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How much $ am I looking at?


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a nice furnished 1b condo (no more than half hour outside of city centre)

Sort of difficult to define the 'City Centre'

The 'centre' of some peoples world is Soi Cowboy (BTW, nothing wrong with that), Lower Suk (humvit Rd), for others is Sathorn/Silom/Siam.

For me, I'd aim to be close'ish to a BTS/MRT Station as that opens up a lot of accessibility at little cost or hassle.

Good luck with the move, I personally love Bangkok, so many options for me there.

For the purposes of partying Bangkok does not have a city center.

But if you are on the skytrain then you can be in Ekkamai, Thonglor, Ploenchit, Silom etc where the cool venues are within a maximum of 20-30 mins.

I can walk to my nearest BTS station in less than 2 mins and be in Maggie Choo's in 25 mins :-)

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Always funny these "how much" threads, 8500 to 1 mio biggrin.png

I don't live in Bangkok but on the other end of the price scale but from my few excursions and what I find in the forum, I would join the 2000$/70000 Baht "median" for a proper lifestyle without excess.

8500 is survival training.

1 mio is not impossible.

On his birthday a friend went with his girl friend to one of the top class roof-top/skybar places (forgot the name).

He refused to tell me exactly what a glass of coke cost tongue.png

Its always better to give an idea of what you expect to spend.

if the coke comes in a glass, your freind is doing it wrong

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10,000/month (minimum I expect) for a serviced 1 room apartment. (Thai style cheap rooms with fan only can be had for quite a bit less - 11 years ago I paid 2,500/month for a 1 room Thai apartment in Pattaya.)

5,000/month - utilities (electricity/water/TV/internet/phone) - variable depending on air-con use and type of TV/Internet package preferred (mine run about 7k/month)

2,000/month (minimum) - laundry, taxis/BTS, toiletries, etc.

15,000/month - food (mostly take-out) - I often make 1,000 baht take out orders (pizza, KFC, etc) and end up with enough to last me 2 days. Eating at food carts/Thai restaurants will save a lot.

So about 32,000/month for the basics. Add about 3,000/month for health insurance, depending on insurer/package/deductible rates (I think about 35,000/year ? Can't remember my last quote off hand). So you are looking at about 35,000 month.

Entertainment expenses - "up to you". Take whatever you have left in your budget, divide by number of days in the month, then decide how many of those days you're going to end up spending sitting (alone) in your room curled up watching your basic cable TV or using your exceedingly slow low end internet package so you can save up for 1 or 2 nights of partying.

Keep in mind that if you're going to end up spending the majority of your time in your room you may want to invest in a decent TV/Internet package.

Avoid going to the bars everyday just to socialize otherwise it won't take long and you'll find yourself hanging around various bars all day, everyday until your money runs out (usually the first thing to happen) or your liver quits (sometimes the first thing).

When the money runs out (and your passport and plane ticket have been "stolen") and the liver is failing, be sure to make a new ThaiVisa account and come here and ask for help, er, I mean, ask how to help "a friend" who is down and out through no fault of his own. Then the TVF members can pretend it's the first time they've heard such a story and will offer all kinds of assistance which, of course, will be ignored any ways. beatdeadhorse.gif

Screw it. Do whatever you want. Won't make any difference. (I'm grumpy because I've got a headache for no explainable reason and the Tylenol hasn't kicked in yet.) saai.gif

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500 baht a day is comfortable. 150 for the loom, 150 for street food, and enough money left over for a couple bottles of beer. i'll just assume you get your chicks for free.

Maybe it's comfortable for you but I think most farang would be aiming higher than that lol

A decent meal and a beer would be 500 unless you enjoy salty bowls of Greece, otherwise known as "noodle soup"

i tried that, but the pad thai and beer tasted exactly the same at the 50 baht and 500 baht place ;)
now try it with a steak and some wodka, wine or wiskey Edited by FritsSikkink
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As everyone has said it's completely subjective but when I first lived here I paid:

22,000 a month condo, On Nut next to BTS, 34sqm 1 bedroom place. New building

2500 electric average

2000 gym

150 water average

1400 internet

16000 per month food (combination of eating out and eating at home and paying for some meals with girls, this is one of the areas it could vary hugely, I like some western brands so villa is a must for me)

400 Cinema once a week (paying for 2 tickets and some snacks)

12000 per month partying twice a week, which would usually involve either drinking at home and going straight to meet friends at a club when they finished work or going for a few drinks in Thonglor and then to a club.

1000 a month on books

1000 a month on movies and series to watch at home

1000 a month laudry

1000 a month for haircuts

1000 a month for deodorant, toiletries etc

1500 month on travel

So a shade over 60k and whether it's everyone's cup of tea I'm not sure but I enjoyed it. This wasn't to a budget, just kind of spent what I wanted and found life to be quite cheap, some months might have been a bit more if I bought some tech gadget, clothes or went on a trip.

I think there are a fair few areas where that could have been reduced, definitely condo (5 minutes or so from the BTS in On Nut or Prakanong you'll easily find a place for 15k, less for a studio. A few more stops out and it's cheaper still. Food is another area where budget could be cut.

The question isn't how much does it cost to live, the question is how much does it cost to live a lifestyle that makes you happy.

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oh true good point yea good point how much is medical insurance?

Health policies start at about 27,000 Baht per year with you as a co-payee. Like all policies no claims for 90 days and do not cover previous afflictions/diseases, normally. Some policies with more coverage 85,000 Baht per year. Some advertise on this site.

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Thai Government requires 65k a month for some visas, so thats a reasonable guide. (depending on lifestyle obviously)

I think CharlieH i pretty much right, the around 65k baht a month is a reasonable figure, but of course depending of your file style; as CharlieH also says.

You got two great suggestions in the posts rights above (#8 and #9) showing you a range to count within, from 8,500 baht a month to 1,000,000 baht a month, the latter I presume only for a "modest" life-style, Hi-so will of course be more...

I've been living in Thailand some 10 years now, and around 60k baht a month works fine, but staying alone on shorter term and partying - just a bit - I easily could spend 100k+ baht in a month, more likely 125k to 150k, and that was fairly modest life-style (I never drink more than 2 alcoholic items a night, but I gladly offer a drink to guests/ladies joining me), but again "modest" is a relative figure.

Perhabs it's better to look at what you intend to spend, or can afford to spend, because an item like a nice 1b furnished condo, not to far out, can be a an extremely relative cost in Bangkok.

If your stay is for a shorter period, you write a few month, health insurance - as was mentioned in a post - may be best covered by a travel insurance with repatriation. Local insurance, depending of your age and insured sum, can be anything from cheap to expensive (relatively depending of your financial situation), and may not include repatriation to your home country.

Wish you a good time in City of Angels...


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Not very specific so for 1 month you will need...

Room 170,000b per month

Skooter just buy one 140,000 Honda forza

Food 1000b per meal 3 meals a day.. 90,000b per month

Partying.. Not sure on you party style assuming hookers and blow and hookers.. 100,000 per night x 6 = 600,000b

So 1,000,000b should cover you for a month.. But I did not include fuel.. Enjoy.

Why do you even bother posting if your just going to post nonsense? rolleyes.gif

because it's fun

I passed out for a while there. I thought you were serious. lol

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US$ 2,000 will probably cover it all unless you happened to meet a pretty Issan girl

who will ' madly fall in love ' with your wallet, than, the sky is the limit...

Ah yes,the evil golddigging girls from far away Issan,to be avoided,but girls from,Chaing Mai,down south or any other surrounding country,hearts of gold.Leave all those dark skin beauties for a man to handle.

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Not very specific so for 1 month you will need...

Room 170,000b per month

Skooter just buy one 140,000 Honda forza

Food 1000b per meal 3 meals a day.. 90,000b per month

Partying.. Not sure on you party style assuming hookers and blow and hookers.. 100,000 per night x 6 = 600,000b

So 1,000,000b should cover you for a month.. But I did not include fuel.. Enjoy.

Why do you even bother posting if your just going to post nonsense? rolleyes.gif

because it's fun

Did you enjoy pulling the wings off flies as a child?

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Not very specific so for 1 month you will need...

Room 170,000b per month

Skooter just buy one 140,000 Honda forza

Food 1000b per meal 3 meals a day.. 90,000b per month

Partying.. Not sure on you party style assuming hookers and blow and hookers.. 100,000 per night x 6 = 600,000b

So 1,000,000b should cover you for a month.. But I did not include fuel.. Enjoy.

Why do you even bother posting if your just going to post nonsense? rolleyes.gif

because it's fun

Did you enjoy pulling the wings off flies as a child?

have you had your pills today?
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Not very specific so for 1 month you will need...

Room 170,000b per month

Skooter just buy one 140,000 Honda forza

Food 1000b per meal 3 meals a day.. 90,000b per month

Partying.. Not sure on you party style assuming hookers and blow and hookers.. 100,000 per night x 6 = 600,000b

So 1,000,000b should cover you for a month.. But I did not include fuel.. Enjoy.

Why do you even bother posting if your just going to post nonsense? rolleyes.gif

because it's fun

I thougjt it funny because of the absurdity, but a moderator may see it as trolling, particularly since you think it 'fun'.

If i was you, I'd take it eady or you may find yourself on TV posting vacation.

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" decent meal and a beer would be 500 "
i know a lot of thais in pattaya,even well paid receptionists, who cook their own rice, buy a plastic bag of chickencurry for 20 baht from a streetvendor and share it with 2 others, that costs about 8 baht per person for a full meal. but on some days (birthdays) ,they go to a well-known restaurant on the beach with live music, and spend maybe 3000 for 6 people. usually they invite a farang for that ooccasions. (me)
its a good idea, to save 50.000 a month, and spend maybe only 40.000, so in 2 years you can buy a nice 30 sqm condo in pattaya, with pool and everything, as a second home. many thais from bangkok do that.

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its a good idea, to save 50.000 a month, and spend maybe only 40.000, so in 2 years you can buy a nice 30 sqm condo in pattaya, with pool and everything, as a second home. many thais from bangkok do that.

"Buying a condo in Pattaya" - that never ending story.

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As everyone has said it's completely subjective but when I first lived here I paid:

22,000 a month condo, On Nut next to BTS, 34sqm 1 bedroom place. New building

2500 electric average

2000 gym

150 water average

1400 internet

16000 per month food (combination of eating out and eating at home and paying for some meals with girls, this is one of the areas it could vary hugely, I like some western brands so villa is a must for me)

400 Cinema once a week (paying for 2 tickets and some snacks)

12000 per month partying twice a week, which would usually involve either drinking at home and going straight to meet friends at a club when they finished work or going for a few drinks in Thonglor and then to a club.

1000 a month on books

1000 a month on movies and series to watch at home

1000 a month laudry

1000 a month for haircuts

1000 a month for deodorant, toiletries etc

1500 month on travel

So a shade over 60k and whether it's everyone's cup of tea I'm not sure but I enjoyed it. This wasn't to a budget, just kind of spent what I wanted and found life to be quite cheap, some months might have been a bit more if I bought some tech gadget, clothes or went on a trip.

I think there are a fair few areas where that could have been reduced, definitely condo (5 minutes or so from the BTS in On Nut or Prakanong you'll easily find a place for 15k, less for a studio. A few more stops out and it's cheaper still. Food is another area where budget could be cut.

The question isn't how much does it cost to live, the question is how much does it cost to live a lifestyle that makes you happy.

this seems like the most reasonable to date, although books and movies are free with a good internet connection. I have a massive library of stuff on my tablet, and am finishing 2-3 novels per week, all using moon reader and an 8 inch tab. Likewise series and films are easily streamed or downloaded.

As far as my experience goes 60k is bare minimum.

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Not very specific so for 1 month you will need...

Room 170,000b per month

Skooter just buy one 140,000 Honda forza

Food 1000b per meal 3 meals a day.. 90,000b per month

Partying.. Not sure on you party style assuming hookers and blow and hookers.. 100,000 per night x 6 = 600,000b

So 1,000,000b should cover you for a month.. But I did not include fuel.. Enjoy.

Why do you even bother posting if your just going to post nonsense? rolleyes.gif

because it's fun
I thougjt it funny because of the absurdity, but a moderator may see it as trolling, particularly since you think it 'fun'.

If i was you, I'd take it eady or you may find yourself on TV posting vacation.

moderator wannabee?
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Not very specific so for 1 month you will need...

Room 170,000b per month

Skooter just buy one 140,000 Honda forza

Food 1000b per meal 3 meals a day.. 90,000b per month

Partying.. Not sure on you party style assuming hookers and blow and hookers.. 100,000 per night x 6 = 600,000b

So 1,000,000b should cover you for a month.. But I did not include fuel.. Enjoy.

Why do you even bother posting if your just going to post nonsense? rolleyes.gif

because it's fun

I thougjt it funny because of the absurdity, but a moderator may see it as trolling, particularly since you think it 'fun'.

If i was you, I'd take it eady or you may find yourself on TV posting vacation.

Gimme a break. A mod will chuckle at that. That's not the kind of "trolling" they knock in the head. FWIW it made me laugh and I hope it sticks.


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so yea is patayya like phuket in terms of scenery and is it much cheaper than bangkok? and Ive been travelling different countries for the past year without any sort of insurance, how ig of a problem is that here? If i get murked or something is medical very expensive here?

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so yea is patayya like phuket in terms of scenery and is it much cheaper than bangkok? and Ive been travelling different countries for the past year without any sort of insurance, how ig of a problem is that here? If i get murked or something is medical very expensive here?

Hop up on your bridge and jump off and you'll find out!

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I budget 100k Baht a month but then I'm not paying rent and have no other "rent" regarding women.

Its sufficient for me but really if you want to have a riot double that.

100k / month but you eat at fancy restaurants a lot... A Lot. I know, because every time I read your burger thread I get hungry and think I should be joining you on these excursions. wink.png

If you like Thai food, you can eat very cheaply (but not healthily). Big cost will be room and BTS travel. Bangkok is one of the great multi-cultural cities of the world, I put it up there with New York and London, and it has one thing in common with those others: it's not cheap to live in. You can do it, and even have an OK lifestyle, but if you want to live in a cheap city than look elsewhere in SE Asia. Heck, even Chiang Mai is cheaper.

Edited by DirtyDan
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I read your burger thread I get hungry


If you like Thai food, you can eat very cheaply (but not healthily).

I mainly eat Thai food and compared to what I ate in Europe it is much healthier.

Daily fresh ananas, bananas and mangos right off the trees. Fresh prawns from the sea (not the aqua culture shit). And at all very cheap.

Ok, nothing can beat your burger in terms of healthy and cheap.

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