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Trump’s comments condemned by Muslims around the world


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There is a wonderful realization in reading all these anti-Trump rants from moslems and non-Americans. And it's this: none of you will have a say in whether he is nominated or elected. That is the business of American citizens, not some daffy moslem in Jakarta or some irrelevant Englishman in the UK. Deal with it.

You keep trotting out that coward's argument. It is more amusing that you and the others will be wasting your vote on a phantasm. I would not be surprised that most of you will not be able to deal with it. When you have some authority to deny anyone the opportunity to express their view on this platform, please let us know. Deal with that.

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There is a wonderful realization in reading all these anti-Trump rants from moslems and non-Americans. And it's this: none of you will have a say in whether he is nominated or elected. That is the business of American citizens, not some daffy moslem in Jakarta or some irrelevant Englishman in the UK. Deal with it.

You keep trotting out that coward's argument. It is more amusing that you and the others will be wasting your vote on a phantasm. I would not be surprised that most of you will not be able to deal with it. When you have some authority to deny anyone the opportunity to express their view on this platform, please let us know. Deal with that.

Where did I even hint at denying anyone their right to express an opinion on any forum? Only an irrational hothead would make such a determination. Unlike the people ruling the UK and many parts of Europe, I am a believer in free speech, including TVF. But the FACT remains that only I and other American citizens will have a vote to determine Trump's nomination and election. It doesn't matter how much outsiders rave, they cannot vote. Many, if not most, of the people venting against Trump simply will not have a say in the matter. And, in fact, the more outsiders complain, the stronger Trump will get within the American electorate.

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Muslims would say that , see how many rights you have in a Muslim country , you have zero, finally someone has woken up .

Really? Ever been to malaysia, indonesia, maldives?

try in Malaysia to change your religion away from Islam.....


Between 2000 and 2010 about 680 applied and about 135 were successful in changing religion from islam.


So the other 545 people were stoned to death?

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There is a wonderful realization in reading all these anti-Trump rants from moslems and non-Americans. And it's this: none of you will have a say in whether he is nominated or elected. That is the business of American citizens, not some daffy moslem in Jakarta or some irrelevant Englishman in the UK. Deal with it.

You keep trotting out that coward's argument. It is more amusing that you and the others will be wasting your vote on a phantasm. I would not be surprised that most of you will not be able to deal with it. When you have some authority to deny anyone the opportunity to express their view on this platform, please let us know. Deal with that.

Where did I even hint at denying anyone their right to express an opinion on any forum? Only an irrational hothead would make such a determination. Unlike the people ruling the UK and many parts of Europe, I am a believer in free speech, including TVF. But the FACT remains that only I and other American citizens will have a vote to determine Trump's nomination and election. It doesn't matter how much outsiders rave, they cannot vote. Many, if not most, of the people venting against Trump simply will not have a say in the matter. And, in fact, the more outsiders complain, the stronger Trump will get within the American electorate.

You obfuscate and back pedal. What was the purpose in you posting an observation that non Americans cannot vote in the American election? A fact that would be known to practicably everyone. You desired to put people in their place. This is not a free speech argument. Someone pulls you up on your arrogance, so you pull back on your spiel.

Anyone here can post their thoughts irrespective if they have voting rights or not. Being a registered voter in the US election is not among the criteria and rules for posting on TVF. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. Your affectation of the obvious is a base move totally to be expected of the Trump demographic.

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18,000 (5 per second) people signed a petition to ban trump in only one hour but less than 100 shows up for a rally in condemnation of the Paris massacre in NY one day or so later (now the petition to ban Trump is over 100,000 people as I write). These images are increasingly leading to an unassailable fact- silence is not unawareness, silence is choice. What conclusions is one really expected to reach? There was no such outrage over Paris, California, or really many others I recall. But this... this moronic statement from Trump (which increasingly reflects considerable populations of people left with no alternative conclusions)... this statement motivates muslims? This is more of the cognitive dissonance I speak to. Muslims are silent. Muslims are not generally the problem. (I can agree). Mulsims are not silent- and we witness feeble but often fraternal efforts to condemn, then such words quickly and radically compel that sleeping silent muslim majority to awake and inform us that they are present and listening, but that the previous issues just did not percolate enough for them to give a damn. This is now officially the conclusion I reach.

My conclusion allows that hundreds of millions may still desire fraternity and cooperative living but by and large, when they speak with one voice, it is not in condemnation. In this regard this event is a watershed.

I am certain many UK citizens petitioning against Trump is due to his negative insinuations against UK society as a whole. Trump likened the Queen’s head scarf to a hijab, as well as other truly stupid inflammatory remarks, which would be deeply insulting to the vast majority of the people of the UK.


Personally I do not believe HMG will list Trump for banning entry to the UK.

And yet as of last night leading news was that while scottland yard was towing the line and rejecting Trump's claims police themselves were actually confirming Trump's claims; some were quite clear that they fear for their lives in certain areas. Its no longer amusing, it is just sickening the disconnect between the known world and the declared world in the socialist West.

The point is no longer even interesting to me- of course Trump is correct- any place and any person who is remotely connected to jihad by declaration of association should be subject to a revised profiling until the actual holes present, and then target immigration more surgically. The law as it currently exists from 1/2 century ago allows such discretion in immigration now. The absurd notion that we could not ban someone because of country of origin, age group, gender, profession, religion, etc., is absurd. One, more, all may be disagreeable or political madness, but they are equally ok. You see, the US Constitution applies to Americas on soil, or in jurisdiction, not applicants from any place, planet earth. The US previously closed all immigration last century. The US always varies immigration for age, location, skills, origin, etc.

Never let a crisis go to waste the US senate is now trying to enshrine the same pathology that causes this global problem in US law by granting special status to applicants to the US BECAUSE they are muslim. Of course, the unintended consequences are endless. Any denial then constitutes a lawsuit. This legislation pends now. It does not matter who agrees with Trump or not, it will not fly because there is a long standing interest in Global Progressive Migration. It is a plank of international Fabian/Progressives that there should be no borders. Trump... and the US, don't have a chance.

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There is a wonderful realization in reading all these anti-Trump rants from moslems and non-Americans. And it's this: none of you will have a say in whether he is nominated or elected. That is the business of American citizens, not some daffy moslem in Jakarta or some irrelevant Englishman in the UK. Deal with it.

You keep trotting out that coward's argument. It is more amusing that you and the others will be wasting your vote on a phantasm. I would not be surprised that most of you will not be able to deal with it. When you have some authority to deny anyone the opportunity to express their view on this platform, please let us know. Deal with that.

Where did I even hint at denying anyone their right to express an opinion on any forum? Only an irrational hothead would make such a determination. Unlike the people ruling the UK and many parts of Europe, I am a believer in free speech, including TVF. But the FACT remains that only I and other American citizens will have a vote to determine Trump's nomination and election. It doesn't matter how much outsiders rave, they cannot vote. Many, if not most, of the people venting against Trump simply will not have a say in the matter. And, in fact, the more outsiders complain, the stronger Trump will get within the American electorate.

You obfuscate and back pedal. What was the purpose in you posting an observation that non Americans cannot vote in the American election? A fact that would be known to practicably everyone. You desired to put people in their place. This is not a free speech argument. Someone pulls you up on your arrogance, so you pull back on your spiel.

Anyone here can post their thoughts irrespective if they have voting rights or not. Being a registered voter in the US election is not among the criteria and rules for posting on TVF. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. Your affectation of the obvious is a base move totally to be expected of the Trump demographic.

You're putting us on, aren't you? Nobody really talks or writes the way you do, unless they're trying to parody something.

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18,000 (5 per second) people signed a petition to ban trump in only one hour but less than 100 shows up for a rally in condemnation of the Paris massacre in NY one day or so later (now the petition to ban Trump is over 100,000 people as I write). These images are increasingly leading to an unassailable fact- silence is not unawareness, silence is choice. What conclusions is one really expected to reach? There was no such outrage over Paris, California, or really many others I recall. But this... this moronic statement from Trump (which increasingly reflects considerable populations of people left with no alternative conclusions)... this statement motivates muslims? This is more of the cognitive dissonance I speak to. Muslims are silent. Muslims are not generally the problem. (I can agree). Mulsims are not silent- and we witness feeble but often fraternal efforts to condemn, then such words quickly and radically compel that sleeping silent muslim majority to awake and inform us that they are present and listening, but that the previous issues just did not percolate enough for them to give a damn. This is now officially the conclusion I reach.

My conclusion allows that hundreds of millions may still desire fraternity and cooperative living but by and large, when they speak with one voice, it is not in condemnation. In this regard this event is a watershed.

I am certain many UK citizens petitioning against Trump is due to his negative insinuations against UK society as a whole. Trump likened the Queen’s head scarf to a hijab, as well as other truly stupid inflammatory remarks, which would be deeply insulting to the vast majority of the people of the UK.


Personally I do not believe HMG will list Trump for banning entry to the UK.

And yet as of last night leading news was that while scottland yard was towing the line and rejecting Trump's claims police themselves were actually confirming Trump's claims; some were quite clear that they fear for their lives in certain areas. Its no longer amusing, it is just sickening the disconnect between the known world and the declared world in the socialist West.

The point is no longer even interesting to me- of course Trump is correct- any place and any person who is remotely connected to jihad by declaration of association should be subject to a revised profiling until the actual holes present, and then target immigration more surgically. The law as it currently exists from 1/2 century ago allows such discretion in immigration now. The absurd notion that we could not ban someone because of country of origin, age group, gender, profession, religion, etc., is absurd. One, more, all may be disagreeable or political madness, but they are equally ok. You see, the US Constitution applies to Americas on soil, or in jurisdiction, not applicants from any place, planet earth. The US previously closed all immigration last century. The US always varies immigration for age, location, skills, origin, etc.

Never let a crisis go to waste the US senate is now trying to enshrine the same pathology that causes this global problem in US law by granting special status to applicants to the US BECAUSE they are muslim. Of course, the unintended consequences are endless. Any denial then constitutes a lawsuit. This legislation pends now. It does not matter who agrees with Trump or not, it will not fly because there is a long standing interest in Global Progressive Migration. It is a plank of international Fabian/Progressives that there should be no borders. Trump... and the US, don't have a chance.

That is most interesting arjunadawn.. I'd like to read about that

Do you have link to a credible source where British Policemen are stating they are fearful for their lives?

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Muslims would say that , see how many rights you have in a Muslim country , you have zero, finally someone has woken up .

Really? Ever been to malaysia, indonesia, maldives?

try in Malaysia to change your religion away from Islam.....


Between 2000 and 2010 about 680 applied and about 135 were successful in changing religion from islam.


So the other 545 people were stoned to death?

No, just declined. Im sure you would be aware of that if you educated yourself.

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18,000 (5 per second) people signed a petition to ban trump in only one hour but less than 100 shows up for a rally in condemnation of the Paris massacre in NY one day or so later (now the petition to ban Trump is over 100,000 people as I write). These images are increasingly leading to an unassailable fact- silence is not unawareness, silence is choice. What conclusions is one really expected to reach? There was no such outrage over Paris, California, or really many others I recall. But this... this moronic statement from Trump (which increasingly reflects considerable populations of people left with no alternative conclusions)... this statement motivates muslims? This is more of the cognitive dissonance I speak to. Muslims are silent. Muslims are not generally the problem. (I can agree). Mulsims are not silent- and we witness feeble but often fraternal efforts to condemn, then such words quickly and radically compel that sleeping silent muslim majority to awake and inform us that they are present and listening, but that the previous issues just did not percolate enough for them to give a damn. This is now officially the conclusion I reach.

My conclusion allows that hundreds of millions may still desire fraternity and cooperative living but by and large, when they speak with one voice, it is not in condemnation. In this regard this event is a watershed.

I am certain many UK citizens petitioning against Trump is due to his negative insinuations against UK society as a whole. Trump likened the Queen’s head scarf to a hijab, as well as other truly stupid inflammatory remarks, which would be deeply insulting to the vast majority of the people of the UK.


Personally I do not believe HMG will list Trump for banning entry to the UK.

And yet as of last night leading news was that while scottland yard was towing the line and rejecting Trump's claims police themselves were actually confirming Trump's claims; some were quite clear that they fear for their lives in certain areas. Its no longer amusing, it is just sickening the disconnect between the known world and the declared world in the socialist West.

The point is no longer even interesting to me- of course Trump is correct- any place and any person who is remotely connected to jihad by declaration of association should be subject to a revised profiling until the actual holes present, and then target immigration more surgically. The law as it currently exists from 1/2 century ago allows such discretion in immigration now. The absurd notion that we could not ban someone because of country of origin, age group, gender, profession, religion, etc., is absurd. One, more, all may be disagreeable or political madness, but they are equally ok. You see, the US Constitution applies to Americas on soil, or in jurisdiction, not applicants from any place, planet earth. The US previously closed all immigration last century. The US always varies immigration for age, location, skills, origin, etc.

Never let a crisis go to waste the US senate is now trying to enshrine the same pathology that causes this global problem in US law by granting special status to applicants to the US BECAUSE they are muslim. Of course, the unintended consequences are endless. Any denial then constitutes a lawsuit. This legislation pends now. It does not matter who agrees with Trump or not, it will not fly because there is a long standing interest in Global Progressive Migration. It is a plank of international Fabian/Progressives that there should be no borders. Trump... and the US, don't have a chance.

Yes, people in government would rather be perceived as righteous moral uplifters (of their inferiors--the electorate--of course) than act in a rational way. Why else would the US find itself in the utterly silly position of saying it's at war while inviting the enemy within the gates. For to fight a war means there must be an enemy, yes? Instead, our American leadership class first invades the world, then invites that same world inside. Invade the world, invite the world is not a sane strategy.

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Muslims would say that , see how many rights you have in a Muslim country , you have zero, finally someone has woken up .

Really? Ever been to malaysia, indonesia, maldives?

try in Malaysia to change your religion away from Islam.....


Between 2000 and 2010 about 680 applied and about 135 were successful in changing religion from islam.


So the other 545 people were stoned to death?

No, just declined. Im sure you would be aware of that if you educated yourself.

My response was tongue in cheek but I have to ask why 545 people were denied to switch from one imaginary friend to another. From your posts I am sure the elevator never reaches the top floor

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18,000 (5 per second) people signed a petition to ban trump in only one hour but less than 100 shows up for a rally in condemnation of the Paris massacre in NY one day or so later (now the petition to ban Trump is over 100,000 people as I write). These images are increasingly leading to an unassailable fact- silence is not unawareness, silence is choice. What conclusions is one really expected to reach? There was no such outrage over Paris, California, or really many others I recall. But this... this moronic statement from Trump (which increasingly reflects considerable populations of people left with no alternative conclusions)... this statement motivates muslims? This is more of the cognitive dissonance I speak to. Muslims are silent. Muslims are not generally the problem. (I can agree). Mulsims are not silent- and we witness feeble but often fraternal efforts to condemn, then such words quickly and radically compel that sleeping silent muslim majority to awake and inform us that they are present and listening, but that the previous issues just did not percolate enough for them to give a damn. This is now officially the conclusion I reach.

My conclusion allows that hundreds of millions may still desire fraternity and cooperative living but by and large, when they speak with one voice, it is not in condemnation. In this regard this event is a watershed.

I am certain many UK citizens petitioning against Trump is due to his negative insinuations against UK society as a whole. Trump likened the Queen’s head scarf to a hijab, as well as other truly stupid inflammatory remarks, which would be deeply insulting to the vast majority of the people of the UK.


Personally I do not believe HMG will list Trump for banning entry to the UK.

And yet as of last night leading news was that while scottland yard was towing the line and rejecting Trump's claims police themselves were actually confirming Trump's claims; some were quite clear that they fear for their lives in certain areas. Its no longer amusing, it is just sickening the disconnect between the known world and the declared world in the socialist West.

The point is no longer even interesting to me- of course Trump is correct- any place and any person who is remotely connected to jihad by declaration of association should be subject to a revised profiling until the actual holes present, and then target immigration more surgically. The law as it currently exists from 1/2 century ago allows such discretion in immigration now. The absurd notion that we could not ban someone because of country of origin, age group, gender, profession, religion, etc., is absurd. One, more, all may be disagreeable or political madness, but they are equally ok. You see, the US Constitution applies to Americas on soil, or in jurisdiction, not applicants from any place, planet earth. The US previously closed all immigration last century. The US always varies immigration for age, location, skills, origin, etc.

Never let a crisis go to waste the US senate is now trying to enshrine the same pathology that causes this global problem in US law by granting special status to applicants to the US BECAUSE they are muslim. Of course, the unintended consequences are endless. Any denial then constitutes a lawsuit. This legislation pends now. It does not matter who agrees with Trump or not, it will not fly because there is a long standing interest in Global Progressive Migration. It is a plank of international Fabian/Progressives that there should be no borders. Trump... and the US, don't have a chance.

That is most interesting arjunadawn.. I'd like to read about that

Do you have link to a credible source where British Policemen are stating they are fearful for their lives?

"Credible" means little to me on these forums. (Not directed to you, but generally...) "credible" is used as a caveat of last resort for people who might been proven incorrect so they may take refuge by declaring "credible" or not. While clearly some sources are not- as a post of mine yesterday did use foolish sources- the term is often used on TV to retain rights to admit the response.

I have not read online (but accept from the posters here) that Trump made a comment about the Queen's scarf- an historically female accouterment and not a nijab. If so, was he thinking?



EDIT: can someone post the source regarding the Crown wearing a hijab. I looked but find #trumpfacts twitter and dailymail mockery that lists the UK's mocking commentary regarding Trump's comments. Some quite funny, but where did Trump say this?

Edited by arjunadawn
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Muslims would say that , see how many rights you have in a Muslim country , you have zero, finally someone has woken up .

Really? Ever been to malaysia, indonesia, maldives?

try in Malaysia to change your religion away from Islam.....


Between 2000 and 2010 about 680 applied and about 135 were successful in changing religion from islam.


So the other 545 people were stoned to death?

No, just declined. Im sure you would be aware of that if you educated yourself.

My response was tongue in cheek but I have to ask why 545 people were denied to switch from one imaginary friend to another. From your posts I am sure the elevator never reaches the top floor

Feel free to find out them come back with the answer. If you pay me I will do the work of educating you.

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I'm sure if anyone wants to repeat a primary school education, they'll contact you.......

Yes seems that would be all that would be needed.

That's all you could offer! Personally I don't give a rats ass what happened to them. I just find it strange when you have to ask permission to change imaginary friends

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Where did I even hint at denying anyone their right to express an opinion on any forum? Only an irrational hothead would make such a determination. Unlike the people ruling the UK and many parts of Europe, I am a believer in free speech, including TVF. But the FACT remains that only I and other American citizens will have a vote to determine Trump's nomination and election. It doesn't matter how much outsiders rave, they cannot vote. Many, if not most, of the people venting against Trump simply will not have a say in the matter. And, in fact, the more outsiders complain, the stronger Trump will get within the American electorate.

You obfuscate and back pedal. What was the purpose in you posting an observation that non Americans cannot vote in the American election? A fact that would be known to practicably everyone. You desired to put people in their place. This is not a free speech argument. Someone pulls you up on your arrogance, so you pull back on your spiel.

Anyone here can post their thoughts irrespective if they have voting rights or not. Being a registered voter in the US election is not among the criteria and rules for posting on TVF. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. Your affectation of the obvious is a base move totally to be expected of the Trump demographic.

You miss the point. You are welcome to rant all you want. You just don't get to vote and your opinion has no affect on American voters so you are blowing in the wind.

I don't think that too many Americans read the European press or TVF, either.

Trump has risen in the polls since he made this statement about stopping Muslims from immigrating. Risen. He keeps rising.

The two things that are always the most important to American voters are national security and the economy. When they decide who to vote for, it will boil down to that.

Trump is perceived in polls as being the one best able to handle both - national security and the economy. No other candidate comes close. This cycle immigration is seen as a national security issue. This is both illegal immigration by Hispanics and any immigration by Muslims. Trump is pushing those buttons. He does this while wearing his "Make America Great Again" cap and dissing China and free trade with them, saying they are ripping the US off.

If you want to know why Trump will probably be the next POTUS, compare how he handles those issues in his campaign to others who are in the race.

It's no contest.


Edited by NeverSure
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You keep trotting out that coward's argument. It is more amusing that you and the others will be wasting your vote on a phantasm. I would not be surprised that most of you will not be able to deal with it. When you have some authority to deny anyone the opportunity to express their view on this platform, please let us know. Deal with that.

Where did I even hint at denying anyone their right to express an opinion on any forum? Only an irrational hothead would make such a determination. Unlike the people ruling the UK and many parts of Europe, I am a believer in free speech, including TVF. But the FACT remains that only I and other American citizens will have a vote to determine Trump's nomination and election. It doesn't matter how much outsiders rave, they cannot vote. Many, if not most, of the people venting against Trump simply will not have a say in the matter. And, in fact, the more outsiders complain, the stronger Trump will get within the American electorate.

You obfuscate and back pedal. What was the purpose in you posting an observation that non Americans cannot vote in the American election? A fact that would be known to practicably everyone. You desired to put people in their place. This is not a free speech argument. Someone pulls you up on your arrogance, so you pull back on your spiel.

Anyone here can post their thoughts irrespective if they have voting rights or not. Being a registered voter in the US election is not among the criteria and rules for posting on TVF. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. Your affectation of the obvious is a base move totally to be expected of the Trump demographic.

You're putting us on, aren't you? Nobody really talks or writes the way you do, unless they're trying to parody something.

And in the end that is all you've got. Childish, puerile sneers at someone's writing style. True Trump devotee. Someone calls you out after some buffoonery and you've got nothing but a smart mouth retort.

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You obfuscate and back pedal. What was the purpose in you posting an observation that non Americans cannot vote in the American election? A fact that would be known to practicably everyone. You desired to put people in their place. This is not a free speech argument. Someone pulls you up on your arrogance, so you pull back on your spiel.

Anyone here can post their thoughts irrespective if they have voting rights or not. Being a registered voter in the US election is not among the criteria and rules for posting on TVF. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. Your affectation of the obvious is a base move totally to be expected of the Trump demographic.

You're putting us on, aren't you? Nobody really talks or writes the way you do, unless they're trying to parody something.

And in the end that is all you've got. Childish, puerile sneers at someone's writing style. True Trump devotee. Someone calls you out after some buffoonery and you've got nothing but a smart mouth retort.

I'll bet you're just the life of the party, aren't you. Get many invitations for Christmas and New Year's, do you? Didn't think so, especially after the San Bernardino shooting. BTW, exactly what do you want readers of your rants to engage with? You don't say anything. All that is in your posts are incoherent ramblings damning Trump and anybody who supports him. Make a point. Maybe someone will respond.

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Trump will probably be the next POTUS


The Trump fanboys grow more delusional even as his words make him less electable.

Good God, man. Get a grip. It's not unlike watching a a group of spinsters pining over a faded pop star from their youth.

Oh, that Tom Jones is still soooo dreamy!


Trump is this year's Herman Caine or Michelle Bachmann. He's the current darling of the lunatic fringe , but he won't make it through the winter. And if Priebus had any stones, he'd figure out a way to expel Trump from the Republican party. He's a cancer on the GOP.

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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You miss the point. You are welcome to rant all you want. You just don't get to vote and your opinion has no affect on American voters so you are blowing in the wind.

I don't think that too many Americans read the European press or TVF, either.

Trump has risen in the polls since he made this statement about stopping Muslims from immigrating. Risen. He keeps rising.

The two things that are always the most important to American voters are national security and the economy. When they decide who to vote for, it will boil down to that.

Trump is perceived in polls as being the one best able to handle both - national security and the economy. No other candidate comes close. This cycle immigration is seen as a national security issue. This is both illegal immigration by Hispanics and any immigration by Muslims. Trump is pushing those buttons. He does this while wearing his "Make America Great Again" cap and dissing China and free trade with them, saying they are ripping the US off.

If you want to know why Trump will probably be the next POTUS, compare how he handles those issues in his campaign to others who are in the race.

It's no contest.


trump being the next POTUS would mean him being the republican nominee for president, which isn't going to happen. there's no way now that the RNC endorse a man who has revealed himself to be a fascist as their nominee. he's not one of them, he's never been a politician, he's now also toxic thanks to his hate speech and fascistic rhetoric - they won't let him be their nominee however high he is polling with the lunatic fringe.

same time his ego probably won't allow him to back down so there's a good chance of him telling the RNC where to go and running as an independent. which would be just fine as it'd split the republican vote and hand the democrats a massive landslide win. so any way you slice it trump is not going to be the next POTUS.

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You obfuscate and back pedal. What was the purpose in you posting an observation that non Americans cannot vote in the American election? A fact that would be known to practicably everyone. You desired to put people in their place. This is not a free speech argument. Someone pulls you up on your arrogance, so you pull back on your spiel.

Anyone here can post their thoughts irrespective if they have voting rights or not. Being a registered voter in the US election is not among the criteria and rules for posting on TVF. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. Your affectation of the obvious is a base move totally to be expected of the Trump demographic.

You're putting us on, aren't you? Nobody really talks or writes the way you do, unless they're trying to parody something.

And in the end that is all you've got. Childish, puerile sneers at someone's writing style. True Trump devotee. Someone calls you out after some buffoonery and you've got nothing but a smart mouth retort.

I'll bet you're just the life of the party, aren't you. Get many invitations for Christmas and New Year's, do you? Didn't think so, especially after the San Bernardino shooting. BTW, exactly what do you want readers of your rants to engage with? You don't say anything. All that is in your posts are incoherent ramblings damning Trump and anybody who supports him. Make a point. Maybe someone will respond.

Anything to say on topic?

Anything at all?

Still nothing. Your insults get more childish as you go on. There is enough substance in what I have posted on this topic to satisfy anyone who had more than just hot air. Perhaps you should consider why the points that I and countless other make in response to your silly, mindless boosting of the Global Laughingstock keep eluding you, then perhaps a discussion may result. I won't hold my breath on that.

Care to make any point at all on topic?

Edited by lostboy
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Where did I even hint at denying anyone their right to express an opinion on any forum? Only an irrational hothead would make such a determination. Unlike the people ruling the UK and many parts of Europe, I am a believer in free speech, including TVF. But the FACT remains that only I and other American citizens will have a vote to determine Trump's nomination and election. It doesn't matter how much outsiders rave, they cannot vote. Many, if not most, of the people venting against Trump simply will not have a say in the matter. And, in fact, the more outsiders complain, the stronger Trump will get within the American electorate.

You obfuscate and back pedal. What was the purpose in you posting an observation that non Americans cannot vote in the American election? A fact that would be known to practicably everyone. You desired to put people in their place. This is not a free speech argument. Someone pulls you up on your arrogance, so you pull back on your spiel.

Anyone here can post their thoughts irrespective if they have voting rights or not. Being a registered voter in the US election is not among the criteria and rules for posting on TVF. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. Your affectation of the obvious is a base move totally to be expected of the Trump demographic.

You miss the point. You are welcome to rant all you want. You just don't get to vote and your opinion has no affect on American voters so you are blowing in the wind.

I don't think that too many Americans read the European press or TVF, either.

Trump has risen in the polls since he made this statement about stopping Muslims from immigrating. Risen. He keeps rising.

The two things that are always the most important to American voters are national security and the economy. When they decide who to vote for, it will boil down to that.

Trump is perceived in polls as being the one best able to handle both - national security and the economy. No other candidate comes close. This cycle immigration is seen as a national security issue. This is both illegal immigration by Hispanics and any immigration by Muslims. Trump is pushing those buttons. He does this while wearing his "Make America Great Again" cap and dissing China and free trade with them, saying they are ripping the US off.

If you want to know why Trump will probably be the next POTUS, compare how he handles those issues in his campaign to others who are in the race.

It's no contest.


No. I miss your point, not the point. I am confronting a bully and braggart who is relying on a coward's defence.

For someone who want to be paid for providing tuition on the US Constitution, you surprisingly take no account of the small detail that the Republican nominating process is not actually the general election. When the clown car emerges from the bubble, whoever is elected as Chief Clown will face the rest of the country, also called the majority of voters. These are the people whose intelligence is insulted that this very caricature of a buffon presumes to think that he can be their leader. I absolutely agree with you about the entire line up of the goon show that is what passes for the Republican candidates.

When the time comes, the majority of Americans will vote for someone who is Presidential. No amount of make up and hair spray can cover this fundamental deficiency in the idea of Trump. He does not pass the laugh test. It will certainly not be any contest when it comes to the real race.

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And yet as of last night leading news was that while scottland yard was towing the line and rejecting Trump's claims police themselves were actually confirming Trump's claims; some were quite clear that they fear for their lives in certain areas. Its no longer amusing, it is just sickening the disconnect between the known world and the declared world in the socialist West.


There is a difference with operational police commenting on risk in an operational environment to Trump's commentary claiming no-go zones due to police personnel being in fear of doing their duties, in effect insinuating cowardly behaviour.

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simple1, on 11 Dec 2015 - 08:27, said:
arjunadawn, on 10 Dec 2015 - 18:18, said:


And yet as of last night leading news was that while scottland yard was towing the line and rejecting Trump's claims police themselves were actually confirming Trump's claims; some were quite clear that they fear for their lives in certain areas. Its no longer amusing, it is just sickening the disconnect between the known world and the declared world in the socialist West.


There is a difference with operational police commenting on risk in an operational environment to Trump's commentary claiming no-go zones due to police personnel being in fear of doing their duties, in effect insinuating cowardly behaviour.

Not sure what parallel Universe you live in.

1. There were Police no go areas where I grew up.

2. Uniformed Police could not operate in large parts of N. Ireland without a 12 -16 strong Military escort. N. Ireland is part of the UK

3. There is a link on this thread regarding Police having to ask permission from Community Leaders to enter certain areas. I claim no intimate knowledge to the accuracy of that link. In the idiotic liberal left of the UK I am no doubt that it will have some truth to it. In this case, it then becomes an absolute abomination.

The Police hierarchy are never going to admit that it is unfit for purpose. I know enough, still serving , Police Officers to know what the truth is. The UK Police are so hamstrung by the liberal retards that it is almost impossible for them to actually do the job that they are paid to do.

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18,000 (5 per second) people signed a petition to ban trump in only one hour but less than 100 shows up for a rally in condemnation of the Paris massacre in NY one day or so later (now the petition to ban Trump is over 100,000 people as I write). These images are increasingly leading to an unassailable fact- silence is not unawareness, silence is choice. What conclusions is one really expected to reach? There was no such outrage over Paris, California, or really many others I recall. But this... this moronic statement from Trump (which increasingly reflects considerable populations of people left with no alternative conclusions)... this statement motivates muslims? This is more of the cognitive dissonance I speak to. Muslims are silent. Muslims are not generally the problem. (I can agree). Mulsims are not silent- and we witness feeble but often fraternal efforts to condemn, then such words quickly and radically compel that sleeping silent muslim majority to awake and inform us that they are present and listening, but that the previous issues just did not percolate enough for them to give a damn. This is now officially the conclusion I reach.

My conclusion allows that hundreds of millions may still desire fraternity and cooperative living but by and large, when they speak with one voice, it is not in condemnation. In this regard this event is a watershed.

I am certain many UK citizens petitioning against Trump is due to his negative insinuations against UK society as a whole. Trump likened the Queen’s head scarf to a hijab, as well as other truly stupid inflammatory remarks, which would be deeply insulting to the vast majority of the people of the UK.


Personally I do not believe HMG will list Trump for banning entry to the UK.

And yet as of last night leading news was that while scottland yard was towing the line and rejecting Trump's claims police themselves were actually confirming Trump's claims; some were quite clear that they fear for their lives in certain areas. Its no longer amusing, it is just sickening the disconnect between the known world and the declared world in the socialist West.

The point is no longer even interesting to me- of course Trump is correct- any place and any person who is remotely connected to jihad by declaration of association should be subject to a revised profiling until the actual holes present, and then target immigration more surgically. The law as it currently exists from 1/2 century ago allows such discretion in immigration now. The absurd notion that we could not ban someone because of country of origin, age group, gender, profession, religion, etc., is absurd. One, more, all may be disagreeable or political madness, but they are equally ok. You see, the US Constitution applies to Americas on soil, or in jurisdiction, not applicants from any place, planet earth. The US previously closed all immigration last century. The US always varies immigration for age, location, skills, origin, etc.

Never let a crisis go to waste the US senate is now trying to enshrine the same pathology that causes this global problem in US law by granting special status to applicants to the US BECAUSE they are muslim. Of course, the unintended consequences are endless. Any denial then constitutes a lawsuit. This legislation pends now. It does not matter who agrees with Trump or not, it will not fly because there is a long standing interest in Global Progressive Migration. It is a plank of international Fabian/Progressives that there should be no borders. Trump... and the US, don't have a chance.

Yes, of course Trump is correct. Everyone in Wingnuttia think so.

This xenophobic rant never ends.

This is about (just in case you've lost the plot) 10,000 highly vetted refugees fleeing ISIS. If a terrorist is among those 10,000, it will be a miracle.

The chances of an American being killed in a terrorist attack is 20 million to one. It's more likely you'll be killed by lightning. The "unintended consequences" are non-existent except in the minds of the wingnuts.

GOP base is convinced it is living in a dystopian novel where the end of America is imminent and only they, this plucky band of armed, mobility-scooter-riding freedom fighters, can save it.

​Pathetic but really funny. clap2.gif

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