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Why stay in Thailand if everything is bad (according to some)

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Lots of bitter posters here. Most of you have lost the plot about what is life. For me it is living in a rural area. Here you meet genuine Thai country people and their hospitality and customs. No bombings, no violence, just a bunch of people who support themselves. The driveway to my house is lined with overlapping bamboo and star fruit trees. My wife is beautiful. Not just pretty, she is beautiful. My 30 ducks and 20 chickens love me too, as do 5 cats that have adopted me. The orchids in my trees put on a fabulous display during the wet season. I could go on. Lots of you have missed out on a life. Say no more


I love the place and love the missus. I generally try to keep a positive outlook on Thailand but must admit that many times after reading the forumn on here I do get a negative attitude. I like to read some of the witty comments and positive ones but unfortunately they are generally outweighed by the bitter and resentful ones. My missus tells me she can even notice it after I have read thaivisa for an hour. I must stop being on here so often as the negativity does tend to get to you. And there is no way I want to end up a bitter, sad and miserable old bast#ard like some on here. I guess thats why 99% of my friends are thais as I met a few farang in the city where I live and they are so bitter to the world and thais. Turns my guts.

Sorry to hear that about your guts.

But do tell me: if you do not like the posts on this forum, why don't you go to some rosy forum in stead of whining here about TV forum?


Lots of bitter posters here. Most of you have lost the plot about what is life. For me it is living in a rural area. Here you meet genuine Thai country people and their hospitality and customs. No bombings, no violence, just a bunch of people who support themselves. The driveway to my house is lined with overlapping bamboo and star fruit trees. My wife is beautiful. Not just pretty, she is beautiful. My 30 ducks and 20 chickens love me too, as do 5 cats that have adopted me. The orchids in my trees put on a fabulous display during the wet season. I could go on. Lots of you have missed out on a life. Say no more


If there is such a thing as personalized hells, you have just described mine! crying.gif


I think most of the negative posters on TV don't even live in Thailand, maybe had to move out and can't afford to return.


Lots of bitter posters here. Most of you have lost the plot about what is life. For me it is living in a rural area. Here you meet genuine Thai country people and their hospitality and customs. No bombings, no violence, just a bunch of people who support themselves. The driveway to my house is lined with overlapping bamboo and star fruit trees. My wife is beautiful. Not just pretty, she is beautiful. My 30 ducks and 20 chickens love me too, as do 5 cats that have adopted me. The orchids in my trees put on a fabulous display during the wet season. I could go on. Lots of you have missed out on a life. Say no more

I'm a little bit like you, except for no animals here, since we spend half the year travelling in Europe.

Wild orchids in the trees, mangosteen and rambutan trees, our own vegetables, small swimming pool, view of the hills, coffee at sunrise, a 60 year old wife that was called a "teenager" by an Austrian imm officer that doubted the authenticity of my wife's passport.

If only the wat and the local government bobo did not have PA systems, it would be paradise.


I think that some get trapped financially. For example, if you don't have a pretty decent nest egg, it would be challenging to start over again in the US, if all you had was monthly income and needed to secure a car, a home, stuff to fill the home etc.

This is so true, i have friends virtually on the verge of hand

to mouth existence, left Thailand, left Laos now in Cambodia

and who knows where to next, can't afford to go home and

start again, (how do the refugees do it)


And what gives someone the right to say " if you don't like it go back to your own country" if they don't like what I say then don't listen.

People have the ability to block or skip people or posts they don't like. Stop complaining about people complaining !

You're questioning the right for someone to say "if you don't like it go back to your own country." By your reasoning someone can express an opinion about the country but another person cannot express their opinion about your opinion. Sounds kind of like saying I can express my opinion but you can't criticize me for what I say.

The right you might be asking about is called Freedom of Speech. It applies to everyone!


You tink too mut.

Everyone moans about something, even if they are super happy.It is human nature. We are more inclined to post about a bad experience than a good one because we need to vent. And we selectively only remember the good from "the good old days" and forget the bad.

Thailand is getting more expensive, harder to stay here, and immigration a lot less friendly. So we will continue to moan. Does not mean we don't love the place. :)


I think most of the negative posters on TV don't even live in Thailand, maybe had to move out and can't afford to return.

You think that?

And what is your thinking based on?

Do you realize that you have put 3 assumptions into 1 short sentence?


Well, that is not entirely true!!! ... as in my case, ... I am here because I lost all my money here and do not have enough to go home or anywhere else or I would! Another kind hearted Farang fleeced of his savings by a conniving Thai woman! I can not afford to do anything on my small pension. All it does is pay my rent and buy my food, .... I do not have a car or motorbike, no medical insurance, ... just stuck here until I die, .... I would be over the moon if I got $2,500 a month( US no doubt) ..... I live on 17,500 BAHT a month!!

Christ!!! 17,500 baht a month is more than enough to live on!!! Don't worry just stay single and you can live rather well!

F.J x


Lots of bitter posters here. Most of you have lost the plot about what is life. For me it is living in a rural area. Here you meet genuine Thai country people and their hospitality and customs. No bombings, no violence, just a bunch of people who support themselves. The driveway to my house is lined with overlapping bamboo and star fruit trees. My wife is beautiful. Not just pretty, she is beautiful. My 30 ducks and 20 chickens love me too, as do 5 cats that have adopted me. The orchids in my trees put on a fabulous display during the wet season. I could go on. Lots of you have missed out on a life. Say no more

And during the wet season you and your wife run barefoot together chasing the end of the rainbow with big sugar white smiles, whilst the adoring songbirds in the fruit filled trees sing their sweetest melody.

I am just kidding of course. If you are happy with your life then you are a lucky man, enjoy.


An interesting question and some interesting and funny replies. My choice is to have two homes. The primary home (10 years) is in north Vietnam in a provincial city 1.5 hours train ride to Hanoi. My location is in the Eastern burbs of Bangkok (4 years).

My Vietnam home is a large rented villa and I live with a Vietnamese family which includes a beautiful lady. I can speak some Vietnamese. In Bangkok I have a been coming and going for 10 years mostly staying in hotels but for the 3 years I have rented a modest older style condo. I have a live-in housekeeper who doubles as a high school English teacher during the day. She enjoys the arrangement of me paying the rent and coming and going. I make a trip to BKK about every 4-5 weeks and stay about 10-12 days. An advance paid return fare might cost about US$150 return. Takes about 1.75 hours.

Plusses and minuses for both countries. Vietnam is half the price of Thailand to live, alcohol costs next to nothing eg at the local Big C I pay for White Horse whiskey US$7, premium beer delivered to the door by the crate US$0,35c/330ml bottle. A draft beer on the street in the city I live is about US$0.25c/large glass, in Hanoi bia hoi US$0.40c. Food costs stuff all. Rent is a little dearer than Thailand. On the downside sex is not so easy to find in Vietnam for older men or even younger men for that matter. One needs to put in the hard yards with the family to find a partner. There are very few equivalents of the girlie bar as we know it in Thailand.

One of the reasons I come to Thailand is to do my Vietnam visa run and while there get to enjoy a different world. I travel about Isaan and enjoy that part of the country, particularly Nong Khai. I still enjoy the odd beer or three in the girlie bars. In Bangkok I get about on the local buses, shop in the wet markets and use the excellent health services there for my check-ups etc.

Vietnam is a far much safer country to live than Thailand in just about every respect. The Vietnamese people generally are much more hospitable and warm and friendly. I have a number of very good Vietnamese men friends. By contrast I would hardly consider having a Thai male friend and to some extent I am cautious of many Thai women.

I am loving my life at moment. The cost is not huge as I live modestly and I do not have my capital tied up in property which could disappear in the blink of an eye.

Perhaps I have sown some seeds of thought among those who would like to change their routine and expand life's opportunities.


I moan about a few things too, but I am sure if I was in the UK I would have a lot more to moan about!

Moaning keeps me happy!!!!!!!


I want to moan about my ex missus but there is no point so I won't

yep got stuff all to do with this thread but I was getting bored and this thread seems to have morphed into whining about whining (I think..)


Wife and ability to grow many trees I like, dont like Thais much especially selfish cultural traits of "me first" and happy to say so.

Good onya for being a greenie but that has to be the most inane reason i expect to see in this thread.Hope you are happy hugging your trees and wife.


As long as people are speaking the truth I see no problem with them speaking out. Why sit back and suck it up all the time.... Call a spade a spade and move on.... Get it off your chest.... Release some stress ....

Many of us came here young and worked in real jobs made money, invested and planted roots. Things change and we don't like it and complain, so what, this is our home even though we are not Thai. We have homes, cars, wives or girlfriend, friends etc .... We have the right to complain when things are wrong.

People who bend over and take it all the time are the ones who bother me not the ones who speak up again the wrongs of the world.

People who come here on long holidays and think this is the greatest land in the world are blind and can't see anything as they have not had time. They don't read the papers, experience the corruption, or experience being robbed or raped. Be here awhile and you will see.... Sure it happens everywhere and people in those places complain also.

And what gives someone the right to say " if you don't like it go back to your own country" if they don't like what I say then don't listen.

People have the ability to block or skip people or posts they don't like. Stop complaining about people complaining !

Worry about yourself more and stop worrying about what other people do. Live and let live..... Have a nice day smile.png

You could take your own advice too biggrin.png

Well actually the ones being robbed,raped and scammed are the ones that are here a short time.Long time expats have learnt to avoid these traps.



You are right of course.. I don't mind the complaining because of course there are things wrong here. Its more the putting down of the locals all the time that gets to me.

There are plenty of valid complaints, but acting like the locals are all dumb greedy and so on.. just not true.

I agree but until you have walked in a man's shoes don't judge him. Who know what the guy complaining has been experiencing.

True.. but generalizing never works.. but its so easy the us against them. I am not from the UK but will try to give an example to make it clear what I mean.

Like if i were to see a drunk Brit with a shaved head causing trouble i could say all Brits are trash (not true of course) while a Brit would say all Chavs are trash excluding himself from the group.

Its so easy for a foreigner to slag off all Thais instead of being a bit more specific .. generalizing is never good and putting down each and every Thai is just bad.

For my edification,whats a chav.Couldn't find it my Ozzy English dictionary.


There is one and only one thing that keeps me in the US rather than in Thailand - family (wife, children and grandchildren). I would not be looking for girls if I were there (or boys either, smartasses) just the people and lifestyle. From what I am seeing here, I could live a very comfortable life on my income in Bangkok.

Maybe two things. I'd have to ditch my 9,000 book comic book collection, probably wouldn't do well in the humidity.


People who complain a lot might have even more to be happy about, making it worth the while. They just choose the grumpy role.

Or they're simply stuck in a medium cost country with multiple flaws, unable to upgrade to similar lifestyle in a 1st world country.


A lot of people who come to Thailand because they believe people are so nice , so honest..etc, so they put all their love to the one they found, they invest their saving in this country, but unfortunately later they found out people are not as same as they heard, they thought, the law is not fair, ..etc and they had put all their money and love here and those things could not be returned.

I have experienced some bad things here and I have seen a lot of my friends suffered here also.

Why we are staying here? Our money has been invested here, We have our love to friends and children here. we can not just go back easily.

Why do we stay and complain ?????????/ It is not only complain, it is telling other people our experience here so they they can think it over before they come. It is telling this country and the people here not to use their smile to cheat, not to use this love country to cheat. If the country is clever, if the people is sensible, they should listen to all these complain to improve , not only to defense . Truth is truth, they can not deny it.

Those people think they are fair to stand for the local people here, ask not to complain. Have they thought about the people who were cheated, murdered by their lovely wife....etc , Have they tried to improve this country. The country accept people to stay , accept people to invest, take visa fee, charge tax...etc. They should be fair to foreigners and make this country better. No complain no improvement .


Beautiful temples, commercial sex, nice climate, commercial sex,low cost of living, commercial sex,... I could continue, but probably you get the idea. Just a little more seriously, I have often asked myself the same question, and can't come up with a better answer.


Why I am staying because i love it here, I love the freedom I have here, love to travel here love that hotels are not expensive and i can easily go to some beach. Love the diving, love riding my motorbike here, love fishing here.

Beautiful temples? I have seen enough of those first 5 years i was here. No more, thanks!

Commercial sex? Been in relationship 10+ years. Did go-go bars 15 years ago, got bored in 6 months. When you start to understand Thai, it all gets very old very fast.

Nice climate? I Hot, hotter, hot and humid, dry and humid...no seasons as we have it in Europe. The older I get, the more I seem to suffer from the hot weather. Not to mention the pollution...

Low cost of living? I was in Europe recently and the price of quality food was lower than in Thailand and it seems that I prefer to cook myself rather than eat the sugary, fatty, natrium glutamated street food made from cheap ingredients. When eating well, it can truly cost more than in Europe.

Freedom? In what way?

Beach? Box jellyfish...I prefer the pool. And the fact that pool is normally clean.

Fishing? Hmm...the fish from the sea yes but otherwise they taste like mud. And I don't like sit in the heat all day getting some fish. I use the market or Makro.

Motorbike? You have a death wish? I sold mine after a bad accident. And to be honest, riding a bike in this country is very tiresome. Did I mention dangerous? Yes, I did.

Before someone tells me to go away if I don't like it, don't worry, I'm selling and moving out. It was nice as long as it lasted. I was never really happy with all the nonsense and Thai racism surrounding me. The more I learnt, the less i liked it.

My Thai family and me are leaving. I gladly leave this place of temples, commercial sex and unhealthy street food to others.

That's not really the point of the thread. You've clearly expressed why you're disenchanted with Thailand and you're doing something about it by leaving. The OP is about those who hate it here, but choose to stay.


Beautiful temples, commercial sex, nice climate, commercial sex,low cost of living, commercial sex,... I could continue, but probably you get the idea. Just a little more seriously, I have often asked myself the same question, and can't come up with a better answer.

here's my better answer laugh.png

free of income tax, no 20% VAT on goods and services, free of income tax, no 20% VAT on goods and services, free of income tax, no 20% VAT on goods and services, free of income tax, no 20% VAT on goods and services, free of income tax, no 20% VAT on goods and services, free of income tax, no 20% VAT on goods and services, free of income tax, no 20% VAT on goods and services, free of income tax, no 20% VAT on goods and services, free of income tax, no 20% VAT on goods and services,


Well, that is not entirely true!!! ... as in my case, ... I am here because I lost all my money here and do not have enough to go home or anywhere else or I would! Another kind hearted Farang fleeced of his savings by a conniving Thai woman! I can not afford to do anything on my small pension. All it does is pay my rent and buy my food, .... I do not have a car or motorbike, no medical insurance, ... just stuck here until I die, .... I would be over the moon if I got $2,500 a month( US no doubt) ..... I live on 17,500 BAHT a month!!

Christ!!! 17,500 baht a month is more than enough to live on!!! Don't worry just stay single and you can live rather well!

F.J x

BINGO! you can even save enough money for a month yearly vacations in Vegas and southern France flying first class to these destinations. but i'm not so sure whether 17.5k Baht cover a daily bottle of Veuve Clicquot to have with 125g of Caspian caviar for breakfast.

to notch caviar has gone up 1,100% withing the last decade crying.gif


Where else can you drive past a cop on your scooter without a helmet drinking a beer? Then crash and have the cops extort you for beer money.



ME??? I love Thailand, a wonderful country and culture, perfect weather most o the time too,and can save 50,000 baht a month for a rainy day, maybe tomorrow???

Maybe many of the complainers are people who can't save money. If your unhappy in your life then you will complain a lot more.

I complain too as there are always genuine complaints but, I was more talking about the over the top complaints slagging off all Thais.

Kinda like how the white colonists of the old days spoke about the natives. Now I know that there are a lot of old people posting on Thaivisa but even they are not that old biggrin.png


Beautiful temples, commercial sex, nice climate, commercial sex,low cost of living, commercial sex,... I could continue, but probably you get the idea. Just a little more seriously, I have often asked myself the same question, and can't come up with a better answer.

here's my better answer laugh.png

free of income tax, no 20% VAT on goods and services, free of income tax, no 20% VAT on goods and services, free of income tax, no 20% VAT on goods and services, free of income tax, no 20% VAT on goods and services, free of income tax, no 20% VAT on goods and services, free of income tax, no 20% VAT on goods and services, free of income tax, no 20% VAT on goods and services, free of income tax, no 20% VAT on goods and services, free of income tax, no 20% VAT on goods and services,

Free of income tax? How do you manage that?

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