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Clashes escalate in Gaza and the West Bank as Israel mobilises soldiers to help police

Jonathan Fairfield

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Clashes escalate in Gaza and the West Bank as Israel mobilises soldiers to help police


At least five Palestinians were killed by Israeli security forces on Friday, two on the border with Gaza and another three on the West Bank.

One of these incidents took place when a man approached soldiers disguised as a journalist and stabbed one of them. Bethlehem and other West Bank locations saw running clashes with police

It has been a day of rising tension with fears the already fraught situation is about to deteriorate further, with Fatah militants and the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades saying they will ignore any calls for calm or agreement made with Israel by the Palestinian leadership.

Youths also attacked the Jewish hold shrine of Joseph’s tomb in Nablus, setting it on fire before they were repulsed by Palestinian security. Militants also staged an armed show of force in Jenin, shooting into the air.

In Jerusalem 300 soldiers have been deployed to help police enforce their security crackdown. It is the largest military policing operation since 2002.

The stabbing incident took place in Hebron, and after the attacker was killed Israeli security forces were unprepared to take any more risks, and opened fire on other people wearing press identification, forcing them to scatter.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-17

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"....after the attacker was killed Israeli security forces were unprepared to take any more risks, and opened fire on other people wearing press identification...."

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot??? This is the main story!!!

One knifeman dressed like a reporter prompts no questions, no orders to show ID or stand with hands up....just shoot at what are ostensibly neutral press people.

It just shows what a trigger-happy bunch of killers some of the IDF are.

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"....after the attacker was killed Israeli security forces were unprepared to take any more risks, and opened fire on other people wearing press identification...."

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot??? This is the main story!!!

One knifeman dressed like a reporter prompts no questions, no orders to show ID or stand with hands up....just shoot at what are ostensibly neutral press people.

It just shows what a trigger-happy bunch of killers some of the IDF are.

Must be bad shots. No other reports of reporter deaths.

And questioning whether id was shown? Have you never seen the press lanyards? If this isn't yet another war crime committed by he philistines, it boggles the mind.

I'd like to see the press get unfettered access in Gaza. But worrying about the local yokels impersonating them and causing them to become targets just isn't worth it.

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Note the usual 'last first' reporting in the o.p. Had the Palestinian masquerading as a press reporter not stabbed an Israeli soldier he would not have been killed. The basic misrepresentation of facts allows those with an agenda to talk of moral equivalence and by so doing actually encourages more violence.


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"....after the attacker was killed Israeli security forces were unprepared to take any more risks, and opened fire on other people wearing press identification...."

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot??? This is the main story!!!

One knifeman dressed like a reporter prompts no questions, no orders to show ID or stand with hands up....just shoot at what are ostensibly neutral press people.

It just shows what a trigger-happy bunch of killers some of the IDF are.

And again you jumped to the wrong conclusion.....................

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"....after the attacker was killed Israeli security forces were unprepared to take any more risks, and opened fire on other people wearing press identification...."

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot??? This is the main story!!!

One knifeman dressed like a reporter prompts no questions, no orders to show ID or stand with hands up....just shoot at what are ostensibly neutral press people.

It just shows what a trigger-happy bunch of killers some of the IDF are.

And again you jumped to the wrong conclusion.....................

Facts are irrelevant to true believers of the obsessive Israel demonization agenda.

All that matters is to demonize Israel, demonize "Zionism", and to try to convert others into that mindless mindset by endless repetition of the same old toxic lies. Which yes, is often even further tainted by either overt or barely concealed Judeophobia.

It is truly a complete waste of time to even attempt to rationally engage in such instances.

In new terror war, Palestinians deny even best documented attacks on Jews

In several recent incidents, the facts — in some cases, corroborated by mobile phone footage — are simply being rejected


Edited by Jingthing
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"....after the attacker was killed Israeli security forces were unprepared to take any more risks, and opened fire on other people wearing press identification...."

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot??? This is the main story!!!

One knifeman dressed like a reporter prompts no questions, no orders to show ID or stand with hands up....just shoot at what are ostensibly neutral press people.

It just shows what a trigger-happy bunch of killers some of the IDF are.

No, it is not the main story.

Even in the few relevant seconds at the end of the clip, it can be observed that smoke/tear gas, rather than live ammunition is used. There are other clips (including one courtesy of Hamas, which show it quite clearly). As for "killers" - the only one killed in this incident is the attacker. So much for the spin. Note that there were no reports of related injuries (save for the soldier stabbed), or anyone hurt among the real press. The FPA statement seems to direct most of its criticism toward the Palestinian side, on this one:

The Foreign Press Association understands a Palestinian posing as a local news photographer and wearing a t-shirt marked PRESS stabbed an Israeli soldier in Hebron today (Oct. 16). We utterly deplore this violation of press privilege and call on local Palestinian media organizations to immediately verify all media credentials to ensure there are no violations. The FPA represents the foreign media working in Israel and the Palestinian Territories and tightly restricts the issuance of FPA credentials.


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