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Islamic State planning mass attack on Britain, warns head of MI5


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Islamic State planning mass attack on Britain, warns head of MI5
By Ben Farmer, Defence Correspondent

Andrew Parker says current level of threat from homegrown jihadis the highest he has seen in a career spanning 32-years

LONDON: -- Islamic State terrorists are planning mass casualty attacks in Britain the head of MI5 has warned.

Andrew Parker, director general of the security agency, said threats from homegrown jihadis who want to fight for the militant movement showed no sign of abating.

He also publicly admitted for the first time that MI5 had to carry out computer hacking attacks against terror networks to crack their communications.

Delivering the Lord Mayor of London’s annual defence and security lecture, he said the current level of threat was the highest he had seen in a career spanning 32-years. In the past 12 months his agency has thwarted six terror plots in the UK and another seven abroad.

Mr Parker said four fifths of the 4,000-strong agency’s resources were directed at stopping terrorist attacks, with an increasing proportion of them linked to Syria and Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil).

Full story: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/terrorism-in-the-uk/11962037/Islamic-State-planning-mass-attack-on-Britain-warns-head-of-MI5.html

-- The Telegraph 2015-10-29

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Blame America, They started it!

Please explain how there was no Islamic terrorism before 9/11, Gulf War 2, the war in Afghanistan, Gulf War 1 or the Taliban.

I'm curious to know how America started something that existed about 1000 years before the creation of their own country.

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IS would have come to be even if we did not rid the world of a murdering,raping, corrupt regime that Saddam was ruling over. IS was statred by a Jordanian Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who set up Tawhid wa al-Jihad in 2002. After the US-led invasion of Iraq, Zarqawi pledged allegiance to Osama Bin Laden and formed al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), which became a major force in the insurgency. After he died, AQI created an umbrella organisation, Islamic State in Iraq.

We did train a lot of the Generals in IS but at the time they were Iraq Officers. Military in that region are mostly made up of untrained cowards. They will drop their arm and change sides at the drop of a hat. Whoerever pays the most or seems to be winning.

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Well they haven't increased the 'threat level'.

The current threat level is "SEVERE" !


That's right, it was increased to 'Severe' in August 2014, more than a year ago.

This is what I meant by 'they haven't increased the threat level'. There is a higher level of threat than severe.

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Well they haven't increased the 'threat level'.

The current threat level is "SEVERE" !


That's right, it was increased to 'Severe' in August 2014, more than a year ago.

This is what I meant by 'they haven't increased the threat level'. There is a higher level of threat than severe.

What is your problem?

Is "Severe" not "Severe" enough?

The only remaining level is "Critical". When that level is reached you should go and ride the underground.

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The Islamic State carry out this threat and every muslim in the UK can start fearing for their safety...there are so many muslim only area sprouting up in the area this could be the match to light the powder keg...and WAR in the streets

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The UK is in the process of being increasingly "enriched" by the Islamic mob allowed into the country by the Liebour party in the name of "multiculturalism"

I do not envy the Security forces job.

Interesting how you blame a party that has not been in power for nearly 6 years. And check out the immigration statistics pre 97 when they came to power. I can tell you one thing good old MAggie gutted our customs and immigration services! Bit hard to do a good job when you have far to few staff!

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Blame America, They started it!

Blame Bush and Blair -- THEY started it!


Again, please expand on this if you can.

Yes. Put down your changs and both of you turn off your fans and explain?? This was going on waaaay before so explain what you wrote.
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Blame America, They started it!

Blame Bush and Blair -- THEY started it!


Blame god.

Which one? All of them.

Nothing has held back the development of the human race more than religion.

God hates us all!

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Blame America, They started it!

Blame Bush and Blair -- THEY started it!


Again, please expand on this if you can.

WMD ring any bells?

Oh right, so you think that Islamic terrorism began in 2003?

Edited by KunMatt
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Oh right, so you think that Islamic terrorism began in 2003?

Before that, in the UK, the IRA were the boogieman.

Security forces always need a boogieman to justify their oppression of the people.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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This reminds me very much of when Blair sent the tanks to Heathrow Airport days before a planned anti-war march. Only this time, we are being scared into accepting levels of state spying that would put the Stasi to shame.

What would your "solution be"

Maybe MI5 and GCHQ should be closed down ?

Were the underground bombings not sufficient for you to determine that positive action including "spying" is justified in the interests of maintaining public safety?

What level of atrocity are you prepared to accept ?

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Blame America, They started it!
Blame Bush and Blair -- THEY started it!


Again, please expand on this if you can.

WMD ring any bells?

Oh right, so you think that Islamic terrorism began in 2003?

No, but it didn't help stabilities in the middle east, and I don't think we would have a mass exodus of people fleeing for their lives from the likes of ISIS.
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That little island in the southern hemisphere with all the kangaroos is starting to look a little more attractive every day.

Jihaddis won't go there because the local yobbos are even worse.cheesy.gif

They won't go because they get they get a holiday in Papua New Guinea or a choice of living in Cambodia.

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This reminds me very much of when Blair sent the tanks to Heathrow Airport days before a planned anti-war march. Only this time, we are being scared into accepting levels of state spying that would put the Stasi to shame.

What would your "solution be"

Maybe MI5 and GCHQ should be closed down ?

Were the underground bombings not sufficient for you to determine that positive action including "spying" is justified in the interests of maintaining public safety?

What level of atrocity are you prepared to accept ?

Do you honestly believe the level of intrusion, both legal and illegal, we are faced with is purely to keep us safe? We now see police and government abuses of anti terror laws almost daily yet we as a society blithely accept it because we think that this is necessary to protect us from some vague danger that the government fermented in the first place. Our MPs are spied on, our public figures are spied on, mass data collection on a scale that is truly frightening - and not with just cause, but with impunity.

The police already have carte blanche to detain and question individuals under anti terrorism powers without any need to give a reason - there are many examples where individuals have been detained and questioned without cause by the police under these powers. Now the government is seeking to legally suck up every aspect of your electronic life and analyse it at will, interpret it as they see fit. Are you happy to give up your right to privacy so easily?

Edited by RuamRudy
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This reminds me very much of when Blair sent the tanks to Heathrow Airport days before a planned anti-war march. Only this time, we are being scared into accepting levels of state spying that would put the Stasi to shame.

What would your "solution be"

Maybe MI5 and GCHQ should be closed down ?

Were the underground bombings not sufficient for you to determine that positive action including "spying" is justified in the interests of maintaining public safety?

What level of atrocity are you prepared to accept ?

Do you honestly believe the level of intrusion, both legal and illegal, we are faced with is purely to keep us safe? We now see police and government abuses of anti terror laws almost daily yet we as a society blithely accept it because we think that this is necessary to protect us from some vague danger that the government fermented in the first place. Our MPs are spied on, our public figures are spied on, mass data collection on a scale that is truly frightening - and not with just cause, but with impunity.

The police already have carte blanche to detain and question individuals under anti terrorism powers without any need to give a reason - there are many examples where individuals have been detained and questioned without cause by the police under these powers. Now the government is seeking to legally suck up every aspect of your electronic life and analyse it at will, interpret it as they see fit. Are you happy to give up your right to privacy so easily?

Treatment for Paranoia is available.

How big a BANG do you want before supporting sensible security arrangements which include spying and the arrest./detention of suspects?

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Blame America, They started it!
Blame Bush and Blair -- THEY started it!


Again, please expand on this if you can.

WMD ring any bells?

Oh right, so you think that Islamic terrorism began in 2003?

No, but it didn't help stabilities in the middle east, and I don't think we would have a mass exodus of people fleeing for their lives from the likes of ISIS.

But you were arguing "America started it". They didn't start it they just made it much worse and sped up the ultimate goal of all Muslims.

The thinking that America is purely to blame for this is how terrorist supporters always justify the most atrocious acts done in the name of Islam.
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