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Why is it all going wrong for Jeb Bush?


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Why is it all going wrong for Jeb Bush?
Nick Bryant
New York correspondent

NEW YORK: -- One of my more memorable moments on the campaign trail so far came after the Republican debate in Boulder, Colorado, when I found myself chasing Jeb Bush down a corridor, attempting to lasso him with a boom mike - a contraption which looks like a fishing rod, with a rodent-like furry microphone attached to the end.

Bush was smarting from a lamentable debate performance, during which his attempt to ambush his one-time protege Marco Rubio with an attack on the Senator's absenteeism from Capitol Hill had boomeranged horribly.

The headline "Boulder Crushes Bush," was already doing the rounds on Twitter. In the spin room, veteran journalists composed one-word obituaries: "Finished."

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-34841715

-- BBC 2015-11-18

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Hummmmm....looks like some predictions are right....unfortunately Trump may be the Rep nominated..... and...other are predicting that he may beat Clinton..... The problem is..... that after that happening...Thailand may not be ready to take back all the illegal Thais in the US...plus.... all the American refugees....

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The quote from a classmate of John Ellis "Jeb" Bush at Phillips Academy in Massachusetts sums up the guy's life from then when was 16 years old to now, when he's 61.

Laid back non-serious entitlement.

Sylvester said “the thing that really struck me about Jeb more than anyone I ever met, is he understood that he was from the world that really counted and the rest of us weren’t. It really was quite a waste of his time to engage us. This was kind of his family high school. There wasn’t anything he could do to be kicked out so he was relaxed about rules, doing the work. This was just his family’s place.”


His father and GW had graduated Phillips and his father was on the Board, so Jeb coasted through avoiding the Vietnam War and everything else around him to include serious study.

Yet in the Boston Globe article about Bush at Phillips, the school is described by Bush's classmates as a Lord of the Flies setting with Jeb at the center of it. In his campaign through all of the year Jebush has been the lord of being entitled. He himself doesn't know anything about it, he just deserves it.




A campaign photo of the Bush family in 1966. (From left, Dorothy, George, Jeb, Marvin, George W., Neil, and Barbara)

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1/His Name

2/ Not enough of a crackpot

He has no chance of gaining traction with the tea party and evangelicals who have

a huge say in the GOP presidential candidate selection. It will be hard for him to

come to grips with as he has the money and political connections with the GOP


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The quote from a classmate of John Ellis "Jeb" Bush at Phillips Academy in Massachusetts sums up the guy's life from then when was 16 years old to now, when he's 61.

Laid back non-serious entitlement.

Sylvester said “the thing that really struck me about Jeb more than anyone I ever met, is he understood that he was from the world that really counted and the rest of us weren’t. It really was quite a waste of his time to engage us. This was kind of his family high school. There wasn’t anything he could do to be kicked out so he was relaxed about rules, doing the work. This was just his family’s place.”

His father and GW had graduated Phillips and his father was on the Board, so Jeb coasted through avoiding the Vietnam War and everything else around him to include serious study.

Yet in the Boston Globe article about Bush at Phillips, the school is described by Bush's classmates as a Lord of the Flies setting with Jeb at the center of it. In his campaign through all of the year Jebush has been the lord of being entitled. He himself doesn't know anything about it, he just deserves it.



A campaign photo of the Bush family in 1966. (From left, Dorothy, George, Jeb, Marvin, George W., Neil, and Barbara)

Don't know much about Jeb's schooling and don't care, but think for a minute. He was born in 1953, so how is it he "avoided" the Vietnam War since he would just have been 18 in 1971 when for the most part the war was winding down, troops were being pulled out of Vietnam (I know because I was there in 1971), and the lottery system had been put in place for conscripts in 1969? Conscription ended 1973 and all volunteer military started so Bush was all of 20 at that point. Why make such a foolish statement. Use some logic before you make statement so obviously made up out of bias.

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Look at what he stands for.

Look at the big money machine backing him. The Koch brothers have egg on their face after backing the wrong pony but its chump change for them. What is his moniker "Just Call Me Jeb"? or "Let Jeb Fix It" lets change it once again to "Done Like Dinner" Why can't people see through the GOP all they want is less taxation for the rich. Super rich not the upper middle class rich.

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The quote from a classmate of John Ellis "Jeb" Bush at Phillips Academy in Massachusetts sums up the guy's life from then when was 16 years old to now, when he's 61.

Laid back non-serious entitlement.

Sylvester said “the thing that really struck me about Jeb more than anyone I ever met, is he understood that he was from the world that really counted and the rest of us weren’t. It really was quite a waste of his time to engage us. This was kind of his family high school. There wasn’t anything he could do to be kicked out so he was relaxed about rules, doing the work. This was just his family’s place.”


His father and GW had graduated Phillips and his father was on the Board, so Jeb coasted through avoiding the Vietnam War and everything else around him to include serious study.

Yet in the Boston Globe article about Bush at Phillips, the school is described by Bush's classmates as a Lord of the Flies setting with Jeb at the center of it. In his campaign through all of the year Jebush has been the lord of being entitled. He himself doesn't know anything about it, he just deserves it.



A campaign photo of the Bush family in 1966. (From left, Dorothy, George, Jeb, Marvin, George W., Neil, and Barbara)

Don't know much about Jeb's schooling and don't care, but think for a minute. He was born in 1953, so how is it he "avoided" the Vietnam War since he would just have been 18 in 1971 when for the most part the war was winding down, troops were being pulled out of Vietnam (I know because I was there in 1971), and the lottery system had been put in place for conscripts in 1969? Conscription ended 1973 and all volunteer military started so Bush was all of 20 at that point. Why make such a foolish statement. Use some logic before you make statement so obviously made up out of bias.

His brother George, the shrub, served in the Texas Air National Guard---and on political campaigns in Alabama--during the Vietnamese war. Yet, you'll have to admit, Texas was safe from Vietnamese invasion.

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The quote from a classmate of John Ellis "Jeb" Bush at Phillips Academy in Massachusetts sums up the guy's life from then when was 16 years old to now, when he's 61.

Laid back non-serious entitlement.

Sylvester said “the thing that really struck me about Jeb more than anyone I ever met, is he understood that he was from the world that really counted and the rest of us weren’t. It really was quite a waste of his time to engage us. This was kind of his family high school. There wasn’t anything he could do to be kicked out so he was relaxed about rules, doing the work. This was just his family’s place.”


His father and GW had graduated Phillips and his father was on the Board, so Jeb coasted through avoiding the Vietnam War and everything else around him to include serious study.

Yet in the Boston Globe article about Bush at Phillips, the school is described by Bush's classmates as a Lord of the Flies setting with Jeb at the center of it. In his campaign through all of the year Jebush has been the lord of being entitled. He himself doesn't know anything about it, he just deserves it.



A campaign photo of the Bush family in 1966. (From left, Dorothy, George, Jeb, Marvin, George W., Neil, and Barbara)

Don't know much about Jeb's schooling and don't care, but think for a minute. He was born in 1953, so how is it he "avoided" the Vietnam War since he would just have been 18 in 1971 when for the most part the war was winding down, troops were being pulled out of Vietnam (I know because I was there in 1971), and the lottery system had been put in place for conscripts in 1969? Conscription ended 1973 and all volunteer military started so Bush was all of 20 at that point. Why make such a foolish statement. Use some logic before you make statement so obviously made up out of bias.

Read the linked article.

John Ellis Bush was A1 for the draft right before it ended. So Jeb didn't have to join the National Guard to hide out there until the war ended. The draft ended first.

And do not assume everyone here writes fiction.

If you want to try to scold become a preacher. If you want to assign blame, become a lawyer-prosecutor. If you want to be like Jeb go to Phillips and become a teacher. Short of any of that, read a link before deciding to run eyes open into a wall.

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Why make such a foolish statement. Use some logic before you make statement so obviously made up out of bias.

Hold on. That would decimate the whole liberal playbook.

Maybe find out first who wrote which book you're reading. wink.png

Whatever you paid for it, it cost too much.

Certainly not worth it or anything about it. Bum author.

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Am i being too simplistic in saying a little over-confidence ?

He has the name although his brother is more of a hindrance than a help and I suppose he was seen as the establishment candidate, perhaps even a shoe-in.

It hasn't gone as expected and he's not good a playing catch up from what I've seen.

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I think Jeb is a little bit slower than his brother, George W.

He says Margaret Thatcher should be on the new $10 bill.blink.png The sleepwalker couldn't think of a worthy lady in US History?


A bit slower than GW? - he must be near zero then.

You're right about the $10 Bill and I'm a Brit - and I was a Thatcher fan.

If he had a brain, he would take it out and play with it.

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I am a Democrat, so it's all a little academic to me. That being said I am also a democrat and want to see the system function. To have it function correctly you need sane and rational people in the game.

Now I don't actually believe Jeb's heart is in it, but don't deride the guy as some intellectual half wit, like his brother. In many ways he is the POTUS we.should have had instead of GW.

I still have enough faith That The system will work and at the end of the day, the crazies will fade away and a true sane opponent to HRC will emerge, be it, Bush, Kaisich or Cruz.

Now all you Republicans please don't prove me wrong

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