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Mystery of Hung Cock in East Pattaya


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Was the bird executed for being a failure and making the owner lose face and MONEY ?


I don't think so, its wings were not tied behind its back

regards Worgeordie

I think you got it backward... Hands / wings tied behind would suggest non suicide.

You've obviously not read past reports where the deceased had hands tied behind back yet authorities say suicide.

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What was the Journalist doing stumbling around on private Property. The owner had every right to tell the journo to Pee off. Must be a slow news day in Pattaya. If I had my wishes come true, there would be many more Cockerals hung from trees or whatever. Isn't cock fighting illegal in Thailand ??

Cockfighting itself is not illegal in Thailand, it's the betting that goes with it that is illegal.

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Was the bird executed for being a failure and making the owner lose face and MONEY ?


I don't think so, its wings were not tied behind its back

regards Worgeordie

Shouldn't it be Hanged if this is an execution but using hung implies it was just errr... well hung up there whistling.gif

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Cockfighting itself is not illegal in Thailand, it's the betting that goes with it that is illegal.

---snip YouTube video---

Cock-fighting, dog-fighting, bull-fighting, bear-baiting etc are all utterly obscene and are only practised by sub-human scum. They are banned in civilised countries and any country that doesnt ban them is, by definition, uncivilised.

To be worried about the gambling but not about the misery and cruelty involved seems to be particularly revolting.

I also think that Youtube (et al) should be prosecuted for showing any gory videos for no valid reason.

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