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High Phuket teacher arrested for snatch and grab theft

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High Phuket teacher arrested for snatch and grab theft
Eakkapop Thongtub

Sakkarin Phothiwat was high on drugs when he stole the purse from the basket of the girl's motorbike.

PHUKET: -- A teacher from a Phuket school was arrested for theft yesterday (Dec 7) after he stole a student’s purse then crashed his motorbike into a ditch whilst trying to make his getaway.

Police have said the suspect has carried out 10 such thefts and spent the stolen money on methamphetamine pills (ya bah).

Baan Phrusompan assistant village headman, Sompong Kongnum, 49, received a call at 7pm yesterday stating that a group of local residents had apprehended a snatch and grab thief on Namuang Rd in Moo 3 Baan Phrusompan.

Mr Sompong arrived at the scene with Lt Col Weerayuth Sithirattanakul and Col Kraitsana Jannit Thalang police, where they were presented with 40-year-old Sakkarin Phothiwat from Kalasin who is an academics teacher at Baan Laem Sai School in Thepkassattri.

Police seized from Sakkarin his Yamaha Scoopy motorbike, which had its licence plate hidden under the seat; the victim’s purse; three wrenches; three screw drivers; a Samsung phone and two power bank chargers.

Full story: http://www.thephuketnews.com/high-phuket-teacher-arrested-for-snatch-and-grab-theft-55312.php

-- Phuket News 2015-12-08


Given the quality of students being churned out by the Thai education system, one might assume he was conducting a demo as part of a lesson to his students.

P.s. what is an academics teacher?


Maybe some detention and forced to write 100 times. " I must not get high at school and steal from students".

Then back to teaching morals for which he is a great example.


Given the quality of students being churned out by the Thai education system, one might assume he was conducting a demo as part of a lesson to his students.

P.s. what is an academics teacher?

a teacher at the academy for academics


"the suspect has carried out 10 such thefts"

Did he then successfully commit nine thefts (of students' purses) without recrimination? The moral of this story seems to be that crime is tolerated as long as you aren't caught in the act.


I bet it was pot. It was pot right? It's them dam potheads always commiting all the crimes.

Police have said the suspect has carried out 10 such thefts and spent the stolen money on methamphetamine pills (ya bah). facepalm.gif

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