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Palestinians shot dead as Israelis thwart knife attacks

Jonathan Fairfield

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Palestinians shot dead as Israelis thwart knife attacks


Israelis thwarted a number of attempted stabbings by Palestinians on Saturday in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

In the first attack in a Jewish settlement in the West Bank city of Hebron, an armed Israeli civilian shot dead a Palestinian who had tried to stab him, Israel’s army says.

Also near the West Bank city, a female border police officer shot dead a Palestinian woman who had stabbed her in the hand.

And in East Jerusalem police say a Palestinian was shot dead after trying to stab officers during an identity check.

There has been no let-up in violence since the start of the month with at least 39 Palestinians and seven Israelis killed.

Friday’s emergency session of the United Nations Security Council has changed nothing.

srael’s Ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, blamed the upsurge in attacks on ‘How to Stab A Jew’ posters he said were being distributed to Palestinian children.

But the unrest escalated amid rumours suggesting that Israel was planning changes to Jerusalem’s al- Aqsa holy compound – a site of great importance to both Muslims and Jews.

With this in mind, the Palestinian envoy to the UN, Rizadh Mansour, urged intervention to end what he called “this aggression against our defenceless Palestinian people and against our shrines”.

Israel says it is keeping the status quo at the site.

The United States has stepped up efforts to try to restore calm to the region.

Secretary of State John Kerry spoke by telephone with both Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to discuss ways to end the violence.

Kerry and Netanyahu will meet next week in Germany.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-18

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I hope murder investigations are held for each and every death, especially when civilians do the killing.

I hope attempted murder investigations are held for each and every stabbing attempt, irrespective of who was involved.

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Perhaps if Kerry could find the cojones to get off the fence for once and tell Abbas to quit incitement or else U.S aid to his terror statelet will be stopped immediately.

P.s Israel has started deporting trouble makers to the Gaza Strip, I applaud this and it should be stepped up greatly as a measure.

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I hope murder investigations are held for each and every death, especially when civilians do the killing.

I hope attempted murder investigations are held for each and every stabbing attempt, irrespective of who was involved.

Indeed. Of course.

However, with two different "justice" systems, one for Israelis and one for Palestinians, there are bound to be different outcomes.

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Perhaps if Kerry could find the cojones to get off the fence for once and tell Abbas to quit incitement or else U.S aid to his terror statelet will be stopped immediately.

P.s Israel has started deporting trouble makers to the Gaza Strip, I applaud this and it should be stepped up greatly as a measure.

A much better thing would be if Kerry had the cajones to get off the fence and once and for all tell Israel to obey international law, stop the provacative right-wing attempts to inflame, and stop all settlements....or all support be withdrawn.

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The Zionist State will reap the whirlwind it has sown.

Indeed, they have been reaping the fruit of their labor and ingenuity for the last 67 years

making Israel one of the most advanced country in the world, the Palestinians are still

living in their mud huts shit holes riding donkeys and stabbing people in the name of a

mosque and a backward

life... let's see who's going to big the big losers here.....

Edited by ezzra
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Just read with what animals the 'Zionist' state has to deal with and protect itself from...

TERRORISTS have posted videos and manuals on social media to teach Palestinian supporters — even children — “how to stab a Jew.”


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Just read with what animals the 'Zionist' state has to deal with and protect itself from...

TERRORISTS have posted videos and manuals on social media to teach Palestinian supporters — even children — “how to stab a Jew.”


I wonder why a so-called Palestinian leaflet, supposedly aimed at Palestinians, on "How To Stab a Jew" is in English?????

Good one, Times of Israel. It certainly looks like Israeli propaganda aimed at rednecks who don't stop to think about why it's headed in English.

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Just read with what animals the 'Zionist' state has to deal with and protect itself from...

TERRORISTS have posted videos and manuals on social media to teach Palestinian supporters — even children — “how to stab a Jew.”


Authenticity aside, the Israelis always do this: Make provocations, and when the inevitable reaction comes, blame the Palestinians for incitement.

The incitement is the right-wing Israelis deliberately provoking unrest (and putting fellow Israelis in danger) by targeting the mosque for more visits...

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Just read with what animals the 'Zionist' state has to deal with and protect itself from...

TERRORISTS have posted videos and manuals on social media to teach Palestinian supporters — even children — “how to stab a Jew.”


I wonder why a so-called Palestinian leaflet, supposedly aimed at Palestinians, on "How To Stab a Jew" is in English?????

Good one, Times of Israel. It certainly looks like Israeli propaganda aimed at rednecks who don't stop to think about why it's headed in English.

This one was prepared for English speaking countries. Don't let that interfere with your unprejudiced and fair minded analysis of things.

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Just read with what animals the 'Zionist' state has to deal with and protect itself from...

TERRORISTS have posted videos and manuals on social media to teach Palestinian supporters — even children — “how to stab a Jew.”


Why do you refer to 'animals' ?

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Just read with what animals the 'Zionist' state has to deal with and protect itself from...

TERRORISTS have posted videos and manuals on social media to teach Palestinian supporters — even children — “how to stab a Jew.”


I wonder why a so-called Palestinian leaflet, supposedly aimed at Palestinians, on "How To Stab a Jew" is in English?????

Good one, Times of Israel. It certainly looks like Israeli propaganda aimed at rednecks who don't stop to think about why it's headed in English.

UNRWA schools are full of posters inciting knife attacks. The whole stinking agency should be shut down.

P.s can find thousands of incitement posters in Arabic so fool you if you cling to the notion that this is Israeli propaganda.

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Not that any low information followers of western news have a clue about the Palestinian incitement, the biased media sees to that.


I'm sure some of our esteemed members know full well about the incitement to murder Jews, but evidently they approve of it and if Palestinian terrorists get shot they then whine piously about executions.

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Just read with what animals the 'Zionist' state has to deal with and protect itself from...

TERRORISTS have posted videos and manuals on social media to teach Palestinian supporters — even children — “how to stab a Jew.”


I wonder why a so-called Palestinian leaflet, supposedly aimed at Palestinians, on "How To Stab a Jew" is in English?????

Good one, Times of Israel. It certainly looks like Israeli propaganda aimed at rednecks who don't stop to think about why it's headed in English.

This one was prepared for English speaking countries. Don't let that interfere with your unprejudiced and fair minded analysis of things.

Please supply evidence of your ridiculous defence that English speaking countries have Palestinians being taught, in English, how to stab Jews....otherwise your assertion was simply made up.

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Just read with what animals the 'Zionist' state has to deal with and protect itself from...

TERRORISTS have posted videos and manuals on social media to teach Palestinian supporters — even children — “how to stab a Jew.”


Why do you refer to 'animals' ?

My apologies to the animals, they're better than those who stab and run over an innocent bystanders

in the name of religion and a mosque...

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Actually, it was a comment on the attitude of some members who tolerate outright hate speech if it is directed towards Muslims, but are up in arms if there is even implied criticism of Israel.

No mention or inference to moderation intended.

The different being that while some of Israel's supporters on this forum willingly admit that Israel

is not with faults, other members here only sees Israel as the only one to fault, and the Palestinians

can't do wrong, now do you see where the divides lies, and why not only the Palestinians have to

be pleased with Israel's conduct, but the rest of the world's hate mongers who has nothing to do with

this conflict have to be satisfied as well....

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Actually, it was a comment on the attitude of some members who tolerate outright hate speech if it is directed towards Muslims, but are up in arms if there is even implied criticism of Israel.

No mention or inference to moderation intended.

The different being that while some of Israel's supporters on this forum willingly admit that Israel

is not with faults, other members here only sees Israel as the only one to fault, and the Palestinians

can't do wrong, now do you see where the divides lies, and why not only the Palestinians have to

be pleased with Israel's conduct, but the rest of the world's hate mongers who has nothing to do with

this conflict have to be satisfied as well....

Should that read 'not without faults'? Or maybe not?

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Actually, it was a comment on the attitude of some members who tolerate outright hate speech if it is directed towards Muslims, but are up in arms if there is even implied criticism of Israel.

No mention or inference to moderation intended.

Islam, not Muslims. deserve to be hated. If you disagree you have no idea what this 'religion' is about. Most criticism of Israel is not implied,. it is violent anti-Semitism, but main stream media don't report it.

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Just read with what animals the 'Zionist' state has to deal with and protect itself from...

TERRORISTS have posted videos and manuals on social media to teach Palestinian supporters — even children — “how to stab a Jew.”


I wonder why a so-called Palestinian leaflet, supposedly aimed at Palestinians, on "How To Stab a Jew" is in English?????

Good one, Times of Israel. It certainly looks like Israeli propaganda aimed at rednecks who don't stop to think about why it's headed in English.

This one was prepared for English speaking countries. Don't let that interfere with your unprejudiced and fair minded analysis of things.

Please supply evidence of your ridiculous defence that English speaking countries have Palestinians being taught, in English, how to stab Jews....otherwise your assertion was simply made up.

Hardly matters. This is being published on internet by Palestinian activists, what'[s ridiculous about that? and the new Israeli ambassador to the UN risked his reputation by presenting this stuff to the UN. Try https://www.rt.com/news/318944-israeli-ambassador-stab-jews/

You will now doubtless claim that these are typical Jewish lies. I don't mind saying that I don't like the Jews but I do like keeping an open mind.

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There is massive fault on both sides, a jew said the only way for peace is to kill every one that is not jew, kosher or what?????

Uk be prepared this iwll happen in the not too distant future, then one will not protect the muslims. The death squads are lining up, claiming dole and having free housing, they will repay us by murder on the streets

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Just read with what animals the 'Zionist' state has to deal with and protect itself from...

TERRORISTS have posted videos and manuals on social media to teach Palestinian supporters — even children — “how to stab a Jew.”


I wonder why a so-called Palestinian leaflet, supposedly aimed at Palestinians, on "How To Stab a Jew" is in English?????

Good one, Times of Israel. It certainly looks like Israeli propaganda aimed at rednecks who don't stop to think about why it's headed in English.

You can see that it's actually in Arabic, right?

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Actually, it was a comment on the attitude of some members who tolerate outright hate speech if it is directed towards Muslims, but are up in arms if there is even implied criticism of Israel.

No mention or inference to moderation intended.

The different being that while some of Israel's supporters on this forum willingly admit that Israel

is not with faults, other members here only sees Israel as the only one to fault, and the Palestinians

can't do wrong, now do you see where the divides lies, and why not only the Palestinians have to

be pleased with Israel's conduct, but the rest of the world's hate mongers who has nothing to do with

this conflict have to be satisfied as well....

If anyone understood that would you explain it to me.

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It's heartening clap2.gif that there are some Israeli Arabs who understand how totally evil it is to go after innocent Jews with knives.


“Why, because of God? What God are they speaking of? One that allows for children to go out and murder innocent people?

“What woman puts a hijab on and prays to God, takes a knife out and tries to stab innocent people?” she asked.

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Perhaps if Kerry could find the cojones to get off the fence for once and tell Abbas to quit incitement or else U.S aid to his terror statelet will be stopped immediately.

P.s Israel has started deporting trouble makers to the Gaza Strip, I applaud this and it should be stepped up greatly as a measure.

A much better thing would be if Kerry had the cajones to get off the fence and once and for all tell Israel to obey international law, stop the provacative right-wing attempts to inflame, and stop all settlements....or all support be withdrawn.

Really? Methinks you should take a few days out and do some study and research of a non-biased type regarding the region, it's history - both past and present and then make some informed comments.

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The fact is that Israel demonizers are either making excuses and even sometimes blatantly cheerleading for these Arab terrorists murdering innocent Jews. That is when they're not busy denying that the murderous attacks have even happened in the first place. I think this recent sort of intifada is quite revealing in exposing the moral depravity of Israel demonization.

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