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STI/STD Treatment: Where and best prices?


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Anyone have any suggestions about where to get diagnosed and treated for STI's/STD's in Pattaya and how much it costs?

I have been told of a clinic on Soi Buakhow that gives you the Ceftriaxone 250 mg intramuscular (IM) single dose injection plus a course of antibiotics but they charge something like 2500ThB.

Many thanks,


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I've read and heard good things about Dr.Olivier in general. No idea if he's expensive or not. It might be worth the peace of mind to pay a little extra to have a foreign, overseas-trained doctor to discuss treatment with? Or, not. biggrin.png

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depends what STD you have, do you have crabs or syphilis or more severe.

you need urgent medical attention and don't sneeze on anyone in the baht bus .....

Crabs is not really a disease. It's a parasite and, like head lice, you dont have to have sex to catch it. It cannot be cured by antibiotics etc. You must use some sort of insecticide (permethrin, lindane etc).both on yourself and on your clothes and bedlinen.

Syphilis is also unlikely. Gonorrhoea seems more probable.

But anyone with any sort of serious ailment should get it properly diagnosed and treated by an expert, as you say. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment is a fool's game, especially as many STDs are very resistant to treatment, and the wrong treatment will just make them stronger.

The OP could check out the government clinic on Soi Buakow. They will charge farangs extra, but not too much extra.

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Memorial or Pattaya International or if want really cheap go to Banglamung Hospital. Don't bother with clinics unless you know the Dr. and his qualifications. Olivier is good, but you better have insurance. There is a lot of antibiotic resistance in Thailand and only hospitals are up-to-date with the right combinations. They often run a culture first or if not cured easily. Be careful to self-treat or you might end up with a bigger problem. Often STD's come in pairs, so better see the Pro. Good luck. For skin type Std's, see Dr. Anna BPH. MS>

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Anyone who knows/suspects they have been exposed to risk or is suffering symptoms which might be associated with an STI/STD should seek qualified Medical advice and undergo a full STD screening based on sexual history.

Self prescribed or "blind" treatment prescribed by a "clinic" is not recommended and is potentially dangerous.

More information in the link


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Thanks for the useful info so far but does anyone have actual prices for the tests and the treatment?

The cost of treatment will depend entirely on what is wrong with you. For some things (crabs) there is no test; it's diagnosed by the symptoms.

Get it diagnosed by a professional, now.

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Forget Bouakao Hospital. No specialists available most times. Banglamung is cheap, any private one depends what meds you will need. If I had any suspicion of STD, I would not worry about a few Baht but get myself fixed asap. Good luck. MS>

PS: Full testing of several most common ones and basic treatment of Gonor./Clamydia at Public Hospital probably 2'500 Baht. Used to be. With quality products. Just ask before they start. Don't let any infection proceed and potentially do serious damage to your kidney or other organs.

Edited by moonseeker
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If you just want the tests then this place is probably cheapest:


"Program 6 โปรแกรมการตรวจโรคติดต่อทางเพศสัมพันธ์

Sexually Infection Program

1.ตรวจวัดสัญญาณชีพ (Vital Sign)

2.ตรวจหาเชื้อหนองใน เชื้อรา เชื้อแคนดิด้า (Gram’s stain for GC / Gonorrhea)

3.ตรวจหาเชื้อไวรัสตับอักเสบบี (HBsAg , Hepatitis B Virus)

4.ตรวจหาเชื้อซิฟิลิส (VDRL for Syphilis)

5.ตรวจหาเชื้อไวรัสเอดส์ (Anti - HIV)

6.ตรวจหาเชื้อคลาไมเดีย แอนติเจน (Chlamydia Ag)

Normal price 1,150 bath. Extra price 700 bath."

I've had blood tests for other things done there and had no complaints about them, apart from the towels and toilets. Do a search on here.

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If you really want to self treat then the UK book MIMMS (the doctors bible) says for vd.

2 grams of erithromiacin (that's 8, 250mg tablets)

For 1 day

Next day 1gram (that's 4, 250mg tablets)

When you take them no alcohol & you feel shit for the 2 days.

Cost about 60 Baht.

But still better to go to a doctor.

Up to you

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If you are going to self treat, your first stop MUST be a blood test clinic at the very least to find out exactly what you have. No point taking 2000mg of Zythromax etc because of a drip, and completely missing the syphalus which will destroy you... or worse. There are loads of places - one off 3rd row takes about an hour for the full work up. I go in there to test Uric acid levels once a quarter for 100 baht.




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I have already been to the Life Care Clinic and did their "Program 6 - STD Tests" for 700ThB (as referred to by KittenKong in Post #17 above). The results for the usual suspects such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Hep B and HIV came up Negative.

If these results from Life Care are correct, it is possible that it is Non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU) also known as Non-specific urethritis (NSU) which, according to many online sources, seems to account for the majority of cases of a similar nature.

I have take a course of antibiotics Azithromycin -1g/1000mg in a single dose and I am taking doxycycline -100 mg twice daily for 7 days.

If I don't get any relief, I will go to the hospital on Monday. On that note, where does your average Thai go for treatment? It is highly unlikely they fork out the 5,000ThB that the private hospitals/clinics are happily extorting from the foreigners. Also, in many of our home countries there are GUM clinics which provide treatment for free on the grounds that STD's are a public safety issue. Are there any such clinics in Pattaya? I read somewhere that the Red Cross in BKK provides a similar service but I don't know about Pattaya.

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I have already been to the Life Care Clinic and did their "Program 6 - STD Tests" for 700ThB (as referred to by KittenKong in Post #17 above). The results for the usual suspects such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Hep B and HIV came up Negative.

If these results from Life Care are correct, it is possible that it is Non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU) also known as Non-specific urethritis (NSU) which, according to many online sources, seems to account for the majority of cases of a similar nature.

I have take a course of antibiotics Azithromycin -1g/1000mg in a single dose and I am taking doxycycline -100 mg twice daily for 7 days.

If I don't get any relief, I will go to the hospital on Monday. On that note, where does your average Thai go for treatment? It is highly unlikely they fork out the 5,000ThB that the private hospitals/clinics are happily extorting from the foreigners. Also, in many of our home countries there are GUM clinics which provide treatment for free on the grounds that STD's are a public safety issue. Are there any such clinics in Pattaya? I read somewhere that the Red Cross in BKK provides a similar service but I don't know about Pattaya.

Most wouldn't bother, or notice anything different. You have to remember the appalling level of education for the vast majority of Thais especially when it comes to know anything about sexual problems. If they did do something, a government hospital or something on their social security.

Might be worth popping a single anti fungal pill.

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I have already been to the Life Care Clinic and did their "Program 6 - STD Tests" for 700ThB (as referred to by KittenKong in Post #17 above). The results for the usual suspects such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Hep B and HIV came up Negative.

If these results from Life Care are correct, it is possible that it is Non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU) also known as Non-specific urethritis (NSU) which, according to many online sources, seems to account for the majority of cases of a similar nature.

I have take a course of antibiotics Azithromycin -1g/1000mg in a single dose and I am taking doxycycline -100 mg twice daily for 7 days.

If I don't get any relief, I will go to the hospital on Monday. On that note, where does your average Thai go for treatment? It is highly unlikely they fork out the 5,000ThB that the private hospitals/clinics are happily extorting from the foreigners. Also, in many of our home countries there are GUM clinics which provide treatment for free on the grounds that STD's are a public safety issue. Are there any such clinics in Pattaya? I read somewhere that the Red Cross in BKK provides a similar service but I don't know about Pattaya.

Most wouldn't bother, or notice anything different. You have to remember the appalling level of education for the vast majority of Thais especially when it comes to know anything about sexual problems. If they did do something, a government hospital or something on their social security.

Might be worth popping a single anti fungal pill.

What single anti-fungal pill do you have in mind, boldface?

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I have already been to the Life Care Clinic and did their "Program 6 - STD Tests" for 700ThB (as referred to by KittenKong in Post #17 above). The results for the usual suspects such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Hep B and HIV came up Negative.

If these results from Life Care are correct, it is possible that it is Non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU) also known as Non-specific urethritis (NSU) which, according to many online sources, seems to account for the majority of cases of a similar nature.

I have take a course of antibiotics Azithromycin -1g/1000mg in a single dose and I am taking doxycycline -100 mg twice daily for 7 days.

If I don't get any relief, I will go to the hospital on Monday. On that note, where does your average Thai go for treatment? It is highly unlikely they fork out the 5,000ThB that the private hospitals/clinics are happily extorting from the foreigners. Also, in many of our home countries there are GUM clinics which provide treatment for free on the grounds that STD's are a public safety issue. Are there any such clinics in Pattaya? I read somewhere that the Red Cross in BKK provides a similar service but I don't know about Pattaya.

Most wouldn't bother, or notice anything different. You have to remember the appalling level of education for the vast majority of Thais especially when it comes to know anything about sexual problems. If they did do something, a government hospital or something on their social security.

Might be worth popping a single anti fungal pill.

What single anti-fungal pill do you have in mind, boldface?

Generic one from any pharmacy - fluconazole would be the ideal. It would knock any fungal infection on the head, which could trigger itchiness, dull pain and pain whilst pissing. Can we assume you are not dripping like an Mr Whippy machine that needs a new release valve fitting?

At Life Care did you piss in the pot as well? Or was it just the blood test? If you didn't, you were not tested for thrush, and it might be that. Also anxiety can cause a nagging pain, psychosomatic when a bloke has unsafe sex someone he shouldn't and worries about it. There is also the possibility of a tiny tear somewhere as well.

Zythromax and Doxy will get rid of any GNU's so if you are still having a problem, then it is unlikely to be that.

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Hi Boldface,

Thanks for the valuable info.

I am not dripping like a Mr Whippy machine that needs a new release valve fitting. LOL A slight fluid more like pre-cum but not leaking.

I did the piss and blood tests at Life Care. Thrush was not listed in the test results so I don't know if they tested for it as part of their 'Program 6 - STD Tests'.

Anxiety has been a problem but I don't think it's at the level that would cause my symptoms.

The tiny tear might be a possibility as I may have over-performed in my last session which I feel is the session responsible for this discomfort. In fact, the discomfort was noticeable shortly thereafter.

I'm on Day 2 of the Doxy. Before that, I tried the Azithromycin -1g/1000mg in a single dose. I'll give the Doxy a day or two more and then get checked for the options you mentioned.

I appreciate the sensible advice you have given here.


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If you start Doxy, you must take the complete course and that is not necessarily only what comes in the box. If you don't you can create a super strain inside you that is resistant to Doxy having had a small hit of it, very much like a vaccine give you a small hit and build resistance.

Thrush can cause a slight discharge, so it sounds about right. No harm taking a anti-fungal pill - it will not interfere with the antibiotics.

Also note that most drug dosage are lined to your weight as well.

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Hi Boldface,

Thanks for the valuable info.

I am not dripping like a Mr Whippy machine that needs a new release valve fitting. LOL A slight fluid more like pre-cum but not leaking.

I did the piss and blood tests at Life Care. Thrush was not listed in the test results so I don't know if they tested for it as part of their 'Program 6 - STD Tests'.

Anxiety has been a problem but I don't think it's at the level that would cause my symptoms.

The tiny tear might be a possibility as I may have over-performed in my last session which I feel is the session responsible for this discomfort. In fact, the discomfort was noticeable shortly thereafter.

I'm on Day 2 of the Doxy. Before that, I tried the Azithromycin -1g/1000mg in a single dose. I'll give the Doxy a day or two more and then get checked for the options you mentioned.

I appreciate the sensible advice you have given here.


Self medication, internet doctors maybe ok, but the safest bet would be seeking professional advice, together with lab tests for blood, water and discharge samples.

I can highly recommend Dr Jesada, Pattaya International Hospital Soi 4 Beach Road, not expensive, he has a very busy clinic there, but worth the wait, he also has a wealth of experience, look him up on the P.I.H. website.

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Hi Boldface,

Thanks for the valuable info.

I am not dripping like a Mr Whippy machine that needs a new release valve fitting. LOL A slight fluid more like pre-cum but not leaking.

I did the piss and blood tests at Life Care. Thrush was not listed in the test results so I don't know if they tested for it as part of their 'Program 6 - STD Tests'.

Anxiety has been a problem but I don't think it's at the level that would cause my symptoms.

The tiny tear might be a possibility as I may have over-performed in my last session which I feel is the session responsible for this discomfort. In fact, the discomfort was noticeable shortly thereafter.

I'm on Day 2 of the Doxy. Before that, I tried the Azithromycin -1g/1000mg in a single dose. I'll give the Doxy a day or two more and then get checked for the options you mentioned.

I appreciate the sensible advice you have given here.


Self medication, internet doctors maybe ok, but the safest bet would be seeking professional advice, together with lab tests for blood, water and discharge samples.

I can highly recommend Dr Jesada, Pattaya International Hospital Soi 4 Beach Road, not expensive, he has a very busy clinic there, but worth the wait, he also has a wealth of experience, look him up on the P.I.H. website.

Hi Fosseway,

You said Dr, Jesada is not expensive. How much do you reckon he will cost given that I have test results from Life Care and I have the antibiotics already?

He has a very grand title - Dr. Vice Admiral - and he works for a private hospital so I worry that the cost would be through the roof.


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