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Why You Seldom Find DELETED On The Isaan Forum.......

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Not all TV posters are native Engrish speakers. Get over it.

You do not understand humour , you need to get of your judgemental pulpit , politically correct ,etc.

i am sure your teerak is right pissed off and bored with your almighty / regimental attitude ,

If your ATM , is OK , people thai are velly tollerant to arseole,s no problem . Enjoy cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Well Gentlemen, I'm not sure if we have proven the OP's premise or totally exploded the theory!

Maybe arschholes are ubiquitous here on the esteemed TVF!


Having lived up here for over 10 years, but not out in the sticks, I can assure you that not every farang is as happy as they tell you they are.

Met a girl wherever, it is not important, and eventually talked into buying or building a house in the village to 'live the dream'.

Eventually, like everywhere, after a period of time, the novelty wears off. With very limited conversation, no westerners near, or if fluent in Thai, no Thai person to have a meaningful conversation with, their best friend (or even their only friend) becomes the computer.

Now we are so critical about Thais with the 'losing face' issue (none more so than me), but now the farang is in a similar situation. He now has no alternative to the village life, cannot sell the house, no funds to relocate, but he will never tell other westerners or Thais that he does not like it, because he himself will 'lose face'. So he will tell everyone how great life is in Nakhon Nowhere, but deep down he is quite, if not very, lonely. As the internet speed is not up to scratch, he would not even be able to access a decent western television package, and have to rely on You Tube for visual entertainment.

So next time you hear somebody say how great their idyllic life is in Isaan, bear in mind they might not be telling the true story.

Even if they visit one of the bigger cities up here for a couple of nights, it isn't the same as it was years ago.

Great post

Indeed, great post. Hitting "close to home" in many cases. (Too many cases ?).


Obviously hit a nerve with you as well Swissie?

Never mind, if yourself and StuckinIsaan get lonely, you always have each other wub.png

My answer to this can be read in my post # 43. My English must be terrible.

I am considering an "English refresher course" with some Pattaya-Ladies to polish up on my English a bit.



Arschloch in German means " Ass w**le in English. Op was only tying to avoid the attention of extremely alert "Global Moderators"

As I gather: Common language within the English language universe include words like <deleted>, There is no American Citizen left, that can form a phrase without using the word Sh* t. or <deleted>. at the end of a sentence..

Welcome! Soon Thailand will look kike the South Bronx.

If of interest: I have actually lived in the US for 12 years! No. this is not a troll post


Does this mean that I have to change my entire way of speaking and insert an expletive into every sentence I utter?

One would have thought that as an American I should have inherited the 'I'm as common as sh*t' gene...or is that just a stuck up European stereotype


Well only moved to Issan 6 months ago, but certainly for me a better place to live than a big city or resort. Good to visit the hot spots but I was raised as a country boy so Issan suits me nicely.

Sent from my Grand using Tapatalk


I've travelled around the general S/E Asian region quite a bit over the years and I am sorry to say(write?) I have never visited Thai Isaan proper...., although I have travelled around Laos a bit over the years.
So, after a family death and the resulting re-evaluation of life priorities..., I believe I'll (seemingly belated) visit Issan..., spend some time looking around..., try and grasp a feel for the area. Thank you some interesting and amusing posts here.
I'm a country kind of person so.., just maybe Issan, I could possibly like the cut of your jib.


A lot of Isaan foreigners also returned to the city after a while , they just found it very dull up there in a small Thai village.

I prefer to eat a decent western meal sometimes , and I can afford paying 300 baht for dinner instead of 60 baht for Thai food. But I am not on a teachers salary .


A lot of Isaan foreigners also returned to the city after a while , they just found it very dull up there in a small Thai village.

I prefer to eat a decent western meal sometimes , and I can afford paying 300 baht for dinner instead of 60 baht for Thai food. But I am not on a teachers salary .

There are a few here now, including myself, who are thinking of doing just that, and moving elsewhere.


Having lived up here for over 10 years, but not out in the sticks, I can assure you that not every farang is as happy as they tell you they are.

Met a girl wherever, it is not important, and eventually talked into buying or building a house in the village to 'live the dream'.

Eventually, like everywhere, after a period of time, the novelty wears off. With very limited conversation, no westerners near, or if fluent in Thai, no Thai person to have a meaningful conversation with, their best friend (or even their only friend) becomes the computer.

Now we are so critical about Thais with the 'losing face' issue (none more so than me), but now the farang is in a similar situation. He now has no alternative to the village life, cannot sell the house, no funds to relocate, but he will never tell other westerners or Thais that he does not like it, because he himself will 'lose face'. So he will tell everyone how great life is in Nakhon Nowhere, but deep down he is quite, if not very, lonely. As the internet speed is not up to scratch, he would not even be able to access a decent western television package, and have to rely on You Tube for visual entertainment.

So next time you hear somebody say how great their idyllic life is in Isaan, bear in mind they might not be telling the true story.

Even if they visit one of the bigger cities up here for a couple of nights, it isn't the same as it was years ago.

A sad tale indeed. i jumped in head first, I was the one who initiated land and house dealings. So, am happy in that regard that I can only blame myself if it goes tits up. After 6 yrs as a part timer and with a baby girl It's been decided by me we're moving in a few years to a more westernized location. for the sake of my daughters education and also for my happiness. I've come to the realization that I couldn't live full time in the deep country. A trip to Makro or Robinson's Mall doesn't cut it anymore.

To be in a finanicial situation where you can't afford to move has got to be awful.


To live in isaan you need to be more like a Thai in the way you live and behave and assimilate.

Rather live with the down to earth people up here than in the falang getto's.

Maybe the reasons this forum is more relaxed and accommodating.

No.....you need a very high boredom threshold.

  • 5 months later...

seems that most people who engage in answering here in this thread, do NOT live up here in Isaan, and have no clue at all what it is about.

Let me start by saying that not all falang up here live in a village, I would like to say that 85% of all falangs that I have met here, who is being described as living in a village, merely live like 1 kilometer outside the village, on a own plot/land or in a falang-street where westerners and well-mannered thais live together....

I myself live in Chaiyaphum and live just like that. I do NOT eat thaifood, I really dislike thaifood... I make my own food western-style... why invent the wheel once again, or change something that is perfect... I feel like I am living a falanglife out in the countryside in Isaan with falangfriends as much as I like...

These westerners that ends up here in Isaan that close their doors, and look down when they meet other falangs, and seemingly refuse to make friends, these people have not changed at all since they lived their lives in their home-countries... They had problem before, and they have the exact same problem now.

One other kind, is the "cement-guy".. he is brought up in a big city, doesn´t know anything else at all, and think that the tropics possible could be Georgia because there is crocs.... This guy will never make it here,, he cant do stuff on his own, and he depend on others to be creative.. so he will move back south in a hurry,,, blaming all others but himself.

I think that we who actually like it up here, is a special cool calm and collected type of humans, we do not expect too much, and we do not demand too much... Live is good, live it and stop the crying.......

In other words, up here are MANY people who actually love to end their lives here, surrounded by the family and friends that really care...... 100 times I prefer to die quickly up here, than a slow death in Sweden .

Good bless all of you Ars........ hehehe..



. Yes plain basic rural life is not for everyone. Unless you are at least 60 years old and lived in a basic rural area in Europe it is unlikely that you will be able to live without the gadgets you were brought up with. You also need to be comfortable with yourself for company.

Sent from my Grand using Tapatalk


sounds awful, bit like an open prison sad.png

I can understand what you mean. But to rural people, the city feels like a prison since you're stuck in a 40 sq meter box and surrounded by concrete and people.

Rural life is almost like ultimate freedom. There's more free space and more green space. There's typically less strict enforcement of rules and less of everything, so there is a lot of figuring out and doing stuff yourself. Usually many people are handy and usually people help each other out.

I would say typically there's a lot of yard/house work (compared to the city) and also a lot of relaxing time. Going out to dinner is a bigger deal, and going into town is something that is planned.

If you've grown up in a city (greater than 500,000 people) you might have trouble living in a rural setting.

However Isaan does not mean rural countryside, it's just a certain part of Thailand. Plenty of people live in a city in Isaan.


sounds awful, bit like an open prison sad.png

Another Isaan resident told me that they are great !

A bit like Butlins but with better food!


I can do about three days and climbing the walls, surrounded by rice fields, insects a dodgy water supply and no internet is not my idea of fun at all. The main pastimes seem to be drinking, catching fish and incest blink.png



What are you staring at?

Been a member for 3 years, has 4500 posts, I suspect at his screen smile.png

He, like any so prolific posters , must have a very boring life in Thailand .

Without the internet , life in meaningless for them . Androids die now . true and soo sad .

The gift of life wasted in cyber space ..com


Prior to living in rural Isaan (southern Sisaket) I lived in central London - about 300 metres from Tower Bridge - and worked over the top of London Bridge railway station. They knocked down the building I worked in (and had a minute interest in through my partnership) to build 'The Shard', London's tallest building.

Loved/love both London and Isaan for different reasons. Don't stereotype city dwellers and rural dwellers as being different animals! You have to feel comfortable in your own skin to live anywhere. Yes you have to have a high boredom threshold .... to live with those self-centered pricks in a big city as well as the drunken unfortunates in the villages!


I can do about three days and climbing the walls, surrounded by rice fields, insects a dodgy water supply and no internet is not my idea of fun at all. The main pastimes seem to be drinking, catching fish and incest blink.png

Yeah, extreme rural living isn't for everybody.


Most Farang - Thai relationships have a starting point called Pattaya. There are Farangs, that realize that Pattaya is a "Freak-Show" far removed from reality and leave for the sticks. It appears to me, that this decision works out quite well for most Farangs.

But let's face it: Sometimes things don't evolve as expected. Worst case: Farang want's out of something that has turned into an "unpleasant situation." Only to realize, that by trying to get out of this "unpleasant situation" will usually mean a loss of invested money ranging from 100% to 50%. Such a loss. in many cases, would make it impossible to maintain a comfortable lifestyle for the Farang in the future.

Sometimes it may be the better solution to remain in this "unpleasant situation" =wearing some golden chains around the ankles, instead of.......

Fortunately, this is rather the exception than the rule. Isn't it?


"Most Farang - Thai relationships have a starting point called Pattaya"

This is a fantasy believed by those who have started a relationship in pay fot play areas like Pattaya,

rationalizing that everyone else must be as foolish as they were.

Many of us have good wives who have never been to pPattaya , other pay for play farang "vacation spots" or even in a bar.

Yes. most good Buddhist Thai wmen do not even drink!

My wife and those of most of my farang friends he Issan have never needed to "entertain" a desprate, lonely foreigner.

But, go ahead, keep rationalizing if it makes you feel better about what you have done.

Yep +1, but no matter how many times you reiterate it they will never believe you.


Guys, nowhere is perfect..well I lived in San Diego for years which is close to perfect, except hugely expensive, but I digress

There are always those folks who will end up miserable wherever they end up. Yep I've met a few up here who hated it, but they tend not to last long. Yes there are also some who plow their life savings into a life here, sight unseen, only to have their visions of a rural idyll shattered. It's impossible, and unrealistic to generalize. That being said, those who do survive and flourish do, IMHO tend to be a little more grounded than those in other parts of Thailand.

I've said this before, be in general I also find that the ones who do flourish are natural loners..loners whether they are living in backofbeyond Thailand, or to take me for example lived in downtown San Diego.

As they say doesn't matter where you go because there you are. Some people just never come to grips with it. As for me just call me the lone wolf hoooooooooowl hahaha.


Most Farang - Thai relationships have a starting point called Pattaya. There are Farangs, that realize that Pattaya is a "Freak-Show" far removed from reality and leave for the sticks. It appears to me, that this decision works out quite well for most Farangs.

But let's face it: Sometimes things don't evolve as expected. Worst case: Farang want's out of something that has turned into an "unpleasant situation." Only to realize, that by trying to get out of this "unpleasant situation" will usually mean a loss of invested money ranging from 100% to 50%. Such a loss. in many cases, would make it impossible to maintain a comfortable lifestyle for the Farang in the future.

Sometimes it may be the better solution to remain in this "unpleasant situation" =wearing some golden chains around the ankles, instead of.......

Fortunately, this is rather the exception than the rule. Isn't it?


"Most Farang - Thai relationships have a starting point called Pattaya"

This is a fantasy believed by those who have started a relationship in pay fot play areas like Pattaya,

rationalizing that everyone else must be as foolish as they were.

Many of us have good wives who have never been to pPattaya , other pay for play farang "vacation spots" or even in a bar.

Yes. most good Buddhist Thai wmen do not even drink!

My wife and those of most of my farang friends he Issan have never needed to "entertain" a desprate, lonely foreigner.

But, go ahead, keep rationalizing if it makes you feel better about what you have done.

Yep +1, but no matter how many times you reiterate it they will never believe you.

Before but not now. The internet seems to be playing a major role nowadays.

That is why you see more relationships that now involve a Thai lady with a good job with an age that is closet to that of her husband.


"Most Farang - Thai relationships have a starting point called Pattaya"

This is a fantasy believed by those who have started a relationship in pay fot play areas like Pattaya,

Yep +1, but no matter how many times you reiterate it they will never believe you.Before but not now. The internet seems to be playing a major role nowadays.

That is why you see more relationships that now involve a Thai lady with a good job with an age that is closet to that of her husband.

Do you mean the age of closest , to her thai husband ?

Internet dating is obsolete, now with wifi phones , you can search and meet a err , lady

within a allocated km , distance , from your present location , within minutes .

Nuff said .


"Most Farang - Thai relationships have a starting point called Pattaya"

This is a fantasy believed by those who have started a relationship in pay fot play areas like Pattaya,

Yep +1, but no matter how many times you reiterate it they will never believe you.Before but not now. The internet seems to be playing a major role nowadays.

That is why you see more relationships that now involve a Thai lady with a good job with an age that is closet to that of her husband.

Do you mean the age of closest , to her thai husband ?

Internet dating is obsolete, now with wifi phones , you can search and meet a err , lady

within a allocated km , distance , from your present location , within minutes .

Nuff said .

True but many people are also looking for somebody when living in other countries. Also there are options to narrow down searches according to many variables which, I'd guess, cannot be done on a 'snapchat' type of app. Obviously both methods have their dangers.


Seems to me, after meeting many people that settled down in Isaan, you can divide them into three groups.

Those who moved there because the wife/GF said so.

Those who have limited financial resources and need to stretch them out.



Seems to me, after meeting many people that settled down in Isaan, you can divide them into three groups.

Those who moved there because the wife/GF said so.

Those who have limited financial resources and need to stretch them out.


And/or a combination of the three.

I am fully accepted in my village. After a good afternoon at the local Mom 'n' Pop store getting myself fully "Leo"ed up, on staggering home the children coming running out from their houses and, as a mark of respect, throw pebbles in my direction and shout "Lung Kee Mao", which i understand to mean "Pillar of the Community" or something similar.

I can't head into the local amphur as I haven't (or can't afford to) paid the tax on my 2002 Honda Dream, which my wife appreciates as she doesn't want any of those horrible Farang to give me funny ideas about family life. She, by the way, handles all my financial affairs including my pension from overseas. Bless her; she's investing for our future .. in something .... what a Gal

Life is good!

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