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Tourist Police Commander visits Pattaya to reassure Tourists

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Tourist Police Commander visits Pattaya to reassure Tourists


PATTAYA: -- As news emerges from Bangkok that 4 Syrian men, who are thought to have entered Thailand in October and have now overstayed their visas, are currently unaccounted for, the National Commander of the Tourist Police was in Pattaya to reassure Tourists that their safety is of paramount importance.

In the early hours of Sunday, Police Major General Surachet attended a Tourist Police Parade held on Walking Street and was joined by over 100 Tourist Police Officers and Volunteers along with members of the Thai Army, who are working closely with local Police Divisions at this time to ensure the city remains safe.

Full story: http://pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/219544/tourist-police-commander-visits-pattaya-reassure-tourists/

-- Pattaya One 2015-12-07


With the BIB's reputation for corruption and total lack of professionalism I'm afraid it would take a lot more than a ' press the flesh ' show to convince me they're on top of the situation.

Look at the contradictory statements on this subject over the last few days alone.


No visits of any high brass will do the job as for the police to bee seen that they're doing their job

by being out there in force and keeping an eagle eye on all suspicious and un desirable

persons out there, but go about it in a respectful manner and to not startle bona fied

tourist and expat....


Is it some kind a meet and greet thing. Firstly ISIS are heavily armed military trained pure killers and the Tourist police are generally unfit untrained elders who surely do not want a bullet

So no I would not feel protected. But it is good to them there.


"working closely with local Police Divisions at this time to ensure the city remains safe."

Remains safe? Really? Since when has this open air monkey house been safe? Good waste of 100 cops time to provide body guard for his photo op.


Police Major General Surachet attended a Tourist Police Parade held on Walking Street

A leaked memo on ISIS activities and targets in Pattaya results in a parade, intended to intimidate the potential terrorists, but more probably encourages them after realizing the Bib can't even march in lockstep. In an unintended twist the parade did strike fear in the hearts of a number of ladyboys, who voluntarily disarmed their high heels and vowed to be wearing slippers from now on, thus increasing safety for foreigners by a magnitude. All hail the Bib for successfully albeit unintentionally doing something...


What a cynical bunch ... if he had not have visited citing he was too busy you would have complained about that as well I assume. If you don't already know it's called PR and it's what people do in situations like this even in the West. What would you prefer ... a show of force ... Tanks on Walking Street? SWAT teams in the Go-Go Bars?



Ok so when a jet ski scam is going down and thousands of baht are being extorted from some hapless tourist, who has a knife pulled on him by a bunch of scum and is assaulted

Where are the tourist police then??? busy polishing their boots for the next parade............ or more likely polishing the boots of their RTP corrupt friends.

In summary we would prefer if tourists are not blown up or gunned down by ISIS lunatics whilst in Thailand because this would stop the cash flow if you didn't turn up..............and without you tourists who else could we scam on the beach every day for thousands and thousands of baht!


"Police Major General Surachet attended a Tourist Police Parade held on Walking Street and was joined by over 100 Tourist Police Officers and Volunteers along with members of the Thai Army, who are *BOOM*


What a cynical bunch ... if he had not have visited citing he was too busy you would have complained about that as well I assume. If you don't already know it's called PR and it's what people do in situations like this even in the West. What would you prefer ... a show of force ... Tanks on Walking Street? SWAT teams in the Go-Go Bars?

You are right that a PR stunt on the street will impress some naïve tourists, although some will surely now be wondering what the big deal is about, since they thought Thailand was already a safe place.

But you have to bear in mind that most of the posters on this forum are long term residents, who have seen, read, experienced a long and risible back catalogue of incompetence, corruption and PR screw-ups over many years by the Royal Thai Police farce and especially its senior officers with the extra medals on the tunics and the extra braid on their hats.

Difficult not to be a cynic. Take pity on us....


suckers.jpgI much prefer the backdrop in a recent photo - this was also a photo opportunity for cops reassuring tourists . . .

Definately the best picture of 2015 !!!


It all goes to show that daesh/isis are really not yet prepared - at least not for Walking Street. This was most certainly a glorious opportunity for terrorists - an exposed mass of tourists and RTP/army.

,,,or who knows perhaps a rather feeble attempt at entrapment / Naah - they're not that smart


Photo ops tend to impress those with the most to gain by the publicity.Flashy, yes; but of little substance.

By the way, the bemedalled person in uniform, could at benefit by purchasing, at the least, a Level-3 holster for that pop-gun. The "widow-maker" he is wearing is pathetic. But then again, he would have to be wearing a duty belt with all the safety equipment on. Desk types are fun to watch.


I would stay away from WS around Christmas time. If a mad Syrian really is here WS would be his first target.


Wonder who's watch was keeping the correct time...

Seems a right pantomime to me... Cinderella... because according to other sources (Pattaya28) they dispersed at midnight.

Last night I entered Walking Street about 11 PM.

To my astonishment there were around 150 Police, from many divisions, and maybe 30 Army all within the 1st 30 metres at the junction with Pattaya Beach Rd.

I thought "wow" they are really taking the ISIS seriously.

As I walked along Walking Street, at the end of each Soi there was a presence of "zero" Police / Army.

Why were they all gathering just within the 1st 30 metres ?

Around an hour later, midnight, all had disappeared.

What was the purpose of this exercise ?


My guess is who ever reported on this was claiming after-midnight rates...


that sham of a metel detector at the entrance to NANA PLAZA didnt last long, only about as long for a photo, and any terrorist worth his salt would find out that you can walk out of the back door of Stumble Inn and KS bar and bypass the detector, Doh !!


Most tourists do not understand Thai.

This speech was in Thai.

Did anybody understand the reassurance ?

I was not reassured when after the speech all the Police and all the Army departed, just leaving the usual Tourist Police FaceBooking.


I am a man who leads thousands of ineffective policemen, who do not enforce the law, care nothing about your safety, do not engage in traffic safety one iota, do not prevent traffic deaths, do not stop crazed mini van drivers on the road, who commit carnage, do not stop drunk drivers, do not stop reckless drivers, do not give speeding tickets, do not engage in effective detective work, and do not behave properly most of the time. But, I want you to listen to me, and believe me when I tell you that you and your family are safe.

I have met taxi drivers and street sweepers who have more credibility than this man.

And has the excellence of the current Thai educational system allowed this commander, who was addressing foreigners, who use the international language of English to communicate, allowed this man to speak in fluent english to these tourists? Did the police have the good judgment to select a man who speaks perfect english? Why a speech in Thai to foreign tourists? What a complete waste to time. Why is TV even reporting on this farce?

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