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At least 14 people are reported dead in shooting at disabled centre in Southern California


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I would not be surprised if its revealed that this murderer had been poorly treated/taunted/ostracised etc by co-workers due to his muzzlim status and snapped.

This is only going to get worse with time.

Oh please.

Doesn't matter if someone left a poop on his chair ... there is no conceivable justification for this.

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I would not be surprised if its revealed that this murderer had been poorly treated/taunted/ostracised etc by co-workers due to his muzzlim status and snapped.

This is only going to get worse with time.

And just happened to have assault weapons and bombs on hand?

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It is not another kettle of fish, it is what it is.

In so much as your original comment was irrelevant, you attempted to save face with another irrelevant comment and are now trying to assert yourself with this weak "it is what it is" nonsense.

Ok then, Alan, good job, you win. Gold Star for Alan. blink.png

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I would not be surprised if its revealed that this murderer had been poorly treated/taunted/ostracised etc by co-workers due to his muzzlim status and snapped.

This is only going to get worse with time.

Oh please.

Doesn't matter if someone left a poop on his chair ... there is no conceivable justification for this.

Not a justification is it? Just a possible explanation.

But the GoPros and the arsenal of weapons and ammo suggests it wasn't a spur of the moment thing.

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This will keep happening all around the world. There are many LESS deaths now than in the past (Stalin, Mao, WW1, WW2, etc....), but it certainly seems this is the beginning of much, much worse....and instead of looking at a nationality, every individual is a possible threat.

This madness is on the rise in America.

I don't want to live in America, neither I want to live in Europe.

It is not safe over there any more!

Be surprised how normal things are once you venture out from behind the computer monitor.

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Bizarre choice of venue whoever were the shooters

A very "logical" choice for the terries, IT was a CHRISTMAS party attacked by a sleeper cell. expect more.

The news I heard is that it was the day after the xmas party.

In any event, even if the shooters were muslim it would seem, from what we know that it is not related to islam or being muslim.

Unless you want to go calling other mass shootings as religious based.

You aren't The President are you?

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Let me spell it out what I'm trying to say here, its political agendas all the way these days.


As if we don't get what you're trying to say. Nothing you can do about guns. We need them because we're deathly afraid of everything.

Every single link you post is wingnut bullshit. All xenophobia, hatred and climate change denial, with different frosting on it every time.

Be sure and watch tonight when Fox launches the war "war on christianity" mime again, as all their pathetic candidates are getting crushed for spouting "pray for the victims" nonsense on social media and getting called out for that same old ridiculous crap.

Don't bother praying for the victims, do something constructive. Vote the people out of office that allow this to go on day after day. The NRA owns the Republican party and they're hands are covered with the blood of daily shooting victims.

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I am hoping this was not perpetrated by an Islamic group. Can you imagine how that would feed into the hands of the neo fascists in Washington? It would be a nightmare. They would milk it for all it was worth, and we would move one step closer to a fascist republic. Of night, they would double the national security budget, and every grandmother in the US would be under suspicion.

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The police are, rightly, keeping an open min d on the motives until they have some actual real evidence to gop on.

San Bernardino shooting: What we know so far

Police have refused comment on the motivation for the attack, but identified a workplace dispute as one possibility, following the reported incident, and declined to rule out terrorism

Certain members here, as expected, have already decided; based purely on the couple's religion!

Do those members really believe it's only Muslim terrorists who own assault rifles in America? Do they really believe it's only Muslim terrorists who carry out mass shootings in America?

The motivation for this horrendous attack may be Islamic terrorism; or it may simply be yet another inevitable result of America's love of guns.

Personally, I'm going to wait and see what the police investigation discovers.

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I am hoping this was not perpetrated by an Islamic group. Can you imagine how that would feed into the hands of the neo fascists in Washington? It would be a nightmare. They would milk it for all it was worth, and we would move one step closer to a fascist republic. Of night, they would double the national security budget, and every grandmother in the US would be under suspicion.

What are you hoping it would be? Can you imagine?

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All I can say is the Americans must be brain dead.

Anyone who makes a blanket statement like this is "Brain Dead".

It's not the American people, it is the American politicians which won't enact stricter gun control laws. They are afraid of the National Rifle Association (NRA) which buys influence with our politicians by the bucket-full.

Then why on "Black Friday" did Americans buy enough guns to arm the United States Marines?

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Of course, it IS related to these murderers/terrorists being Muslim. But that shouldn't reflect on all American Muslims.

No, but it should reflect once again on that which inspired the bloodshed- ISLAM

A particular fundamentalist way of interpreting Islam.
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I am hoping this was not perpetrated by an Islamic group. Can you imagine how that would feed into the hands of the neo fascists in Washington? It would be a nightmare. They would milk it for all it was worth, and we would move one step closer to a fascist republic. Of night, they would double the national security budget, and every grandmother in the US would be under suspicion.

It would also make donald trump correct (and popular) in his views on islamic refugees etc.

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spidermike007, on 03 Dec 2015 - 19:13, said:

I am hoping this was not perpetrated by an Islamic group. Can you imagine how that would feed into the hands of the neo fascists in Washington? It would be a nightmare. They would milk it for all it was worth, and we would move one step closer to a fascist republic. Of night, they would double the national security budget, and every grandmother in the US would be under suspicion.

I think we can all be thankful that it was only a duo, or perhaps a trio. A whole group would have resulted in a lot more deaths and injuries.

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I am hoping this was not perpetrated by an Islamic group. Can you imagine how that would feed into the hands of the neo fascists in Washington? It would be a nightmare. They would milk it for all it was worth, and we would move one step closer to a fascist republic. Of night, they would double the national security budget, and every grandmother in the US would be under suspicion.

It would also make donald trump correct (and popular) in his views on islamic refugees etc.

It would make his views more popular, but not correct.
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All I can say is the Americans must be brain dead.

Anyone who makes a blanket statement like this is "Brain Dead".

It's not the American people, it is the American politicians which won't enact stricter gun control laws. They are afraid of the National Rifle Association (NRA) which buys influence with our politicians by the bucket-full.

Then why on "Black Friday" did Americans buy enough guns to arm the United States Marines?

Thanks to President Obama who, I read in one bias on-line blogo, asked Americans to think about gun control this Thanksgiving holiday - an ode to Paris I presume.

And boy did they ever!

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Of course, it IS related to these murderers/terrorists being Muslim. But that shouldn't reflect on all American Muslims.

No, but it should reflect once again on that which inspired the bloodshed- ISLAM

Though it may not and does not reflect on moderate Muslims, if indeed it was done by the freaks, it is the absolute responsibility of every Muslim to speak out against the extremists, and denounced them clear and loudly.

If not, they run the increasing risk of appearing to be complicit. That could become a tragedy.

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Plenty of social media posts putting forward "Arabic" names for the suspects.

Nah. The two, man and woman, shot in the SUV had good old fashioned American names. Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 27, who were reportedly married. The third one is thought to be Syed's brother. So there goes your "Arabic" names theory. Oh, wait... What? coffee1.gif

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Of course, it IS related to these murderers/terrorists being Muslim. But that shouldn't reflect on all American Muslims.

No, but it should reflect once again on that which inspired the bloodshed- ISLAM

Though it may not and does not reflect on moderate Muslims, if indeed it was done by the freaks, it is the absolute responsibility of every Muslim to speak out against the extremists, and denounced them clear and loudly.

If not, they run the increasing risk of appearing to be complicit. That could become a tragedy.

Words are cheap.

What's needed is REFORM.

Yes, I mean as in the religious/cultural reform that changed Christianity from the days of the Inquistion to now, which isn't perfect but is a heck of a lot better than the days of the Inquisition. Global Islamic religion/culture should follow the same path. Sure, it's fun to trash religion entirely but it's not going away ... but at least there can be REFORMS.

The really brave modern Muslims aren't the ones giving lip service to condemning Islamist terrorists but instead the ones who are saying, people we've got a DEEPER problem which creates all this Islamist violence and fundamental change is needed. The ones who act out are the tip of the iceberg.

Sure, I get it, the nerve of non-Muslim suggesting that major reform is needed to the entirety of global Islamic religion and culture, in such things as the view of women, the view of apostasy, etc. Whatever. rolleyes.gif Somebody has to say it, and yes there are a few brave Muslim voices saying it as well, and they represent the only HOPE in this matter.

Edited by Jingthing
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This is about guns, not Islam. sad.png Now it becomes a xenophobic rant about all Muslims need to be killed. Last week it was about "baby parts". No, it's about guns!!!

Last week it was the white guy shooting up Planned Parenthood, remember? They all tend to run together after awhile.

This week it's a disgruntled Islamic guy, the next one will be a right wing loony or a transgender teenager pissed at the kids at school. It doesn't make any difference. There are plenty of these a&&%$#@s from all everywhere who have ridiculously easy access to incredibly dangerous weapons.

It's all about the guns! Don't let them change the dialog.

Plead with the invisible people to make it stop


Vote the disgusting NRA puppets out of office so we can make it stop

Edited by Pinot
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- Sayid Farook is NOT a "Muslim" name! It is a name of Arabic Heritage! There are no "Muslim"- names!

- as long as they did not carry out the killing in the name of Allah or Mohammed, it is NOT Muslim- terrorism or Jihad, no matter what their names are, what religion they hold or where they were born! It is terrorism, yes! But not Muslim- terrorism!

- things like these would NOT happen, if not every John, Dick and Harry would have access to guns and it would NOT have ended better, if the whole center would have been stacked with guns!

- the bodies of the last mass- shooting have not yet been burried...but here we go again! 355 so far this year! "...but ...but ...but...an occassional shooting here and there..." When will you redneck gunlovers finally admit, that there is a problem IN THE US?

- and again: they have Arabic names: Muslim- terror! He was a god fearing Christian who said "no more bay- parts"...just a coincidence!

Links are provided for our readers to gain additional information. They are useless if people refuse to read them.

Check out this post... http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/875612-at-least-14-people-are-reported-dead-in-shooting-at-disabled-centre-in-southern-california/page-5#entry10148572

Due to Fair Use, only the first three sentences of a link might be posted. Following are the next four sentences of the above link:

"“I haven’t heard anything,” the elder Syed Farook told the Daily News. “He was very religious. He would go to work, come back, go to pray, come back. He’s Muslim.”

Seem to recall one of your posts that had given you a link and your reply was I don't read that crap.

Yeah, it might have been one of those sites like Alex Jones, Mother Jones, The Young Turks or any of the George Soros sponsored propaganda machines such as Center for American Progress.

I'm sort of strange that way...just don't believe in conspiracy theories and with so little time left for me, I just won't waste my time reading the crap they put out.

How about you?

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A lot of nonsense about this being a mixture of workplace violence and terrorism. There is no such thing as a little bit of terrorism as a motive. If terrorism motivated these people at all, then the act was indeed terrorism. If workplace violence, then that is what it is. One or the other. But you can see the agenda at work here to muddy the waters. ("Oh, dear, I've just been insulted at the Christmas party, come along with me so we can slaughter everybody in the building!" Okay, dear, but let's drop the baby off at granny's first before we grab the pipe bombs and flak jackets.")

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