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NYTimes responds to State Dept Travel Warnings

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This is the opening paragraph of the US State Dept. worldwide Travel warning:

The State Department alerts U.S. citizens to possible risks of travel due to increased terrorist threats.Current information suggests that ISIL (aka Da'esh), al-Qa'ida, Boko Haram, and other terrorist groups continue to plan terrorist attacks in multiple regions. These attacks may employ a wide variety of tactics, using conventional and non-conventional weapons and targeting both official and private interests. This Travel Alert expires on February 24, 2016.

The New York Times and considering the upcoming Paris Climate talks responds:



Something must be going on. I've gotten several of these in the past few weeks. I'm sure the Paris bombings, the foiled attempt in Berlin, etc, have them worried. As for being vague, I doubt the terrorists are telling them exactly when and where they'll attack! LOL

Crazy times.


While things are always subject to change, my travel agenda these days is to avoid any place or airport west of the Andaman coast of Thailand and east of the Atlantic coast of the USA.


I've had a trip planned for some time now to do the 'Stans. I'll have to perhaps reassess that plan!

Many years ago, when India and Pakistan were threatening to use nukes against each other, I cancelled a trip, and lost some money doing so. In the end, there was no trouble.

A few years ago I bought a non-refundable ticket to Egypt. Right before the Tahrir Square protests. I was 4 blocks from there about 2 months after it started. A bit dodgy there, but the rest of Egypt was great! Only 20 tourists at the Pyramids and most sights around the country were empty. It was fantastic.


whistling.gif When you see a terrorist warning that is issued but quotes them as having "no specific and credible information" it pays you to remember that the same type of warning was in effect one day before the 9/11 World Trade Center bombing.

in new York.

The person who was then responsible for using that wording of "no specific and credible information" was the then Vice President Dick Chaney......who was convinced that any talk of a terrorist attack in the U.S. was merely a Democratic Party plot to discredit the president George Bush for political reasons by military officers who were professional intelligence monitors for their entire military career who were Democrats in the military unhappy over the Bush election victory.

Think about that, for a minute and then tell me how much you believe the official. U.S. State Department warnings about travel for the public and their "U.S. citizen travel warnings and watches",

Always remember the rule, "80% of everything you hear or see is B _ _ _sh _t".

And that applies even more if it comes from an "official source".


It was a travel warning -- not don't go.

As per Hill Street Blues:

Sergeant Phil Esterhaus: Hey, let's be careful out there.


Isn't the US constantly issuing warnings every time there's a hint of a problem somewhere? And they call Britain a 'nanny state'.

Here's some info on the UK's latest travel warning for British citizens. Link.

And here's the UK Govt webpage for travel advice/warnings. Just like for U.S. travel warnings to arrive by email, UK citizen can sign up for the same thing.

It's just I expect US travel warnings get more press than most other countries' travel warnings.


Isn't the US constantly issuing warnings every time there's a hint of a problem somewhere? And they call Britain a 'nanny state'.

It isn't just the US. Many countries are doing this and one big reason is legal liability. Do some research on how the French government got sued for the abductions in Sabah many years ago. No travel warning. We're nanny states because of us!

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