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Why stay in Thailand if everything is bad (according to some)

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As long as people are speaking the truth I see no problem with them speaking out. Why sit back and suck it up all the time.... Call a spade a spade and move on.... Get it off your chest.... Release some stress ....

Many of us came here young and worked in real jobs made money, invested and planted roots. Things change and we don't like it and complain, so what, this is our home even though we are not Thai. We have homes, cars, wives or girlfriend, friends etc .... We have the right to complain when things are wrong.

People who bend over and take it all the time are the ones who bother me not the ones who speak up again the wrongs of the world.

People who come here on long holidays and think this is the greatest land in the world are blind and can't see anything as they have not had time. They don't read the papers, experience the corruption, or experience being robbed or raped. Be here awhile and you will see.... Sure it happens everywhere and people in those places complain also.

And what gives someone the right to say " if you don't like it go back to your own country" if they don't like what I say then don't listen.

People have the ability to block or skip people or posts they don't like. Stop complaining about people complaining !

Worry about yourself more and stop worrying about what other people do. Live and let live..... Have a nice day smile.png

You could take your own advice too biggrin.png

No, you Thai apologists should take his advice and STOP comlaining, and grow some skin, and get a life.


Beautiful temples, commercial sex, nice climate, commercial sex,low cost of living, commercial sex,... I could continue, but probably you get the idea. Just a little more seriously, I have often asked myself the same question, and can't come up with a better answer.


Why I am staying because i love it here, I love the freedom I have here, love to travel here love that hotels are not expensive and i can easily go to some beach. Love the diving, love riding my motorbike here, love fishing here.

Beautiful temples? I have seen enough of those first 5 years i was here. No more, thanks!

Commercial sex? Been in relationship 10+ years. Did go-go bars 15 years ago, got bored in 6 months. When you start to understand Thai, it all gets very old very fast.

Nice climate? I Hot, hotter, hot and humid, dry and humid...no seasons as we have it in Europe. The older I get, the more I seem to suffer from the hot weather. Not to mention the pollution...

Low cost of living? I was in Europe recently and the price of quality food was lower than in Thailand and it seems that I prefer to cook myself rather than eat the sugary, fatty, natrium glutamated street food made from cheap ingredients. When eating well, it can truly cost more than in Europe.

Freedom? In what way?

Beach? Box jellyfish...I prefer the pool. And the fact that pool is normally clean.

Fishing? Hmm...the fish from the sea yes but otherwise they taste like mud. And I don't like sit in the heat all day getting some fish. I use the market or Makro.

Motorbike? You have a death wish? I sold mine after a bad accident. And to be honest, riding a bike in this country is very tiresome. Did I mention dangerous? Yes, I did.

Before someone tells me to go away if I don't like it, don't worry, I'm selling and moving out. It was nice as long as it lasted. I was never really happy with all the nonsense and Thai racism surrounding me. The more I learnt, the less i liked it.

My Thai family and me are leaving. I gladly leave this place of temples, commercial sex and unhealthy street food to others.

  • Love It 1

And let's face it, there's an obvious element of racism. For many this is the first time in their lives that they are in a minority. If one Thai doesn't smile at them or genuflect as Khun Farang approaches, that immediately means all 66 million of them "don't want us here." If one Thai cuts in a queue at 7-Eleven or can't speak perfect English, then the country isn't civilized and the education system is deplorable.And the biggest moan is that "they just want us here for our money." Why else would any country want foreign residents or tourists?

Very, very well said. clap2.gif And a pretty darn accurate assessment of the TV whining/whinging brigade.

Complete BS,

I have no problems with Koreans (apart from the Kimchee, they can keep that), cycling, walking, they are up for all that.

Don't treat me like a second class person. Their country actually produces stuff.

But you two think Thaia are a race, and separate from other Asians?


If it is any consolation - I think you have to remember that it is a very small percentage of people, even on this forum. I don't personally know anyone who complains - all my friends are happy here and near all have good relations with Thai wives too - sure, they might complain about drivers or something like that… but never in a way that it is a big deal…

I would guess that the ones who complain the most know the least about language and culture… though they may think they know plenty because they know some bargirls - or have even been to her village once and start generalizing out that the whole society is cut of the same cloth… I would also guess that they most likely have some financial issues and are likely going to be complaining about life and society no matter where they are…

  • Haha 1

People come here for a better life than back home,but after a few years it gets boring,why should they not let off steam,they look at young kids ridieng motor bikes,no helmet police do nothing,if a farang has accident it there fault not the thai person,after a time it gets to you,we can see where this goverment and the police are so wrong in what they do.


In Pattaya and I assume some similar places you have the option of treating your slice of Thailand as just another place on our globalized world. The Thai part you can take it or leave it for the MOST part ... embracing what is pleasant and ignoring/avoiding what isn't. Poorer man's Miami Beach. What's not to like about that?


Trip advisor))) not a bad idea ))) by god don't they need some help on this forum))) , talk about people whom make same mistakes daily------ and don't learn by them !


Beautiful temples, commercial sex, nice climate, commercial sex,low cost of living, commercial sex,... I could continue, but probably you get the idea. Just a little more seriously, I have often asked myself the same question, and can't come up with a better answer.

What he says, we're here for the cheap girls and warm climate. (you can keep the temples)

If there were no cheap girls, I would be living in France or Spain .....

You mean you have to pay these cheap girls for what you want?

I never paid for any cheap girls, and there are plenty more Farangs like me.


Thaivisa is very bad where ive open about 10 threads where 50% of the time people are trolling my threads.

4, I can only find 4 threads you have opened!

'Dirty sheets' being the pinnacle of your posting.

And 2 of the topics being clearly 'trollish'.


Do you consider yourself extremely negative about Thailand and Thais and still trying to stay here ? If so then I was talking about you. But not putting you down just questioning your logic of staying somewhere that you hate unless of course the good outweighs the bad.

Not much positive to say about the country or people, everything is about GREED.

My logic for coming, cheap women.

My logic for staying, cheap women.

But wait, didn't you have one of those, now she's gone why are you staying?

How about you telling us your logic for staying?

everything is about GREED. You could say that about almost any country in the world.

My logic for staying, cheap women. You are saying that you are only here to pay to get laid.

Why do you have to pay to get laid?


They don't think it is all bad. Like most news nowadays it almost always focuses on the negative, this is the same everywhere you go in the World.

So, Thai Visa posters are mainly commenting on the negative things such as corruption, junta, economy, murders, scams, etc,, What makes you think it would be any different if you were back home? It doesn't mean that all people here don't like it and want to go home.

For me I am here for work, I never planned to come here it just happened that way due to the opportunity in the industry i work in.

I personally dislike many things about this place such as the Thai attitude towards foreigners, the acceptance that all farang are fair game when it comes to scams, the stupid face issue that is nothing more then a cop out of accepting responsibility for your actions, the horrendous cost of decent healthcare, the outdated class system, racism, the terrible drivers on the road but most of all the scary lack of justice and the thought that if I ever need the police they will not be there.

The upsides are the lack of law enforcement gives the feeling of relative freedom, the food is great, cost of living is very cheap so you can have a very good life for little money, the weather of course is good (although can get too hot and humid at certain times of the year) and investments here make me more money (my condos that I rent out)

So there are ups and downs. The big question is would I go back home if the job gave me equal opportunity and the answer is yes i would (and I will one day). Despite the upsides this is a developing country and cannot offer me the lifestyle of a developed country with all of the things that go with it. There are simple things that I miss such as sense of humour, sitting down somewhere and people around me speak my language, not feeling like an outsider, its cleaner, safer, roads are safe (relatively speaking), full trustworthy healthcare that is affordable, friendlier people overall and if I call the police I know they will come and justice is reliable.

I would imagine there are many who will slag off their own country simply because they need to justify their own decision that they came here and probably could not afford to go back home and live a decent life.

Everyones different and I dot think you can generalise that everyone here hates it just because they participate in having a moan on TV.


Why do you have to pay to get laid?

I'm 60, a habitual liar, overweight, bald, ugly, have bad breath, get angry easily, shout a lot and have an unpleasant and overbearing personality.

  • Haha 1

- Living back home would be even worse

- It's fun to let off steam and complain anonymously

- Not much point in giving praise to things that are good already

- More efficient to address problems rather than spend time talking about positives

- Makes sentences too long to add in caveats like 'the good outweighs the bad, and I still like living here, however I do wish that...' at the start

- Thailand is a curious country where the authorities / ruling elite / police / government etc. are worthy of disdain, but the average person on the street is really nice, quite a contrast

- I think you'll find many Thais complain just as much as us about the same things we do, if not more

Just get bored with the guys constantly putting all Thais down acting like they are so superior. You see it a lot The worst guy I met that did that was.. suprise suprise not from the UK but Dutch.

What do you mean surprise surprise not from the UK? Stupid thing to say.

How can you possibly make a statement like "I'm just sick of guys constantly putting down all the Thais", in other words unfairly generalising and then do exactly the same by generalising about people from the UK?

Seems to me that you are a hypocrite and your post for me has zero credibility after this statement.


I came here 10 years ago because of the low cost of living compared to home.

I had 100K USD in the bank....all gone now.

I went crazy with all the cheap girls, but one of them gave me genital warts... so, so much for any girls now.

I turn 65 in a few months. Researching a place to live back home. But I can't afford to buy a house or a new car. I'll need to start from scratch. But it was fun while it lasted..

  • Thumbs Up 1

I came here 10 years ago because of the low cost of living compared to home.

I had 100K USD in the bank....all gone now.

I went crazy with all the cheap girls, but one of them gave me genital warts... so, so much for any girls now.

I turn 65 in a few months. Researching a place to live back home. But I can't afford to buy a house or a new car. I'll need to start from scratch. But it was fun while it lasted..

I really appreciate the honesty. I'm sure your story represents a lot of people that would never be so honest. Best of luck to you in your REPATRIATION.


- Living back home would be even worse

- It's fun to let off steam and complain anonymously

- Not much point in giving praise to things that are good already

- More efficient to address problems rather than spend time talking about positives

- Makes sentences too long to add in caveats like 'the good outweighs the bad, and I still like living here, however I do wish that...' at the start

- Thailand is a curious country where the authorities / ruling elite / police / government etc. are worthy of disdain, but the average person on the street is really nice, quite a contrast

- I think you'll find many Thais complain just as much as us about the same things we do, if not more

Just get bored with the guys constantly putting all Thais down acting like they are so superior. You see it a lot The worst guy I met that did that was.. suprise suprise not from the UK but Dutch.

What do you mean surprise surprise not from the UK? Stupid thing to say.

How can you possibly make a statement like "I'm just sick of guys constantly putting down all the Thais", in other words unfairly generalising and then do exactly the same by generalising about people from the UK?

Seems to me that you are a hypocrite and your post for me has zero credibility after this statement.

I said the guy was Dutch reason I put the UK in there because people seem to think i got it in for people from the UK. Was an inside joke sorry. I clearly stated the guy was Dutch so from my country and the most racist annoying guy I ever met. Not even on Thai Visa did i find someone that extreme.


- Living back home would be even worse

- It's fun to let off steam and complain anonymously

- Not much point in giving praise to things that are good already

- More efficient to address problems rather than spend time talking about positives

- Makes sentences too long to add in caveats like 'the good outweighs the bad, and I still like living here, however I do wish that...' at the start

- Thailand is a curious country where the authorities / ruling elite / police / government etc. are worthy of disdain, but the average person on the street is really nice, quite a contrast

- I think you'll find many Thais complain just as much as us about the same things we do, if not more

Just get bored with the guys constantly putting all Thais down acting like they are so superior. You see it a lot The worst guy I met that did that was.. suprise suprise not from the UK but Dutch.

What do you mean surprise surprise not from the UK? Stupid thing to say.

How can you possibly make a statement like "I'm just sick of guys constantly putting down all the Thais", in other words unfairly generalising and then do exactly the same by generalising about people from the UK?

Seems to me that you are a hypocrite and your post for me has zero credibility after this statement.

I said the guy was Dutch reason I put the UK in there because people seem to think i got it in for people from the UK. Was an inside joke sorry. I clearly stated the guy was Dutch so from my country and the most racist annoying guy I ever met. Not even on Thai Visa did i find someone that extreme.

I see, forgive my rant but I was not aware of the inside joke so to me it looked like something very different.


Feel like complaining? I suggest that you consider the old saying "I complained a lot about my shoes until I met a man who had no feet"

Why, did he sell you better shoes that he didn't need?


To continually paint Thailand as Disney Land Asia...without exposing it's worts...would do a disservice to those who are unfamiliar, naive or newbies who need to be exposed to the rest of the story...

Being realistic about the everyday drama one encounters in Thailand is a choice...

Why does that bother you so?


Why stay in Thailand if you're sick and tired of your fellow expats. Feel free to go home.1

1Caveat: I really didn't mean go home, because honestly, I think everyone has their right to their opinion regarding living in the LOS without being told that if they don't like it they can go home. That particular line is old, tired, worn-out, and rather dry - but it's easy for rather simplistic people to spit out instead of engaging their brains.


Wife and ability to grow many trees I like, dont like Thais much especially selfish cultural traits of "me first" and happy to say so.

Not the only country to adopt the "me first" culture. People are pretty much the same the world over.

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