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Your experiences with nationalities in conflict in Pattaya


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A fair few Americans have posted on here. I bet none of them are pure bred Blackfoot, Soux, Cherokee, or Apache. There might be a few mohicans ?

What Americans have to remember is that they were all something else before. Scottish, Irish, English, Polish, German, Russian, French (Lousiana ?) Spanish etc etc. OH and dare I mention African !!!

So the DNA is a right mongrel mix. The Thai's seem to think they are pure bred as driven snow. Not so, they are a real mix of all manner of tribes in the region including Chinese and the Dutch and Portuguese were having a rare old time with the Thai Ladies as far back as the 1600's. In 1593 the Japanese were here.

In Europe Celts, Picts, Norse, Huns and Romans were all interbreeding. Good old Ghengis Khan was said to have fathered 17,000 kids... and his mates must have been involved as well. He got all the way to nearly Germany which was not a country until...1871. Great swathes of south east France were parts of Italy until the mid 1800's. So one minute you are Prussian or Italian and the next you are German or French.... So remember this - the guy you have just started an argument with or despise the ground he walks on, might just be a blood relative.... oooops.

I blame us Brits and the French, we had to go around drawing lines all over the planet. Tuareg became Algerian. Burmese became Indian. Afghans became Pakistani and on and on. Until we now get in a queue with Russians at Tesco lotus......BTW Rus was the name the Slavs borrowed from the Fins and gave to the Vikings who came to area in 872 they were tall blond and had blue eyes...strangely enough.


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I guess it shows how simple minded certain people are.

Russia/Ukraine conflict downed a flight full of Dutch people, should I hate Russians for that? Don't think so.

Turkey downed a Russian jet last week which was absurdly unfair, actually I'm quite fond of Turkish people so should I hate them now? Sure not, do I hate Erdogan, yes definitely.

Also I hated it when the UN/NATO couldn't interferre in Syria due to Russia, Iran and China blocking it, Soon after I met a guy from Iran, had a good conversation with.

As a matter of fact most Iranians hate their government, most Turiskh people hate their government.

Russians on the other hand probably love their government but that's just an odd breed, I don't like Russians in particular but that's more cause they don't seem very social, has nothing to do with politics. Americans I find a bit obnoxious in general. I guess people that are from the largest nations on eath have some superiority complex or something, they theirselves would probably call it being proud of their country or whatever. Look at the Chinese as well, also behave like they don't give a shit, don't believe me, ask hoteliers.

Last thing: Go Trump, would love to see him as president smile.png

Actually I don't like Germans, French and people from the UK either.

Do you like anyone??????????????????

The poster said, " . . . I'm quite fond of Turkish people . . . " However, you do magnify a common problem in the conflict between nations--you don't pay enough attention.

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A fair few Americans have posted on here. I bet none of them are pure bred Blackfoot, Soux, Cherokee, or Apache. There might be a few mohicans ?

What Americans have to remember is that they were all something else before. Scottish, Irish, English, Polish, German, Russian, French (Lousiana ?) Spanish etc etc. OH and dare I mention African !!!

So the DNA is a right mongrel mix. The Thai's seem to think they are pure bred as driven snow. Not so, they are a real mix of all manner of tribes in the region including Chinese and the Dutch and Portuguese were having a rare old time with the Thai Ladies as far back as the 1600's. In 1593 the Japanese were here.

In Europe Celts, Picts, Norse, Huns and Romans were all interbreeding. Good old Ghengis Khan was said to have fathered 17,000 kids... and his mates must have been involved as well. He got all the way to nearly Germany which was not a country until...1871. Great swathes of south east France were parts of Italy until the mid 1800's. So one minute you are Prussian or Italian and the next you are German or French.... So remember this - the guy you have just started an argument with or despise the ground he walks on, might just be a blood relative.... oooops.

I blame us Brits and the French, we had to go around drawing lines all over the planet. Tuareg became Algerian. Burmese became Indian. Afghans became Pakistani and on and on. Until we now get in a queue with Russians at Tesco lotus......BTW Rus was the name the Slavs borrowed from the Fins and gave to the Vikings who came to area in 872 they were tall blond and had blue eyes...strangely enough.


Ah, but please don’t forget you Brits are a mongrel mix as well—even your royal family is as foreign as it is British. In fact, about as many entrants as are immigrants to the US; and, dare I say, even African—yes, Queen Charlotte, the homely wife of the mentally challenged George III, was the descendant of a Portuguese-Moor noble. However, she bore ole George 15 children to infiltrate the royalty.

As to Brit heritage, you’re not Anglo-Saxon or even Celtic any more than you are Viking, Norman, Middle-Eastern, or Southern Asian; you are genetically Basques.


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Russia/Ukraine conflict downed a flight full of Dutch people, should I hate Russians for that? Don't think so.

Turkey downed a Russian jet last week which was absurdly unfair, actually I'm quite fond of Turkish people so should I hate them now? Sure not, do I hate Erdogan, yes definitely.

As a matter of fact most Iranians hate their government, most Turiskh people hate their government.

Last thing: Go Trump, would love to see him as president.

Agree with everything, until your last line!

Dennis! U mad bro? :D :D

You put it really well how politics, and conflicts between nations are usually not an issue when you meet in person.

Nowhere else would I meet so many Arab guys, and Persians than in Pattaya! And it is so nice to get a smile after initial hesitation.

Very often in coffee shops, when Iranian asks to take a seat at same table, there is little bit of cautiosness in his demeanour, hesitation. After many casual convos with people from Iran, and Gulf states, it is very clear they expect a negative reaction from Westerner, a white guy. And why not, there are several wars going on in their part of world. But after we start talking, all is well, there is no hate, I am relieved that they understand political decisions of Western nations do not automatically make me, a Westerner an enemy, or somebody to be hated. And I can always see that they are happy I don't consider them an enemy, or somebody who to be treated with disdain. It is such good feeling!

You mentioned Iranians, I agree, every time they talk about their rulers, they almost get angry. And every time they bring up that they are very western in their views, and not religious fanatics. But they don't expect us to know this.

Same with Russians, after their initial very defencive stance melts away, many are very nice people. But nearly always you need to speak Russian, and that is a reason most foreigners never get over the initial hostility that Russians often carry, they are not mean people, often it is their insecurity, many have left home for first time. Most speak Russian only, and they do stick with their own, but often it is not by choice, they simply can't mix with other nationalities here.

These convos here in Pattaya restore my faith in humanity, cos sometimes reading news, all media, it seems we are hopeless as species.

Pattaya is really unique place, can't think of any other place where people come from all over the world, and we get along fairly well!

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I guess it shows how simple minded certain people are.

Russia/Ukraine conflict downed a flight full of Dutch people, should I hate Russians for that? Don't think so.

Turkey downed a Russian jet last week which was absurdly unfair, actually I'm quite fond of Turkish people so should I hate them now? Sure not, do I hate Erdogan, yes definitely.

Also I hated it when the UN/NATO couldn't interferre in Syria due to Russia, Iran and China blocking it, Soon after I met a guy from Iran, had a good conversation with.

As a matter of fact most Iranians hate their government, most Turiskh people hate their government.

Russians on the other hand probably love their government but that's just an odd breed, I don't like Russians in particular but that's more cause they don't seem very social, has nothing to do with politics. Americans I find a bit obnoxious in general. I guess people that are from the largest nations on eath have some superiority complex or something, they theirselves would probably call it being proud of their country or whatever. Look at the Chinese as well, also behave like they don't give a shit, don't believe me, ask hoteliers.

Last thing: Go Trump, would love to see him as president smile.png

Actually I don't like Germans, French and people from the UK either.

What nationalities do you LIKE?

is there any left?

Are you a Muslim? I just cannot ever see me liking a Muslim, they maybe ok, but their religion sucks....i dont hate all of them, but i just cannot like them either.

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Over the last 16 years I have lived in Thailand I have gone to Pattaya an average of about once a year, sometimes just for a weekend and sometimes for as long as a week. So, my experience is limited perhaps, but I have never had any memorably positive or terribly negative interactions with other nationalities. Though I got clocked in the face with a deliberate elbow thrown by a really big Slavic kind of a guy, maybe Russian, maybe Ukrainian, who knows, he wanted to push past me and catch up to his friends in a narrow 7-11 shop. They had bought their stuff and were quickly leaving. I was the one standing in a long queue and blocking his way. So, he couldn't pass and shoved me brutally out of the way and slammed me with an elbow. He really slammed me hard in the face, if he'd aimed better he could have broken my nose. It was just sheer hostility and malevolence which apparently I deserved for being smaller than him and not having eyes in the back of my head to see he wanted to get by me. But shit happens. Another time in the Pattaya Central food court this shit faced drunk Russian guy, literally carrying and swigging from a bottle of Chivas, sits right down at the table where my wife and were having lunch and starts grabbing our food and shouting in Russian. His girlfriend was in tow, looking sober but powerless to stop the guy from vomiting all over himself shouting and barging into our lunch. Pretty shocking but we just got up and left and left him to what was left of our lunch, a few pizza crusts and some Kuay Teow detritus.

As for countries in conflict, I find it ironic that people from some of our so-called allies tend to be the most rude and abusive and frankly prejudiced of those i regualrly encounter in Pattaya. It seems its OK to make insulting comments to Americans if you are from the UK, it happens too often, I have long ago reached the fed up point, I have given up on expecting a Brit to be even civil from the get go once they know where i am from. Perhaps Brits are that way to each other but too many of them seem to despise us. Just the way we speak and our mannerisms are like nails on a chalk board to them and seem to get interpreted to mean that we are superior which it does not. Seems the British are the ones who are superior last time i checked with their wonderful language that belongs to them and not to us who ruin it. I remember talking with an American friend and laughing about something inconsequential, he was telling me about one of his hapless friends back home, again in a 7-11 in Pattaya. This Brit overhears us and out of the blue, I've never seen the man in my life, starts shouting in this enraged, utterly indignanat sarcastic tone, "Well! I guess we know who the Americans are in here tonight don't we?! (He then switches into a fake American accent) Hey Mike! Looks like there are some Americans here with us! How is everything in America?! (Back to the British accent) You had enough yet?! You like some more from me?! I'll give it you right now!" We just sort of stood there silently, stunned waiting for him to stop which he did when we just said nothing and looked at him, like...huh? The guy wasn't even drunk or partcularly thugish just absolutely out of his mind with his aversion for Americans and wouldn't tolerate the sound of our accents in his space. Brits really are number one on my keep your distance list from in Thailand along with Arabs whom I have been beaten up by in Bangkok, for bascially just looking American and being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I have spent an entire month in Britain and met nothing but pretty cool people, there seems to be something about the kind of Brits who leave or what happens to them once they leave, they seem to get nasty.

High five!:lol:

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A fair few Americans have posted on here. I bet none of them are pure bred Blackfoot, Soux, Cherokee, or Apache. There might be a few mohicans ?

What Americans have to remember is that they were all something else before. Scottish, Irish, English, Polish, German, Russian, French (Lousiana ?) Spanish etc etc. OH and dare I mention African !!!

So the DNA is a right mongrel mix. The Thai's seem to think they are pure bred as driven snow. Not so, they are a real mix of all manner of tribes in the region including Chinese and the Dutch and Portuguese were having a rare old time with the Thai Ladies as far back as the 1600's. In 1593 the Japanese were here.

In Europe Celts, Picts, Norse, Huns and Romans were all interbreeding. Good old Ghengis Khan was said to have fathered 17,000 kids... and his mates must have been involved as well. He got all the way to nearly Germany which was not a country until...1871. Great swathes of south east France were parts of Italy until the mid 1800's. So one minute you are Prussian or Italian and the next you are German or French.... So remember this - the guy you have just started an argument with or despise the ground he walks on, might just be a blood relative.... oooops.

I blame us Brits and the French, we had to go around drawing lines all over the planet. Tuareg became Algerian. Burmese became Indian. Afghans became Pakistani and on and on. Until we now get in a queue with Russians at Tesco lotus......BTW Rus was the name the Slavs borrowed from the Fins and gave to the Vikings who came to area in 872 they were tall blond and had blue eyes...strangely enough.


Ah, but please don’t forget you Brits are a mongrel mix as well—even your royal family is as foreign as it is British. In fact, about as many entrants as are immigrants to the US; and, dare I say, even African—yes, Queen Charlotte, the homely wife of the mentally challenged George III, was the descendant of a Portuguese-Moor noble. However, she bore ole George 15 children to infiltrate the royalty.

As to Brit heritage, you’re not Anglo-Saxon or even Celtic any more than you are Viking, Norman, Middle-Eastern, or Southern Asian; you are genetically Basques.


Rule Brittania!

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I'm an American. I appreciate your curiosity on this issue, JT. However, as I understand the rules of this forum, we are not allowed to discuss politics; and I don't see how your question can be addressed without going deeply into political beliefs.

Believe me, I have very strong opinions on political matters; those within my country, and those affecting the world on an international level. But, as I said, I don't think that I, or anyone else, is free to express such opinions here. If I'm wrong, I hope the Mods will correct my understanding. But unless that happens, I have to leave it with this one general statement.

I try to accept every person I meet as an individual. I know from personal experience (I worked in Shanghai for 15 months on assignment from Boeing) that governments and peoples are not always of one mind, socially or politically.

Unless the Mods open this discussion to more specific political comments, that's all I'll say on this subject.

Not like an American to talk a lot without saying much whistling.gif

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Over the last 16 years I have lived in Thailand I have gone to Pattaya an average of about once a year, sometimes just for a weekend and sometimes for as long as a week. So, my experience is limited perhaps, but I have never had any memorably positive or terribly negative interactions with other nationalities. Though I got clocked in the face with a deliberate elbow thrown by a really big Slavic kind of a guy, maybe Russian, maybe Ukrainian, who knows, he wanted to push past me and catch up to his friends in a narrow 7-11 shop. They had bought their stuff and were quickly leaving. I was the one standing in a long queue and blocking his way. So, he couldn't pass and shoved me brutally out of the way and slammed me with an elbow. He really slammed me hard in the face, if he'd aimed better he could have broken my nose. It was just sheer hostility and malevolence which apparently I deserved for being smaller than him and not having eyes in the back of my head to see he wanted to get by me. But shit happens. Another time in the Pattaya Central food court this shit faced drunk Russian guy, literally carrying and swigging from a bottle of Chivas, sits right down at the table where my wife and were having lunch and starts grabbing our food and shouting in Russian. His girlfriend was in tow, looking sober but powerless to stop the guy from vomiting all over himself shouting and barging into our lunch. Pretty shocking but we just got up and left and left him to what was left of our lunch, a few pizza crusts and some Kuay Teow detritus.

As for countries in conflict, I find it ironic that people from some of our so-called allies tend to be the most rude and abusive and frankly prejudiced of those i regualrly encounter in Pattaya. It seems its OK to make insulting comments to Americans if you are from the UK, it happens too often, I have long ago reached the fed up point, I have given up on expecting a Brit to be even civil from the get go once they know where i am from. Perhaps Brits are that way to each other but too many of them seem to despise us. Just the way we speak and our mannerisms are like nails on a chalk board to them and seem to get interpreted to mean that we are superior which it does not. Seems the British are the ones who are superior last time i checked with their wonderful language that belongs to them and not to us who ruin it. I remember talking with an American friend and laughing about something inconsequential, he was telling me about one of his hapless friends back home, again in a 7-11 in Pattaya. This Brit overhears us and out of the blue, I've never seen the man in my life, starts shouting in this enraged, utterly indignanat sarcastic tone, "Well! I guess we know who the Americans are in here tonight don't we?! (He then switches into a fake American accent) Hey Mike! Looks like there are some Americans here with us! How is everything in America?! (Back to the British accent) You had enough yet?! You like some more from me?! I'll give it you right now!" We just sort of stood there silently, stunned waiting for him to stop which he did when we just said nothing and looked at him, like...huh? The guy wasn't even drunk or partcularly thugish just absolutely out of his mind with his aversion for Americans and wouldn't tolerate the sound of our accents in his space. Brits really are number one on my keep your distance list from in Thailand along with Arabs whom I have been beaten up by in Bangkok, for bascially just looking American and being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I have spent an entire month in Britain and met nothing but pretty cool people, there seems to be something about the kind of Brits who leave or what happens to them once they leave, they seem to get nasty.

Pattaya attracts the worse people from every country.

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Well I am American (Black) and have been to over 100 countries. I usually do not get into the political thing. I think for the most part that works on a large governmental scale independent of individual citizens.

Only once have I experienced adversity because I was American. Back when Bush was president some friends and I were riding in a taxi down Suk Soi 3 in Bangkok. We happened to stop next to a tuktuk with some Arab ladies wearing burkas as passengers and they guessed that we were Americans. They threw jeers our way in the form of F George Bush and you guys suck. We looked at each other in confusion because, hell, frankly we did not like Bush either. But I guess for the fact that we were Americans, they assumed that we stood for and agreed with everything our government does.

Any other time when meeting people on a personal level is always cool. I always ask people where they are from and I really enjoy meeting people that come from countries that are considered adversaries to my country's government (ie. Iran, Cuba). Because it just goes to show that they are regular cool ass people who are just trying to feed their families and enjoy life the same as me and have about as much to do with what their government does as I have to do with what mine does. And for some reason they always want to take pictures together!

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I don't let these differences rule my life. I'm an Aussie and will still have a beer with a Pom.

Not sure that I would. More likely I'd stick a snag up his backside and wallop him with me boomerang.

Wasn't that one of Rolf Harris's party tricks.:o

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Well I am American (Black) and have been to over 100 countries. I usually do not get into the political thing. I think for the most part that works on a large governmental scale independent of individual citizens.

Only once have I experienced adversity because I was American. Back when Bush was president some friends and I were riding in a taxi down Suk Soi 3 in Bangkok. We happened to stop next to a tuktuk with some Arab ladies wearing burkas as passengers and they guessed that we were Americans. They threw jeers our way in the form of F George Bush and you guys suck. We looked at each other in confusion because, hell, frankly we did not like Bush either. But I guess for the fact that we were Americans, they assumed that we stood for and agreed with everything our government does.

Any other time when meeting people on a personal level is always cool. I always ask people where they are from and I really enjoy meeting people that come from countries that are considered adversaries to my country's government (ie. Iran, Cuba). Because it just goes to show that they are regular cool ass people who are just trying to feed their families and enjoy life the same as me and have about as much to do with what their government does as I have to do with what mine does. And for some reason they always want to take pictures together!

How did the Arab women guess you were Americans? We're you high fiving?

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yep ive had a confrontation on a baht bus few new years eves ago with Russians. we got on the bus me and a few Thais wearing xmas hats. They started to snub us as we were wearing hats, they asked me why do you need to wear hats hahaha? then things got heated as i was pissed off with their attitude and they asked, what country are you from? i replied the UK and their immediate response was - oh hahah the UK is just a small country, but Russia is very big... lol They seriously have some ego issues

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I'm an American. I appreciate your curiosity on this issue, JT. However, as I understand the rules of this forum, we are not allowed to discuss politics; and I don't see how your question can be addressed without going deeply into political beliefs.

Believe me, I have very strong opinions on political matters; those within my country, and those affecting the world on an international level. But, as I said, I don't think that I, or anyone else, is free to express such opinions here. If I'm wrong, I hope the Mods will correct my understanding. But unless that happens, I have to leave it with this one general statement.

I try to accept every person I meet as an individual. I know from personal experience (I worked in Shanghai for 15 months on assignment from Boeing) that governments and peoples are not always of one mind, socially or politically.

Unless the Mods open this discussion to more specific political comments, that's all I'll say on this subject.

are you sure that you are finished? I mean have you completely spent yourself of self-importance? can we meet in public?

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  • 1 month later...

I thought I'd get this thread going again based on current events.

As those who follow the news know, the conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia (with it's relation to the ancient Shia-Sunni conflict) is sending shock waves across the Arab and Muslim world.

Well here in Pattaya we've got lots of Arabs and Muslims, some Shia, some Sunni.

Riding the baht bus today the bus was filled with Arabic men, presumably Muslim, and they were EXTREMELY AGITATED about this news. They were speaking Arabic so don't know what they were saying exactly but the words SHIA, SUNNI, HEZBOLLAH, and most often IRANI were said frequently.

Also the various nations involved now ... not only Iran and Saudi.

It made me think things have the potential of getting hot even here in Pattaya if different groups related to this current flareup encounter each other.

Edited by Jingthing
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I am a friendly American guy and can get along with just about everyone. I have traveled the world and have worked in just about every major country. Russians and Chinese don't really bother me as I have spent much time in those countries and for some reason can tolerate their loudness and other bad behavior. 21 years with Thailand as my home base and in Pattaya and Bangkok I have only had problems with Brits and Japanese. Some Brits just rub me wrong and get under my skin for some reason and are the only people who have done me wrong while here in Thailand. Brits are also the only people who have said really negative things about America to my face. Japanese guys are always giving my GFs the eye and have many Thai friends who were treated badly at work by them so I have a negative feeling about the Japanese sometimes. I have never really had any major issues with Thais or anyone else here. But generally I think Brits, Japanese and everyone is just fine. It's not the country really but the individual.

Edited by ttthailand
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That's not really what this topic is about.

What it is about is when international geopolitical conflicts might rear their ugly heads in Pattaya.

It's not about people thinking Russians are rude or not.

It's about when Russians meet Americans, for example, and they think about their government's conflicts, and whether those conflicts emerge in these meetings here far away from those places, or not.

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A fair few Americans have posted on here. I bet none of them are pure bred Blackfoot, Soux, Cherokee, or Apache. There might be a few mohicans ?

What Americans have to remember is that they were all something else before. Scottish, Irish, English, Polish, German, Russian, French (Lousiana ?) Spanish etc etc. OH and dare I mention African !!!

So the DNA is a right mongrel mix. The Thai's seem to think they are pure bred as driven snow. Not so, they are a real mix of all manner of tribes in the region including Chinese and the Dutch and Portuguese were having a rare old time with the Thai Ladies as far back as the 1600's. In 1593 the Japanese were here.

In Europe Celts, Picts, Norse, Huns and Romans were all interbreeding. Good old Ghengis Khan was said to have fathered 17,000 kids... and his mates must have been involved as well. He got all the way to nearly Germany which was not a country until...1871. Great swathes of south east France were parts of Italy until the mid 1800's. So one minute you are Prussian or Italian and the next you are German or French.... So remember this - the guy you have just started an argument with or despise the ground he walks on, might just be a blood relative.... oooops.

I blame us Brits and the French, we had to go around drawing lines all over the planet. Tuareg became Algerian. Burmese became Indian. Afghans became Pakistani and on and on. Until we now get in a queue with Russians at Tesco lotus......BTW Rus was the name the Slavs borrowed from the Fins and gave to the Vikings who came to area in 872 they were tall blond and had blue eyes...strangely enough.


Ah, but please don’t forget you Brits are a mongrel mix as well—even your royal family is as foreign as it is British. In fact, about as many entrants as are immigrants to the US; and, dare I say, even African—yes, Queen Charlotte, the homely wife of the mentally challenged George III, was the descendant of a Portuguese-Moor noble. However, she bore ole George 15 children to infiltrate the royalty.

As to Brit heritage, you’re not Anglo-Saxon or even Celtic any more than you are Viking, Norman, Middle-Eastern, or Southern Asian; you are genetically Basques.


Does there happen to be a Neanderthal in the house? I would desperately enjoy reading a comment from a pure bred, although their genetics is also in doubt as to how pure they were.

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I thought I'd get this thread going again based on current events.

As those who follow the news know, the conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia (with it's relation to the ancient Shia-Sunni conflict) is sending shock waves across the Arab and Muslim world.

Well here in Pattaya we've got lots of Arabs and Muslims, some Shia, some Sunni.

Riding the baht bus today the bus was filled with Arabic men, presumably Muslim, and they were EXTREMELY AGITATED about this news. They were speaking Arabic so don't know what they were saying exactly but the words SHIA, SUNNI, HEZBOLLAH, and most often IRANI were said frequently.

Also the various nations involved now ... not only Iran and Saudi.

It made me think things have the potential of getting hot even here in Pattaya if different groups related to this current flareup encounter each other.

I believe you are spot on. I also believe that things can get very hot in the Arab sections of Pattaya and perhaps Bangkok.

It may be a very good time for the police and military to forget about Walking Street and start checking Passports and IDs in the Arab sections. I am quite certain that more than a few of them have overstayed their visa. Culling the herd, so to say, can certainly help in culling any possible violence.

Muslims in Pattaya. Just doesn't go along with the Islamic beliefs, does it? A Sunni a Shiíte and a Nation of Islam (Black Muslim) walk into a bar on Soi 16.....there just has to be a joke in there somewhere.

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