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My missis, oh how I do her head in sometimes.


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So last night the lovely Mrs Nik and i put the boy to bed and kicked back with a few Leos and a yam wunsen lovingly put together by her.

After 10 years together I think it's fair to say we know each other well.

Im really happy with her. She is no angel and there are difficult times periodically but she brings sunshine into my life but last night we had a "what you do that p---es me off" conversation.

My question is this, after all the "my wife did this and did that and ripped me off, and her brother ain't her brother" threads what is it that you do to make her complain.

Mrs Nik and I have a good level of understanding and we get by well. We work as a team and bring up our son the best we can. but we do have our differences. I know all the things that annoy me but last night she went into a lot of detail about my faults......

1. I snore.

2. My face when she tells me her Dad is coming.

3. Beer breath

4. I swear too much

5. I moan when she tells me we have to buy something.


and 7. I criticise Thai politics too much.

Im glad we had this chat as i really didnt know that I did half of these but now I have something to work on and improve myself.

It works both ways though!

Anyone else?

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I'm a sarcastic bastard, but I already knew that (she is getting used to our sense oh homour).

I start a conversation with "I know your busy sweetheart, but would you mind...."

Whenever she does something nice, I wai and say "clipperty clop".

Farting and feeling so proud, but that is universal.

Impulsive spending, me not her.

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There are typical Thai traits that probably apply to most Thai women,the ones that certainly apply to my better half consist of.

Lack of sense of time,Thais simply are not punctual per se.

Eating when hungry and no set meal patterns or times.

Lack of planning,organising an event with friends etc always gets changed last minute.

Preparation of meals is not thought out or considered until last minute.

Only her opinion counts,a trait of most women.

The list in the OP is representative of what does my girlfriends head in also.

Edited by stoneyboy
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Name just a few Nikmar...

Because her list for you could be my mrs...but hey-ho we pay the bills right? 555

Well, the usual really.

A complete lack of awareness concerning time.

A habit of waiting till Im nice and settled before asking me to do something.

The biggest though is her not telling me anything until the absolute last moment.

Oh. Shes impossibly untidy. Even by my standards.

She cries wayyyy to easily and puts them on for effect........

Damn it . I wanna divorce now!

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I'm a sarcastic bastard, but I already knew that (she is getting used to our sense oh homour).

I start a conversation with "I know your busy sweetheart, but would you mind...."

Whenever she does something nice, I wai and say "clipperty clop".

Farting and feeling so proud, but that is universal.

Impulsive spending, me not her.

Aye mate. My missis has learnt sarcasm well. Shes getting good.

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Mine can't get it into her hard that if you prepare food with crap ingredients the food's going to taste like crap.

Shopping for essentials in 7-11.

Believing the nonsense on Thai TV.

Buying 30 eggs at a time.

Giving money to filthy rich temples and naked men in orange robes.

Occasional tantrums for not being weighted on hand and foot.


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The one that really does her head in more than anything - asking a question that includes accountability:

why did you miss the train?

where has the money you took out the bank yesterday gone?

No, what did you spend the money on?

Why did you buy all that food as we always throw lots away?

When are you going to do something?

Generally, they don't communicate well unless they want something, in which case instant agreement and action is expected back.

I don't think Thai can fathom how anyone could possible have a different opinion, challenge anything they say or do, and expect an explanation. And of course resist that with the sour sulking performance.a la emotional blackmail.

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My wife hates it when I switch on the light during lovemaking so I can stare lovingly into her eyes.

Complains she can't get off unless the room's dark.


My missis keeps her eyes closed and thinks of Lek Loso. Apparently.


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I hate when she asks for a ring.

She hates when I say no.

I tell mine to learn English then I might consider marrying her. I've already paid for her house (ok it was only 500,000) and bought her lots of new brown and white goods. What more does she want? But she is so untypically Thai. I can be full of anger sometimes, but she always, always remains cool. And, she will do literally anything for me. We have been stuck in Turkey for the past 5 weeks. I fractured my thigh after a hip replacement operation. My left leg now 3" shorter than my right and I can't walk. She even has to wipe my bum, so the odd fart is nothing. What a little treasure she is. Thank you darling

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My husband would have complained about my punctuality...

Somehow reading your post brought tears to my eyes. How I wish he is here now complaining about me. I would have accept all happily.

It is really wonderful to have your loved one beside you complaining and nagging. Really.

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I hate when she asks for a ring.

She hates when I say no.

I tell mine to learn English then I might consider marrying her. I've already paid for her house (ok it was only 500,000) and bought her lots of new brown and white goods. What more does she want? But she is so untypically Thai. I can be full of anger sometimes, but she always, always remains cool. And, she will do literally anything for me. We have been stuck in Turkey for the past 5 weeks. I fractured my thigh after a hip replacement operation. My left leg now 3" shorter than my right and I can't walk. She even has to wipe my bum, so the odd fart is nothing. What a little treasure she is. Thank you darling

I hear you. I joked earlier a little bit, but mine IS dying for a dress and a ring and for me to marry her. What she can't seem to realize is that I already have, minus the party.

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My wife hates it when I switch on the light during lovemaking so I can stare lovingly into her eyes.

Complains she can't get off unless the room's dark.


Get off as in get off from being on top or get off as in having an orgasm?

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My wife hates it when I switch on the light during lovemaking so I can stare lovingly into her eyes.

Complains she can't get off unless the room's dark.


When its dark the ghost appears and helps her with the big O. The light makes him shy. You have to start with leaving the lights on. Its no fun in the dark that is for fumbling teenagers.

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My wife hates it when I switch on the light during lovemaking so I can stare lovingly into her eyes.

Complains she can't get off unless the room's dark.


Get off as in get off from being on top or get off as in having an orgasm?

You filthy minded sot, get off as in the BTS, obviously

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