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Thais ranked among world's most generous people


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If you are counting religious donations, then yes, otherwise i doubt that, never ever seen a charity box or collection in my village, unless it is in a temple, which speaks for its self, it is not for the poor and needy as this report tries to make believe

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Let me one of the first Throatwobbler, donating to charity is giving something freely, not a Thai, they either want or demand something in return. Mind you I will take this report with a grain of salt as I do with all reports, polls or claims by Thais.

So I see you have very little experience of living in Thailand.

I think he summed it up right, i donated once to a temple only once because i was told that i should give a lot more than the 1000 baht i gave because i was a Farang and have more money than Thai, and that many Thai give more than that, I said yes but what i give was out of respect and not out of means, and made that the last time i give a temple anything

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As expected the anti Thai BIle appeared. I can only pity those poor people who have chosen to live in a place they hate and have surrounded themselves with people they hate.

As expected the ding-dong-happy-happy- Thailand -is-simply-awesome- crowd appeared!

Why do so many people stop using their brain to actually read AND analyse?

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I have seen many poor Thai's in my fiance''s village always helping out people more poorer than themselves.mostly with food and clothing,Thai's are very caring people.

I've also seen people here who have almost nothing dig deep and give generously to those in greater need - to an extent that shames those who have so much more and yet think only of themselves.

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As expected the anti Thai BIle appeared. I can only pity those poor people who have chosen to live in a place they hate and have surrounded themselves with people they hate.

As expected the ding-dong-happy-happy- Thailand -is-simply-awesome- crowd appeared!

Why do so many people stop using their brain to actually read AND analyse?

They may not be wrong ... or both 'sides' may have a point.

Those of us spending our time in the countryside may see more instances of generosity/charity than those of you living in the cities or among 'cosmopolitan Thais' (i.e., those with a lot of western 'contact', however you might want to read that :-) ). Like others here, I've been very impressed by the altruism I see among Thais.... on two occasions, I've seen my gf's parents take people into their house who were down on their luck, and in one of these instances, the person was not a relative (in the other, it was a distant relative). I don't see that sort of thing happening in my home country. My gf and some friends prefer not to get birthday presents but to pool the money that might be spent and buy stuff for kids at a school in a poorer village 'up the road'. I joined them on one occasion, and it was amazing to see.

So yes, feel free to be cynical ... we (all of us) only have our own experience to go by. [Well, yes, we also this survey and others ... but let's not confuse the issue with facts :-)] So please allow for the possibility that some of us are living in objectively different worlds than others.

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What tosh! there is no culture of charitable giving here, or in Asia generally. Look at the way Thais treat animals and the culture of donating is just not there in any substantial way. Pockets , here and there, but very little and no giving an umbrella to a temple for 'good luck' doesn't count.

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What tosh! there is no culture of charitable giving here, or in Asia generally. Look at the way Thais treat animals and the culture of donating is just not there in any substantial way. Pockets , here and there, but very little and no giving an umbrella to a temple for 'good luck' doesn't count.

Having had direct experience to the contrary, I have to completely disagree with this.

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What tosh! there is no culture of charitable giving here, or in Asia generally. Look at the way Thais treat animals and the culture of donating is just not there in any substantial way. Pockets , here and there, but very little and no giving an umbrella to a temple for 'good luck' doesn't count.

Having had direct experience to the contrary, I have to completely disagree with this.

ok well let's see some data? anyone got any? European typical donating vs Thai? things like, for example, droughts, hurricanes? maybe compare what France or another country donated to Philippines? or maybe there is some data out there with reference to typical 'charitable' donations per capita? I have no idea if such data exists or it's all just 'opinions'.

all I know is that the orphanages here are under-funded, many of the best ones have farang intervention, and they have no regard for animal rights - there must be exceptions (thank God) but that's been my general observation

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That`s of course a good thing, but how high up are they on the list when asked how many gave to people who desperately needed it? Not very high up. Most of the charities are big and already very wealthy and are only helping Thais who are not in desperate need of help, but more for help and development of Thais themselves, such as various care centers, poor farmers, agricultural development projects and political parties. There are though a very few exceptions, but the very most other donations goes to community projects in their own community, such as temples, festivals, parties, schools and so on, while close to nothing, if anything at all, goes to helping foreigners outside of Thailand.

Another question is, how many have given anything for any charity to help foreigners? I think we all know the answer, and too be honest here, it`s not just disappointing, but incredibly immoral, when you think how many millions of people who helped Thailand during the tsunami and the vast amount of charities there have been over the last five decades to help Thailand. The truth is they don`t care about that, not even any appreciation. Read any Thai book on how modern Thailand was built, and you won`t find a single word about foreign help. Thai love Thai, and admitting anything else on TV, in books, newspapers, government photos and public speeches is an unwritten taboo. While I wish Thais the best, I do not think they deserve any financial help if another unfortunate disaster came by. If I`m there, I`ll give food, shelter, medical help and so on, but no money.

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I know I will probably be shot down for this but is the giving of donations in Myanmar and Thailand not out of generosity or for altruistic reasons, but rather for self serving purposes, i.e. making merit for themselves.

Does it matter?

If your faith is one of the Western religions, don't you also donate money to your local church ??

Stop bashing the country where you live and work. I've been in Thailand for over 10 years. Great people !

Why? I have lived on and off in Thailand since 1971 when I married a local girl and I am now retired here, but that hasn't stopped me bagging (bashing conjures up the act of violence so will use the word bagging) this country, my own country or any other bloody country if and when they deserve it. It's my democratic (sorry not in Thailand) god giving right.

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Let me one of the first Throatwobbler, donating to charity is giving something freely, not a Thai, they either want or demand something in return. Mind you I will take this report with a grain of salt as I do with all reports, polls or claims by Thais.

So I see you have very little experience of living in Thailand.

I married a local girl in 1971, lived and worked here on and off over the years and now retired here. I also have Farang/Thaii children and Grandchildren, that is why I can say what I said with full understanding of how the Thai brain works. With a Thai it is always me. me and me first and they never give anythng for nothing. I am not putting the people down, I am saying it how it is. You sir need to take your rose tinted glasses off and ask the person who who is twisting your nuts to let go.

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Better than not giving at all hah?? If the human being in the world thinking of giving and caring for others by not hurting or killing anything will give them a good karma and a good deed after dead, then don't you think this stupid war won't happens and killing for the sake of disagreed won't happens either!! The world would be the better place to live!! Don't you think Garry!!? Instead of slacking people of did you do any good deed in your life?

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because your entire time in Thailand you prob spent with the bar girls instead of seeing and experiences the real thai cultures!! And see how's kind and giving Thais were!! You can't asking for foods on the street if you got no money but you can def get help if you re in my country!!

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I know I will probably be shot down for this but is the giving of donations in Myanmar and Thailand not out of generosity or for altruistic reasons, but rather for self serving purposes, i.e. making merit for themselves.

Does it matter?

If your faith is one of the Western religions, don't you also donate money to your local church ??

Stop bashing the country where you live and work. I've been in Thailand for over 10 years. Great people !

Why? I have lived on and off in Thailand since 1971 when I married a local girl and I am now retired here, but that hasn't stopped me bagging (bashing conjures up the act of violence so will use the word bagging) this country, my own country or any other bloody country if and when they deserve it. It's my democratic (sorry not in Thailand) god giving right.

And of course you will accept what god gives after, without a whimper.


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Making merit or human kindness I have witnessed many a so called farang in difficulties whom without a second thought has been offered kindness and support with the likes of free rides home, offers of paying bus/bar bills and more, so yes admire you people of Thailand I do.

Lived here seven years never met a single Thai who would pay any bill for mr, or indeed give me one baht, it's the exact opposite , give me , give me.

Not setting out to be a Thai basher just stating facts, I accept and still choose to live here.

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Making merit or human kindness I have witnessed many a so called farang in difficulties whom without a second thought has been offered kindness and support with the likes of free rides home, offers of paying bus/bar bills and more, so yes admire you people of Thailand I do.

Lived here seven years never met a single Thai who would pay any bill for mr, or indeed give me one baht, it's the exact opposite , give me , give me.

Not setting out to be a Thai basher just stating facts, I accept and still choose to live here.

Let me guess, you never lived outside the tourist places, you do not speak Thai, you met a bargirl and you eat only farang food.

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I know I will probably be shot down for this but is the giving of donations in Myanmar and Thailand not out of generosity or for altruistic reasons, but rather for self serving purposes, i.e. making merit for themselves.

Does it matter?

If your faith is one of the Western religions, don't you also donate money to your local church ??

Stop bashing the country where you live and work. I've been in Thailand for over 10 years. Great people !

yup and don't these people donate money to churches so they won't go to hell or follow some religious doctrine like tithing 10% of income and not due to their own free will.

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I know I will probably be shot down for this but is the giving of donations in Myanmar and Thailand not out of generosity or for altruistic reasons, but rather for self serving purposes, i.e. making merit for themselves.

Does it matter?

Yes it does. Giving money to a Wat for building pompous new wedding cake style temples while kids outside have not enough money to go to school does count as "tham boon" or charity. But does it help those in need?

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"Only 44 percent of Thais help strangers, and only 14 percent do volunteer work."

Show this to some of the bar girls and jet ski scammers and see if they are embarrassed for their lack of generosity.

In Buriram Province there is an effort underway to create a sports complex located at Ban Yoei Sakae School for eleven rural schools next to the Huay Talat Reservoir on the road between Buriram and Prakhonchai to share free of charge. This includes a dining hall, indoor sports building, a bathrooms and showers facility and two football fields. For details check on SabaiDee Buriram Magazine. A number of foreign volunteers as well as local Thai's have been involved.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know I will probably be shot down for this but is the giving of donations in Myanmar and Thailand not out of generosity or for altruistic reasons, but rather for self serving purposes, i.e. making merit for themselves.

Does it matter?

Yes it does. Giving money to a Wat for building pompous new wedding cake style temples while kids outside have not enough money to go to school does count as "tham boon" or charity. But does it help those in need?

Apart from that, how about the times when parents happily extract thousands of baht from daughters working as bar-girls, just to make ostentatious displays of giving to the local temple? Got to love those...

Does the paying to release fish and birds back into the wild only to catch them again a few minutes later count? That's got to be increasing 'charity' turnover.

How about the local police 'charity'? Was that included in the total? wink.png

I've got to say that only in the past couple of years in Bangkok have I even seen any people collecting for charity as we'd define it, let alone giving. Whereas we've been mobbed in the streets of the UK and bombarded in our homes and the media for 20+ years.

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So far till now I've not met a generous Thai. Every Thai friends my husband and I know always expect us to pay for everything when we go out together.

You need to move away from the tourist areas , you just hang around the wrong locals.

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