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Is it safe to go alone to SE Asia?


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Hi James -

You will easily meet many people in your age range traveling around yourself. There are something like 20 million tourists a year who come here. Most have the time of their lives…

When you read some of the negative comments above, most of those guys have lived here and probably for many years. Just take normal precautions and like anywhere in the world, if you use common sense and don't look for trouble, you will be fine. I was first here when I was 24 yrs old and had a great time. And there were fewer travelers to hang out with then.

Come and enjoy. You will make friends.

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18 years ago, I told my boss to stick his job and left the UK with 1000 quid in my pocket. I borrowed a 35L rucksack and filled it with my very few summer clothes I owned and a mosquito net I never used for the trip.

I had never been out of Europe before, and i pretty anxious about things, I knew for 10 quid I could get a limo from the airport to Khao San road ( and that was safer than a taxi and that's ) where I could find a hotel. Apart from that I knew nothing, I hadn't even seen 'the beach'

I saw a European backpacker girl in Bahrain but lost her when we arrived in BKK. But we met again arriving to KSR at the same time.

We both shared a room and hung out together, it was a great introduction.

4 months later and I had extended my ticket several times, never managed the north but went to a full moon party, hung out on the andaman coast where I hunted out rooms for 150b with no fan and eventually ended up in Sumatra, Indonesia with a budget of 15 euro a day .. Best trip of my life.

Do it mate.

Edited by recom273
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Really your from Europe and are afraid of Asia, hmmmm, how old are you 16... Travelled alone all over the world, never and issue, Asia was the easiest and safest for me...

Obviously he's not a traveled person and a bit apprehensive about his first trip outside his area.

No need to belittle him.

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Hi James -

You will easily meet many people in your age range traveling around yourself. There are something like 20 million tourists a year who come here. Most have the time of their lives…

When you read some of the negative comments above, most of those guys have lived here and probably for many years. Just take normal precautions and like anywhere in the world, if you use common sense and don't look for trouble, you will be fine. I was first here when I was 24 yrs old and had a great time. And there were fewer travelers to hang out with then.

Come and enjoy. You will make friends.


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Hi James, Going alone to SEA has the same risk as going alone to any country, if you use common sense and caution you will be fine.

Also it really depends on what you plan on doing during your visit e.g if you plan to frequent the Bar/Club/Massage areas, you have a higher risk of being a victim of crime, as criminal types will frequent those areas for a chance of easy cash, but you also will meet alot of expats and you will be able to learn from them as they will have all kinds of advise and stories for you.

However, I have travelled around most of SEA alone and motorcylcled around most of it, only visiting the expat area's on the rare occasion, I have spent most of my time, visiting the small towns and villiages, I spent alot of time in the deap south, of Thailand and the only time I had I sight concern, is when I was in Navitivas and Yala as there is alot of angry Musilms there, but I have never had any major issues and always felt safe for the most part.

A lot of the small villiages and towns espessialy the small out door markets and food stalls are fantastic, the locals want to talk to you and know everything about you, they get a thrill when you buy something off them, alot of them just what to sit down with you and practice their english with you.

You just need a bit of confidence be vilgilant and respect the local culture and people barter for everything and don't loose your temper and you will be fine.

Thanks for taking the time for reading my post.

Good post, good advice! thumbsup.gif

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Some advice.

Leave your temper in your home country. Don't get into an altercation with a native Thai here in Thailand. They have no concept of what Queensbury Rules are once you get into a tiff.

Know the scams before you come. Forewarned is forearmed.

You can do your own homework too by searching for the words "Thailand" and "Scams".

Edited by connda
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Dispite what these guys say be careful... 2 highest road fatalities in the world.. And you could get food poisoning.. Or pissed out of you brain and wake up with a sore bum...

Come to Thailand.. Get a high floor room with a balcony... Now lock the door and tell mum to make you dinner.

At least in Thailand I'll have to disagree with the 'food poisoning'. I eat at Thai restaurants and street carts all the time. I've had food poisoning twice: both times after eating at well known, multinational fast-food restaurants.

I do agree with the roads: they are extremely dangerous. And don't get into a cross-walk and expect cars and motorcycles to stop. They don't. They will run you over.

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As a younger man, I always traveled alone. That way I didn't have to stick to any group itinerary, nor have to go somewhere that really wasn't interesting for me because the person I was with wanted to do that.

Whats great in that scenario is you will meet people along the way who say, "we're going to go do this and it should be great!", "well, hey, do you mind if I come along?". Spur of the moment turns can make a trip of a lifetime. I ended up on some islands in Indonesia I would never have gone to if I hadn't hooked up with some fellow travelers.

Study up a bit with the internet and some travel guides, have a basic itinerary where you can say to people back home this is the outline of my plan, and then go for it. Leave room for adjustments.

P.S. and reason for edit: don't listen to any of these posters saying stay home or Facebook will take care of you, lot of salty people here with nothing better to do than be negative. Forget that attitude, those people suck.

"those people suck"........now thats a great attitude!


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Do not start flashng lots of cash around or wear expensive watches / jewellary. Do not go down dark badly lit roads you are a target if you do. Just think of what you wouldnt do in any big city late at night, the same in SEA

Lonely Planet books or on the internet is a great source of information as well.

Edited by gandalf12
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Key to safe travel in SE Asia is common sense, paying attention, not be aggressive and doing some homework. Most trouble is the result of drugs/alcohol, arrogance and ignorance.

Stay out of Thai karaoke bars, dont walk down dark soi's stay in well frequented areas by expats.

Dont ever believe a Tuk Tuk driver that want to take you somewhere.

Dont loose your rag , be respectful, dont get shiete faced alone and go home with Thai girl, lock all valuables in Hotel safe b4 going out just take enough for the night, have plenty small money for buying food and drink.

Be aware there are scammers everywhere, if they ask you Mr where you go? dont tell them they might say oh that closed.

Many many more things in LOS it is a learning curve but generaly quite safe if you learn the ropes...

Plenty of good advice on this site already posted.wai2.gif

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Do not pay attention to the sarcastic negative posts...they too were apprehensive the first time they set foot in Thailand...

Being aware of the dangers in going alone to a foreign country is a good thing...just use common sense...stay in areas that are commonly frequented by other tourists until you get a feel for the relatively safety of the area...

Learn some commonly used Thai words, learn to count, learn the money, learn how to tell a taxi where you would like to go...and so on...

You should be safe...if you do not drink too much...stay away from lady-boys...and do not put your life in anyone else's hands...

Good Luck and Enjoy!

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Traveling alone or with anyone else, either way the greatest danger is a motor vehicle accident (inclusive of being hit by car while walking, but mainly accident while in a car, bus or on a motorcycle). Stay off motos if you can, use seat belts whenever they are available and otherwise just hope for the best. They drive like lunatics here.

Other dangers can largely be avoided through simple common sense. Unfortunately some people seem to leave that at home when traveling here, but if you make sure to bring yours along should be fine.

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Learn some commonly used Thai words, learn to count, learn the money, learn how to tell a taxi where you would like to go...and so on...

This advice would have saved ......

The Chinese girl that died while diving

The Korean lady that died while diving

Hannah and her pal who were bashed to death on Koh Tao

The Chinese doctor who died while zip lining

The tourists who died in their sleep in Deathtown Inn

Actually, not one of that would have made any difference to the spate of publicized deaths in the last few years.

In fact I can't see how that would have saved any of the foreign victims from any crimes we have seen reported.

Next time I'm thrown off a balcony, I'm sure it'll be really useful to count in Thai on my way down.

Next time a gang of thugs try to beat me to death with a hoe on a deserted beach I'll shout ............

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Traveling alone or with anyone else, either way the greatest danger is a motor vehicle accident (inclusive of being hit by car while walking, but mainly accident while in a car, bus or on a motorcycle). Stay off motos if you can, use seat belts whenever they are available and otherwise just hope for the best. They drive like lunatics here.

Other dangers can largely be avoided through simple common sense. Unfortunately some people seem to leave that at home when traveling here, but if you make sure to bring yours along should be fine.

Actually I find it is more the foreigners who drive like lunatics here - expecting others to obey there idea of staying within the lines rules and not avoiding avoidable accidents. As long as you drive defensively it is quite calm. But find not driving even more calming. smile.png But do stay off the motorcycles.

I would rate Athens much worse.crying.gif

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Learn some commonly used Thai words, learn to count, learn the money, learn how to tell a taxi where you would like to go...and so on...

This advice would have saved ......

The Chinese girl that died while diving

The Korean lady that died while diving

Hannah and her pal who were bashed to death on Koh Tao

The Chinese doctor who died while zip lining

The tourists who died in their sleep in Deathtown Inn

Actually, not one of that would have made any difference to the spate of publicized deaths in the last few years.

In fact I can't see how that would have saved any of the foreign victims from any crimes we have seen reported.

Next time I'm thrown off a balcony, I'm sure it'll be really useful to count in Thai on my way down.

Next time a gang of thugs try to beat me to death with a hoe on a deserted beach I'll shout ............

I never intimated that learning Thai would save one from the dangers of Thailand...only give one more confidence and the Thai experience a bit more enjoyable...

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18 years ago, I told my boss to stick his job and left the UK with 1000 quid in my pocket.

$1000 for me, landed here last December.

I'm 49.

Almost a year in BKK now with the same amount of money in my pocket.

I say go for it.

"Seek and you will find"

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18 years ago, I told my boss to stick his job and left the UK with 1000 quid in my pocket.

$1000 for me, landed here last December.

I'm 49.

Almost a year in BKK now with the same amount of money in my pocket.

I say go for it.

"Seek and you will find"

How were you able to live there? did you find a job there i guess or business?

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Learn some commonly used Thai words, learn to count, learn the money, learn how to tell a taxi where you would like to go...and so on...

This advice would have saved ......

The Chinese girl that died while diving

The Korean lady that died while diving

Hannah and her pal who were bashed to death on Koh Tao

The Chinese doctor who died while zip lining

The tourists who died in their sleep in Deathtown Inn

Actually, not one of that would have made any difference to the spate of publicized deaths in the last few years.

In fact I can't see how that would have saved any of the foreign victims from any crimes we have seen reported.

Next time I'm thrown off a balcony, I'm sure it'll be really useful to count in Thai on my way down.

Next time a gang of thugs try to beat me to death with a hoe on a deserted beach I'll shout ............

Is water quality normal in Thailand?

I think the ones you mentioned sounds very extreme cases and not representetive, like i would think more possibility to death of a heart attack rather those.

The only thing i find not so appealing is the lack of language knowledge of Thai.

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where in SEA are you planning to travel? From my experience, risks tend to be different depending on which country you are planning to visit.

I would like to visit smaller towns, forests, beaches Most likely most Regions of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Burma would be interesting to visit too. Possibly Vietnam, Malaysia.

Thailand sounds a bit overrated compared the rest of countries based of my "outsider" views. I think probadly because this is the most "westernized" place compared to the other places, where capitalist lifestyle hasn't improved enough yet

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Thank yall the advices. Based on my researching it seems Thai people are experts at scamming foreigners, but sure some of them are good people too.

If your here as a tourist, keep your wits about you, keep out of the dark side ( sounds like Star Wars ) it's very unlikely you will be scammed especially if you have a budget, you are always conscious of exceeding your daily allowance.

Thinking back, I don't know how I made ends meet, I remember never hiring or riding a scooter, drinking very little beer, I remember walking a lot and ignoring Tuk-tuk's but I saw orangutans for the first time and negotiated a guide to take me up a volcano in Sumatra, sharing huts on the beaches without electricity for 150b a night with people I met on the overnight bus.

Sure, when you have been here a while, getting around and enjoying yourself becomes cheaper, but at first you will find yourself on a well trodden path with like minded people who are all in the same boat, you don't need to learn the language, you can't, you might learn some words but it's very rare that you will understand the response.

The world isn't full of scammers, plenty of people here will put you on a bus or point you the way, that's just everyday life. I still do it now, although I speak Thai and ride a big touring motorbike, I still pull over and ask people where to stay, what to see, what to eat ..

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