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Israel suspends EU role in peace process with Palestinians


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Israel suspends EU role in peace process with Palestinians

JERUSALEM: -- Israel has said it is suspending contact with EU officials involved in peace efforts with the Palestinians.

The move follows the bloc's decision to label goods from Jewish settlements in the West Bank.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu "ordered suspension of diplomatic contacts with the institutions of the European Union on this issue", a foreign ministry statement said.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-34959807

-- BBC 2015-11-30

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I was a little kid when this process started, now I am 58, pretty slow process if you as me.

and now the EU is no longer involved? the will have to close their peace proces offices? take all their peace process tools home?

this peace process will get even slowerfacepalm.gif

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They won't solve their differences. Remember, one main sticking point is that Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem which contained the Biblical temple. That temple had The Holy of Holies which contained the Ark of the Covenant, showcased in the movie "Raiders of the lost Ark."

The Romans tore the Jewish Temple down about 2,000 years ago and later the Muslims built the current mosque on that Temple Mount.

The so-called "Palestinians" want all of Old Jerusalem including that Temple Mount and many other historical Jewish (and Christian) sites including the Mount of Olives and many more.

The Jews aren't about to give up the Old City in E. Jerusalem and that's what all of this issue is about. The MSM likes to refer to the area as "The West Bank" but the issue is the part of The West Bank that extends into and includes E. Jerusalem and The Old City of Jerusalem.

That temple that is chronicled in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible and which has great historical significance to Jews from the Old Testament, and the life of Jesus in the New Testament has been crushed and is underneath that Muslim Mosque. The Jews aren't going to give that land to some newcomers who didn't even show up until the 1960's without an all-out fight.


Edited by NeverSure
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The EU is displaying hypocrisy of the first order, there are scores of other places on earth which are 'disputed' where there is no labeling of goods. The discriminatory labeling is quite possibly illegal too under <deleted> rules. Little wonder Israel has correctly concluded the EU is no longer an honest broker in any peace talks.

P.S I think Israel should go further and forbid access to all the EU funded NGO's who work in cahoots with Palestinian terrorists.

Edited by Steely Dan
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The EU is displaying hypocrisy of the first order, there are scores of other places on earth which are 'disputed' where there is no labeling of goods. The discriminatory labeling is quite possibly illegal too under <deleted> rules. Little wonder Israel has correctly concluded the EU is no longer an honest broker in any peace talks.

P.S I think Israel should go further and forbid access to all the EU funded NGO's who work in cahoots with Palestinian terrorists.

You are correct, but this is a great start. Let's hope it heralds a new era of transparency in where consumers' money ends up.

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They won't solve their differences. Remember, one main sticking point is that Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem which contained the Biblical temple. That temple had The Holy of Holies which contained the Ark of the Covenant, showcased in the movie "Raiders of the lost Ark."

The Romans tore the Jewish Temple down about 2,000 years ago and later the Muslims built the current mosque on that Temple Mount.

The so-called "Palestinians" want all of Old Jerusalem including that Temple Mount and many other historical Jewish (and Christian) sites including the Mount of Olives and many more.

The Jews aren't about to give up the Old City in E. Jerusalem and that's what all of this issue is about. The MSM likes to refer to the area as "The West Bank" but the issue is the part of The West Bank that extends into and includes E. Jerusalem and The Old City of Jerusalem.

That temple that is chronicled in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible and which has great historical significance to Jews from the Old Testament, and the life of Jesus in the New Testament has been crushed and is underneath that Muslim Mosque. The Jews aren't going to give that land to some newcomers who didn't even show up until the 1960's without an all-out fight.


Corrections, the first temple was burned and demolished by King Nebuchadnezzar II (634-562 BCE) king of ancient Babylon, succeeding his father, Nabopolassar. in the year of 585 BC, and all the Jews have been exiled to Babylon,

than, 70 years later the Persian has defeated the Babylonian and allowed the Jews to rebuild the temple aging and it stood there for 420 year before the Romans came and gutted the place and the whole country and again exiled many of the land to four corners of the world.

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They won't solve their differences. Remember, one main sticking point is that Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem which contained the Biblical temple. That temple had The Holy of Holies which contained the Ark of the Covenant, showcased in the movie "Raiders of the lost Ark."

The Romans tore the Jewish Temple down about 2,000 years ago and later the Muslims built the current mosque on that Temple Mount.

The so-called "Palestinians" want all of Old Jerusalem including that Temple Mount and many other historical Jewish (and Christian) sites including the Mount of Olives and many more.

The Jews aren't about to give up the Old City in E. Jerusalem and that's what all of this issue is about. The MSM likes to refer to the area as "The West Bank" but the issue is the part of The West Bank that extends into and includes E. Jerusalem and The Old City of Jerusalem.

That temple that is chronicled in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible and which has great historical significance to Jews from the Old Testament, and the life of Jesus in the New Testament has been crushed and is underneath that Muslim Mosque. The Jews aren't going to give that land to some newcomers who didn't even show up until the 1960's without an all-out fight.


Rubbish. The Temple Mount is under international care, governed by Jordan, and will always be so....unless the radical right-wing Jews have their way. THEY are the ones hoping to grab it for sole possession.

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The EU is displaying hypocrisy of the first order, there are scores of other places on earth which are 'disputed' where there is no labeling of goods. The discriminatory labeling is quite possibly illegal too under <deleted> rules. Little wonder Israel has correctly concluded the EU is no longer an honest broker in any peace talks.

P.S I think Israel should go further and forbid access to all the EU funded NGO's who work in cahoots with Palestinian terrorists.

Scores of disputed places? And they export goods to the EU? And they have an occupying army oppressing the native people? And have dragged the occupation on for 50 years? And continue to break international law by settling in the disputed areas?

"Scores" means 40. Name just one that also fits the criteria above, and you may be right that there is hypocrisy.

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I'm all in favour of labeling things correctly. I have bought nothing (knowingly) that comes from Israel for over 20 years. I think that the treatment of Palestinians is shameful. They should have their own state using the 1967 borders.

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The EU is displaying hypocrisy of the first order, there are scores of other places on earth which are 'disputed' where there is no labeling of goods. The discriminatory labeling is quite possibly illegal too under <deleted> rules. Little wonder Israel has correctly concluded the EU is no longer an honest broker in any peace talks.

P.S I think Israel should go further and forbid access to all the EU funded NGO's who work in cahoots with Palestinian terrorists.

Scores of disputed places? And they export goods to the EU? And they have an occupying army oppressing the native people? And have dragged the occupation on for 50 years? And continue to break international law by settling in the disputed areas?

"Scores" means 40. Name just one that also fits the criteria above, and you may be right that there is hypocrisy.

Here's a list.


It doesn't at first glance cover Tibet, which was an autonomous Country, with its own Ruler, currency, defined borders, recognized by the UN. Now it's a province of China with Han Chinese settlers diluting the native Tibetans out of existence. Care to show me a made in Tibet label? Thought not. And what of Northern Cyprus, has Turkey's illegal invasion led to product labelling?

P.s As for wet dreams about BDS, Israel has rapidly increasing ties with India, Japan and China. It is negotiating to sell Iron dome to the Saudis and gulf states. Israel is also awash with oil and gas resources. Good luck with any campaigns run by European leftists, these will collapse too as European nations wake up to the fact they have been themselves occupied by a hostile culture.

Edited by Steely Dan
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there was a peace process?

Of course - the EU can solve everyone's problems.

It seems that the EU are up to their eyeballs with enough problems of their own to solve now.

Maybe the EU, Israel's largest trading partner, is aware that unless they visit the problem of 4.5 million Palestinians under occupation, the problem may visit them in the form of more refugees.
European and US indifference to Palestiniian suffering and Israel's disregard for international law, has caused the problem in the first place.
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Good, to the OP.

I hope it escalates as that will help the BDS.

Israel suspends EU role in peace process with Palestinians
Let's hope the EU, Israel's largest trading partner, in return suspends its role in Israel's economy, since Israel clearly demonstrates that it is not seriously interested in peace..
Edited by dexterm
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The EU is displaying hypocrisy of the first order, there are scores of other places on earth which are 'disputed' where there is no labeling of goods. The discriminatory labeling is quite possibly illegal too under <deleted> rules. Little wonder Israel has correctly concluded the EU is no longer an honest broker in any peace talks.

P.S I think Israel should go further and forbid access to all the EU funded NGO's who work in cahoots with Palestinian terrorists.

How is it a bad thing to label those goods. Are you suggesting what israel is doing is wrong? Surely not. ?

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The EU is displaying hypocrisy of the first order, there are scores of other places on earth which are 'disputed' where there is no labeling of goods. The discriminatory labeling is quite possibly illegal too under <deleted> rules. Little wonder Israel has correctly concluded the EU is no longer an honest broker in any peace talks.

P.S I think Israel should go further and forbid access to all the EU funded NGO's who work in cahoots with Palestinian terrorists.

Scores of disputed places? And they export goods to the EU? And they have an occupying army oppressing the native people? And have dragged the occupation on for 50 years? And continue to break international law by settling in the disputed areas?

"Scores" means 40. Name just one that also fits the criteria above, and you may be right that there is hypocrisy.

Here's a list.


It doesn't at first glance cover Tibet, which was an autonomous Country, with its own Ruler, currency, defined borders, recognized by the UN. Now it's a province of China with Han Chinese settlers diluting the native Tibetans out of existence. Care to show me a made in Tibet label? Thought not. And what of Northern Cyprus, has Turkey's illegal invasion led to product labelling?

P.s As for wet dreams about BDS, Israel has rapidly increasing ties with India, Japan and China. It is negotiating to sell Iron dome to the Saudis and gulf states. Israel is also awash with oil and gas resources. Good luck with any campaigns run by European leftists, these will collapse too as European nations wake up to the fact they have been themselves occupied by a hostile culture.

So you are comparing the brutal occupation of Tibet by Han Chinese to the brutal occupation of Palestine by Zionists.
I agree.
Thanks for clarifying that
Edited by dexterm
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I think the EU have got it wrong. They should be banning all goods produced in Israel not just the illegal colonies.

That would be a far more effective form of resistance than violence and may bring Israel to its senses to negotiate a just peace agreement with its neighbors.

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The EU is displaying hypocrisy of the first order, there are scores of other places on earth which are 'disputed' where there is no labeling of goods. The discriminatory labeling is quite possibly illegal too under <deleted> rules. Little wonder Israel has correctly concluded the EU is no longer an honest broker in any peace talks.

P.S I think Israel should go further and forbid access to all the EU funded NGO's who work in cahoots with Palestinian terrorists.

Scores of disputed places? And they export goods to the EU? And they have an occupying army oppressing the native people? And have dragged the occupation on for 50 years? And continue to break international law by settling in the disputed areas?

"Scores" means 40. Name just one that also fits the criteria above, and you may be right that there is hypocrisy.

Here's a list.


It doesn't at first glance cover Tibet, which was an autonomous Country, with its own Ruler, currency, defined borders, recognized by the UN. Now it's a province of China with Han Chinese settlers diluting the native Tibetans out of existence. Care to show me a made in Tibet label? Thought not. And what of Northern Cyprus, has Turkey's illegal invasion led to product labelling?

P.s As for wet dreams about BDS, Israel has rapidly increasing ties with India, Japan and China. It is negotiating to sell Iron dome to the Saudis and gulf states. Israel is also awash with oil and gas resources. Good luck with any campaigns run by European leftists, these will collapse too as European nations wake up to the fact they have been themselves occupied by a hostile culture.

Hang on....Firstly, what does Tibet export to the EU? Yak's milk? If so, I bet it would be labelled "product of Tibet" rather than "China". And do the Chinese remove Tibetans from their homes to place their own people on the land? Same goes for your entire list.

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They won't solve their differences. Remember, one main sticking point is that Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem which contained the Biblical temple. That temple had The Holy of Holies which contained the Ark of the Covenant, showcased in the movie "Raiders of the lost Ark."

The Romans tore the Jewish Temple down about 2,000 years ago and later the Muslims built the current mosque on that Temple Mount.

The so-called "Palestinians" want all of Old Jerusalem including that Temple Mount and many other historical Jewish (and Christian) sites including the Mount of Olives and many more.

The Jews aren't about to give up the Old City in E. Jerusalem and that's what all of this issue is about. The MSM likes to refer to the area as "The West Bank" but the issue is the part of The West Bank that extends into and includes E. Jerusalem and The Old City of Jerusalem.

That temple that is chronicled in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible and which has great historical significance to Jews from the Old Testament, and the life of Jesus in the New Testament has been crushed and is underneath that Muslim Mosque. The Jews aren't going to give that land to some newcomers who didn't even show up until the 1960's without an all-out fight.


Rubbish. The Temple Mount is under international care, governed by Jordan, and will always be so....unless the radical right-wing Jews have their way. THEY are the ones hoping to grab it for sole possession.

"Governed by Jordan." cheesy.gif

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More "quality" journalism courtesy of the BBC.

A more in-depth, and on-target assessment may be found here:

Netanyahu Suspends Contact With EU Over Israel-Palestinian Peace Process

Israel's Foreign Ministry ordered to 'reassess' EU involvement with Palestinians after decision to label West Bank goods; 'decision is almost completely devoid of any real significance,' official says.


The short version: Israeli government "had to" express its displeasure with the new EU labeling regulations. Rather than going along with some of the notions raised by coalition partners and hardliners within his own party, Netanyahu picked a hollow PR move. Nothing new here.

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They won't solve their differences. Remember, one main sticking point is that Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem which contained the Biblical temple. That temple had The Holy of Holies which contained the Ark of the Covenant, showcased in the movie "Raiders of the lost Ark."

The Romans tore the Jewish Temple down about 2,000 years ago and later the Muslims built the current mosque on that Temple Mount.

The so-called "Palestinians" want all of Old Jerusalem including that Temple Mount and many other historical Jewish (and Christian) sites including the Mount of Olives and many more.

The Jews aren't about to give up the Old City in E. Jerusalem and that's what all of this issue is about. The MSM likes to refer to the area as "The West Bank" but the issue is the part of The West Bank that extends into and includes E. Jerusalem and The Old City of Jerusalem.

That temple that is chronicled in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible and which has great historical significance to Jews from the Old Testament, and the life of Jesus in the New Testament has been crushed and is underneath that Muslim Mosque. The Jews aren't going to give that land to some newcomers who didn't even show up until the 1960's without an all-out fight.


For some reason, people assume all or most Israeli Jews are religiously devout to the extent that the Temple Mount is the cornerstone of their existence. Figures regarding annual visits to the Temple Mount do not see, to support these notions. Making it into a singular core issue misses the complexity of the conflict and reduces both sides into fanatical zealots.

As a reminder, the Temple Mount was not placed under Israeli (or Jewish) control within the various partition plans, but designated, along with Jerusalem in general, as joined-rule or international mandate area. Didn't seem to be a red line at the time. Same goes for the 1949 talks - which saw the site under Jordanian rule. Furthermore, even after 1967, and even after annexing East Jerusalem, Israel chose to not fully apply its sovereignty over the Temple Mount.

Israel does not need a change of Temple Mount management and surely not a third Temple, in order to thrive.

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