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Thai Premier asks press to help create understanding on reform


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Thai Premier asks press to help create understanding on reform

BANGKOK, 14 November 2015 (NNT) – Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha has called on all members of the press to present news that will not deepen social and political conflicts.

Gen Prayut said during this national televised address that everything was moving towards reform and general elections; therefore, members of the press should help the government disseminate information that allows the public to understand the transition of the country.

The Premier said he never wanted to violate freedom of the press. What the government has always done is ask for cooperation, he added.

He also asked news stations, columnists, and journalists to be extra careful with cases that are considered threats to national security, given that these cases are very sensitive and could send the wrong message.

-- NNT 2015-11-14 footer_n.gif

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Another not so veiled warning from someone who ' doesn't want to violate press freedom ' so invites co-operation the definition of which is whatever he decides.

I'm not suggesting the media should be allowed to run riot, print rubbish etc but if they report accurate but negative stories about the govt they aren't co-operating ?

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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Mr. PM, how about YOU actually outline exactly what the reforms will be and the timeline for implementation.

I would be particularily interested in hearing exactly what reforms are planned for the police, judicial system AND the military. Complete with a timeline.

Without those 3 reforms being at the top of your reform agenda, you are only blowing smoke.

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What are the reforms?......does anyone know?


Why are the press focusing on non-issues like armoured cars instead of what is going on with the reforms ?. They are insignificant compared to the political transformation which should be taking place and it's impact on the future of the country.

I see micro-criticism of every little thing the government do - even deliberate misinterpretation if Prayuth is sarcastic because he is fed up with them. The only time reform is ever mentioned is if they can snipe at one specific point.

But nothing about the progress on the rest of the reforms and analysis of what it would mean to the average Thai.

The media here are as full of cronies as everywhere else. They are a disgrace to their profession and that is exactly Prayuths point.

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Mr. PM, how about YOU actually outline exactly what the reforms will be and the timeline for implementation.

I would be particularily interested in hearing exactly what reforms are planned for the police, judicial system AND the military. Complete with a timeline.

Without those 3 reforms being at the top of your reform agenda, you are only blowing smoke.

No chance he can do that in this time frame.

The priority must be to get a government who are there to serve the country, not some corrupt master. They will then make the legislation to sort out the others.

Not going to happen though. Few people actually want reform : they are all on the take and want it to stay like that. But he has to try.

And don't you think the newspapers should be giving you that information ?. Did you wonder why they are not ?.

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Mr. PM, how about YOU actually outline exactly what the reforms will be and the timeline for implementation.

I would be particularily interested in hearing exactly what reforms are planned for the police, judicial system AND the military. Complete with a timeline.

Without those 3 reforms being at the top of your reform agenda, you are only blowing smoke.

No chance he can do that in this time frame.

The priority must be to get a government who are there to serve the country, not some corrupt master. They will then make the legislation to sort out the others.

Not going to happen though. Few people actually want reform : they are all on the take and want it to stay like that. But he has to try.

And don't you think the newspapers should be giving you that information ?. Did you wonder why they are not ?.

If you dont know what reforms he has in mind then how do you know he is trying to do it?

Has he ever thought of actually telling reporters his goal? If he does they will report it. But as he doesnt all they can do is state what they find.

In any western democracy all press find smallest fault in govt and report it. Thats normal and is pretty much the only thing that occassionaly keeps a govt in line. Without the nitpicking a govt will run roughshod.

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Mr. PM, how about YOU actually outline exactly what the reforms will be and the timeline for implementation.

I would be particularily interested in hearing exactly what reforms are planned for the police, judicial system AND the military. Complete with a timeline.

Without those 3 reforms being at the top of your reform agenda, you are only blowing smoke.

No chance he can do that in this time frame.

The priority must be to get a government who are there to serve the country, not some corrupt master. They will then make the legislation to sort out the others.

Not going to happen though. Few people actually want reform : they are all on the take and want it to stay like that. But he has to try.

And don't you think the newspapers should be giving you that information ?. Did you wonder why they are not ?.

There are probably two compelling reasons why the Thai press has not published much on the progress or substance of the reforms:

1) The Thai press has a long history of being curtailed by governments; the current government has definitely reined in the press. Therefor, the press is hesitant to publish information that would be considered critical of the Junta. (and the Thai press is somewhat incompetent at investigation and analysis)

2) There has been no significant progress on defining the reforms. The NRC failed in this mission. Their only output was a list of potential reforms that found its way into the draft Charter. But the list was so long and disorganized, that it was really not usable.

Now the NRSC has the job of defining the reforms. Based on their statements to date, I believe they are very much focused on the "process" (forming committees, having meetings), rather than the results. I believe this will lead to yet another failure.

In many ways, the responsibility for this lies with the PM. Despite an 18 month period of orientation, he has never presented a cogent vision for reform.

Edited by phoenixdoglover
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does he really believe what he say's? he was asking people 'are you Thai'? this week with the inference that if you ARE you should support him otherwise you are a non-Thai

i hate all this nationalistic stuff from whencesoever it comes

I am no psychologist, but I think it could be a case of him compartmentalising events, so yes he does believe what he says AT THE TIME - Doublethink and all that. Move him on to the next situation and he thinks something different. We are all guilty of it it to a lesser or greater degree.
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What are the reforms?......does anyone know?

The reforms thus far have been:

Reforming the lottery system. Hahaha

Reforming the education system to allow less learning time for students and more play time as well as working towards eliminating the need for foreign English teachers in order to keep the population dumb. Another hahaha.

Edited by ldiablo
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What are the reforms?......does anyone know?

Many have asked, none have answered. It's pretty obvious that unstated reforms were Suthep's excuse for his power grab, and Prayut's excuse to remain in power. There are no real reforms, just a desire for unfettered power.

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What are the reforms?......does anyone know?


Why are the press focusing on non-issues like armoured cars instead of what is going on with the reforms ?. They are insignificant compared to the political transformation which should be taking place and it's impact on the future of the country.

I see micro-criticism of every little thing the government do - even deliberate misinterpretation if Prayuth is sarcastic because he is fed up with them. The only time reform is ever mentioned is if they can snipe at one specific point.

But nothing about the progress on the rest of the reforms and analysis of what it would mean to the average Thai.

The media here are as full of cronies as everywhere else. They are a disgrace to their profession and that is exactly Prayuths point.

"Why are the press focusing on non-issues like armoured cars instead of what is going on with the reforms ?"

Probably because there is no clear statement of what the reforms are. The press can't report what they don't know.

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Mr. PM, how about YOU actually outline exactly what the reforms will be and the timeline for implementation.

I would be particularily interested in hearing exactly what reforms are planned for the police, judicial system AND the military. Complete with a timeline.

Without those 3 reforms being at the top of your reform agenda, you are only blowing smoke.

Agreed, here's 3 reforms wrt the military that I think we can quite confidently predict will not be getting the junta's blessings;

  • Re-establish Civilian Oversight over the Defence Policy and budget
  • Eliminating Organised crime in the military
  • Establish Clear Criteria for Promotions to avoid nepotism

as suggested by the latest report by Transparency International http://government.defenceindex.org/countries/thailand/

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What are the reforms?......does anyone know?

It seems if you are not a middle class or privileged Thai and living in Bangkok, you have know way of understanding. A dear Taiwanese friend who speaks Thai and is connected with the next president of Taiwan says she was told she will never understand Thailand's problems. The reforms are whatever they can get away with, TIT.

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Ok, if what he says is true all he needs to do now is produce some reforms to show to the Press so they can show progress,,, so far i see none.

I know a lot of people will see this as another "threat" to the press but I want to give him the benefit of the doubt. I wait to see what cooperation he asks for and what the press can publicise to show he is meeting the agenda of implementing national reforms to ready the country for a return to democracy.

Fingers crossed,,,,

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What are the reforms?......does anyone know?

Many have asked, none have answered. It's pretty obvious that unstated reforms were Suthep's excuse for his power grab, and Prayut's excuse to remain in power. There are no real reforms, just a desire for unfettered power.

I fear you are right but I so hope you are wrong.

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does he really believe what he say's? he was asking people 'are you Thai'? this week with the inference that if you ARE you should support him otherwise you are a non-Thai

i hate all this nationalistic stuff from whencesoever it comes

I am no psychologist, but I think it could be a case of him compartmentalising events, so yes he does believe what he says AT THE TIME - Doublethink and all that. Move him on to the next situation and he thinks something different. We are all guilty of it it to a lesser or greater degree.

There may be a medical term for Prayut's behavior.

It's called Dissociative identity disorder (aka multiple personality disorder) It is a "mental disorder characterized by the appearance of at least two distinct and relatively lasting dissociated personality states that alternately control a person's behavior. Thus, there is never an issue of contradiction.

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Mr. PM, how about YOU actually outline exactly what the reforms will be and the timeline for implementation.

I would be particularily interested in hearing exactly what reforms are planned for the police, judicial system AND the military. Complete with a timeline.

Without those 3 reforms being at the top of your reform agenda, you are only blowing smoke.

No chance he can do that in this time frame.

The priority must be to get a government who are there to serve the country, not some corrupt master. They will then make the legislation to sort out the others.

Not going to happen though. Few people actually want reform : they are all on the take and want it to stay like that. But he has to try.

And don't you think the newspapers should be giving you that information ?. Did you wonder why they are not ?.

Sir John he has been in power for nearly 18 months and we still don't know what they want to reform and how. If you go back to his statements just after the coup you will find that reforms was at the top of the list. Yet Sir John 18 months later we still don't know what he wants to reform. So what has he done on one of his top priorities in the last 18 months ? Why Sir if it was one of his top priorities has he done nothing but putting his people into powerful positions while demoting people that have done nothing wrong.

Sir John how do a government serve its people if they are so far removed from them as this government are ? How do a government serve its people if they govern without transparency ? In this regard sir think about how China got the double track rail projects and Japan the HST projects, there was no tender process followed.

Sir John how can the newspapers give us his reform priorities if he hasn't decided on them yet ? He spends hours on the TV but has never clearly spelled out the reforms and the processes involved, so how can the newspapers inform us ?

He likes to talk as you like to write on here but its not to say that either of you makes any sense.

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