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This would be a nice car for Thailand, surrounded with it's own airbags. gigglem.gif





Actually this one is not that bad in taking this SEAT and making into a baby Bugatti. biggrin.png



Thai turbo charging............................Can you say Turbo lag? laugh.png





Buuuuuuuuuut this a thread about things NOT to do to a car, and taking the you know what out of the silly rides people come up with T/A. You want to open yours up to that? Besides I don't feel like your car qualifies for this thread, nothing wrong with it, it's just modded.

The vid quality is terrible but this is pretty nutty.

http://<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/pc-N1aDQm2A?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Crap! Never can embed videos, can a mod help out?


Ok well thanks for the self deprecating humor and participation but I think you'd agree that these examples are in a class of their own when it comes to daft gigglem.gifwai2.gif .


Ok well thanks for the self deprecating humor and participation but I think you'd agree that these examples are in a class of their own when it comes to daft gigglem.gifwai2.gif .

And ta isn't?


In Buriram many kerbs are 15 -20 cm high. I don't know how long many of these cars would pass unscathed unless you parked 50cm from the kerb. I miss my heavy truck, now that was a delight to drive, butt ugly.


Buuuuuuuuuut this a thread about things NOT to do to a car, and taking the you know what out of the silly rides people come up with T/A. You want to open yours up to that? Besides I don't feel like your car qualifies for this thread, nothing wrong with it, it's just modded.

The vid quality is terrible but this is pretty nutty.

http://<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/pc-N1aDQm2A?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Crap! Never can embed videos, can a mod help out?

Like I said, some folk thought it looked daft, and told me so...sad.png

Soooo, what looks daft to some looks cool to others, hence your photos...smile.png

Mind you, I get the same with my singing....laugh.png




Actually this one is not that bad in taking this SEAT and making into a baby Bugatti. biggrin.png


Thai turbo charging............................Can you say Turbo lag? laugh.png


I think you'll find that the "Seat" is an EG series Civic.

Why are you taking the rise out of Thai modifiers? I could be wrong but the "Thai turbo charging [sic]" example is almost definitely not Thai, much more likely to be US judging from the left hand drive and what looks like a Merkur XR4 behind it. The grass, background and picket fencing is not typically Thai either.


I don't unnerstan? A car takes you from A to B? could be box on wheels as far as I'm concerned, wait, don't Nissan have that one already?


I remember years ago a local car breakers converting an old Jaguar XJ12 into a pick up and putting a towing winch on the back. It had very wide Wolfrace alloy wheels on it and a big bore, fishtail exhaust on it. I often used to see it hauling in old cars. Sadly those were the days when cameras were rare things rolleyes.gif

My nephew is at the moment converting a Fiat Cinquecento with a turbo charged Hayabusa engine and a rear limited slip diff. It should be a bit nippy when finished whistling.gif


Standby....I am about to blow you all away with my latest project......biggrin.png

I am even having a JD while I am thinking......AND!....Trans cant sing!!!!!! dont be taken in.....cheesy.gif


Warped Speed has taken crassness (So crude and unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility) in posting pictures to a new level...down! biggrin.png


Warped Speed has taken crassness (So crude and unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility) in posting pictures to a new level...down! biggrin.png

Yeah, but at least he isnt boring us with the crap on general forum hey?....well, me anyway.

Hope I got the speeling correct.....cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


Ok well thanks for the self deprecating humor and participation but I think you'd agree that these examples are in a class of their own when it comes to daft gigglem.gifwai2.gif .

And ta isn't?

Ok, I tap out, you got me.. biggrin.png


In Buriram many kerbs are 15 -20 cm high. I don't know how long many of these cars would pass unscathed unless you parked 50cm from the kerb. I miss my heavy truck, now that was a delight to drive, butt ugly.

Not to mention the speed humps.


Actually this one is not that bad in taking this SEAT and making into a baby Bugatti. biggrin.png


Thai turbo charging............................Can you say Turbo lag? laugh.png


I think you'll find that the "Seat" is an EG series Civic.

Why are you taking the rise out of Thai modifiers? I could be wrong but the "Thai turbo charging [sic]" example is almost definitely not Thai, much more likely to be US judging from the left hand drive and what looks like a Merkur XR4 behind it. The grass, background and picket fencing is not typically Thai either.

Here we go! There's always one trying to screw up even an intended humorous thread. facepalm.gifrolleyes.gif

Not sure how you think it;s a Civic? But I'm thinking it's this and it makes more sense too since they're both VW products.


Though there are differences, so is the whole car. Anyway, moving on..


I remember years ago a local car breakers converting an old Jaguar XJ12 into a pick up and putting a towing winch on the back. It had very wide Wolfrace alloy wheels on it and a big bore, fishtail exhaust on it. I often used to see it hauling in old cars. Sadly those were the days when cameras were rare things rolleyes.gif

My nephew is at the moment converting a Fiat Cinquecento with a turbo charged Hayabusa engine and a rear limited slip diff. It should be a bit nippy when finished whistling.gif

My step father converted his Lincoln continental into a pick up and it came out surprisingly well, (unfortunately no pics) we also installed large rolling racks over the bed he bought at a junk yard (my suggestion when I saw them) so we could carry rolls of carpet and padding on the top and roll them off when we got to the job.


Warped Speed has taken crassness (So crude and unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility) in posting pictures to a new level...down! biggrin.png

Sometimes you gotta mix it up around here.. Like to see more pics posted to show some, shall we say.................................. creative car mods, though........ BTW this thread encompasses ALL things not to do with your car so some silly crash pics or similar nonsense would fit that topic as well.

Weegee I seldom post in the general forum, way too much animosity going on there for my liking, makes this forum look like the knitting forum most of the time whistling.gif .


Let a woman drive it


Possibly the Thai roads might be safer if we did......

Speaking of body modifications.... she needs a nose job.


Awe come on Claire, you can come up with something more creative then that? BTW it doesn't have to be acceptable, most of these are barely acceptable so far anyway.

Let a woman drive it


Possibly the Thai roads might be safer if we did......

Speaking of body modifications.... she needs a nose job.

No way.. That's Asian character and part of what makes Asian ladies unique, like their voluptuous, sexy lips.


Let a woman drive it


Possibly the Thai roads might be safer if we did......

Speaking of body modifications.... she needs a nose job.

lets see some pics of your woman.


So where i'm living in Portugal, my friend gave me 2 silver chrome

vents that are stick on, the car has to do a yearly inspection for

safety, because those parts weren't stock standard from the factory

i had to remove them before i could the certificate, what a boring

country this is, no hot rods or customizing here, move on now.

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