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Idiot ruins Loy Krathong spirit by stealing cash from people's floats


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Those are not idiots, those are Thai people, and this is what they do.... not to say that this is unique

to Thailand, people with self entitlements demands are everywhere, they call them thieves...

And beside, Loy Krathong has already been ruined by the government of no booze edict, and time past,

I recall many years ago LK was a real holiday to look forward to, not much left out of it now...

so are you saying that because you cannot get drunk and act like a fool Loy Krathong is ruined? do you know the meaning of the holiday or are you just another dumb tourist who has to get drunk to enjoy himself? or worse an ill informed expat?

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The point that is being missed is that the offering has been made and that is the sprit of the money.

The physical money then doesn't matter so if someone benefits by taking the money you have made double merit.

A few weeks ago SWMBO mad an offering of a pigs head to the local Buddha, then it was cooked and eaten by the village. That did not affect the value of the offering.

bet the pig wasn't too happy about it though

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The Thai people have lost their way. You would never see a thing like this years back.

All being caused by GREED & CORRUPTION.coffee1.gif

Untrue, 23 years ago I saw this happening. Usually it was kids swimming out a bit and pocketing the coins. Nobody stopped them or complained.

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Funny that they just accepted it. But i didn't know they put money on the kratongs. In BKK we have kratongs made of bread with a small candle. Also there's some fireworks for the kids but that's all.

People in BKK put money on their Kratongs to, normally just a copper or two. Not sure where you celebrate it but every place i have been in BKK for Lk has been exactly the same as elsewhere in the country. Kratongs made of leaves and flowers with candled on top and coin on. And the obligatory children swimming to pilfer money.

And a piece of your hair or finger nail clipping. A lovey ceremony, but since the time I had to wade knee deep in mud to reach the water I now leave it to my better half. Bah! Humbug!coffee1.gif

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Sharks closer to the banks this year. In Bali they make huge lovely offerings, leave at temple for a few days, then take home for snacks. "It's the thought that counts" with gifts isn't it? Would be nice if they were a bit further out, but beggars can't be choosers. Surprised RTP has yet to come up with way to get a piece of the action.

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Maybe, maybe..... after putting fingernail clips, strands of hair and some coins, after praying for a good life and bringing the kratong to the water.... the wishes are granted. Since my wife had an accident and can't move too much around, I bought a kratong and we did it in our house... I put it on our pond. Today sending it on a nearby river to the sea... (it is biodegradable - made of bananastem and leaves)...

So maybe he didn't ruin everything.... it was not nice to see, but after letting the kratong to water, it's fate is sealed and anything after that up to the spirits...

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Why everything has to be sensationalized?

When we let go of something that means is gone, no one is stealing anything.

Would it be different if the "thief" was a beggar on the street waiting for our compassion?

As a matter of fact I see the boy in gray T-shirt placing a banknote from his wallet

knowing that the "thief" is there collecting it. Good.

"letting go of something" on its own as a single condition does not give another person the right to take it.

Come on, get a grip.

Whether you agree with the people doing the floating or not, they have their belief or wish, and want their money to stay on their float, certainly whilst they are still there watching it.

Might be a different story after the event, when all have gone home, for someone to jump in and collect the floats, helping out the environment, and as their reward, being ok to collect the cash.

The problem is, there is no common sense, no sense of any decency at all.

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The Thai people have lost their way. You would never see a thing like this years back.

All being caused by GREED & CORRUPTION.coffee1.gif

Now I'm really confused. Wouldn't it be easier if they just passed a plate around instead of somebody walking on water to collect all the donations?

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The Magic of Loy Krathom Festival

I selected my Krathom from the most worthy looking family stall and carried it, careful not to knock down the candle or insense sticks, on my walk to Nai Harn. After a sampling of stall foods we four friends made our way to Loy with the others. At the Lagoon steps, using the cigarette lighter purchased for the purpose, We lit the incense sticks and little candles that fluttered out several times.

Forgetting to put in my money in to pay for the wish I made, I leaned out over the side of the platform and lauched my Krathom giving it a little push and watched it sail out for about 1 meter. My friends had put in their money and were eyes closed making Y before also setting off their beautiful boats.

Alas the candle went out but the sticks were still glowing brightly. There were several people in the water launching and encouraging their Krathoms and when I saw a well dressed Thai boy approach, I'm thinking "how nice, here is the candle lighting boy" and before I could blink he deflowered my Krathom and pulled out its glowing antennae, tipping all the pieces into the lagoon as he searched for the money.

Walking back my Thai wife grabs my arm and leads me away from the scene of a cowardly attack and run, warning me to be careful of the gang of Kamoi running off over there. We try to stick together in the push and shove across the lttle causeway, holding tight to our phones and wallets.

Tourist police were all around with their drinks in plastic bags and standing around in groups with the big police boss.

With the magic and richness of Loy Krathom festival shattered we stopped a tuk tuk truck and we rode home safely for the local price.. 3 Thai's and 1 farrang.. and luckily nobody robbed our houses while we were away.

Edited by Pedewhirst
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it is normal, it is accepted so what is a problem. thais do not complain just farangs

Thais don't complain about much do they - ignorance is bliss?

Even just among Thais, though, It's a battle between tradition and modernisation. Cracks are showing in their Thainess happy bliss.

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The Magic of Loy Krathom Festival

I selected my Krathom from the most worthy looking family stall and carried it, careful not to knock down the candle or insense sticks, on my walk to Nai Harn. After a sampling of stall foods we four friends made our way to Loy with the others. At the Lagoon steps, using the cigarette lighter purchased for the purpose, We lit the incense sticks and little candles that fluttered out several times.

Forgetting to put in my money in to pay for the wish I made, I leaned out over the side of the platform and lauched my Krathom giving it a little push and watched it sail out for about 1 meter. My friends had put in their money and were eyes closed making Y before also setting off their beautiful boats.

Alas the candle went out but the sticks were still glowing brightly. There were several people in the water launching and encouraging their Krathoms and when I saw a well dressed Thai boy approach, I'm thinking "how nice, here is the candle lighting boy" and before I could blink he deflowered my Krathom and pulled out its glowing antennae, tipping all the pieces into the lagoon as he searched for the money.

Walking back my Thai wife grabs my arm and leads me away from the scene of a cowardly attack and run, warning me to be careful of the gang of Kamoi running off over there. We try to stick together in the push and shove across the lttle causeway, holding tight to our phones and wallets.

Tourist police were all around with their drinks in plastic bags and standing around in groups with the big police boss.

With the magic and richness of Loy Krathom festival shattered we stopped a tuk tuk truck and we rode home safely for the local price.. 3 Thai's and 1 farrang.. and luckily nobody robbed our houses while we were away.

I'd suggest you stay off the krathom.

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what do people think is going to happen with the money they give away?

is there really some river ghost who is going to accept their cash and grant their wishes or forgive them their transgressions?

it is the act of giving, the ritual that is the point. what happens to the money after you give it away is what happens to money. it might fall the bottom of the river or wind up in a poor guys hands or in govt coffers or .... until eternity.

there is nothing you can own for very long.

nothing is permanent

suffering is part of life

cessation of suffering is the way to happiness

I thought Buddha and a million other spiritual people and principles covered this rather thoroughly.

Ahhhhhh. the human condition.

I am one, also. we all are.

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The Thai people have lost their way. You would never see a thing like this years back.

All being caused by GREED & CORRUPTION.coffee1.gif

Absolute BS!

I have seen this happening in every Loi Krathong since I travel Thailand (since 1992)!

So please define, what you mean by "years back" or admit, that you are just trolling!

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The Magic of Loy Krathom Festival

I selected my Krathom from the most worthy looking family stall and carried it, careful not to knock down the candle or insense sticks, on my walk to Nai Harn. After a sampling of stall foods we four friends made our way to Loy with the others. At the Lagoon steps, using the cigarette lighter purchased for the purpose, We lit the incense sticks and little candles that fluttered out several times.

Forgetting to put in my money in to pay for the wish I made, I leaned out over the side of the platform and lauched my Krathom giving it a little push and watched it sail out for about 1 meter. My friends had put in their money and were eyes closed making Y before also setting off their beautiful boats.

Alas the candle went out but the sticks were still glowing brightly. There were several people in the water launching and encouraging their Krathoms and when I saw a well dressed Thai boy approach, I'm thinking "how nice, here is the candle lighting boy" and before I could blink he deflowered my Krathom and pulled out its glowing antennae, tipping all the pieces into the lagoon as he searched for the money.

Walking back my Thai wife grabs my arm and leads me away from the scene of a cowardly attack and run, warning me to be careful of the gang of Kamoi running off over there. We try to stick together in the push and shove across the lttle causeway, holding tight to our phones and wallets.

Tourist police were all around with their drinks in plastic bags and standing around in groups with the big police boss.

With the magic and richness of Loy Krathom festival shattered we stopped a tuk tuk truck and we rode home safely for the local price.. 3 Thai's and 1 farrang.. and luckily nobody robbed our houses while we were away.

I'm sorry the magic was shattered for you but a dose of reality might be a good thing. Edited by brewsterbudgen
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Idiot ruins Loy Krathong spirit by stealing cash from people's floats (VIDEO)

My headline would read:

Observant person picks up money thrown in the river.

The story would then explain how people followed a tradition of throwing said money away into the water . . . why let it go to waste?

Happens at fountains all over the world.

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This was already going on 20 years ago. Bottom feeders. Put some 10 baht coins in the Kratong and put some super glue on it.

Put lots of superglue on it so a visit to the hospital is required to remove the krathong. Just be careful to avoid being hoist with your own petard. Maybe better to allow some charities to collect the proceeds, but of course unenforceable.

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Not entirely on topic but here in Phrachuap

last night floated the boat from the beach seemingly no thieves robbers pirates or the like although knowing Mrs Poohy probably no cash in it

lit the lantern from the promenade somebody kindly held our beer

fireworks on beach and promenade all shops etc selling beer along with lantern and kratongs

watched others doing the same for an hour or so then toddled back home

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I went to Sarasin bridge Phuket, there were also children in the water taking the money but after they took the money they pushed the floats further. Nobody was complaining, it was like a gift to the boys to take care of their float. Some people put 20 thb in their floats and asked the boys to push the float further in the water. All floats for sale were hand made without plastic, it was beautiful to see so many booths with different decorated floats. The atmosphere was relaxing and I am probably in the minority but I appreciated the boose ban!

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The statement that he has just ruined peoples dreams and beliefs is one of the stupidest things i have heard anyone say in a very long time. A statement based on a fabulous degree of ignorance. Look, if you have deep seated beliefs, a simple minded thief, who steals 100 baht is not going to destroy those beliefs. And as far as ruining peoples dreams. Give me a break. What horsecrap. What drivel. For a real man, it takes a whole lot more than one wimp stealing a 20 baht note from my flowers, to do that. Get a life.

I am not condoning what this creep did. But, come on. Get real. What ever happened to the saying water off a ducks back. "Oh my God. The man stole my 20 baht note! I am devastated. How can I recover from this trauma?" Wimp!

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Those are not idiots, those are Thai people, and this is what they do.... not to say that this is unique

to Thailand, people with self entitlements demands are everywhere, they call them thieves...

And beside, Loy Krathong has already been ruined by the government of no booze edict, and time past,

I recall many years ago LK was a real holiday to look forward to, not much left out of it now...

Sad you place so much importance on booze.

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