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François Hollande begins a week of intense diplomacy in search of an anti-ISIL coalition


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François Hollande begins a week of intense diplomacy in search of an anti-ISIL coalition


PARIS: -- As France prepares to up its military offensive against ISIL in Syria with the arrival off the coast of its nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle and its 36 planes, this week sees President François Hollande reinforce his diplomatic offensive as well.

He plans to have a series of meetings, in the wake of Friday’s UN resolution calling on all able members to fight against the Islamic extremists, to stitch together a grand coalition.

“I understand well that countries do not share the same interests, the same vision, even the same allies. But what is at stake is to put an end, to annihilate an army that threatens the entire world; not merely some countries versus others,” he said last week.

First up will be Britain’s David Cameron. In 2013 the prime minister tried and failed to get parliament to approve British airstrikes in Syria. Hollande meets with him in Paris on Monday, and it is likely that Cameron will attempt another vote later this week.

On Tuesday Hollande flies to Washington to talk with President Barack Obama, and then on Wednesday he will have dinner with Germany’s Angela Merkel in Berlin.

The final meeting in this diplomatic whirlwind will be in Moscow on Thursday with President Vladimir Putin, who has already ordered his military to co-operate fully with the French.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-24

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How many coalitions do they need to go out there and bomb those cockroaches IS to Kingdome come? why is all talks and more talks? France did couple of days of bombing and than what? it is infuriating to see those mighty armies talking and looking for ' coalitions ' there is already several air forces that trying to bomb IS without much success, go talk to them Mr. Holland...

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Some people constantly questioning the French commitment to attacking Daesh really need to keep up with the news. e.g. French fighter bombers launching airstrikes from their aircraft carrier stationed off the Syrian coast.


Edited by simple1
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Seen this move before.

Response to this in this time needs to be different. Military doctrine is long established that Air forces alone don't win wars or military campaigns to defeat an enemy. And Daesh is not a state, it's a gang.

ME Arab governments need to take the lead here with ground forces in their own coalition. Arab countries and societies need to coalese on this issue. It otherwise will remain a big power rivalry among Nato governments saying yes or no to Russia concerning Daesh and Assad. Beijing is not a player and won't be a player.

If Hollande wants or needs to take the lead in the fight against Daesh, he needs to get Arab states actively involved with large numbers of ground forces going after Daesh. Hezbollah would need to be eliminated as well, but Arab states can't be expected to do that. Hezbollah is too much needed by ME elites as a source of division, violence, chaos.

Declaring war on terror is good rhetoric, bad policy

When French President Francois Hollande said last Friday's attacks on Paris were an "act of war," he was following a script set by George W. Bush in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks. Rhetorically, invoking the language of war to describe a terrorist attack sends a message of seriousness and outrage. But as U.S.'s post 9/11 wars show, it isn't always wise to elevate a terrorist group to the level of the sovereign entities that traditionally have the authority to make war.


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That whole thing smells manipulation and conspiracy like a set of Matryoshka dolls.

My oh my.

ISIL are real. They destroy, murder, rape, rob and enslave wherever they go. They have zero respect for anything other than their own interpretation of one particular religion. They threaten civilization and are ruthless in their elimination of any who won't bow to their demands and wishes. They are willing and capable of taking their brand of unrelenting terrorism to any country they chose.

And you think it's all a conspiracy theory. Yes, the poor persecuted compassionate innocent Muslims. No wonder they butcher captives by barbaric beheading - all that provocation. And rape and enslave women and children.

They are like a plague of locusts. The only cure for voracious pests of destruction is elimination.

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