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Thai cop blames rape of British tourist on bar's late hours


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MAE HONG SON — A British tourist was raped in northern Thailand last week, and a deputy commander of the national police force said Monday it was because a bar stayed open too late.

Everyone's being wound up more on clickbait like this. Anything with a sexual content is clickbait. On the one hand, this type of thing has been going on the twenty years I've been here. On the other, owing to social media, as pathetic as the farang forums in this country are, it is getting out there. Having said that. Really? The only difference is that in 1st World countries it gets dealt with. Here?

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The problem is that this is what many Thais think and how their thought process works. Their thought process is absolutely alien to the way we think. It centers on the loss of face concept in which Thais cannot admit to wrongdoing or admitting guilt because they would lose face. This attitude is destroying Thailand and once a non Thai becomes aware of it it causes barriers that are insurmountable. You either ignore this personality defect or work around it. No Western can ever accept it and that is one reason why we can never be accepted fully in Thailand. And it becomes worse when you can speak and understand Thai b because you actually hear the expression of this nonsense clearly and fully.

Speaks volumes about not ever having had colonial rule in the country.

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Police in the Western World do not speak like this because they know its wrong and nonsensical. Rape is a power issue and does not involve a sexual thought process although it is carried out in a sexual manner. It affects people of all ages and has nothing to do with attractiveness, type of clothing or any of the erroneous things that people put out there. the people who do this are mentally unstable or ill and need to be incarcerated and handled by professionals. The Thai police are way behind the curve in understanding of this behavior and this is due to poor training and poor education. The face issue normally comes in when the victim is foreign and the alleged perpetrator is Thai. This does not mean we are anti Thai. It means we understand what is going on and speak the truth.

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Does this article accurately reflect exactly what the policeman said or is it a mangled interpretation of what was spoken in Thai ?

Good call.

There are a lot of bad interpretations to make a headline.

It would be interesting to see what he did say and check.

Converting Thai to English is never straight forward and is open to a little artistic licence.

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"Tourist was drunk & senseless". No heart and no soul from this copper. Venting his fury at more Thailand spotlight & him being the designated spokesperson.

I think people forget Thai is a very literal language and when it get translated to English it sounds very cold and direct.

Before you go pointing the finger maybe learn a bit about thai sentence structure and vocabulary.

for me they did some google translate. When you translate senseless to thai you get หมดสติ and this means unconscious. Was she ? if not they could say she was drunk and unaware, careless or something like this.

Btw, where are the active posts? gigglem.gif

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We all know the actual facts through long term study in the UK, ''the worlds booze capital'' that opening times of the establishment have the complete opposite effect and actually staying open longer, giving people more time to socialize and drink at an uninterpreted pace will avoid confrontation. Expelling several thousand people into the streets at the same time, all rushing up on alcohol has always been a recipe for disaster. A girl was raped and the guy has unfortunately come out with a comment that would be the last thing an officer in many other forces around the world would ever come out with. Its is that sad its creepy.

Sir its your beat, get your bobby.

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"Tourist was drunk & senseless". No heart and no soul from this copper. Venting his fury at more Thailand spotlight & him being the designated spokesperson.

I think people forget Thai is a very literal language and when it get translated to English it sounds very cold and direct.

Before you go pointing the finger maybe learn a bit about thai sentence structure and vocabulary.

BS In any language or any grammatical structure the closing time of the bar and the mental state of the victim would have no direct impact on a rape taking place. 6am 1pm 1am...the rapist is the sole cause of a rape. I've seen naked chicks stumble down the road...guess what...I didn't rape them. :angry: This dipshit cop comes across as a <deleted>, because he is one NOT because his language translates badly. Give me a <deleted> break Edited by SABloke
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Now this is one idiot who really IS in need of "attitude adjustment"..........................

Dunno. Because they never miss a photo op, even forgetting where we are I can't buy one person can be that stupid without help.

Edited by silent
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The problem with Thais is that they say anything and just expect that no one will disagree or challenge it because of face losing which of course is the corner stone of Thai culture. They never realize that the rest of the world thinks differently. The guy is an idiot and someone needs to tell him.

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Thai cop. He's hardly going to be a Malaysian cop. This post topic is out to defame the police and Thailand. Yes his comments were not the best choice of words and the reporter has gone to great lengths to point this out. Enough police bashing and Thai bashing, although I do hope the lady in question is coping well after such a despicable crime.

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yeah right and all the illegal beer bars on Asoke near Soi Cowboy will be shutdown before 4am that they run to now..... oh wait, I did say ILLEGAL beer bars. The whole area from Sukhumvit to the Pullman smells like an open urinal every mroning along with that lovely vomit smell!!!!!

That is a street cleaning issue. The open air street bars are one of the great features of Bangkok. You don't like it. - Go home back to Saudi Arabia.

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"Tourist was drunk & senseless". No heart and no soul from this copper. Venting his fury at more Thailand spotlight & him being the designated spokesperson.

I think people forget Thai is a very literal language and when it get translated to English it sounds very cold and direct.

Before you go pointing the finger maybe learn a bit about thai sentence structure and vocabulary.

enlighten us, please.

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I can't help but think that a lot has been lost in translation.

For all of you going on about how insensitive the cop is for blaming the vistim, where in the OP does he blame the victim?

Let's face it.... At that time of night she was most likely indeed drunk and senseless. This would have made her an easier target for a scumbag rapist. So he's not wrong there.

Should the police take responsibility for allowing (or turning the other way) the bar to stay open after hours? Quite possibly but then how many of you complain when the bar your sitting in closes because of the legal hours?

For those of you that complain that had a cop been around then it wouldn't have happened. You're right but then please show me country with 0% rape cause a cops always there to stop it. Get real!

They caught the rapist. My only concern in all this is that the courts will <deleted> up. Looks like the police did a good job on this one.

Edited by TheThaiMe
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We all know the actual facts through long term study in the UK, ''the worlds booze capital'' that opening times of the establishment have the complete opposite effect and actually staying open longer, giving people more time to socialize and drink at an uninterpreted pace will avoid confrontation. Expelling several thousand people into the streets at the same time, all rushing up on alcohol has always been a recipe for disaster. A girl was raped and the guy has unfortunately come out with a comment that would be the last thing an officer in many other forces around the world would ever come out with. Its is that sad its creepy.

Sir its your beat, get your bobby.

Rape and drunken confrontation are two very different things. The study's don't mean sh!t but it would be interesting to know how many rapes are against drunk woman at night vs women in the day

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Thai. police Gen Wutthi Puawade is a complete <deleted> idiot. blaming rape because a bar was open late!!

a person who commits rape does not have any excuse!!! they need to go to jail and be castrated!!! they are complete low lifes.

a police men who uses an excuse of rape because the bar was open late needs to be educated and is an idiot. every one knows his posistion is purchased, not gotten by being the best person for the posistion.

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