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Beer in the afternoon.


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I hope someone can enlighten me regarding the rules of alcohol in the afternoon. Over the years of frequently travelling to Thailand I saw the introduction of the 'No Alcohol' between 2 pm and 5 pm (except in Pattaya!). I moved to Lampang and the same no alcohol rule applied. However it was possible in the restaurants to obtain a beer. However I have now returned to Lampang after several months in the UK to find it is impossible to get a beer even with food at any of the restaurants in the afternoon. I am aware of the vague ruling re proximity of schools etc but one restaurant I use in the country with no other buildings in site, let alone a school, refused me a beer at 4 pm on Sunday. Did something else change in the last few months - will it be prohibition next?

Any update on the current situation appreciated - Thanks.

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Depends on the place and their policy/fear quotient/balls/protection ....

The Law says none between 2-5.....

I was in a place the other day about 3 and beer was flowing....

But most places around here → no .. ..CM....

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bigc tops no between stated hours and I guessing Tesco but ok fam mart and 7, local bars likewise.

In Pattaya until recently Friendship sold at all hours as did 7-Eleven. Now Friendship observes the legal hours and at least one 7-Eleven on Pattaya Tai does as well, although the Family Mart across the street from that particular 7-Eleven seems to continue to sell at anytime as do some/most other small shops.

Edited by Suradit69
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A place I go has big signs about the restrictions on the beer case but still sells it without flinching. Sometimes this country is super fun. Today I asked for different bag while shopping and the bagger dude practically had a coronary. Can not! Can not! More like: WILL NOT.

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A place I go has big signs about the restrictions on the beer case but still sells it without flinching. Sometimes this country is super fun. Today I asked for different bag while shopping and the bagger dude practically had a coronary. Can not! Can not! More like: WILL NOT.

There's some places you can change your bag, and some you cannot. That's the first thing you should learn with a colostomy

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here in small town Suphanburi tesco and 7-11 have been strict about the restriction since it's implementation...even checking to see if the cash register clock has the required time (usually 10 mins behind what yer wristwatch shows...)

but if ye head down to the market ye can buy anything at anytime...

dumb, but it suits the military passion for 'discipline!' and has never been discontinued...them folks down de market, thankfully, are an unruly mob...

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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Thanks all for your interesting posts. Reassuring to read your comments and good to know the actual law hasn't changed,allegedly, but just the local interpretation and I am not surprised! I will stock up the fridge and not plan afternoon sorties!

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I know a few fellows about your age who have beers every Sunday afternoon at a shop in Nong Krathing park in Lampang. It also seems possible to sell beer in plastic glasses at the Lampang FC afternoon/evening home games in the stadium next door.

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I use to buy 10 + liters from Makro to bipass the "time rule". Now the 10 liter purchase has to be with an alcohol resellers license to take advantage of buying any time. Bummer !

Drink them inside the shop and wait 5pm to get the whole empty lot being scanned burp.gif

Edited by lazygourmet
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