket or two and expect Israel to sit on their thumb !!

No going to happen, Israel is "Ole School" and still believes in an Eye for an Eye !!

If Israel gave back all the land taken during the last war the Muslim's still want them dead !!

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More flame to the middle east, Russians/Cubans/Iranians/Hezbollah/Iraqi militias, on Israel's border with Syria. Add in Al-Qaida spin offs and ISIL. The problems with this region are growing worse by the day. Hard to see how the middle east will ever settle down.

Israel will take no BS with Iran moving arms to the Palestinians. While Russia has made an alliance with the rogue axis nations of Syria, Iran and probably Shiite Iraq. The scenario possibilities for a major war would do justice for a Tom Clancy novel.

Oh and add the Americans, Turks, Kurds, Gulf States, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and a few European assets. Plus the flood of refugees to Europe.

This upraising at this time could well be linked to any or all of the above. A very dangerous move for the world indeed.

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Abbas has also said that Israel is “executing our sons in cold blood.”

This Abbas is an ineffective and an old relic of the Fattah movements, he doesn't realize that the uprising

is directed towards the hopeless and defunct PA leadership as much as against the Israelis,

and the 'executed' son is now resting comfortable in a Israeli hospital being cared for and paid by

the Israeli people, so the old shticks and tricks propaganda of the old guard will not carry them

very far this time.....

Abbas is many things, but he knows his home court well. There are limits to how much he can go against popular sentiment and politically survive. Same as most politicians everywhere, a lot of what he says is rooted in public opinion, rather than expressing a solid conviction. There is no doubt he is well aware of the danger the current unrest poses for the Fatah and the PA, and no doubt that he is well aware of political rivals (Hamas and other Islamic movements) role in fanning the flames.

Abbas is therefore walking a tightrope, sometimes calling for calm, sometimes adding to the incitement. It is what it is.

On the ground, and less in public view, the current orders for PA security forces are to keep as lead on things, as much as possible. For the most part, this is carried out (with local variations). Anyone doubting this, should recall the second Intifada, during which PA security forces sometimes facilitated and participated in attacks. How long or how well this effort could be maintained, is a very good question. The view above, by the way, is pretty much how heads of IDF and Israeli security services asses the current situation (Israeli right wing politicians fiery speeches notwithstanding). This spells that under current conditions, an extensive military operation is not on the cards.

I think Israel will come to miss Abass, flaws and all, considering the alternatives.

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The old fart is trying to stay relevant.

So what if he doesn't have a mandate and has refused to allow democratic elections to select a leader of his self proclaimed state.

Would having a Hamas candidate in his place, or the PA collapsing into anarchy be any better?

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It as always been OK for Palestinians to slide into Israel kill off a few and slide back, or launc a rocket or two and expect Israel to sit on their thumb !!

No going to happen, Israel is "Ole School" and still believes in an Eye for an Eye !!

If Israel gave back all the land taken during the last war the Muslim's still want them dead !!

Both sides are adept at justifying their actions, whatever these may be. Things are almost always a "reaction" to past "actions".

The Eye for an Eye thing much in evidence with both as well.

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Hamas would not be better but this isn't exactly Abbas' finest hour.

The Arab terrorist boy that Abbas claimed the Jews executed has now confessed that he came to kill Jews and the reason he came to kill Jews was that he believed the incitement lies supported by Abbas about the alleged intention to change the status at the Temple Mount.

It's so sweet that his Mama claims it couldn't be him, he doesn't know how to hold a knife. I can only imagine the way she talks when the press isn't there.

His 15 minutes of fame.

"Executed" boy amazingly chipper.

He's alive but this boy has now ruined his own life.

Good one ... Abbas.

Edited by Jingthing
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The old fart is trying to stay relevant.

So what if he doesn't have a mandate and has refused to allow democratic elections to select a leader of his self proclaimed state.

Would having a Hamas candidate in his place, or the PA collapsing into anarchy be any better?

If selected by a free and fair election, yes. The façade of a "peace partner" would be dropped. More of the aid money would go to the donors intended use and not to the pockets of PLA officials. Hamas may be a nasty group of killers, but at least they are honest in their stated desire: The destruction of Israel and death or forced expulsion of the vanquished non muslims.

The only reason there isn't full scale anarchy in the PLA administered zones, despite the billions in aid money given, is that Israel provides public health, food and infrastructure. The Israelis also keep a lid on the extremists. If Israel wasn't present, the west bank would be a repeat of Libya, or Syria or Iraq.

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The old fart is trying to stay relevant.

So what if he doesn't have a mandate and has refused to allow democratic elections to select a leader of his self proclaimed state.

Would having a Hamas candidate in his place, or the PA collapsing into anarchy be any better?

If selected by a free and fair election, yes. The façade of a "peace partner" would be dropped. More of the aid money would go to the donors intended use and not to the pockets of PLA officials. Hamas may be a nasty group of killers, but at least they are honest in their stated desire: The destruction of Israel and death or forced expulsion of the vanquished non muslims.

The only reason there isn't full scale anarchy in the PLA administered zones, despite the billions in aid money given, is that Israel provides public health, food and infrastructure. The Israelis also keep a lid on the extremists. If Israel wasn't present, the west bank would be a repeat of Libya, or Syria or Iraq.

Assuming that such an eventuality will highlight Hamas's position and score a PR point (with the learned lesson that these have a short shelf life) - is achieving a short term diplomatic victory, with the inevitable mayhem better than having a conflict involving relatively low intensity violence? What price "proving" supposed righteousness to the World?

How would Hamas rule by any better to Israelis, Palestinians, Christians in the West Bank or when considering regional Islamic forces on the rise? Sometimes one is better off with the Devil (and no, the PA is not the Devil...) he knows. Same goes for Hamas compared to even more radical options.

As for "more of the aid money would go to the donors intended use and not to the pockets of PLA officials" - first of all a lot of the aid funds will be cut off, due to Hamas's positions, and if the Gaza Strip is any indication, the chances of direct transfer of funds to the people is minimal. Hamas leadership is not better than the PA's when it comes to corruption and graft.

Israel does not provide "public health services, food and infrastructure" to Palestinians living in the PA administered zones (some Israelis would argue that it even doesn't provide these within Israel proper...). The PA's failure to address the needs of the Palestinians stem from more than one factors, not least would be the fragmented natures of the territory administered and the effective authority at its disposal. Corruption, graft, lack of good governance, and clan oriented culture play central roles as well, for sure. The "keeping a lid on things" security wise deserves a separate mention - while the PA leadership is often publicly criticized on this front (especially by Israeli right wing politicians), the prevailing view among Chiefs of IDF and security services is realistically favorable.

The Palestinians may be tired of the Fatah-led PA, with its ineffectual treatment of daily life issues, corruption and pomposity, but they fear anarchy even worse than that. Hamas may enjoy rosier electoral prospects, Some of it (perhaps even most) is genuine, some if more of an fed-up-with-Fatah sentiment. I doubt that there is wall-to-wall support in any form of Islamic rule among Palestinians, current trends notwithstanding.

If Israel was magically gone tomorrow, yes - the land would join the the likes of Syria, Libya and Iraq (with local variations). If the PA goes, it might very well be confined, at first, to the West Bank - but how long until it crosses over to Israel and Jordan?

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